Hugh Rundle 5b051631ec
Move MVP
* update User model to allow for moved_to and also_known_as values
* allow users to add aliases (also_known_as) in UI
* allow users to move account to another one (moved_to)
* redirect webfinger to the new account after a move
* present notification to followers inviting to follow at new account

Note: unlike Mastodon we're not running any unfollow/autofollow action here: users can decide for themselves
This makes undoing moves easier.


There is still a bug with incoming Moves, at least from Mastodon.
This seems to be something to do with Update activities (rather than Move, strictly).
2023-09-18 21:21:04 +10:00

68 lines
2.7 KiB

{% load notification_page_tags %}
{% load humanize %}
{% related_status notification as related_status %}
{% get_related_users notification as related_users %}
{% with related_user_count=notification.related_users.count %}
<div class="notification {% if in unread %}has-background-primary{% endif %}">
<div class="columns is-mobile {% if in unread %}has-text-white{% else %}has-text-more-muted{% endif %}">
<div class="column is-narrow is-size-3">
<a class="icon" href="{% block primary_link %}{% endblock %}">
{% block icon %}{% endblock %}
<div class="column is-clipped">
{% if related_user_count > 1 %}
<div class="block">
<ul class="is-flex">
{% for user in related_users %}
<li class="mr-2">
<a href="{{ user.local_path }}">
{% include 'snippets/avatar.html' with user=user %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="block content">
{% if related_user_count == 1 %}
{% with user=related_users.0 %}
{% spaceless %}
<a href="{{ user.local_path }}" class="mr-2">
{% include 'snippets/avatar.html' with user=user %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% with related_user=related_users.0.display_name %}
{% with related_user_link=related_users.0.local_path %}
{% with related_user_moved_to=related_users.0.moved_to %}
{% with related_user_username=related_users.0.username %}
{% with second_user=related_users.1.display_name %}
{% with second_user_link=related_users.1.local_path %}
{% with other_user_count=related_user_count|add:"-1" %}
{% with other_user_display_count=other_user_count|intcomma %}
{% block description %}{% endblock %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% if related_status %}
<div class="block">
{% block preview %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}