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''' views for pages you can go to in the application '''
import re
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
from django.contrib.postgres.search import TrigramSimilarity
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.db.models import Avg, Q, Max
from django.db.models.functions import Greatest
from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound, JsonResponse
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET
from bookwyrm import outgoing
from bookwyrm import forms, models
from bookwyrm.activitypub import ActivitypubResponse
from bookwyrm.connectors import connector_manager
from bookwyrm.settings import PAGE_LENGTH
from bookwyrm.tasks import app
from bookwyrm.utils import regex
def get_edition(book_id):
''' look up a book in the db and return an edition '''
book = models.Book.objects.select_subclasses().get(id=book_id)
if isinstance(book, models.Work):
book = book.get_default_edition()
return book
def get_user_from_username(username):
''' helper function to resolve a localname or a username to a user '''
# raises DoesNotExist if user is now found
return models.User.objects.get(localname=username)
except models.User.DoesNotExist:
return models.User.objects.get(username=username)
def is_api_request(request):
''' check whether a request is asking for html or data '''
return 'json' in request.headers.get('Accept') or \
request.path[-5:] == '.json'
def is_bookworm_request(request):
''' check if the request is coming from another bookworm instance '''
user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')
if user_agent is None or \
re.search(regex.bookwyrm_user_agent, user_agent) is None:
return False
return True
def server_error_page(request):
''' 500 errors '''
return TemplateResponse(
request, 'error.html', {'title': 'Oops!'}, status=500)
def not_found_page(request, _):
''' 404s '''
return TemplateResponse(
request, 'notfound.html', {'title': 'Not found'}, status=404)
def home(request):
''' this is the same as the feed on the home tab '''
if request.user.is_authenticated:
return home_tab(request, 'home')
return discover_page(request)
def home_tab(request, tab):
''' user's homepage with activity feed '''
page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
except ValueError:
page = 1
suggested_books = get_suggested_books(request.user)
if tab == 'home':
activities = get_activity_feed(
request.user, ['public', 'unlisted', 'followers'],
elif tab == 'local':
activities = get_activity_feed(
request.user, ['public', 'followers'], local_only=True)
activities = get_activity_feed(
request.user, ['public', 'followers'])
paginated = Paginator(activities, PAGE_LENGTH)
activity_page = paginated.page(page)
prev_page = next_page = None
if activity_page.has_next():
next_page = '/%s/?page=%d#feed' % \
(tab, activity_page.next_page_number())
if activity_page.has_previous():
prev_page = '/%s/?page=%d#feed' % \
(tab, activity_page.previous_page_number())
data = {
'title': 'Updates Feed',
'user': request.user,
'suggested_books': suggested_books,
'activities': activity_page.object_list,
'tab': tab,
'next': next_page,
'prev': prev_page,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'feed.html', data)
def get_suggested_books(user, max_books=5):
''' helper to get a user's recent books '''
book_count = 0
preset_shelves = [
('reading', max_books), ('read', 2), ('to-read', max_books)
suggested_books = []
for (preset, shelf_max) in preset_shelves:
limit = shelf_max if shelf_max < (max_books - book_count) \
else max_books - book_count
shelf = user.shelf_set.get(identifier=preset)
shelf_books = shelf.shelfbook_set.order_by(
if not shelf_books:
shelf_preview = {
'name': shelf.name,
'books': [s.book for s in shelf_books]
book_count += len(shelf_preview['books'])
return suggested_books
def discover_page(request):
''' tiled book activity page '''
books = models.Edition.objects.filter(
review__privacy__in=['public', 'unlisted'],
ratings = {}
for book in books:
reviews = models.Review.objects.filter(
reviews = get_activity_feed(
request.user, ['public', 'unlisted'], queryset=reviews)
ratings[book.id] = reviews.aggregate(Avg('rating'))['rating__avg']
data = {
'title': 'Discover',
'register_form': forms.RegisterForm(),
'books': list(set(books)),
'ratings': ratings
return TemplateResponse(request, 'discover.html', data)
def direct_messages_page(request, page=1):
''' like a feed but for dms only '''
activities = get_activity_feed(request.user, 'direct')
paginated = Paginator(activities, PAGE_LENGTH)
activity_page = paginated.page(page)
prev_page = next_page = None
if activity_page.has_next():
next_page = '/direct-message/?page=%d#feed' % \
if activity_page.has_previous():
prev_page = '/direct-messages/?page=%d#feed' % \
data = {
'title': 'Direct Messages',
'user': request.user,
'activities': activity_page.object_list,
'next': next_page,
'prev': prev_page,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'direct_messages.html', data)
def get_activity_feed(
user, privacy, local_only=False, following_only=False,
''' get a filtered queryset of statuses '''
privacy = privacy if isinstance(privacy, list) else [privacy]
# if we're looking at Status, we need this. We don't if it's Comment
if hasattr(queryset, 'select_subclasses'):
queryset = queryset.select_subclasses()
# exclude deleted
queryset = queryset.exclude(deleted=True).order_by('-published_date')
# you can't see followers only or direct messages if you're not logged in
if user.is_anonymous:
privacy = [p for p in privacy if not p in ['followers', 'direct']]
# filter to only privided privacy levels
queryset = queryset.filter(privacy__in=privacy)
# only include statuses the user follows
if following_only:
queryset = queryset.exclude(
~Q(# remove everythign except
Q(user__in=user.following.all()) | # user follwoing
Q(user=user) |# is self
Q(mention_users=user)# mentions user
# exclude followers-only statuses the user doesn't follow
elif 'followers' in privacy:
queryset = queryset.exclude(
~Q(# user isn't following and it isn't their own status
Q(user__in=user.following.all()) | Q(user=user)
privacy='followers' # and the status is followers only
# exclude direct messages not intended for the user
if 'direct' in privacy:
queryset = queryset.exclude(
Q(user=user) | Q(mention_users=user)
), privacy='direct'
# filter for only local status
if local_only:
queryset = queryset.filter(user__local=True)
# remove statuses that have boosts in the same queryset
queryset = queryset.filter(~Q(boosters__in=queryset))
except ValueError:
return queryset
def search(request):
''' that search bar up top '''
query = request.GET.get('q')
min_confidence = request.GET.get('min_confidence', 0.1)
if is_api_request(request):
# only return local book results via json so we don't cause a cascade
book_results = connector_manager.local_search(
query, min_confidence=min_confidence)
return JsonResponse([r.json() for r in book_results], safe=False)
# use webfinger for mastodon style account@domain.com username
if re.match(r'\B%s' % regex.full_username, query):
# do a local user search
user_results = models.User.objects.annotate(
TrigramSimilarity('username', query),
TrigramSimilarity('localname', query),
book_results = connector_manager.search(
query, min_confidence=min_confidence)
data = {
'title': 'Search Results',
'book_results': book_results,
'user_results': user_results,
'query': query,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'search_results.html', data)
def import_page(request):
''' import history from goodreads '''
return TemplateResponse(request, 'import.html', {
'title': 'Import Books',
'import_form': forms.ImportForm(),
'jobs': models.ImportJob.
def import_status(request, job_id):
''' status of an import job '''
job = models.ImportJob.objects.get(id=job_id)
if job.user != request.user:
raise PermissionDenied
task = app.AsyncResult(job.task_id)
items = job.items.order_by('index').all()
failed_items = [i for i in items if i.fail_reason]
items = [i for i in items if not i.fail_reason]
return TemplateResponse(request, 'import_status.html', {
'title': 'Import Status',
'job': job,
'items': items,
'failed_items': failed_items,
'task': task
def login_page(request):
''' authentication '''
if request.user.is_authenticated:
return redirect('/')
# send user to the login page
data = {
'title': 'Login',
'login_form': forms.LoginForm(),
'register_form': forms.RegisterForm(),
return TemplateResponse(request, 'login.html', data)
def about_page(request):
''' more information about the instance '''
data = {
'title': 'About',
return TemplateResponse(request, 'about.html', data)
def password_reset_request(request):
''' invite management page '''
return TemplateResponse(
{'title': 'Reset Password'}
def password_reset(request, code):
''' endpoint for sending invites '''
if request.user.is_authenticated:
return redirect('/')
reset_code = models.PasswordReset.objects.get(code=code)
if not reset_code.valid():
raise PermissionDenied
except models.PasswordReset.DoesNotExist:
raise PermissionDenied
return TemplateResponse(
{'title': 'Reset Password', 'code': reset_code.code}
def invite_page(request, code):
''' endpoint for sending invites '''
if request.user.is_authenticated:
return redirect('/')
invite = get_object_or_404(models.SiteInvite, code=code)
data = {
'title': 'Join',
'register_form': forms.RegisterForm(),
'invite': invite,
'valid': invite.valid() if invite else True,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'invite.html', data)
@permission_required('bookwyrm.create_invites', raise_exception=True)
def manage_invites(request):
''' invite management page '''
data = {
'title': 'Invitations',
'invites': models.SiteInvite.objects.filter(
'form': forms.CreateInviteForm(),
return TemplateResponse(request, 'manage_invites.html', data)
def notifications_page(request):
''' list notitications '''
notifications = request.user.notification_set.all() \
unread = [n.id for n in notifications.filter(read=False)]
data = {
'title': 'Notifications',
'notifications': notifications,
'unread': unread,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'notifications.html', data)
def user_page(request, username):
''' profile page for a user '''
user = get_user_from_username(username)
except models.User.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
if is_api_request(request):
# we have a json request
return ActivitypubResponse(user.to_activity())
# otherwise we're at a UI view
page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
except ValueError:
page = 1
shelf_preview = []
# only show other shelves that should be visible
shelves = user.shelf_set
is_self = request.user.id == user.id
if not is_self:
follower = user.followers.filter(id=request.user.id).exists()
if follower:
shelves = shelves.filter(privacy__in=['public', 'followers'])
shelves = shelves.filter(privacy='public')
for user_shelf in shelves.all():
if not user_shelf.books.count():
'name': user_shelf.name,
'local_path': user_shelf.local_path,
'books': user_shelf.books.all()[:3],
'size': user_shelf.books.count(),
if len(shelf_preview) > 2:
# user's posts
activities = get_activity_feed(
['public', 'unlisted', 'followers'],
paginated = Paginator(activities, PAGE_LENGTH)
activity_page = paginated.page(page)
prev_page = next_page = None
if activity_page.has_next():
next_page = '/user/%s/?page=%d' % \
(username, activity_page.next_page_number())
if activity_page.has_previous():
prev_page = '/user/%s/?page=%d' % \
(username, activity_page.previous_page_number())
data = {
'title': user.name,
'user': user,
'is_self': is_self,
'shelves': shelf_preview,
'shelf_count': shelves.count(),
'activities': activity_page.object_list,
'next': next_page,
'prev': prev_page,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'user.html', data)
def followers_page(request, username):
''' list of followers '''
user = get_user_from_username(username)
except models.User.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(user.to_followers_activity(**request.GET))
data = {
'title': '%s: followers' % user.name,
'user': user,
'is_self': request.user.id == user.id,
'followers': user.followers.all(),
return TemplateResponse(request, 'followers.html', data)
def following_page(request, username):
''' list of followers '''
user = get_user_from_username(username)
except models.User.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(user.to_following_activity(**request.GET))
data = {
'title': '%s: following' % user.name,
'user': user,
'is_self': request.user.id == user.id,
'following': user.following.all(),
return TemplateResponse(request, 'following.html', data)
def status_page(request, username, status_id):
''' display a particular status (and replies, etc) '''
user = get_user_from_username(username)
status = models.Status.objects.select_subclasses().get(id=status_id)
except ValueError:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
# the url should have the poster's username in it
if user != status.user:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
# make sure the user is authorized to see the status
if not status_visible_to_user(request.user, status):
return HttpResponseNotFound()
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(
status.to_activity(pure=not is_bookworm_request(request)))
data = {
'title': 'Status by %s' % user.username,
'status': status,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'status.html', data)
def status_visible_to_user(viewer, status):
''' is a user authorized to view a status? '''
if viewer == status.user or status.privacy in ['public', 'unlisted']:
return True
if status.privacy == 'followers' and \
return True
if status.privacy == 'direct' and \
return True
return False
def replies_page(request, username, status_id):
''' ordered collection of replies to a status '''
if not is_api_request(request):
return status_page(request, username, status_id)
status = models.Status.objects.get(id=status_id)
if status.user.localname != username:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
return ActivitypubResponse(status.to_replies(**request.GET))
def edit_profile_page(request):
''' profile page for a user '''
user = request.user
form = forms.EditUserForm(instance=request.user)
data = {
'title': 'Edit profile',
'form': form,
'user': user,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'edit_user.html', data)
def book_page(request, book_id):
''' info about a book '''
page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
except ValueError:
page = 1
book = models.Book.objects.select_subclasses().get(id=book_id)
except models.Book.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(book.to_activity())
if isinstance(book, models.Work):
book = book.get_default_edition()
if not book:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
work = book.parent_work
if not work:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
reviews = models.Review.objects.filter(
# all reviews for the book
reviews = get_activity_feed(
['public', 'unlisted', 'followers', 'direct'],
# the reviews to show
paginated = Paginator(reviews.exclude(
Q(content__isnull=True) | Q(content='')
reviews_page = paginated.page(page)
prev_page = next_page = None
if reviews_page.has_next():
next_page = '/book/%d/?page=%d' % \
(book_id, reviews_page.next_page_number())
if reviews_page.has_previous():
prev_page = '/book/%s/?page=%d' % \
(book_id, reviews_page.previous_page_number())
user_tags = readthroughs = user_shelves = other_edition_shelves = []
if request.user.is_authenticated:
user_tags = models.UserTag.objects.filter(
book=book, user=request.user
).values_list('tag__identifier', flat=True)
readthroughs = models.ReadThrough.objects.filter(
user_shelves = models.ShelfBook.objects.filter(
added_by=request.user, book=book
other_edition_shelves = models.ShelfBook.objects.filter(
data = {
'title': book.title,
'book': book,
'reviews': reviews_page,
'review_count': reviews.count(),
'ratings': reviews.filter(Q(content__isnull=True) | Q(content='')),
'rating': reviews.aggregate(Avg('rating'))['rating__avg'],
'tags': models.UserTag.objects.filter(book=book),
'user_tags': user_tags,
'user_shelves': user_shelves,
'other_edition_shelves': other_edition_shelves,
'readthroughs': readthroughs,
'path': '/book/%s' % book_id,
'next': next_page,
'prev': prev_page,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'book.html', data)
@permission_required('bookwyrm.edit_book', raise_exception=True)
def edit_book_page(request, book_id):
''' info about a book '''
book = get_edition(book_id)
if not book.description:
book.description = book.parent_work.description
data = {
'title': 'Edit Book',
'book': book,
'form': forms.EditionForm(instance=book)
return TemplateResponse(request, 'edit_book.html', data)
@permission_required('bookwyrm.edit_book', raise_exception=True)
def edit_author_page(request, author_id):
''' info about a book '''
author = get_object_or_404(models.Author, id=author_id)
data = {
'title': 'Edit Author',
'author': author,
'form': forms.AuthorForm(instance=author)
return TemplateResponse(request, 'edit_author.html', data)
def editions_page(request, book_id):
''' list of editions of a book '''
work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=book_id)
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(work.to_edition_list(**request.GET))
data = {
'title': 'Editions of %s' % work.title,
'editions': work.editions.all(),
'work': work,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'editions.html', data)
def author_page(request, author_id):
''' landing page for an author '''
author = get_object_or_404(models.Author, id=author_id)
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(author.to_activity())
books = models.Work.objects.filter(
Q(authors=author) | Q(editions__authors=author)).distinct()
data = {
'title': author.name,
'author': author,
'books': [b.get_default_edition() for b in books],
return TemplateResponse(request, 'author.html', data)
def tag_page(request, tag_id):
''' books related to a tag '''
tag_obj = models.Tag.objects.filter(identifier=tag_id).first()
if not tag_obj:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(tag_obj.to_activity(**request.GET))
books = models.Edition.objects.filter(
data = {
'title': tag_obj.name,
'books': books,
'tag': tag_obj,
return TemplateResponse(request, 'tag.html', data)
def user_shelves_page(request, username):
''' list of followers '''
return shelf_page(request, username, None)
def shelf_page(request, username, shelf_identifier):
''' display a shelf '''
user = get_user_from_username(username)
except models.User.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
if shelf_identifier:
shelf = user.shelf_set.get(identifier=shelf_identifier)
shelf = user.shelf_set.first()
is_self = request.user == user
shelves = user.shelf_set
if not is_self:
follower = user.followers.filter(id=request.user.id).exists()
# make sure the user has permission to view the shelf
if shelf.privacy == 'direct' or \
(shelf.privacy == 'followers' and not follower):
return HttpResponseNotFound()
# only show other shelves that should be visible
if follower:
shelves = shelves.filter(privacy__in=['public', 'followers'])
shelves = shelves.filter(privacy='public')
if is_api_request(request):
return ActivitypubResponse(shelf.to_activity(**request.GET))
books = models.ShelfBook.objects.filter(
added_by=user, shelf=shelf
data = {
'title': '%s\'s %s shelf' % (user.display_name, shelf.name),
'user': user,
'is_self': is_self,
'shelves': shelves.all(),
'shelf': shelf,
'books': [b.book for b in books],
return TemplateResponse(request, 'shelf.html', data)