Mouse Reeve 3f8eefd694 Fixes want to read status header
jankily, mind you
2021-08-21 11:49:57 -07:00

87 lines
2.7 KiB

""" template filters """
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from django import template
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import naturaltime, naturalday
from django.template.loader import select_template
from django.utils import timezone
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.templatetags.utilities import get_user_identifier
register = template.Library()
def get_mentions(status, user):
"""people to @ in a reply: the parent and all mentions"""
mentions = set([status.user] + list(status.mention_users.all()))
return (
" ".join("@" + get_user_identifier(m) for m in mentions if not m == user) + " "
def get_replies(status):
"""get all direct replies to a status"""
# TODO: this limit could cause problems
return models.Status.objects.filter(
def get_parent(status):
"""get the reply parent for a status"""
return (
def get_boosted(boost):
"""load a boosted status. have to do this or it won't get foreign keys"""
return (
.select_related("user", "reply_parent")
.prefetch_related("mention_books", "mention_users")
def get_published_date(date):
"""less verbose combo of humanize filters"""
if not date:
return ""
now =
delta = relativedelta(now, date)
if delta.years:
return naturalday(date)
if delta.days:
return naturalday(date, "M j")
return naturaltime(date)
def get_header_template(status):
"""get the path for the status template"""
if isinstance(status, models.Boost):
status = status.boosted_status
header_type = status.reading_status.replace("-", "_")
if not header_type:
raise AttributeError()
except AttributeError:
header_type = status.status_type.lower()
filename = f"snippets/status/headers/{header_type}.html"
header_template = select_template([filename, "snippets/status/headers/note.html"])
return header_template.render({"status": status})
def load_book(status):
"""how many users that you follow, follow them"""
return if hasattr(status, "book") else status.mention_books.first()