Hugh Rundle 5b051631ec
Move MVP
* update User model to allow for moved_to and also_known_as values
* allow users to add aliases (also_known_as) in UI
* allow users to move account to another one (moved_to)
* redirect webfinger to the new account after a move
* present notification to followers inviting to follow at new account

Note: unlike Mastodon we're not running any unfollow/autofollow action here: users can decide for themselves
This makes undoing moves easier.


There is still a bug with incoming Moves, at least from Mastodon.
This seems to be something to do with Update activities (rather than Move, strictly).
2023-09-18 21:21:04 +10:00

120 lines
4.7 KiB

{% extends 'settings/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load utilities %}
{% block title %}{% trans "Users" %}{% endblock %}
{% block header %}
{% if server %}
{% blocktrans with instance_name=server.server_name %}Users: <small>{{ instance_name }}</small>{% endblocktrans %}
<a href="{% url 'settings-users' %}" class="help has-text-weight-normal">Clear filters</a>
{% else %}
{% trans "Users" %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block panel %}
{% include 'settings/users/user_admin_filters.html' %}
<div class="block">
<div class="tabs">
{% url 'settings-users' as url %}
<li {% if request.path in url %}class="is-active" aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ url }}">{% trans "Local users" %}</a>
{% url 'settings-users' status="deleted" as url %}
<li {% if url in request.path %}class="is-active" aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ url }}">{% trans "Deleted users" %}</a>
{% url 'settings-users' status="federated" as url %}
<li {% if url in request.path %}class="is-active" aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ url }}">{% trans "Federated community" %}</a>
<div class="table-container block">
<table class="table is-striped is-fullwidth">
{% url 'settings-users' as url %}
<th colspan="2">
{% trans "Username" as text %}
{% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="username" sort=sort text=text %}
{% trans "Date Added" as text %}
{% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="created_date" sort=sort text=text %}
{% trans "Last Active" as text %}
{% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="last_active_date" sort=sort text=text %}
{% trans "Status" as text %}
{% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="is_active" sort=sort text=text %}
{% if status == "federated" %}
{% trans "Remote instance" as text %}
{% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="federated_server__server_name" sort=sort text=text %}
{% endif %}
{% for user in users %}
<td class="pr-0">
{% include 'snippets/avatar.html' with user=user %}
<td class="overflow-wrap-anywhere pl-1">
<a href="{% url 'settings-user' %}">{{ user|username }}</a>
<td>{{ user.created_date }}</td>
<td>{{ user.last_active_date }}</td>
{% if user.is_active %}
{% if user.moved_to %}
<span class="tag is-info" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="icon icon-x"></span>
{% trans "Moved" %}
{% else %}
<span class="tag is-success" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="icon icon-check"></span>
{% trans "Active" %}
{% endif %}
{% elif user.deactivation_reason == "moderator_deletion" or user.deactivation_reason == "self_deletion" %}
<span class="tag is-danger" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="icon icon-x"></span>
{% trans "Deleted" %}
<span class="help">({{ user.get_deactivation_reason_display }})</span>
{% else %}
<span class="tag is-warning" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="icon icon-x"></span>
{% trans "Inactive" %}
<span class="help">({{ user.get_deactivation_reason_display }})</span>
{% endif %}
{% if status == "federated" %}
{% if user.federated_server %}
<a href="{% url 'settings-federated-server' %}">{{ user.federated_server.server_name }}</a>
{% else %}
<em>{% trans "Not set" %}</em>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% include 'snippets/pagination.html' with page=users path=request.path %}
{% endblock %}