Jonathan Pallant (Ferrous Systems) a4ee38540d
Ensure marp can render slides.
We bundle markdown-it-kroki, which can add mermaid diagrams to marp slides using https://kroki.io.
2023-03-22 10:28:51 +00:00

59 lines
863 B

marp: true
# @kazumatu981/markdown-it-kroki
## Marp Sample
## plantuml
```plantuml[platuml image]
left to right direction
actor Guest as g
package Professional {
actor Chef as c
actor "Food Critic" as fc
package Restaurant {
usecase "Eat Food" as UC1
usecase "Pay for Food" as UC2
usecase "Drink" as UC3
usecase "Review" as UC4
fc --> UC4
g --> UC1
g --> UC2
g --> UC3
## mermaid
```mermaid[mermaid image]
graph TD
A[ Anyone ] -->|Can help | B( Go to github.com/yuzutech/kroki )
B --> C{ How to contribute? }
C --> D[ Reporting bugs ]
C --> E[ Sharing ideas ]
C --> F[ Advocating ]
## normal code
function testFunc(test) {
let sum = 0;
for(let x = 1; x<=test; x++) {
sum += x;
return sum;