silverwind ce55a74374
Update JS dependencies (#28537)
- Update all JS dependencies excluding mcaptcha (breaking changes) and
stylelint (plugin not compatible with v16)
- Regenerate SVGs
- Update markdownlint rule names
- Fix one issue of heading in markdown discovered during lint
- Update for monaco options renames
- Fix stylelint rule length-zero-no-unit for custom properties
- Tested editor, swagger, sorting, vue, lint
2023-12-30 05:29:03 +00:00

1 line
1.2 KiB

<svg xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" viewBox="0.88 3 721.12 556.07" class="svg gitea-cran" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><defs><linearGradient id="gitea-cran__a" y2="1"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#cbced0"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#84838b"/></linearGradient><linearGradient id="gitea-cran__c" y2="1"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#276dc3"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#165caa"/></linearGradient></defs><path fill="url(#gitea-cran__a)" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M361.45 485.94C162.33 485.94.9 377.83.9 244.47S162.32 3 361.45 3C560.57 3 722 111.11 722 244.47S560.58 485.94 361.45 485.94m55.188-388.53c-151.35 0-274.05 73.908-274.05 165.08s122.7 165.08 274.05 165.08c151.35 0 263.05-50.529 263.05-165.08 0-114.51-111.7-165.08-263.05-165.08"/><path fill="url(#gitea-cran__c)" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M550 377s21.822 6.585 34.5 13c4.399 2.226 12.01 6.668 17.5 12.5 5.378 5.712 8 11.5 8 11.5l86 145-139 .062-65-122.06s-13.31-22.869-21.5-29.5c-6.832-5.531-9.745-7.5-16.5-7.5h-33.026l.026 158.97-123 .052v-406.09h247s112.5 2.029 112.5 109.06-107.5 115-107.5 115zm-53.5-135.98-74.463-.048-.037 69.05 74.5-.024s34.5-.107 34.5-35.125c0-35.722-34.5-33.853-34.5-33.853"/></svg>