Mouse Reeve b3a519c082 Converts report "comments" into broader "actions" table
This table will now track all actions taken on a report, like resolving
it, re-opening it, suspending the reported user, et cetera, in addition
to comments. When there are multiple admins, this change will make it
easier to understand what actions have been taken by whom on a report.
2023-05-16 11:00:33 -07:00

25 lines
1 KiB

{% extends "components/inline_form.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block header %}
{% trans "Permanently delete user" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block form %}
<form name="delete-user" action="{% url 'settings-delete-user' %}" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{% blocktrans trimmed with username=user.localname %}
Are you sure you want to delete <strong>{{username}}</strong>'s account? This action cannot be undone. To proceed, please enter your password to confirm deletion.
{% endblocktrans %}
<div class="field">
<label class="label" for="id_password">{% trans "Your password:" %}</label>
<input class="input {% if form.password.errors %}is-danger{% endif %}" type="password" name="password" id="id_password" required aria-describedby="desc_password">
{% include 'snippets/form_errors.html' with errors_list=form.password.errors id="desc_password" %}
<button type="submit" class="button is-danger">{% trans "Delete Account" %}</button>
{% endblock %}