* feat: check X-Robots-Tag when accessing /api/v1/instance or /nodeinfo endpoints respect X-Robots-Tag * chore: go fmt ./... * Check robots.txt as well, add tests --------- Co-authored-by: tobi <tobi.smethurst@protonmail.com>
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This is a robots.txt exclusion protocol implementation for Go language (golang).
To build and run tests run go test in source directory.
Warm welcome.
- If desired, add your name in README.rst, section Who.
- Run script/test && script/clean && echo ok
- You can ignore linter warnings, but everything else must pass.
- Send your change as pull request or just a regular patch to current maintainer (see section Who).
Thank you.
As usual, no special installation is required, just
import "github.com/temoto/robotstxt"
run go get and you're ready.
1. Parse
First of all, you need to parse robots.txt data. You can do it with functions FromBytes(body []byte) (*RobotsData, error) or same for `string`:
robots, err := robotstxt.FromBytes([]byte("User-agent: *\nDisallow:"))
robots, err := robotstxt.FromString("User-agent: *\nDisallow:")
As of 2012-10-03, FromBytes is the most efficient method, everything else is a wrapper for this core function.
There are few convenient constructors for various purposes:
* FromResponse(*http.Response) (*RobotsData, error) to init robots data from HTTP response. It does not call `response.Body.Close()`:
robots, err := robotstxt.FromResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error parsing robots.txt:", err.Error())
* FromStatusAndBytes(statusCode int, body []byte) (*RobotsData, error) or FromStatusAndString if you prefer to read bytes (string) yourself. Passing status code applies following logic in line with Google's interpretation of robots.txt files:
- status 2xx -> parse body with FromBytes and apply rules listed there.
- status 4xx -> allow all (even 401/403, as recommended by Google).
- other (5xx) -> disallow all, consider this a temporary unavailability.
2. Query
Parsing robots.txt content builds a kind of logic database, which you can query with (r *RobotsData) TestAgent(url, agent string) (bool).
Explicit passing of agent is useful if you want to query for different agents. For single agent users there is an efficient option: RobotsData.FindGroup(userAgent string) returns a structure with .Test(path string) method and .CrawlDelay time.Duration.
Simple query with explicit user agent. Each call will scan all rules.
allow := robots.TestAgent("/", "FooBot")
Or query several paths against same user agent for performance.
group := robots.FindGroup("BarBot")
Honorable contributors (in undefined order):
- Ilya Grigorik (igrigorik)
- Martin Angers (PuerkitoBio)
- Micha Gorelick (mynameisfiber)
Initial commit and other: Sergey Shepelev temotor@gmail.com