Hugh Rundle 5b051631ec
Move MVP
* update User model to allow for moved_to and also_known_as values
* allow users to add aliases (also_known_as) in UI
* allow users to move account to another one (moved_to)
* redirect webfinger to the new account after a move
* present notification to followers inviting to follow at new account

Note: unlike Mastodon we're not running any unfollow/autofollow action here: users can decide for themselves
This makes undoing moves easier.


There is still a bug with incoming Moves, at least from Mastodon.
This seems to be something to do with Update activities (rather than Move, strictly).
2023-09-18 21:21:04 +10:00

46 lines
1.1 KiB

""" actor serializer """
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict
from .base_activity import ActivityObject
from .image import Image
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
class PublicKey(ActivityObject):
"""public key block"""
owner: str
publicKeyPem: str
type: str = "PublicKey"
def serialize(self, **kwargs):
"""remove fields"""
omit = ("type", "@context")
return super().serialize(omit=omit)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
class Person(ActivityObject):
"""actor activitypub json"""
preferredUsername: str
inbox: str
publicKey: PublicKey
followers: str = None
following: str = None
outbox: str = None
endpoints: Dict = None
name: str = None
summary: str = None
icon: Image = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
bookwyrmUser: bool = False
manuallyApprovesFollowers: str = False
discoverable: str = False
hideFollows: str = False
movedTo: str = None
alsoKnownAs: dict[str] = None
type: str = "Person"