
221 lines
7 KiB

"""Export user account to tar.gz file for import into another Bookwyrm instance"""
import logging
from uuid import uuid4
from django.db.models import FileField
from django.db.models import Q
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from bookwyrm.models import AnnualGoal, ReadThrough, ShelfBook, Shelf, List, ListItem
from bookwyrm.models import Review, Comment, Quotation
from bookwyrm.models import Edition, Book
from bookwyrm.models import UserFollows, User, UserBlocks
from bookwyrm.models.job import ParentJob, ParentTask
from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN
from bookwyrm.tasks import app, IMPORTS
from bookwyrm.utils.tar import BookwyrmTarFile
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BookwyrmExportJob(ParentJob):
"""entry for a specific request to export a bookwyrm user"""
export_data = FileField(null=True)
def start_job(self):
"""Start the job"""
start_export_task.delay(, no_children=True)
return self
@app.task(queue=IMPORTS, base=ParentTask)
def start_export_task(**kwargs):
"""trigger the child tasks for each row"""
job = BookwyrmExportJob.objects.get(id=kwargs["job_id"])
# don't start the job if it was stopped from the UI
if job.complete:
# This is where ChildJobs get made
job.export_data = ContentFile(b"", str(uuid4()))
json_data = json_export(job.user)
tar_export(json_data, job.user, job.export_data)["export_data"])
except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logger.exception("User Export Job %s Failed with error: %s",, err)
def tar_export(json_data: str, user, file):
"""wrap the export information in a tar file""""wb")
with"w:gz", fileobj=file) as tar:
# Add avatar image if present
if getattr(user, "avatar", False):
tar.add_image(user.avatar, filename="avatar")
editions, books = get_books_for_user(user) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
for book in editions:
if getattr(book, "cover", False):
def json_export(user): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements
"""Generate an export for a user"""
# user
exported_user = {}
vals = [
for k in vals:
exported_user[k] = getattr(user, k)
if getattr(user, "avatar", False):
exported_user["avatar"] = f'https://{DOMAIN}{getattr(user, "avatar").url}'
# reading goals
reading_goals = models.AnnualGoal.objects.filter(user=user).distinct()
goals_list = []
# TODO: either error checking should be more sophisticated
# or maybe we don't need this try/except
for goal in reading_goals:
{"goal": goal.goal, "year": goal.year, "privacy": goal.privacy}
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
readthroughs = models.ReadThrough.objects.filter(user=user).distinct().values()
readthroughs = list(readthroughs)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
readthroughs = []
# books
editions, books = get_books_for_user(user)
final_books = []
for book in books.values():
edition = editions.filter(id=book["id"])
book["edition"] = edition.values()[0]
# authors
book["authors"] = list(edition.first().authors.all().values())
# readthroughs
book_readthroughs = (
models.ReadThrough.objects.filter(user=user, book=book["id"])
book["readthroughs"] = list(book_readthroughs)
# shelves
shelf_books = models.ShelfBook.objects.filter(
user=user, book=book["id"]
shelves_from_books = models.Shelf.objects.filter(
shelfbook__in=shelf_books, user=user
book["shelves"] = list(shelves_from_books.values())
book["shelf_books"] = {}
for shelf in shelves_from_books:
shelf_contents = models.ShelfBook.objects.filter(
user=user, shelf=shelf
book["shelf_books"][shelf.identifier] = list(shelf_contents.values())
# book lists
book_lists = models.List.objects.filter(
books__in=[book["id"]], user=user
book["lists"] = list(book_lists.values())
book["list_items"] = {}
for blist in book_lists:
list_items = models.ListItem.objects.filter(book_list=blist).distinct()
book["list_items"][] = list(list_items.values())
# reviews
reviews = models.Review.objects.filter(user=user, book=book["id"]).distinct()
book["reviews"] = list(reviews.values())
# comments
comments = models.Comment.objects.filter(user=user, book=book["id"]).distinct()
book["comments"] = list(comments.values())
# quotes
quotes = models.Quotation.objects.filter(user=user, book=book["id"]).distinct()
book["quotes"] = list(quotes.values())
# append everything
# saved book lists
saved_lists = models.List.objects.filter(id__in=user.saved_lists.all()).distinct()
saved_lists = [l.remote_id for l in saved_lists]
# follows
follows = models.UserFollows.objects.filter(user_subject=user).distinct()
following = models.User.objects.filter(
follows = [f.remote_id for f in following]
# blocks
blocks = models.UserBlocks.objects.filter(user_subject=user).distinct()
blocking = models.User.objects.filter(userblocks_user_object__in=blocks).distinct()
blocks = [b.remote_id for b in blocking]
data = {
"user": exported_user,
"goals": goals_list,
"books": final_books,
"saved_lists": saved_lists,
"follows": follows,
"blocked_users": blocks,
return DjangoJSONEncoder().encode(data)
def get_books_for_user(user):
"""Get all the books and editions related to a user
:returns: tuple of editions, books
all_books = models.Edition.viewer_aware_objects(user)
editions = all_books.filter(
| Q(readthrough__user=user)
| Q(review__user=user)
| Q(list__user=user)
| Q(comment__user=user)
| Q(quotation__user=user)
books = models.Book.objects.filter(id__in=editions).distinct()
return editions, books