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// Copyright (C) 2023 Sebastian Dröge <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v2.0.
// If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
// <>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
use std::ops::{RangeBounds, RangeInclusive};
use gst::{glib, prelude::*, subclass::prelude::*};
pub mod imp;
glib::wrapper! {
pub struct RtpBasePay2(ObjectSubclass<imp::RtpBasePay2>)
@extends gst::Element, gst::Object;
/// Trait containing extension methods for `RtpBasePay2`.
pub trait RtpBasePay2Ext: IsA<RtpBasePay2> {
/// Sends a caps event with the given caps downstream before the next output buffer.
/// The caps must be `application/x-rtp` and contain the `clock-rate` field with a suitable
/// clock-rate for this stream.
/// The caps can be unfixed and will be passed through `RtpBasePay2Impl::negotiate()` to
/// negotiate caps with downstream, and finally fixate them.
fn set_src_caps(&self, src_caps: &gst::Caps) {
/// Drop the buffers from the given buffer range.
/// This should be called when input buffers are dropped because they are not included in any
/// output packet.
/// All pending buffers up to the end of the range are dropped, i.e. the start of the range is
/// irrelevant.
fn drop_buffers(&self, ids: impl RangeBounds<u64>) {
/// Queue an RTP packet made from a given range of input buffer ids and timestamp offset.
/// All packets that are queued during one call of `handle_buffer()` are collected in a
/// single buffer list and forwarded once `handle_buffer()` has returned with a successful flow
/// return or `finish_pending_packets()` was called.
/// All pending buffers for which packets were queued are released once `handle_buffer()`
/// returned except for the last one. This means that it is possible for subclasses to queue a
/// buffer and output a remaining chunk of that buffer together with data from the next buffer.
/// If passing `OutOfBand` then the packet is assumed to be produced using some other data,
/// e.g. from the caps, and not associated with any packets. In that case it will be pushed
/// right before the next packet with the timestamp of that packet, or at EOS with the
/// timestamp of the previous packet.
/// In all other cases a buffer id range is provided and needs to be valid.
/// If the id range doesn't start with the first pending buffer then all buffers up to the
/// first one given in the range are considered dropped.
/// Together with the buffer ids it is possible to provide a timestamp offset relative to which
/// the outgoing RTP timestamp and GStreamer PTS should be set.
/// The timestamp offset can be provided in two ways:
/// * Nanoseconds relative to the PTS of the buffer that the first id refers to. This mode is
/// mostly useful for subclasses that consume a buffer with multiple frames and send out
/// one packet per frame.
/// * RTP clock-rate units (without wrap-arounds) relative to the last buffer that had no
/// timestamp offset given in RTP clock-rate units. In this mode the subclass needs to be
/// careful to handle discontinuities of any sort correctly. Also, the subclass needs to
/// provide an explicit timestamp (either by setting no offset or by setting a PTS-based
/// offset) for the first packet ever and after every `drain()` or `flush()`.
fn queue_packet(
packet_to_buffer_relation: PacketToBufferRelation,
packet: rtp_types::RtpPacketBuilder<&[u8], &[u8]>,
) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
.queue_packet(packet_to_buffer_relation, packet)
/// Finish currently pending packets and push them downstream in a single buffer list.
fn finish_pending_packets(&self) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
/// Returns a reference to the sink pad.
fn sink_pad(&self) -> &gst::Pad {
/// Returns a reference to the src pad.
fn src_pad(&self) -> &gst::Pad {
/// Returns the currently configured MTU.
fn mtu(&self) -> u32 {
/// Returns the maximum available payload size.
fn max_payload_size(&self) -> u32 {
impl<O: IsA<RtpBasePay2>> RtpBasePay2Ext for O {}
/// Trait to implement in `RtpBasePay2` subclasses.
pub trait RtpBasePay2Impl: ElementImpl {
/// Drop buffers with `HEADER` flag.
const DROP_HEADER_BUFFERS: bool = false;
/// By default only metas without any tags are copied. Adding tags here will also copy the
/// metas that *only* have exactly one of these tags.
/// If more complex copying of metas is needed then [`RtpBasePay2Impl::transform_meta`] has
/// to be implemented.
const ALLOWED_META_TAGS: &'static [&'static str] = &[];
/// Called when streaming starts (READY -> PAUSED state change)
/// Optional, can be used to initialise streaming state.
fn start(&self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> {
/// Called after streaming has stopped (PAUSED -> READY state change)
/// Optional, can be used to clean up streaming state.
fn stop(&self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> {
/// Called when new caps are received on the sink pad.
/// Can be used to configure the caps on the src pad or to configure caps-specific state.
/// Optional, by default does nothing.
fn set_sink_caps(&self, caps: &gst::Caps) -> bool {
/// Called when new caps are configured on the source pad and whenever renegotiation has to happen.
/// The `src_caps` are the caps passed into `set_src_caps()` before, intersected with the
/// supported caps by the peer, and will have to be fixated.
/// Optional, by default sets the `payload` (pt) and `ssrc` fields, and negotiates RTP header
/// extensions with downstream, and finally fixates the caps and configures them on the source
/// pad.
fn negotiate(&self, src_caps: gst::Caps) {
/// Called whenever a new buffer is available.
fn handle_buffer(
buffer: &gst::Buffer,
id: u64,
) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
self.parent_handle_buffer(buffer, id)
/// Called whenever a discontinuity or EOS is observed.
/// The subclass should output any pending buffers it can output at this point.
/// This will be followed by a call to [`Self::flush`].
/// Optional, by default drops all still pending buffers and forwards all still pending packets
/// with the last known timestamp.
fn drain(&self) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
/// Called on `FlushStop` or whenever all pending data should simply be discarded.
/// The subclass should reset its internal state as necessary.
/// Optional.
fn flush(&self) {
/// Called whenever a new event arrives on the sink pad.
/// Optional, by default does the standard event handling of the base class.
fn sink_event(&self, event: gst::Event) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
/// Called whenever a new event arrives on the src pad.
/// Optional, by default does the standard event handling of the base class.
fn src_event(&self, event: gst::Event) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
/// Called whenever a new query arrives on the sink pad.
/// Optional, by default does the standard query handling of the base class.
fn sink_query(&self, query: &mut gst::QueryRef) -> bool {
/// Called whenever a new query arrives on the src pad.
/// Optional, by default does the standard query handling of the base class.
fn src_query(&self, query: &mut gst::QueryRef) -> bool {
/// Called whenever a meta from an input buffer has to be copied to the output buffer.
/// Optional, by default simply copies over all metas.
fn transform_meta(
in_buf: &gst::BufferRef,
meta: &gst::MetaRef<gst::Meta>,
out_buf: &mut gst::BufferRef,
) {
self.parent_transform_meta(in_buf, meta, out_buf);
/// Trait containing extension methods for `RtpBasePay2Impl`, specifically methods for chaining
/// up to the parent implementation of virtual methods.
pub trait RtpBasePay2ImplExt: RtpBasePay2Impl {
fn parent_set_sink_caps(&self, caps: &gst::Caps) -> bool {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.set_sink_caps)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), caps)
fn parent_negotiate(&self, src_caps: gst::Caps) {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.negotiate)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), src_caps);
fn parent_start(&self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
fn parent_stop(&self) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage> {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
fn parent_handle_buffer(
buffer: &gst::Buffer,
id: u64,
) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.handle_buffer)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), buffer, id)
fn parent_drain(&self) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
fn parent_flush(&self) {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
fn parent_sink_event(&self, event: gst::Event) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.sink_event)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), event)
fn parent_src_event(&self, event: gst::Event) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError> {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.src_event)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), event)
fn parent_sink_query(&self, query: &mut gst::QueryRef) -> bool {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.sink_query)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), query)
fn parent_src_query(&self, query: &mut gst::QueryRef) -> bool {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.src_query)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), query)
fn parent_transform_meta(
in_buf: &gst::BufferRef,
meta: &gst::MetaRef<gst::Meta>,
out_buf: &mut gst::BufferRef,
) {
unsafe {
let data = Self::type_data();
let parent_class = &*(data.as_ref().parent_class() as *mut Class);
(parent_class.transform_meta)(self.obj().unsafe_cast_ref(), in_buf, meta, out_buf)
impl<T: RtpBasePay2Impl> RtpBasePay2ImplExt for T {}
/// Class struct for `RtpBasePay2`.
pub struct Class {
parent: gst::ffi::GstElementClass,
start: fn(&RtpBasePay2) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage>,
stop: fn(&RtpBasePay2) -> Result<(), gst::ErrorMessage>,
set_sink_caps: fn(&RtpBasePay2, caps: &gst::Caps) -> bool,
negotiate: fn(&RtpBasePay2, src_caps: gst::Caps),
fn(&RtpBasePay2, buffer: &gst::Buffer, id: u64) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError>,
drain: fn(&RtpBasePay2) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError>,
flush: fn(&RtpBasePay2),
sink_event: fn(&RtpBasePay2, event: gst::Event) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError>,
src_event: fn(&RtpBasePay2, event: gst::Event) -> Result<gst::FlowSuccess, gst::FlowError>,
sink_query: fn(&RtpBasePay2, query: &mut gst::QueryRef) -> bool,
src_query: fn(&RtpBasePay2, query: &mut gst::QueryRef) -> bool,
transform_meta: fn(
in_buf: &gst::BufferRef,
meta: &gst::MetaRef<gst::Meta>,
out_buf: &mut gst::BufferRef,
allowed_meta_tags: &'static [&'static str],
drop_header_buffers: bool,
unsafe impl ClassStruct for Class {
type Type = imp::RtpBasePay2;
impl std::ops::Deref for Class {
type Target = glib::Class<<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::ParentType>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { &*(&self.parent as *const _ as *const _) }
unsafe impl<T: RtpBasePay2Impl> IsSubclassable<T> for RtpBasePay2 {
fn class_init(class: &mut glib::Class<Self>) {
let class = class.as_mut();
class.start = |obj| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.stop = |obj| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.set_sink_caps = |obj, caps| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.negotiate = |obj, src_caps| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.handle_buffer = |obj, buffer, id| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
imp.handle_buffer(buffer, id)
class.drain = |obj| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.flush = |obj| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.sink_event = |obj, event| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.src_event = |obj, event| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.sink_query = |obj, query| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.src_query = |obj, query| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
class.transform_meta = |obj, in_buf, meta, out_buf| unsafe {
let imp = obj.unsafe_cast_ref::<T::Type>().imp();
imp.transform_meta(in_buf, meta, out_buf)
class.allowed_meta_tags = T::ALLOWED_META_TAGS;
class.drop_header_buffers = T::DROP_HEADER_BUFFERS;
/// Timestamp offset between this packet and the reference.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TimestampOffset {
/// Offset in nanoseconds relative to the first buffer id this packet belongs to.
/// Offset in RTP clock-time units relative to the last packet that had offset given in RTP
/// clock-rate units.
/// Relation between queued packet and input buffer ids.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum PacketToBufferRelation {
IdsWithOffset {
ids: RangeInclusive<u64>,
timestamp_offset: TimestampOffset,
impl From<u64> for PacketToBufferRelation {
fn from(id: u64) -> Self {