mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:31:05 +00:00
Merge branch 'audio_src' into 'develop_rr_peite'
Added audio src
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 1101 additions and 783 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
// Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Dröge <sebastian@centricular.com>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
@ -18,22 +20,190 @@ extern crate gstreamer_video as gst_video;
extern crate byte_slice_cast;
extern crate num_traits;
mod ndisrc;
mod ndivideosrc;
mod ndiaudiosrc;
pub mod ndilib;
use std::ptr;
use std::{thread, time};
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use ndilib::*;
use gst_plugin::base_src::*;
// Plugin entry point that should register all elements provided by this plugin,
// and everything else that this plugin might provide (e.g. typefinders or device providers).
fn plugin_init(plugin: &gst::Plugin) -> bool {
// Static plugin metdata that is directly stored in the plugin shared object and read by GStreamer
// upon loading.
// Plugin name, plugin description, plugin entry point function, version number of this plugin,
// license of the plugin, source package name, binary package name, origin where it comes from
// and the date/time of release.
struct ndi{
recv: Option<NdiInstance>,
start_pts: Option<u64>,
static mut ndi_struct: ndi = ndi{
recv: None,
start_pts: None,
fn connect_ndi(element: &BaseSrc, ip: String, stream_name: String) -> bool{
unsafe {
match ndi_struct.recv {
None => {
//gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Have no caps yet"]);
//return true;
_ => return true,
if !NDIlib_initialize() {
//println!("Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_initialize error.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_initialize error"]);
return false;
let mut source: NDIlib_source_t = NDIlib_source_t{p_ndi_name: ptr::null(),
p_ip_address: ptr::null()};
//TODO default values
let NDI_find_create_desc: NDIlib_find_create_t = Default::default();
let pNDI_find = NDIlib_find_create_v2(&NDI_find_create_desc);
let ip_ptr = CString::new(ip.clone()).unwrap();
if ip_ptr == CString::new("").unwrap(){
if pNDI_find.is_null() {
//println!("Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_find_create_v2 error.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_find_create_v2 error"]);
return false;
let mut total_sources: u32 = 0;
let p_sources;
//TODO Delete while. If not, will loop until a source it's available
//while total_sources == 0 {
// TODO Sleep 1s to wait for all sources
p_sources = NDIlib_find_get_current_sources(pNDI_find, &mut total_sources as *mut u32);
// We need at least one source
if p_sources.is_null() {
//println!("Error getting NDIlib_find_get_current_sources.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Error getting NDIlib_find_get_current_sources"]);
return false;
let mut no_source: isize = -1;
for i in 0..total_sources as isize{
if CStr::from_ptr((*p_sources.offset(i)).p_ndi_name)
.into_owned() == stream_name{
no_source = i;
if no_source == -1 {
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Stream name not found"]);
return false;
"Total_sources {}: Name '{}' Address '{}'",
source = *p_sources.offset(no_source).clone();
source.p_ip_address = ip_ptr.as_ptr();
"Address '{}'",
// We now have at least one source, so we create a receiver to look at it.
// We tell it that we prefer YCbCr video since it is more efficient for us. If the source has an alpha channel
// it will still be provided in BGRA
let p_ndi_name = CString::new("Galicaster NDI Receiver").unwrap();
let NDI_recv_create_desc = NDIlib_recv_create_v3_t {
source_to_connect_to: source,
p_ndi_name: p_ndi_name.as_ptr(),
let pNDI_recv = NDIlib_recv_create_v3(&NDI_recv_create_desc);
if pNDI_recv.is_null() {
//println!("Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_recv_create_v3 error.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_recv_create_v3 error"]);
return false;
// Destroy the NDI finder. We needed to have access to the pointers to p_sources[0]
// We are now going to mark this source as being on program output for tally purposes (but not on preview)
let tally_state: NDIlib_tally_t = Default::default();
NDIlib_recv_set_tally(pNDI_recv, &tally_state);
// Enable Hardwqre Decompression support if this support has it. Please read the caveats in the documentation
// regarding this. There are times in which it might reduce the performance although on small stream numbers
// it almost always yields the same or better performance.
let data = CString::new("<ndi_hwaccel enabled=\"true\"/>").unwrap();
let enable_hw_accel = NDIlib_metadata_frame_t {
length: data.to_bytes().len() as i32,
timecode: 0,
p_data: data.as_ptr(),
NDIlib_recv_send_metadata(pNDI_recv, &enable_hw_accel);
ndi_struct.recv = Some(NdiInstance{recv: pNDI_recv});
let start = SystemTime::now();
let since_the_epoch = start.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)
.expect("Time went backwards");
println!("{:?}", since_the_epoch);
ndi_struct.start_pts = Some(since_the_epoch.as_secs() * 1000000000 +
since_the_epoch.subsec_nanos() as u64);
return true;
fn stop_ndi() -> bool{
let recv = match ndi_struct.recv{
None => {
//TODO Update gst_element_error with one more descriptive
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
//gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
return true;
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
ndi_struct.recv = None;
return true;
// Static plugin metdata that is directly stored in the plugin shared object and read by GStreamer
// upon loading.
// Plugin name, plugin description, plugin entry point function, version number of this plugin,
// license of the plugin, source package name, binary package name, origin where it comes from
// and the date/time of release.
b"NewTek NDI Plugin\0",
@ -43,4 +213,4 @@ plugin_define!(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
use glib;
use gst;
use gst::prelude::*;
use gst_audio;
use gst_base::prelude::*;
use gst_plugin::base_src::*;
use gst_plugin::element::*;
use gst_plugin::object::*;
use gst_plugin::properties::*;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::{i32, u32};
use std::ptr;
use ndilib::*;
use connect_ndi;
use ndi_struct;
use stop_ndi;
// Property value storage
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Settings {
stream_name: String,
ip: String,
impl Default for Settings {
fn default() -> Self {
Settings {
stream_name: String::from("Fixed ndi stream name"),
ip: String::from(""),
// Metadata for the properties
static PROPERTIES: [Property; 2] = [
"Sream Name",
"Name of the streaming device",
"Stream IP",
"Stream IP",
// Stream-specific state, i.e. audio format configuration
// and sample offset
struct State {
info: Option<gst_audio::AudioInfo>,
impl Default for State {
fn default() -> State {
State {
info: None,
struct ClockWait {
clock_id: Option<gst::ClockId>,
flushing: bool,
struct Pts{
pts: u64,
offset: u64,
// Struct containing all the element data
struct NdiAudioSrc {
cat: gst::DebugCategory,
settings: Mutex<Settings>,
state: Mutex<State>,
clock_wait: Mutex<ClockWait>,
pts: Mutex<Pts>,
impl NdiAudioSrc {
// Called when a new instance is to be created
fn new(element: &BaseSrc) -> Box<BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc>> {
// Initialize live-ness and notify the base class that
// we'd like to operate in Time format
Box::new(Self {
cat: gst::DebugCategory::new(
"NewTek NDI Audio Source",
settings: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
state: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
clock_wait: Mutex::new(ClockWait {
clock_id: None,
flushing: true,
pts: Mutex::new(Pts{
pts: 0,
offset: 0,
// Called exactly once when registering the type. Used for
// setting up metadata for all instances, e.g. the name and
// classification and the pad templates with their caps.
// Actual instances can create pads based on those pad templates
// with a subset of the caps given here. In case of basesrc,
// a "src" and "sink" pad template are required here and the base class
// will automatically instantiate pads for them.
// Our element here can output f32 and f64
fn class_init(klass: &mut BaseSrcClass) {
"NewTek NDI Audio Source",
"NewTek NDI audio source",
"Ruben Gonzalez <rubenrua@teltek.es>, Daniel Vilar <daniel.peiteado@teltek.es>",
// On the src pad, we can produce F32/F64 with any sample rate
// and any number of channels
let caps = gst::Caps::new_simple(
//TODO add all formats?
("rate", &gst::IntRange::<i32>::new(1, i32::MAX)),
("channels", &gst::IntRange::<i32>::new(1, i32::MAX)),
("layout", &"interleaved"),
// The src pad template must be named "src" for basesrc
// and specific a pad that is always there
let src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new(
// Install all our properties
// Virtual methods of GObject itself
impl ObjectImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiAudioSrc {
// Called whenever a value of a property is changed. It can be called
// at any time from any thread.
fn set_property(&self, obj: &glib::Object, id: u32, value: &glib::Value) {
let prop = &PROPERTIES[id as usize];
let element = obj.clone().downcast::<BaseSrc>().unwrap();
match *prop {
Property::String("stream-name", ..) => {
let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let stream_name = value.get().unwrap();
obj: &element,
"Changing stream-name from {} to {}",
settings.stream_name = stream_name;
let _ =
Property::String("ip", ..) => {
let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let ip = value.get().unwrap();
obj: &element,
"Changing ip from {} to {}",
settings.ip = ip;
let _ =
_ => unimplemented!(),
// Called whenever a value of a property is read. It can be called
// at any time from any thread.
fn get_property(&self, _obj: &glib::Object, id: u32) -> Result<glib::Value, ()> {
let prop = &PROPERTIES[id as usize];
match *prop {
Property::String("stream-name", ..) => {
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
//TODO to_value supongo que solo funciona con numeros
Property::String("ip", ..) => {
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
//TODO to_value supongo que solo funciona con numeros
_ => unimplemented!(),
// Virtual methods of gst::Element. We override none
impl ElementImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiAudioSrc {
// Virtual methods of gst_base::BaseSrc
impl BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiAudioSrc {
// Called whenever the input/output caps are changing, i.e. in the very beginning before data
// flow happens and whenever the situation in the pipeline is changing. All buffers after this
// call have the caps given here.
// We simply remember the resulting AudioInfo from the caps to be able to use this for knowing
// the sample rate, etc. when creating buffers
fn set_caps(&self, element: &BaseSrc, caps: &gst::CapsRef) -> bool {
let info = match gst_audio::AudioInfo::from_caps(caps) {
None => return false,
Some(info) => info,
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Configuring for caps {}", caps);
// TODO Puede que falle si no creamos la estructura de cero, pero si lo hacemos no podemos poner recv a none
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.info = Some(info);
// Called when starting, so we can initialize all stream-related state to its defaults
fn start(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// Reset state
*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
gst_warning!(self.cat, obj: element, "Starting");
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
return connect_ndi(element, settings.ip.clone(), settings.stream_name.clone());
// Called when shutting down the element so we can release all stream-related state
fn stop(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// Reset state
*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
// Commented because when adding ndi destroy stopped in this line
//*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
gst_info!(self.cat, obj: element, "Stopped");
fn fixate(&self, element: &BaseSrc, caps: gst::Caps) -> gst::Caps {
//We need to set the correct caps resolution and framerate
let recv = match ndi_struct.recv{
None => {
//TODO Update gst_element_error with one more descriptive
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
return caps;
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
let mut pts2 = self.pts.lock().unwrap();
let audio_frame: NDIlib_audio_frame_v2_t = Default::default();
let mut frame_type: NDIlib_frame_type_e = NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_none;
while frame_type != NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_audio{
frame_type = NDIlib_recv_capture_v2(pNDI_recv, ptr::null(), &audio_frame, ptr::null(), 1000);
pts2.pts = (audio_frame.timecode as u64) * 100;
let mut caps = gst::Caps::truncate(caps);
let caps = caps.make_mut();
let s = caps.get_mut_structure(0).unwrap();
//s.fixate_field_nearest_int("rate", audio_frame.sample_rate);
s.fixate_field_nearest_int("rate", audio_frame.sample_rate / audio_frame.no_channels);
s.fixate_field_nearest_int("channels", audio_frame.no_channels);
// Let BaseSrc fixate anything else for us. We could've alternatively have
// called Caps::fixate() here
//Creates the audio buffers
fn create(
element: &BaseSrc,
_offset: u64,
_length: u32,
) -> Result<gst::Buffer, gst::FlowReturn> {
// Keep a local copy of the values of all our properties at this very moment. This
// ensures that the mutex is never locked for long and the application wouldn't
// have to block until this function returns when getting/setting property values
let _settings = &*self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let mut pts2 = self.pts.lock().unwrap();
// Get a locked reference to our state, i.e. the input and output AudioInfo
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let _info = match state.info {
None => {
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Have no caps yet"]);
return Err(gst::FlowReturn::NotNegotiated);
Some(ref info) => info.clone(),
let recv = match ndi_struct.recv{
None => {
//TODO Update gst_element_error with one more descriptive
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
return Err(gst::FlowReturn::NotNegotiated);
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
let pts: u64;
let audio_frame: NDIlib_audio_frame_v2_t = Default::default();
pts = ((audio_frame.timecode as u64) * 100) - pts2.pts;
let buff_size = ((audio_frame.channel_stride_in_bytes)) as usize;
let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(buff_size).unwrap();
let vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(audio_frame.p_data as *mut u8, buff_size, buff_size);
//TODO Set pts, duration and other info about the buffer
let pts: gst::ClockTime = (pts).into();
let duration: gst::ClockTime = (20154200).into();
let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap();
buffer.set_offset_end(pts2.offset + 1);
pts2.offset = pts2.offset +1;
buffer.copy_from_slice(0, &vec).unwrap();
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Produced buffer {:?}", buffer);
fn unlock(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// This should unblock the create() function ASAP, so we
// just unschedule the clock it here, if any.
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Unlocking");
let mut clock_wait = self.clock_wait.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(clock_id) = clock_wait.clock_id.take() {
clock_wait.flushing = true;
fn unlock_stop(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// This signals that unlocking is done, so we can reset
// all values again.
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Unlock stop");
let mut clock_wait = self.clock_wait.lock().unwrap();
clock_wait.flushing = false;
// This zero-sized struct is containing the static metadata of our element. It is only necessary to
// be able to implement traits on it, but e.g. a plugin that registers multiple elements with the
// same code would use this struct to store information about the concrete element. An example of
// this would be a plugin that wraps around a library that has multiple decoders with the same API,
// but wants (as it should) a separate element registered for each decoder.
struct NdiAudioSrcStatic;
// The basic trait for registering the type: This returns a name for the type and registers the
// instance and class initializations functions with the type system, thus hooking everything
// together.
impl ImplTypeStatic<BaseSrc> for NdiAudioSrcStatic {
fn get_name(&self) -> &str {
fn new(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> Box<BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc>> {
fn class_init(&self, klass: &mut BaseSrcClass) {
// Registers the type for our element, and then registers in GStreamer under
// the name NdiAudioSrc for being able to instantiate it via e.g.
// gst::ElementFactory::make().
pub fn register(plugin: &gst::Plugin) {
let type_ = register_type(NdiAudioSrcStatic);
gst::Element::register(plugin, "ndiaudiosrc", 0, type_);
@ -1,765 +0,0 @@
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
use glib;
use gst;
use gst::prelude::*;
use gst_video;
use gst_base::prelude::*;
use gst::Fraction;
use gst_plugin::base_src::*;
use gst_plugin::element::*;
use gst_plugin::object::*;
use gst_plugin::properties::*;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::{i32, u32};
use std::ptr;
use std::{thread, time};
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use ndilib::*;
// Property value storage
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Settings {
stream_name: String,
ip: String,
impl Default for Settings {
fn default() -> Self {
Settings {
stream_name: String::from("Fixed ndi stream name"),
ip: String::from(""),
// Metadata for the properties
static PROPERTIES: [Property; 2] = [
"Sream Name",
"Name of the streaming device",
"Stream IP",
"Stream IP",
// Stream-specific state, i.e. audio format configuration
// and sample offset
struct State {
info: Option<gst_video::VideoInfo>,
recv: Option<NdiInstance>,
start_pts: Option<u64>,
impl Default for State {
fn default() -> State {
State {
info: None,
recv: None,
start_pts: None,
struct ClockWait {
clock_id: Option<gst::ClockId>,
flushing: bool,
struct Pts{
pts: u64,
offset: u64,
// Struct containing all the element data
struct NdiSrc {
cat: gst::DebugCategory,
settings: Mutex<Settings>,
state: Mutex<State>,
clock_wait: Mutex<ClockWait>,
pts: Mutex<Pts>,
impl NdiSrc {
// Called when a new instance is to be created
fn new(element: &BaseSrc) -> Box<BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc>> {
// Initialize live-ness and notify the base class that
// we'd like to operate in Time format
Box::new(Self {
cat: gst::DebugCategory::new(
"NewTek NDI Source",
settings: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
state: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
clock_wait: Mutex::new(ClockWait {
clock_id: None,
flushing: true,
pts: Mutex::new(Pts{
pts: 0,
offset: 0,
// Called exactly once when registering the type. Used for
// setting up metadata for all instances, e.g. the name and
// classification and the pad templates with their caps.
// Actual instances can create pads based on those pad templates
// with a subset of the caps given here. In case of basesrc,
// a "src" and "sink" pad template are required here and the base class
// will automatically instantiate pads for them.
// Our element here can output f32 and f64
fn class_init(klass: &mut BaseSrcClass) {
"NewTek NDI Source",
"NewTek NDI video/audio source",
"Ruben Gonzalez <rubenrua@teltek.es>",
// On the src pad, we can produce F32/F64 with any sample rate
// and any number of channels
let caps = gst::Caps::new_simple(
//TODO add all formats?
("width", &gst::IntRange::<i32>::new(0, i32::MAX)),
("height", &gst::IntRange::<i32>::new(0, i32::MAX)),
gst::Fraction::new(0, 1),
gst::Fraction::new(i32::MAX, 1),
// The src pad template must be named "src" for basesrc
// and specific a pad that is always there
let src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new(
// Install all our properties
// Virtual methods of GObject itself
impl ObjectImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiSrc {
// Called whenever a value of a property is changed. It can be called
// at any time from any thread.
fn set_property(&self, obj: &glib::Object, id: u32, value: &glib::Value) {
let prop = &PROPERTIES[id as usize];
let element = obj.clone().downcast::<BaseSrc>().unwrap();
match *prop {
Property::String("stream-name", ..) => {
let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let stream_name = value.get().unwrap();
obj: &element,
"Changing stream-name from {} to {}",
settings.stream_name = stream_name;
let _ =
Property::String("ip", ..) => {
let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let ip = value.get().unwrap();
obj: &element,
"Changing ip from {} to {}",
settings.ip = ip;
let _ =
_ => unimplemented!(),
// Called whenever a value of a property is read. It can be called
// at any time from any thread.
fn get_property(&self, _obj: &glib::Object, id: u32) -> Result<glib::Value, ()> {
let prop = &PROPERTIES[id as usize];
match *prop {
Property::UInt("stream-name", ..) => {
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
//TODO to_value supongo que solo funciona con numeros
Property::UInt("ip", ..) => {
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
//TODO to_value supongo que solo funciona con numeros
_ => unimplemented!(),
// Virtual methods of gst::Element. We override none
impl ElementImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiSrc {
fn get_frame(ndisrc_struct: &NdiSrc, element: &BaseSrc, pNDI_recv : NDIlib_recv_instance_t, pts2 : &mut u64, pts : &mut u64) -> NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t{
let video_frame: NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t = Default::default();
let audio_frame: NDIlib_audio_frame_v2_t = Default::default();
let metadata_frame: NDIlib_metadata_frame_t = Default::default();
//TODO Only create buffer when we got a video frame
let mut frame = false;
while !frame{
let frame_type = NDIlib_recv_capture_v2(
match frame_type {
NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_video => {
gst_debug!(ndisrc_struct.cat, obj: element, "Received video frame: {:?}", video_frame);
frame = true;
//pts = ((video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100) - state.start_pts.unwrap();
// println!("{:?}", pts/1000000);
*pts = ((video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100);
if *pts2 == 0{
*pts2 = (video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100;
*pts = 0;
// println!("{:?}", video_frame.timecode * 100);
// println!("{:?}", pts2.pts);
*pts = (((video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100) - *pts2);
//println!("{:?}", pts/1000000);
NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_audio => {
gst_debug!(ndisrc_struct.cat, obj: element, "Received audio frame: {:?}", video_frame);
NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_metadata => {
// println!(
// "Tengo metadata {} '{}'",
// metadata_frame.length,
// CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data)
// .to_string_lossy()
// .into_owned(),
// );
//TODO Change gst_warning to gst_debug
gst_debug!(ndisrc_struct.cat, obj: element, "Received metadata frame: {:?}", CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data).to_string_lossy().into_owned(),);
NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_error => {
// println!(
// "Tengo error {} '{}'",
// metadata_frame.length,
// CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data)
// .to_string_lossy()
// .into_owned(),
// );
//TODO Change gst_warning to gst_debug
gst_debug!(ndisrc_struct.cat, obj: element, "Received error frame: {:?}", CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data).to_string_lossy().into_owned());
// break;
_ => println!("Tengo {:?}", frame_type),
return video_frame;
// Virtual methods of gst_base::BaseSrc
impl BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiSrc {
// Called whenever the input/output caps are changing, i.e. in the very beginning before data
// flow happens and whenever the situation in the pipeline is changing. All buffers after this
// call have the caps given here.
// We simply remember the resulting AudioInfo from the caps to be able to use this for knowing
// the sample rate, etc. when creating buffers
fn set_caps(&self, element: &BaseSrc, caps: &gst::CapsRef) -> bool {
let info = match gst_video::VideoInfo::from_caps(caps) {
None => return false,
Some(info) => info,
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Configuring for caps {}", caps);
// TODO Puede que falle si no creamos la estructura de cero, pero si lo hacemos no podemos poner recv a none
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.info = Some(info);
// Called when starting, so we can initialize all stream-related state to its defaults
fn start(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// Reset state
*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
gst_warning!(self.cat, obj: element, "Starting");
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
//let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
//let mut pNDI_recv = state.recv;
unsafe {
if !NDIlib_initialize() {
//println!("Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_initialize error.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_initialize error"]);
return false;
let mut source: NDIlib_source_t = NDIlib_source_t{p_ndi_name: ptr::null(),
p_ip_address: ptr::null()};
// print!("{:?}", settings.stream_name);
// print!("{:?}", settings.ip);
//TODO default values
let NDI_find_create_desc: NDIlib_find_create_t = Default::default();
let pNDI_find = NDIlib_find_create_v2(&NDI_find_create_desc);
let ip_ptr = CString::new(settings.ip.clone()).unwrap();
if (ip_ptr == CString::new("").unwrap()){
if pNDI_find.is_null() {
//println!("Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_find_create_v2 error.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_find_create_v2 error"]);
return false;
let mut total_sources: u32 = 0;
let mut p_sources = ptr::null();
//TODO Delete while. If not, will loop until a source it's available
//while total_sources == 0 {
// TODO Sleep 1s to wait for all sources
p_sources = NDIlib_find_get_current_sources(pNDI_find, &mut total_sources as *mut u32);
// We need at least one source
if p_sources.is_null() {
//println!("Error getting NDIlib_find_get_current_sources.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Error getting NDIlib_find_get_current_sources"]);
return false;
let mut no_source: isize = -1;
for i in 0..total_sources as isize{
if CStr::from_ptr((*p_sources.offset(i)).p_ndi_name)
.into_owned() == settings.stream_name{
no_source = i;
if no_source == -1 {
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Stream name not found"]);
return false;
"Total_sources {}: Name '{}' Address '{}'",
source = *p_sources.offset(no_source).clone();
source.p_ip_address = ip_ptr.as_ptr();
"Address '{}'",
// We now have at least one source, so we create a receiver to look at it.
// We tell it that we prefer YCbCr video since it is more efficient for us. If the source has an alpha channel
// it will still be provided in BGRA
let p_ndi_name = CString::new("Galicaster NDI Receiver").unwrap();
let NDI_recv_create_desc = NDIlib_recv_create_v3_t {
source_to_connect_to: source,
p_ndi_name: p_ndi_name.as_ptr(),
let pNDI_recv = NDIlib_recv_create_v3(&NDI_recv_create_desc);
if pNDI_recv.is_null() {
//println!("Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_recv_create_v3 error.");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Cannot run NDI: NDIlib_recv_create_v3 error"]);
return false;
// Destroy the NDI finder. We needed to have access to the pointers to p_sources[0]
// We are now going to mark this source as being on program output for tally purposes (but not on preview)
let tally_state: NDIlib_tally_t = Default::default();
NDIlib_recv_set_tally(pNDI_recv, &tally_state);
// Enable Hardwqre Decompression support if this support has it. Please read the caveats in the documentation
// regarding this. There are times in which it might reduce the performance although on small stream numbers
// it almost always yields the same or better performance.
let data = CString::new("<ndi_hwaccel enabled=\"true\"/>").unwrap();
let enable_hw_accel = NDIlib_metadata_frame_t {
length: data.to_bytes().len() as i32,
timecode: 0,
p_data: data.as_ptr(),
NDIlib_recv_send_metadata(pNDI_recv, &enable_hw_accel);
state.recv = Some(NdiInstance{recv: pNDI_recv});
let start = SystemTime::now();
let since_the_epoch = start.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)
.expect("Time went backwards");
println!("{:?}", since_the_epoch);
state.start_pts = Some(since_the_epoch.as_secs() * 1000000000 +
since_the_epoch.subsec_nanos() as u64);
//TODO Another way to save NDI_recv variable
// *state = State{
// info: state.info.clone(),
// recv: Some(NdiInstance{recv: pNDI_recv}),
// };
// Called when shutting down the element so we can release all stream-related state
fn stop(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// Reset state
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let recv = match state.recv{
None => {
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
return true;
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
// Commented because when adding ndi destroy stopped in this line
//*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
gst_info!(self.cat, obj: element, "Stopped");
fn fixate(&self, element: &BaseSrc, caps: gst::Caps) -> gst::Caps {
//We need to set the correct caps resolution and framerate
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let recv = match state.recv{
None => {
//TODO Update gst_element_error with one more descriptive
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
//TODO if none not return anything
return caps;
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
let mut pts2 = self.pts.lock().unwrap();
let mut pts: u64 = 0;
let video_frame: NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t = get_frame(self, element, pNDI_recv, &mut pts2.pts, &mut pts);
let mut caps = gst::Caps::truncate(caps);
let caps = caps.make_mut();
let s = caps.get_mut_structure(0).unwrap();
s.fixate_field_nearest_int("width", video_frame.xres);
s.fixate_field_nearest_int("height", video_frame.yres);
s.fixate_field_nearest_fraction("framerate", Fraction::new(video_frame.frame_rate_N, video_frame.frame_rate_D));
//s.fixate_field_str("format", &gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgb.to_string());
//caps.set_simple(&[("width", &(1600 as i32))]);
//s.set_value("width", &(1600 as i32));
// Let BaseSrc fixate anything else for us. We could've alternatively have
// called Caps::fixate() here
//Creates the audio buffers
fn create(
element: &BaseSrc,
_offset: u64,
_length: u32,
) -> Result<gst::Buffer, gst::FlowReturn> {
// Keep a local copy of the values of all our properties at this very moment. This
// ensures that the mutex is never locked for long and the application wouldn't
// have to block until this function returns when getting/setting property values
let _settings = &*self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let mut pts2 = self.pts.lock().unwrap();
// Get a locked reference to our state, i.e. the input and output AudioInfo
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let _info = match state.info {
None => {
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Have no caps yet"]);
return Err(gst::FlowReturn::NotNegotiated);
Some(ref info) => info.clone(),
//let mut pNDI_recva = ptr::null();
// {
let recv = match state.recv{
None => {
//TODO Update gst_element_error with one more descriptive
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
return Err(gst::FlowReturn::NotNegotiated);
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
// }
let start_pts = match state.start_pts {
None => {
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Have no caps yet"]);
return Err(gst::FlowReturn::NotNegotiated);
Some(ref start_pts) => start_pts.clone(),
// // loop {
let mut pts: u64 = 0;
let video_frame: NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t = get_frame(self, element, pNDI_recv, &mut pts2.pts, &mut pts);
let audio_frame: NDIlib_audio_frame_v2_t = Default::default();
let metadata_frame: NDIlib_metadata_frame_t = Default::default();
//video_frame = get_frame(self, element, pNDI_recv, pts2.pts);
// //TODO Only create buffer when we got a video frame
// let mut frame = false;
// let mut pts: u64 = 0;
// while !frame{
// let frame_type = NDIlib_recv_capture_v2(
// pNDI_recv,
// &video_frame,
// &audio_frame,
// &metadata_frame,
// 1000,
// );
// match frame_type {
// NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_video => {
// gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Received video frame: {:?}", video_frame);
// frame = true;
// //pts = ((video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100) - state.start_pts.unwrap();
// // println!("{:?}", pts/1000000);
// pts = (video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100;
// if pts2.pts == 0{
// pts2.pts = (video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100;
// pts = 0;
// //let mut caps = _info.to_caps();
// // let s = caps.get_mut_structure(0).unwrap();
// // s.fixate_field_nearest_int("width", 1500);
// // s.fixate_field_nearest_int("framerate", 25/1);
// // self.set_caps(&self, s);
// // let mut caps = Some(gst::Caps::new_simple(
// // "video/x-raw",
// // &[("format",
// // &gst_video::VideoFormat::Uyvy.to_string()
// // )],
// // ));
// // caps.as_mut().map(|c| {
// // c.get_mut()
// // .unwrap()
// // .set_simple(&[("framerate", &(25/1 as i32)), ("width", &(1600 as i32)), ("height", &(1200 as i32))])
// // });
// //caps.unwrap().set_simple(&[("framerate", &(20/1 as i32))]);
// //let mut caps2 = _info.to_caps().unwrap();
// // println!("{:?}", caps);
// //element.parent_set_caps(&caps.unwrap());
// //element.parent_fixate(caps.unwrap());
// //gst_video::VideoInfo::from_caps(&caps.unwrap());
// //self.set_caps(element, &caps.unwrap());
// }
// else{
// // println!("{:?}", video_frame.timecode * 100);
// // println!("{:?}", pts2.pts);
// pts = (((video_frame.timestamp as u64) * 100) - pts2.pts);
// //println!("{:?}", pts/1000000);
// }
// }
// NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_audio => {
// gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Received audio frame: {:?}", video_frame);
// }
// NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_metadata => {
// // println!(
// // "Tengo metadata {} '{}'",
// // metadata_frame.length,
// // CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data)
// // .to_string_lossy()
// // .into_owned(),
// // );
// //TODO Change gst_warning to gst_debug
// gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Received metadata frame: {:?}", CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data).to_string_lossy().into_owned(),);
// }
// NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_error => {
// // println!(
// // "Tengo error {} '{}'",
// // metadata_frame.length,
// // CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data)
// // .to_string_lossy()
// // .into_owned(),
// // );
// //TODO Change gst_warning to gst_debug
// gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Received error frame: {:?}", CStr::from_ptr(metadata_frame.p_data).to_string_lossy().into_owned());
// // break;
// }
// _ => println!("Tengo {:?}", frame_type),
// }
// }
// // }
let buff_size = (video_frame.yres * video_frame.line_stride_in_bytes) as usize;
let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(buff_size).unwrap();
let vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(video_frame.p_data as *mut u8, buff_size, buff_size);
//TODO Set pts, duration and other info about the buffer
let pts: gst::ClockTime = (pts).into();
let duration: gst::ClockTime = (40000000).into();
let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap();
buffer.set_offset_end(pts2.offset + 1);
pts2.offset = pts2.offset +1;
buffer.copy_from_slice(0, &vec).unwrap();
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Produced buffer {:?}", buffer);
fn unlock(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// This should unblock the create() function ASAP, so we
// just unschedule the clock it here, if any.
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Unlocking");
let mut clock_wait = self.clock_wait.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(clock_id) = clock_wait.clock_id.take() {
clock_wait.flushing = true;
fn unlock_stop(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// This signals that unlocking is done, so we can reset
// all values again.
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Unlock stop");
let mut clock_wait = self.clock_wait.lock().unwrap();
clock_wait.flushing = false;
// This zero-sized struct is containing the static metadata of our element. It is only necessary to
// be able to implement traits on it, but e.g. a plugin that registers multiple elements with the
// same code would use this struct to store information about the concrete element. An example of
// this would be a plugin that wraps around a library that has multiple decoders with the same API,
// but wants (as it should) a separate element registered for each decoder.
struct NdiSrcStatic;
// The basic trait for registering the type: This returns a name for the type and registers the
// instance and class initializations functions with the type system, thus hooking everything
// together.
impl ImplTypeStatic<BaseSrc> for NdiSrcStatic {
fn get_name(&self) -> &str {
fn new(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> Box<BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc>> {
fn class_init(&self, klass: &mut BaseSrcClass) {
// Registers the type for our element, and then registers in GStreamer under
// the name "ndisrc" for being able to instantiate it via e.g.
// gst::ElementFactory::make().
pub fn register(plugin: &gst::Plugin) {
let type_ = register_type(NdiSrcStatic);
gst::Element::register(plugin, "ndisrc", 0, type_);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
use glib;
use gst;
use gst::prelude::*;
use gst_video;
use gst_base::prelude::*;
use gst::Fraction;
use gst_plugin::base_src::*;
use gst_plugin::element::*;
use gst_plugin::object::*;
use gst_plugin::properties::*;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::{i32, u32};
use std::ptr;
use ndilib::*;
use connect_ndi;
use ndi_struct;
use stop_ndi;
// Property value storage
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Settings {
stream_name: String,
ip: String,
impl Default for Settings {
fn default() -> Self {
Settings {
stream_name: String::from("Fixed ndi stream name"),
ip: String::from(""),
// Metadata for the properties
static PROPERTIES: [Property; 2] = [
"Sream Name",
"Name of the streaming device",
"Stream IP",
"Stream IP",
// Stream-specific state, i.e. audio format configuration
// and sample offset
struct State {
info: Option<gst_video::VideoInfo>,
impl Default for State {
fn default() -> State {
State {
info: None,
struct ClockWait {
clock_id: Option<gst::ClockId>,
flushing: bool,
struct Pts{
pts: u64,
offset: u64,
// Struct containing all the element data
struct NdiVideoSrc {
cat: gst::DebugCategory,
settings: Mutex<Settings>,
state: Mutex<State>,
clock_wait: Mutex<ClockWait>,
pts: Mutex<Pts>,
impl NdiVideoSrc {
// Called when a new instance is to be created
fn new(element: &BaseSrc) -> Box<BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc>> {
// Initialize live-ness and notify the base class that
// we'd like to operate in Time format
Box::new(Self {
cat: gst::DebugCategory::new(
"NewTek NDI Video Source",
settings: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
state: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
clock_wait: Mutex::new(ClockWait {
clock_id: None,
flushing: true,
pts: Mutex::new(Pts{
pts: 0,
offset: 0,
// Called exactly once when registering the type. Used for
// setting up metadata for all instances, e.g. the name and
// classification and the pad templates with their caps.
// Actual instances can create pads based on those pad templates
// with a subset of the caps given here. In case of basesrc,
// a "src" and "sink" pad template are required here and the base class
// will automatically instantiate pads for them.
// Our element here can output f32 and f64
fn class_init(klass: &mut BaseSrcClass) {
"NewTek NDI Video Source",
"NewTek NDI video source",
"Ruben Gonzalez <rubenrua@teltek.es>, Daniel Vilar <daniel.peiteado@teltek.es>",
// On the src pad, we can produce F32/F64 with any sample rate
// and any number of channels
let caps = gst::Caps::new_simple(
//TODO add all formats?
("width", &gst::IntRange::<i32>::new(0, i32::MAX)),
("height", &gst::IntRange::<i32>::new(0, i32::MAX)),
gst::Fraction::new(0, 1),
gst::Fraction::new(i32::MAX, 1),
// The src pad template must be named "src" for basesrc
// and specific a pad that is always there
let src_pad_template = gst::PadTemplate::new(
// Install all our properties
// Virtual methods of GObject itself
impl ObjectImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiVideoSrc {
// Called whenever a value of a property is changed. It can be called
// at any time from any thread.
fn set_property(&self, obj: &glib::Object, id: u32, value: &glib::Value) {
let prop = &PROPERTIES[id as usize];
let element = obj.clone().downcast::<BaseSrc>().unwrap();
match *prop {
Property::String("stream-name", ..) => {
let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let stream_name = value.get().unwrap();
obj: &element,
"Changing stream-name from {} to {}",
settings.stream_name = stream_name;
let _ =
Property::String("ip", ..) => {
let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let ip = value.get().unwrap();
obj: &element,
"Changing ip from {} to {}",
settings.ip = ip;
let _ =
_ => unimplemented!(),
// Called whenever a value of a property is read. It can be called
// at any time from any thread.
fn get_property(&self, _obj: &glib::Object, id: u32) -> Result<glib::Value, ()> {
let prop = &PROPERTIES[id as usize];
match *prop {
Property::String("stream-name", ..) => {
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
//TODO to_value supongo que solo funciona con numeros
Property::String("ip", ..) => {
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
//TODO to_value supongo que solo funciona con numeros
_ => unimplemented!(),
// Virtual methods of gst::Element. We override none
impl ElementImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiVideoSrc {
// Virtual methods of gst_base::BaseSrc
impl BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc> for NdiVideoSrc {
// Called whenever the input/output caps are changing, i.e. in the very beginning before data
// flow happens and whenever the situation in the pipeline is changing. All buffers after this
// call have the caps given here.
// We simply remember the resulting AudioInfo from the caps to be able to use this for knowing
// the sample rate, etc. when creating buffers
fn set_caps(&self, element: &BaseSrc, caps: &gst::CapsRef) -> bool {
let info = match gst_video::VideoInfo::from_caps(caps) {
None => return false,
Some(info) => info,
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Configuring for caps {}", caps);
// TODO Puede que falle si no creamos la estructura de cero, pero si lo hacemos no podemos poner recv a none
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.info = Some(info);
// Called when starting, so we can initialize all stream-related state to its defaults
fn start(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// Reset state
*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
gst_warning!(self.cat, obj: element, "Starting");
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
return connect_ndi(element, settings.ip.clone(), settings.stream_name.clone());
// Called when shutting down the element so we can release all stream-related state
fn stop(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// Reset state
*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
// Commented because when adding ndi destroy stopped in this line
//*self.state.lock().unwrap() = Default::default();
gst_info!(self.cat, obj: element, "Stopped");
fn fixate(&self, element: &BaseSrc, caps: gst::Caps) -> gst::Caps {
//We need to set the correct caps resolution and framerate
let recv = match ndi_struct.recv{
None => {
//TODO Update gst_element_error with one more descriptive
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
//TODO if none not return anything
return caps;
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
let mut pts2 = self.pts.lock().unwrap();
let video_frame: NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t = Default::default();
let mut frame_type: NDIlib_frame_type_e = NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_none;
while frame_type != NDIlib_frame_type_e::NDIlib_frame_type_video{
frame_type = NDIlib_recv_capture_v2(pNDI_recv, &video_frame, ptr::null(), ptr::null(), 1000);
pts2.pts = (video_frame.timecode as u64) * 100;
let mut caps = gst::Caps::truncate(caps);
let caps = caps.make_mut();
let s = caps.get_mut_structure(0).unwrap();
s.fixate_field_nearest_int("width", video_frame.xres);
s.fixate_field_nearest_int("height", video_frame.yres);
s.fixate_field_nearest_fraction("framerate", Fraction::new(video_frame.frame_rate_N, video_frame.frame_rate_D));
//s.fixate_field_str("format", &gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgb.to_string());
//caps.set_simple(&[("width", &(1600 as i32))]);
//s.set_value("width", &(1600 as i32));
// Let BaseSrc fixate anything else for us. We could've alternatively have
// called Caps::fixate() here
//Creates the audio buffers
fn create(
element: &BaseSrc,
_offset: u64,
_length: u32,
) -> Result<gst::Buffer, gst::FlowReturn> {
// Keep a local copy of the values of all our properties at this very moment. This
// ensures that the mutex is never locked for long and the application wouldn't
// have to block until this function returns when getting/setting property values
let _settings = &*self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let mut pts2 = self.pts.lock().unwrap();
// Get a locked reference to our state, i.e. the input and output AudioInfo
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let _info = match state.info {
None => {
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["Have no caps yet"]);
return Err(gst::FlowReturn::NotNegotiated);
Some(ref info) => info.clone(),
let recv = match ndi_struct.recv{
None => {
//TODO Update gst_element_error with one more descriptive
//println!("pNDI_recv no encontrado");
gst_element_error!(element, gst::CoreError::Negotiation, ["No encontramos ndi recv"]);
return Err(gst::FlowReturn::NotNegotiated);
Some(ref recv) => recv.clone(),
let pNDI_recv = recv.recv;
let pts: u64;
let video_frame: NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t = Default::default();
pts = ((video_frame.timecode as u64) * 100) - pts2.pts;
let buff_size = (video_frame.yres * video_frame.line_stride_in_bytes) as usize;
//println!("{:?}", buff_size);
let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(buff_size).unwrap();
let vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(video_frame.p_data as *mut u8, buff_size, buff_size);
let pts: gst::ClockTime = (pts).into();
//TODO get duration
let duration: gst::ClockTime = (40000000).into();
let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap();
buffer.set_offset_end(pts2.offset + 1);
pts2.offset = pts2.offset +1;
buffer.copy_from_slice(0, &vec).unwrap();
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Produced buffer {:?}", buffer);
fn unlock(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// This should unblock the create() function ASAP, so we
// just unschedule the clock it here, if any.
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Unlocking");
let mut clock_wait = self.clock_wait.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(clock_id) = clock_wait.clock_id.take() {
clock_wait.flushing = true;
fn unlock_stop(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> bool {
// This signals that unlocking is done, so we can reset
// all values again.
gst_debug!(self.cat, obj: element, "Unlock stop");
let mut clock_wait = self.clock_wait.lock().unwrap();
clock_wait.flushing = false;
// This zero-sized struct is containing the static metadata of our element. It is only necessary to
// be able to implement traits on it, but e.g. a plugin that registers multiple elements with the
// same code would use this struct to store information about the concrete element. An example of
// this would be a plugin that wraps around a library that has multiple decoders with the same API,
// but wants (as it should) a separate element registered for each decoder.
struct NdiVideoSrcStatic;
// The basic trait for registering the type: This returns a name for the type and registers the
// instance and class initializations functions with the type system, thus hooking everything
// together.
impl ImplTypeStatic<BaseSrc> for NdiVideoSrcStatic {
fn get_name(&self) -> &str {
fn new(&self, element: &BaseSrc) -> Box<BaseSrcImpl<BaseSrc>> {
fn class_init(&self, klass: &mut BaseSrcClass) {
// Registers the type for our element, and then registers in GStreamer under
// the name NdiVideoSrc for being able to instantiate it via e.g.
// gst::ElementFactory::make().
pub fn register(plugin: &gst::Plugin) {
let type_ = register_type(NdiVideoSrcStatic);
gst::Element::register(plugin, "ndivideosrc", 0, type_);
Reference in a new issue