Loïc Dachary 3e9e862e5e
[DOCS] RELEASE-NOTES: 1.20.0 (squash) commits
git log --no-merges --oneline 64ed262e1..gitea/release/v1.20 . ':(exclude,glob)docs/**' ':(exclude)' ':(exclude)MAINTAINERS' ':(exclude,glob).github/**' ':(exclude)' ':(exclude,glob)options/locale/**' ':(exclude,glob)options/license/**' ':(exclude,glob)snap/**' ':(exclude).drone.yml' ':(exclude)custom/conf/app.example.ini'

9159964ad Avoid opening/closing PRs which are already merged (#25883) (#25903)
9369b3831 Skip unuseful error message in dev mode when watching local filesystem (#25919) (#25927)
6e82d0bb7 Add shutting down notice (#25920) (#25922)
36b9a86bd Fix incorrect milestone count when provide a keyword (#25880) (#25904)
de8127e78 fix incorrect repo url when changed the case of ownername (#25733) (#25881)
de8127e78 fix incorrect repo url when changed the case of ownername (#25733) (#25881)
186f07bbf Make `add line comment` buttons focusable (#25894) (#25896)
45b1f4dd3 Add support for different Maven POM encoding (#25873) (#25890)
026e745b9 Fix incorrect release count (#25879) (#25887)
c334be828 Fix empty project displayed in issue sidebar (#25802) (#25854)
353dcc5ad Fix the error message when the token is incorrect (#25701) (#25836)
abe9c641c Show correct SSL Mode on "install page" (#25818) (#25838)
052e65e63 Fix incorrect oldest sort in project list (#25806) (#25835)
c1a10be07 Fix activity type match in `matchPullRequestEvent` (#25746) (#25796)
2b79d3fd5 For API attachments, use API URL (#25639) (#25814)
b4460cf54 Make "install page" respect environment config (#25648) (#25799)
a1bc2aa05 Avoid amending the Rebase and Fast-forward merge if there is no message template (#25779) (#25809)
d713cf615 Fix WORK_DIR for docker (root) image (#25738) (#25811)
012b804a9 Clarify "text-align" CSS helpers, fix clone button padding (#25763) (#25764)
372b622c2 Revert package access change from #23879 (#25707) (#25785)
06bcdfe77 Remove unused code (#25734) (#25788)
a5a3c8141 Fix notification list bugs (#25781) (#25787)
ea2c9de3c Test if container blob is accessible before mounting (#22759) (#25784)
348a6bf70 Always pass 6-digit hex color to monaco (#25780) (#25782)
91dadeddd Translate untranslated string in issues list (#25759) (#25761)
32eaba1b4 Hide `add file` button for pull mirrors (#25748) (#25751)
917ca5ded Several fixes for mobile UI (#25634) (#25689)
e595dfeec Allow/fix review (approve/reject) of empty PRs (#25690) (#25732)
03cacf971 Check `ctx.Written()` for `GetActionIssue` (#25698) (#25711)
68e0c802f Show correct naming for 1 comment (#25704) (#25712)
09668b2e2 Correct permissions for `.ssh` and `authorized_keys` (#25721) (#25730)
04eea29ec Fix tags header and pretty format numbers (#25624) (#25694)
511be9fe6 Fix position of org follow button (#25688) (#25692)
24e64fe37 Replace `interface{}` with `any` (#25686) (#25687)
4e310133f Prevent duplicate image loading (#25675) (#25684)
491f36d32 Actions list enhancements (#25601) (#25678)
5510ed34f Fix the nil pointer when assigning issues to projects (#25665) (#25677)
39fce5750 Prevent SVG shrinking (#25652) (#25669)
1f9037604 Fix show more for image on diff page (#25672) (#25673)
0af6542a3 Add unit test for repository collaboration (#25640) (#25658)
69bdcf41f Log the real reason when authentication fails (but don't show the user) (#25414) (#25660)
e610b0389 Fix UI misalignment on user setting page (#25629) (#25656)
13ffa287b  Fix bug of branches API with tests(#25578) (#25579)
2023-07-17 19:11:51 +02:00

96 KiB

Release Notes

A Forgejo release is published shortly after a Gitea release is published and they have matching release numbers. Additional Forgejo releases may be published to address urgent security issues or bug fixes. Forgejo release notes include all Gitea release notes.

The Forgejo admin should carefully read the required manual actions before upgrading. A point release (e.g. v1.19.1 or v1.19.2) does not require manual actions but others might (e.g. v1.18.0, v1.19.0).


The complete list of commits included in the Forgejo v1.20.0-? release can be reviewed from the command line with:

$ git clone
$ git -C forgejo log --oneline --no-merges origin/v1.19/forgejo..origin/v1.20/forgejo
  • Container images upgraded to Alpine 3.18

    The Forgejo container images are now based on Alpine 3.18 instead of Alpine 3.1.17.


The complete list of commits included in the Forgejo v1.19.4-0 release can be reviewed from the command line with:

$ git clone
$ git -C forgejo log --oneline --no-merges v1.19.3-0..v1.19.4-0

This stable release contains security fixes.


The complete list of commits included in the Forgejo v1.19.3-0 release can be reviewed from the command line with:

$ git clone
$ git -C forgejo log --oneline --no-merges v1.19.2-0..v1.19.3-0

This stable release contains security fixes.


The complete list of commits included in the Forgejo v1.19.2-0 release can be reviewed from the command line with:

$ git clone
$ git -C forgejo log --oneline --no-merges v1.19.1-0..v1.19.2-0

This stable release contains important security fixes.

  • Recommended Action

    We strongly recommend that all Forgejo installations are upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible.

  • Forgejo Semantic Version

    The semantic version was updated from 4.1.0+0-gitea-1.19.1 to 4.2.0+0-gitea-1.19.2 because of the changes introduced in the internal CI.

  • Security fixes

    • Token scopes were not enforced in some cases (patch 1 and patch 2). The scoped token were introduced in Forgejo v1.19 allow for the creation of application tokens that only have limited permissions, such as creating packages or accessing repositories. Prior to Forgejo v1.19 tokens could be used to perform any operation the user issuing the token could.
    • Permissions to delete secrets was not enforced. The experimental internal CI relies on secrets managed via the web interface, for instance to communicate credentials to a job. Secrets are only used in the context of the experimental internal CI.
  • Bug fixes

    The most prominent ones are described here, others can be found in the list of commits included in the release as described above.

  • Container image upgrades

    In the Forgejo container images the Git version was upgraded to 2.38.5 as a precaution. The Forgejo security team analyzed the security fixes it contains and concluded that Forgejo is not affected.


The complete list of commits included in the Forgejo v1.19.1-0 release can be reviewed from the command line with:

$ git clone
$ git -C forgejo log --oneline --no-merges v1.19.0-3..v1.19.1-0

This stable release includes bug fixes. Functional changes related to the experimental CI have also been backported.


The complete list of commits included in the Forgejo v1.19.0-3 release can be reviewed from the command line with:

$ git clone
$ git -C forgejo log --oneline --no-merges v1.19.0-2..v1.19.0-3

This stable release includes security updates and bug fixes.


The complete list of commits included in the Forgejo v1.19.0-2 release can be reviewed from the command line with:

$ git clone
$ git -C forgejo log --oneline --no-merges origin/v1.18/forgejo..origin/v1.19/forgejo
  • Breaking changes

    • Scoped access tokens

      Forgejo access token, used with the API can now have a "scope" that limits what it can access. Existing tokens stored in the database and created before Forgejo v1.19 had unlimited access. For backward compatibility, their access will remain the same and they will continue to work as before. However, newly created token that do not specify a scope will now only have read-only access to public user profile and public repositories.

      For instance, the /users/{username}/tokens API endpoint will require the scopes: ['all', 'sudo'] parameter and the forgejo admin user generate-access-token will require the --scopes all,sudo argument obtain tokens with ulimited access as before for admin users.

      Read more about the scoped tokens.

    • Disable all units except code and pulls on forks

      When forking a repository, the fork will now have issues, projects, releases, packages and wiki disabled. These can be enabled in the repository settings afterwards. To change back to the previous default behavior, configure DEFAULT_FORK_REPO_UNITS to be the same value as DEFAULT_REPO_UNITS.

    • Filter repositories by default on the explore page

      The explore page now always filters out repositories that are considered not relevant because they are either forks or have no topic and not description and no icon. A link is shown to display all repositories, unfiltered.

      Explore repositories
    • Remove deprecated DSA host key from Docker Container Since OpenSSH 7.0 and greater similarly disable the ssh-dss (DSA) public key algorithm, and recommend against its use.

    • Additional restrictions on valid user names

      The algorithm for validating user names was modified and some users may have invalid names. The command forgejo doctor --run check-user-names will list all of them so they can be renamed.

      If a Forgejo instance has users or organizations named forgejo-actions and gitea-actions, they will also need to be renamed before the upgrade. They are now reserved names for the experimental internal CI/CD named Actions.

    • Semantic version

      Since v1.18.5, in addition to the Forgejo release number, a semantic version number (e.g. v3.0.0) can be obtained from the number key of a new /api/forgejo/v1/version endpoint.

      Now, it reflects the Gitea version that Forgejo depends on, is no longer prefixed with v (e.g. 3.0.0+0-gitea-1.19.0), and can be obtained from the version key of the same endpoint.

  • Features

  • User Interface improvements

  • Container images upgraded to Alpine 3.17

    The Forgejo container images are now based on Alpine 3.17 instead of Alpine 3.16. It includes an upgrade from git 2.36.5 to git 2.38.4 and from openssh 9.0p1 to openssh 9.1p1.


This stable release contains an important security fix for Forgejo to raise the protection against brute force attack on hashed passwords stored in the database to match industry standards, as described in detail in a companion blog post.

We strongly recommend that all Forgejo installations are upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible.

If PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO is explicitly set in app.ini, comment it out so that the stronger algorithm is used instead.

All password hashes stored with another algorithm will be updated to the new algorithm on the next usage of this password (e.g. a user provides the password to the Forgejo server when they login). It does not require manual intervention.



Note that there is no Forgejo v1.18.4-N because Gitea v1.18.4 was replaced by Gitea v1.18.5 a few days after its release because of a regression. Forgejo was not affected.


This stable release includes a security fix for git and bug fixes.


Git recently announced new versions to address two CVEs (CVE-2023-22490, CVE-2023-23946). On 14 Februrary 2023, Git published the maintenance release v2.39.2, together with releases for older maintenance tracks v2.38.4, v2.37.6, v2.36.5, v2.35.7, v2.34.7, v2.33.7, v2.32.6, v2.31.7, and v2.30.8. All major GNU/Linux distributions also provide updated packages via their security update channels.

We recommend that all installations running a version affected by the issues described below are upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible.

  • When using a Forgejo binary: upgrade the git package to a version greater or equal to v2.39.2, v2.38.4, v2.37.6, v2.36.5, v2.35.7, v2.34.7, v2.33.7, v2.32.6, v2.31.7 or v2.30.8
  • When using a Forgejo container image: docker pull




This stable release includes bug fixes.




This stable release includes bug fixes.




This stable release includes a security fix. It was possible to reveal a user's email address, which is problematic because users can choose to hide their email address from everyone. This was possible because the notification email for a repository transfer request to an organization included every user's email address in the owner team. This has been fixed by sending individual emails instead and the code was refactored to prevent it from happening again.

We strongly recommend that all installations are upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible.



This stable release includes bug fixes.



This is the first Forgejo stable point release.


Critical security update for Git

Git recently announced new versions to address two CVEs (CVE-2022-23521, CVE-2022-41903). On 17 January 2023, Git published the maintenance release v2.39.1, together with releases for older maintenance tracks v2.38.3, v2.37.5, v2.36.4, v2.35.6, v2.34.6, v2.33.6, v2.32.5, v2.31.6, and v2.30.7. All major GNU/Linux distributions also provide updated packages via their security update channels.

We strongly recommend that all installations running a version affected by the issues described below are upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible.

  • When using a Forgejo binary: upgrade the git package to a version greater or equal to v2.39.1, v2.38.3, v2.37.5, v2.36.4, v2.35.6, v2.34.6, v2.33.6, v2.32.5, v2.31.6, or v2.30.7
  • When using a Forgejo container image: docker pull

Read more in the Forgejo blog.

Release process stability

The release process based on Woodpecker CI was entirely reworked to be more resilient to transient errors. A new release is first uploaded into the new Forgejo experimental organization for testing purposes.

Automated end to end testing of releases was implemented with a full development cycle including the creation of a new repository and a run of CI. It relieves the user and developer from the burden of tedious manual testing.

Container environment variables

When running a container, all environment variables starting with FORGEJO__ can be used instead of GITEA__. For backward compatibility with existing scripts, it is still possible to use GITEA__ instead of FORGEJO__. For instance:

docker run --name forgejo -e FORGEJO__security__INSTALL_LOCK=true

Forgejo hook types

A new forgejo hook type is available and behaves exactly the same as the existing gitea hook type. It will be used to implement additional features specific to Forgejo in a way that will be backward compatible with Gitea.

X-Forgejo headers

Wherever a X-Gitea header is received or sent, an identical X-Forgejo is added. For instance when a notification mail is sent, the X-Forgejo-Reason header is set to explain why. Or when a webhook is sent, the X-Forgejo-Event header is set with push, tag, etc. for Woodpecker CI to decide on an action.

Look and feel fixes

The Forgejo theme was modified to take into account user feedback.



This is the first Forgejo release.

Forgejo improvements

Woodpecker CI

A new CI configuration based on Woodpecker CI was created. It is used to:

Look and feel

The default themes were replaced by Forgejo themes and the landing page was modified to display the Forgejo logo and names but the look and feel remains otherwise identical to Gitea.

Landing page


Gitea instances fetch weekly by default, which raises privacy concerns. In Forgejo this feature needs to be explicitly activated at installation time or by modifying the configuration file. Forgejo also provides an alternative RSS feed to be informed when a new release is published.



This release was replaced by 1.18.0-1 a few hours after being published because the release process was interrupted.


This is the first Forgejo release candidate.