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\section{State of the art}
\begin{frame}{The CAP theorem}{Consistency vs. Availability}
\begin{block}{Eric Brewer's theorem}
``A shared-state system can have \textbf{at most two} of the following properties at any given time:
\item \textbf{C}onsistency
\item \textbf{A}vailability
\item \textbf{P}artition tolerance''
Under network partitions, a distributed data store has to sacrifice either availability or consistency.
\item \textbf{Consistency-first}: Abort incoming queries;
\item \textbf{Availability-first}: Return possibly stale data.
\begin{frame}{Consistency-first: the ACID model}{Consistency vs. Availability}
\textbf{Transaction}: unit of work within an ACID data store.
%Comprises multiple operations.
%E.g. bank transfer.
%E.g. a bank transfer from A to B is a transaction involving two operations: withdraw money from A & credit B with the same money amount.
\item \textbf{\underline{A}tomicity}: Transactions either complete entirely or fail.
No transaction ever seen as in-progress.
\item \textbf{\underline{C}onsistency}: Transactions always generate a valid state.
The database maintains its invariants across transactions.
\item \textbf{\underline{I}solation}: Concurrent transactions are seen as sequential.
Transactions are serializable, or sequentially consistent.
\item \textbf{\underline{D}urability}: Committed transactions are never forgotten.
Reads are fast, writes are slow.
Example: relational databases.
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Concurrent writes in ACID}{Consistency vs. Availability}
transaction AcqDoses(y):
x <- SELECT #vaccines;
UPDATE #vaccines = (x + y);
Supports compound operations.
\begin{frame}{Availability-first: the BASE model}{Consistency vs. Availability}
Some apps prefer availability, e.g. Amazon products' reviews.
The BASE model trades Consistency \& Isolation for Availability.
%Some applications do not care about strong consistency and prefer being highly available (e.g. Amazon's product reviews).
%In order to achieve higher availability, the BASE model relaxes consistency constraints of the ACID model: "eventual consistency".
\item \textbf{\underline{B}asic \underline{A}vailability}:
The data store thrives to be available.
\item \textbf{\underline{S}oft-state}:
Replicas can disagree on the valid state.
\item \textbf{\underline{E}ventual consistency}:
In the absence of write queries,
the data store will eventually converge to a single valid state.
Writes are fast, reads are slow.
Examples: key-value \& object stores.
\begin{frame}{Concurrent writes in BASE}{Consistency vs. Availability}
\item Unique key
\item Arbitrary value
\item Metadata
Conflict resolution = client's job!
No compound operations.
% KV storage is another example, distinction is minor here
% Object = unique key, arbitrary value, metadata.
% Object storage only provides semantics to investigate causal order of queries *for individual objects*. No compound operations, no transactions.
% Much easier to distribute, and "scale-out".
% Write is fast, read is slow (gotta collect all object versions).
% \todo{vaccines example with BASE model}
\begin{frame}{Strong Eventual Consistency w/ CRDTs}{Consistency vs. Availability}
\begin{block}{Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC)}
\item CRDTs specify distributed operations
\item Conflicts will be solved according to specification
\item Proven \& bound eventual convergence
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Concurrent writes with CRDTs}{Consistency vs. Availability}
CRDT Counter(x0):
history = {}
op. incr(y):
history U= {(UUID(), y)}
op. decr(y):
history U= {(UUID(), -y)}
op. read():
x = x0
for (_, y) in history:
x += y
return x
Operations commute?
$\implies$ screw total order!
\begin{frame}{A complex CRDT: the DAG}{Consistency vs. Availability}
Just to say I swept a lot under the rug.
For details, go read:
For an implementation, check \textbf{AntidoteDB}.
\begin{frame}{State of the practice}{Path dependency to the ``cloud''}
\begin{block}{The BASE model is fashionable because}
``\emph{High-performance} object storage for \emph{AI analytics} with PBs of \emph{IoT data streams} at the \emph{edge}, using \emph{5G}.''
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Highest performance
% \item IoT data streams are inherently distributed
% \end{itemize}
\item Always backed by cloud: high performance network links.
\item Edge nodes always seen as clients or data sources, not peers.
% There is \textbf{always a central cloud cluster} in these use-cases.
% Hidden constraint: \textbf{high performance inter-node connectivity}.
% \begin{frame}{A brief history of storage}
% We keep it short because we'll follow chronological order in the next section too.
% \end{frame}
% \begin{frame}{In the beginning, there were \emph{monoliths}}
% \includegraphics[width=.5\columnwidth]{figures/stonehenge.jpg}
% Web applications used to be monolithic:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item One or two servers;
% \item Availability was not an obsession;
% \item Latency was acceptable.
% \end{itemize}
% Relational databases were queens.
% \end{frame}
% \begin{frame}{Then came \emph{expectations}}
% Then, the whole world went online, and suddenly: expectations!
% \begin{itemize}
% \item ``Milliseconds matter.'' (Algolia slogan)
% \item Critical networked services (healthcare, logistics) need 100\% availability
% \end{itemize}
% $\implies$ Microservices \& horizontal scalability.
% \todo{Develop on the `herd not sheep' paradigm a bit.}
% \end{frame}
% \begin{frame}{Distributing state/storage: the remaining unknown}
% The microservices orchestration game works well for \emph{stateless} services.
% However, any application requires \emph{state}, persistent data.
% And this is tough. As we will now see.
% (Not that it's not well studied: distributed storage has always been fashionable.)
% \end{frame}