2023-03-21 15:40:54 +01:00

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# Generating the PAC
Generate your own PAC from an SVD file.
## In this exercise you will learn how to
* generate a PAC from an SVD file.
* format the generated code.
* split the single PAC file into it's modules.
## Prerequisites
* usage of cargo install
* generating docs
## Tasks
* Install `svd2rust` and `form` via cargo.
* Download the [nrf-svd] file and place it into `down-the-stack/dk-pac`.
* Run svd2rust on the file using the `cortex-m` flag.
* Format the generated file to make it readable.
* Split the file into its modules using `form`.
* Check the documentation.
## Step-by-Step Solution
✅ Install the necessary tools using the following commands:
cargo install svd2rust
cargo install form
✅ Download https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/nrfx/blob/master/mdk/nrf52.svd (This version has an error: writeonce needs to be changed to writeOnce)
Place the file into `down-the-stack/dk-pac`. Note how we provide a `Cargo.toml` file, as it will not be generated by svd2rust.
✅ In the terminal, go to the file's location. Run `svd2rust` with the SVD file to generate a PAC using the `cortex-m` flag.
svd2rust --target cortex-m -i nrf52.svd
If you check the folder `down-the-stack/dk-pac` now, you see three new files:
* lib.rs - the file that contains the generated code for the pac
* device.x - linker sections(?)
* build.rs - linker script
✅ Open the generated `lib.rs` with an editor.
Notice how it's barely correctly formatted.
✅ Look at the PAC docs with the following command:
cargo doc --open
✅ Format the crate using `cargo fmt`.
This does not change to the docs, but `lib.rs` is a bit more readable.
✅ Use form to process the `lib.rs` to split it into modules, so that each module in in it's own file.
form -i src/lib.rs -o src/
✅ Re-run `cargo fmt`.
[nrf svd]: (https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/nrfx/blob/master/mdk/nrf52.svd )