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""" what are we here for if not for posting """
import re
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.validators import URLValidator
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db.models import Q
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, Http404
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views import View
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from markdown import markdown
from bookwyrm import forms, models
from bookwyrm.utils import regex, sanitizer
from .helpers import handle_remote_webfinger, is_api_request
from .helpers import load_date_in_user_tz_as_utc
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pylint: disable= no-self-use
@method_decorator(login_required, name="dispatch")
class EditStatus(View):
"""the view for *posting*"""
def get(self, request, status_id): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""load the edit panel"""
status = get_object_or_404(
models.Status.objects.select_subclasses(), id=status_id
status_type = "reply" if status.reply_parent else status.status_type.lower()
data = {
"type": status_type,
"book": getattr(status, "book", None),
"draft": status,
return TemplateResponse(request, "compose.html", data)
# pylint: disable= no-self-use
@method_decorator(login_required, name="dispatch")
class CreateStatus(View):
"""the view for *posting*"""
def get(self, request, status_type): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""compose view (...not used?)"""
book = get_object_or_404(models.Edition, id=request.GET.get("book"))
data = {"book": book}
return TemplateResponse(request, "compose.html", data)
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def post(self, request, status_type, existing_status_id=None):
"""create status of whatever type"""
created = not existing_status_id
existing_status = None
if existing_status_id:
existing_status = get_object_or_404(
models.Status.objects.select_subclasses(), id=existing_status_id
existing_status.edited_date = timezone.now()
status_type = status_type[0].upper() + status_type[1:]
form = getattr(forms, f"{status_type}Form")(
request.POST, instance=existing_status
except AttributeError as err:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
if not form.is_valid():
if is_api_request(request):
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
return redirect("/")
status = form.save(request)
# save the plain, unformatted version of the status for future editing
status.raw_content = status.content
if hasattr(status, "quote"):
status.raw_quote = status.quote
status.sensitive = status.content_warning not in [None, ""]
# inspect the text for user tags
content = status.content
for (mention_text, mention_user) in find_mentions(
request.user, content
# add them to status mentions fk
# turn the mention into a link
content = re.sub(
rf'<a href="{mention_user.remote_id}">{mention_text}</a>',
# add reply parent to mentions
if status.reply_parent:
# deduplicate mentions
# don't apply formatting to generated notes
if not isinstance(status, models.GeneratedNote) and content:
status.content = to_markdown(content)
# do apply formatting to quotes
if hasattr(status, "quote"):
status.quote = to_markdown(status.quote)
# update a readthrough, if needed
if bool(request.POST.get("id")):
except Http404:
if is_api_request(request):
return HttpResponse()
return redirect("/")
@method_decorator(login_required, name="dispatch")
class DeleteStatus(View):
"""tombstone that bad boy"""
def post(self, request, status_id):
"""delete and tombstone a status"""
status = get_object_or_404(models.Status, id=status_id)
# don't let people delete other people's statuses
# perform deletion
return redirect("/")
def update_progress(request, book_id): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Either it's just a progress update, or it's a comment with a progress update"""
if request.POST.get("post-status"):
return CreateStatus.as_view()(request, "comment")
return edit_readthrough(request)
def edit_readthrough(request):
"""can't use the form because the dates are too finnicky"""
# TODO: remove this, it duplicates the code in the ReadThrough view
readthrough = get_object_or_404(models.ReadThrough, id=request.POST.get("id"))
readthrough.start_date = load_date_in_user_tz_as_utc(
request.POST.get("start_date"), request.user
readthrough.finish_date = load_date_in_user_tz_as_utc(
request.POST.get("finish_date"), request.user
progress = request.POST.get("progress")
progress = int(progress)
readthrough.progress = progress
except (ValueError, TypeError):
progress_mode = request.POST.get("progress_mode")
progress_mode = models.ProgressMode(progress_mode)
readthrough.progress_mode = progress_mode
except ValueError:
# record the progress update individually
# use default now for date field
if is_api_request(request):
return HttpResponse()
return redirect("/")
def find_mentions(user, content):
"""detect @mentions in raw status content"""
if not content:
return {}
# The regex has nested match groups, so the 0th entry has the full (outer) match
# And beacuse the strict username starts with @, the username is 1st char onward
usernames = [m[0][1:] for m in re.findall(regex.STRICT_USERNAME, content)]
known_users = (
.filter(Q(username__in=usernames) | Q(localname__in=usernames))
# Prepare a lookup based on both username and localname
username_dict = {
**{f"@{u.username}": u for u in known_users},
**{f"@{u.localname}": u for u in known_users.filter(local=True)},
# Users not captured here could be blocked or not yet loaded on the server
not_found = set(usernames) - set(username_dict.keys())
for username in not_found:
mention_user = handle_remote_webfinger(username, unknown_only=True)
if not mention_user:
# this user is blocked or can't be found
username_dict[f"@{mention_user.username}"] = mention_user
username_dict[f"@{mention_user.localname}"] = mention_user
return username_dict
def format_links(content):
"""detect and format links"""
validator = URLValidator()
formatted_content = ""
split_content = re.split(r"(\s+)", content)
for potential_link in split_content:
if not potential_link:
wrapped = _wrapped(potential_link)
if wrapped:
wrapper_close = potential_link[-1]
formatted_content += potential_link[0]
potential_link = potential_link[1:-1]
# raises an error on anything that's not a valid link
# use everything but the scheme in the presentation of the link
url = urlparse(potential_link)
link = url.netloc + url.path + url.params
if url.query != "":
link += "?" + url.query
if url.fragment != "":
link += "#" + url.fragment
formatted_content += f'<a href="{potential_link}">{link}</a>'
except (ValidationError, UnicodeError):
formatted_content += potential_link
if wrapped:
formatted_content += wrapper_close
return formatted_content
def _wrapped(text):
"""check if a line of text is wrapped"""
wrappers = [("(", ")"), ("[", "]"), ("{", "}")]
for wrapper in wrappers:
if text[0] == wrapper[0] and text[-1] == wrapper[-1]:
return True
return False
def to_markdown(content):
"""catch links and convert to markdown"""
content = format_links(content)
content = markdown(content)
# sanitize resulting html
return sanitizer.clean(content)