mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 05:46:19 +00:00
Merge branch 'production' into open-telemetry
This commit is contained in:
260 changed files with 22833 additions and 7259 deletions
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
# Used for deciding which editions to prefer
## Leave unset to allow all hosts
# ALLOWED_HOSTS="localhost,,[::1]"
# Redis activity stream manager
# Redis as celery broker
# Thumbnails Generation
# S3 configuration
# Commented are example values if you use a non-AWS, S3-compatible service
# AWS S3 should work with only AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME and AWS_S3_REGION_NAME
# non-AWS S3-compatible services will need AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME,
# along with both AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN and AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL
# AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME= # "example-bucket-name"
# AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN=None # "example-bucket-name.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud"
# AWS_S3_REGION_NAME=None # "fr-par"
# AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL=None # "https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud"
# Preview image generation can be computing and storage intensive
# Specify RGB tuple or RGB hex strings,
# or use_dominant_color_light / use_dominant_color_dark
# Change to #FFF if you use use_dominant_color_dark
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ DEFAULT_LANGUAGE="English"
# Database configuration
@ -32,16 +33,25 @@ REDIS_ACTIVITY_PASSWORD=redispassword345
# Monitoring for celery
# Email config
# defaults to DOMAIN
# Query timeouts
# Thumbnails Generation
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ jobs:
EMAIL_HOST: "smtp.mailgun.org"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# @url https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions
name: JavaScript Prettier (run ./bw-dev prettier to fix)
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
name: Lint with Prettier
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it.
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install modules
run: npm install .
# See .stylelintignore for files that are not linted.
- name: Run Prettier
run: npx prettier --check bookwyrm/static/js/*.js
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ module.exports = {
"indentation": 4
"indentation": 4,
"property-no-vendor-prefix": null,
"color-function-notation": null,
"declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties": null,
@ -397,9 +397,15 @@ def populate_streams_on_account_create(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwarg
"""build a user's feeds when they join"""
if not created or not instance.local:
lambda: populate_streams_on_account_create_command(instance.id)
def populate_streams_on_account_create_command(instance_id):
"""wait for the transaction to complete"""
for stream in streams:
populate_stream_task.delay(stream, instance.id)
populate_stream_task.delay(stream, instance_id)
@receiver(signals.pre_save, sender=models.ShelfBook)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class AbstractMinimalConnector(ABC):
for field in self_fields:
setattr(self, field, getattr(info, field))
def search(self, query, min_confidence=None, timeout=5):
def search(self, query, min_confidence=None, timeout=settings.QUERY_TIMEOUT):
"""free text search"""
params = {}
if min_confidence:
@ -52,12 +52,13 @@ class AbstractMinimalConnector(ABC):
return results
def isbn_search(self, query):
def isbn_search(self, query, timeout=settings.QUERY_TIMEOUT):
"""isbn search"""
params = {}
data = self.get_search_data(
results = []
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from django.db.models import signals
from requests import HTTPError
from bookwyrm import book_search, models
from bookwyrm.settings import SEARCH_TIMEOUT
from bookwyrm.tasks import app
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ def search(query, min_confidence=0.1, return_first=False):
isbn = re.sub(r"[\W_]", "", query)
maybe_isbn = len(isbn) in [10, 13] # ISBN10 or ISBN13
timeout = 15
start_time = datetime.now()
for connector in get_connectors():
result_set = None
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def search(query, min_confidence=0.1, return_first=False):
"results": result_set,
if (datetime.now() - start_time).seconds >= timeout:
if (datetime.now() - start_time).seconds >= SEARCH_TIMEOUT:
if return_first:
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def format_email(email_name, data):
def send_email(recipient, subject, html_content, text_content):
"""use a task to send the email"""
email = EmailMultiAlternatives(
subject, text_content, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [recipient]
subject, text_content, settings.EMAIL_SENDER, [recipient]
email.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ class LibrarythingImporter(Importer):
"""use the dataclass to create the formatted row of data"""
remove_brackets = lambda v: re.sub(r"\[|\]", "", v) if v else None
normalized = {k: remove_brackets(entry.get(v)) for k, v in mappings.items()}
isbn_13 = normalized["isbn_13"].split(", ")
isbn_13 = normalized.get("isbn_13")
isbn_13 = isbn_13.split(", ") if isbn_13 else []
normalized["isbn_13"] = isbn_13[1] if len(isbn_13) > 0 else None
return normalized
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
""" access the list streams stored in redis """
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import signals, Count, Q
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.redis_store import RedisStore
from bookwyrm.tasks import app, MEDIUM, HIGH
class ListsStream(RedisStore):
"""all the lists you can see"""
def stream_id(self, user): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""the redis key for this user's instance of this stream"""
if isinstance(user, int):
# allows the function to take an int or an obj
return f"{user}-lists"
return f"{user.id}-lists"
def get_rank(self, obj): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""lists are sorted by updated date"""
return obj.updated_date.timestamp()
def add_list(self, book_list):
"""add a list to users' feeds"""
# the pipeline contains all the add-to-stream activities
def add_user_lists(self, viewer, user):
"""add a user's lists to another user's feed"""
# only add the lists that the viewer should be able to see
lists = models.List.privacy_filter(viewer).filter(user=user)
self.bulk_add_objects_to_store(lists, self.stream_id(viewer))
def remove_user_lists(self, viewer, user, exclude_privacy=None):
"""remove a user's list from another user's feed"""
# remove all so that followers only lists are removed
lists = user.list_set
if exclude_privacy:
lists = lists.exclude(privacy=exclude_privacy)
self.bulk_remove_objects_from_store(lists.all(), self.stream_id(viewer))
def get_list_stream(self, user):
"""load the lists to be displayed"""
lists = self.get_store(self.stream_id(user))
return (
.annotate(item_count=Count("listitem", filter=Q(listitem__approved=True)))
# hide lists with no approved books
def populate_lists(self, user):
"""go from zero to a timeline"""
def get_audience(self, book_list): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""given a list, what users should see it"""
# everybody who could plausibly see this list
audience = models.User.objects.filter(
local=True, # we only create feeds for users of this instance
).exclude( # not blocked
Q(id__in=book_list.user.blocks.all()) | Q(blocks=book_list.user)
group = book_list.group
# only visible to the poster and mentioned users
if book_list.privacy == "direct":
if group:
audience = audience.filter(
Q(id=book_list.user.id) # if the user is the post's author
| ~Q(groups=group.memberships) # if the user is in the group
audience = audience.filter(
Q(id=book_list.user.id) # if the user is the post's author
# only visible to the poster's followers and tagged users
elif book_list.privacy == "followers":
if group:
audience = audience.filter(
Q(id=book_list.user.id) # if the user is the list's owner
| Q(following=book_list.user) # if the user is following the pwmer
# if a user is in the group
| Q(memberships__group__id=book_list.group.id)
audience = audience.filter(
Q(id=book_list.user.id) # if the user is the list's owner
| Q(following=book_list.user) # if the user is following the pwmer
return audience.distinct()
def get_stores_for_object(self, obj):
return [self.stream_id(u) for u in self.get_audience(obj)]
def get_lists_for_user(self, user): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""given a user, what lists should they see on this stream"""
return models.List.privacy_filter(
privacy_levels=["public", "followers"],
def get_objects_for_store(self, store):
user = models.User.objects.get(id=store.split("-")[0])
return self.get_lists_for_user(user)
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.List)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def add_list_on_create(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
"""add newly created lists streamsstreams"""
if not created:
# when creating new things, gotta wait on the transaction
transaction.on_commit(lambda: add_list_on_create_command(instance.id))
@receiver(signals.post_delete, sender=models.List)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def remove_list_on_delete(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""remove deleted lists to streams"""
def add_list_on_create_command(instance_id):
"""runs this code only after the database commit completes"""
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.UserFollows)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def add_lists_on_follow(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
"""add a newly followed user's lists to feeds"""
if not created or not instance.user_subject.local:
add_user_lists_task.delay(instance.user_subject.id, instance.user_object.id)
@receiver(signals.post_delete, sender=models.UserFollows)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def remove_lists_on_unfollow(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""remove lists from a feed on unfollow"""
if not instance.user_subject.local:
# remove all but public lists
instance.user_subject.id, instance.user_object.id, exclude_privacy="public"
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.UserBlocks)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def remove_lists_on_block(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""remove lists from all feeds on block"""
# blocks apply ot all feeds
if instance.user_subject.local:
remove_user_lists_task.delay(instance.user_subject.id, instance.user_object.id)
# and in both directions
if instance.user_object.local:
remove_user_lists_task.delay(instance.user_object.id, instance.user_subject.id)
@receiver(signals.post_delete, sender=models.UserBlocks)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def add_lists_on_unblock(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""add lists back to all feeds on unblock"""
# make sure there isn't a block in the other direction
if models.UserBlocks.objects.filter(
# add lists back to streams with lists from anyone
if instance.user_subject.local:
# add lists back to streams with lists from anyone
if instance.user_object.local:
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.User)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def populate_lists_on_account_create(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
"""build a user's feeds when they join"""
if not created or not instance.local:
transaction.on_commit(lambda: add_list_on_account_create_command(instance.id))
def add_list_on_account_create_command(user_id):
"""wait for the transaction to complete"""
# ---- TASKS
def populate_lists_task(user_id):
"""background task for populating an empty list stream"""
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
def remove_list_task(list_id):
"""remove a list from any stream it might be in"""
stores = models.User.objects.filter(local=True, is_active=True).values_list(
"id", flat=True
# delete for every store
stores = [ListsStream().stream_id(idx) for idx in stores]
ListsStream().remove_object_from_related_stores(list_id, stores=stores)
def add_list_task(list_id):
"""add a list to any stream it should be in"""
book_list = models.List.objects.get(id=list_id)
def remove_user_lists_task(viewer_id, user_id, exclude_privacy=None):
"""remove all lists by a user from a viewer's stream"""
viewer = models.User.objects.get(id=viewer_id)
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
ListsStream().remove_user_lists(viewer, user, exclude_privacy=exclude_privacy)
def add_user_lists_task(viewer_id, user_id):
"""add all lists by a user to a viewer's stream"""
viewer = models.User.objects.get(id=viewer_id)
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
ListsStream().add_user_lists(viewer, user)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
""" Re-create list streams """
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from bookwyrm import lists_stream, models
def populate_lists_streams():
"""build all the lists streams for all the users"""
print("Populating lists streams")
users = models.User.objects.filter(
print("This may take a long time! Please be patient.")
for user in users:
print(".", end="")
print("\nAll done, thank you for your patience!")
class Command(BaseCommand):
"""start all over with lists streams"""
help = "Populate list streams for all users"
def add_arguments(self, parser):
help="Specifies which time of stream to populate",
# pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument
def handle(self, *args, **options):
"""run feed builder"""
@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
""" Re-create user streams """
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from bookwyrm import activitystreams, models
from bookwyrm import activitystreams, lists_stream, models
def populate_streams(stream=None):
"""build all the streams for all the users"""
streams = [stream] if stream else activitystreams.streams.keys()
print("Populations streams", streams)
print("Populating streams", streams)
users = models.User.objects.filter(
print("This may take a long time! Please be patient.")
for user in users:
print(".", end="")
for stream_key in streams:
print(".", end="")
activitystreams.populate_stream_task.delay(stream_key, user.id)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Generated by Django 3.2.5 on 2022-01-04 18:59
import bookwyrm.models.user
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("bookwyrm", "0121_user_summary_keys"),
operations = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Generated by Django 3.2.5 on 2022-01-04 22:31
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("bookwyrm", "0122_alter_annualgoal_year"),
operations = [
("en-us", "English"),
("de-de", "Deutsch (German)"),
("es-es", "Español (Spanish)"),
("gl-es", "Galego (Galician)"),
("fr-fr", "Français (French)"),
("lt-lt", "Lietuvių (Lithuanian)"),
("pt-br", "Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)"),
("pt-pt", "Português Europeu (European Portuguese)"),
("zh-hans", "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)"),
("zh-hant", "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Generated by Django 3.2.10 on 2022-01-06 17:59
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
from django.db import migrations
def get_admins(apps, schema_editor):
"""add any superusers to the "admin" group"""
db_alias = schema_editor.connection.alias
groups = apps.get_model("auth", "Group")
group = groups.objects.using(db_alias).get(name="admin")
except groups.DoesNotExist:
# for tests
users = apps.get_model("bookwyrm", "User")
admins = users.objects.using(db_alias).filter(is_superuser=True)
for admin in admins:
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("bookwyrm", "0123_alter_user_preferred_language"),
operations = [
migrations.RunPython(get_admins, reverse_code=migrations.RunPython.noop),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Generated by Django 3.2.10 on 2022-01-09 01:06
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("bookwyrm", "0124_auto_20220106_1759"),
operations = [
("en-us", "English"),
("de-de", "Deutsch (German)"),
("es-es", "Español (Spanish)"),
("gl-es", "Galego (Galician)"),
("it-it", "Italiano (Italian)"),
("fr-fr", "Français (French)"),
("lt-lt", "Lietuvių (Lithuanian)"),
("no-no", "Norsk (Norwegian)"),
("pt-br", "Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)"),
("pt-pt", "Português Europeu (European Portuguese)"),
("zh-hans", "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)"),
("zh-hant", "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"),
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
""" database schema for info about authors """
import re
from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.cache.utils import make_template_fragment_key
from django.db import models
from bookwyrm import activitypub
@ -34,6 +36,17 @@ class Author(BookDataModel):
bio = fields.HtmlField(null=True, blank=True)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""clear related template caches"""
# clear template caches
if self.id:
cache_keys = [
make_template_fragment_key("titleby", [book])
for book in self.book_set.values_list("id", flat=True)
return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def isni_link(self):
"""generate the url from the isni id"""
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ class BookWyrmModel(models.Model):
# you can see groups of which you are a member
if (
hasattr(self, "memberships")
and viewer.is_authenticated
and self.memberships.filter(user=viewer).exists()
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import re
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchVectorField
from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.cache.utils import make_template_fragment_key
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Prefetch
from django.dispatch import receiver
@ -185,6 +187,11 @@ class Book(BookDataModel):
"""can't be abstract for query reasons, but you shouldn't USE it"""
if not isinstance(self, Edition) and not isinstance(self, Work):
raise ValueError("Books should be added as Editions or Works")
# clear template caches
cache_key = make_template_fragment_key("titleby", [self.id])
return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def get_remote_id(self):
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
""" defines relationships between users """
from django.apps import apps
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.cache.utils import make_template_fragment_key
from django.db import models, transaction, IntegrityError
from django.db.models import Q
@ -36,6 +38,20 @@ class UserRelationship(BookWyrmModel):
"""the remote user needs to recieve direct broadcasts"""
return [u for u in [self.user_subject, self.user_object] if not u.local]
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""clear the template cache"""
# invalidate the template cache
cache_keys = [
"follow_button", [self.user_subject.id, self.user_object.id]
"follow_button", [self.user_object.id, self.user_subject.id]
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
"""relationships should be unique"""
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class Status(OrderedCollectionPageMixin, BookWyrmModel):
if not self.reply_parent:
self.thread_id = self.id
super().save(broadcast=False, update_fields=["thread_id"])
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
@ -415,12 +415,17 @@ class KeyPair(ActivitypubMixin, BookWyrmModel):
return activity_object
def get_current_year():
"""sets default year for annual goal to this year"""
return timezone.now().year
class AnnualGoal(BookWyrmModel):
"""set a goal for how many books you read in a year"""
user = models.ForeignKey("User", on_delete=models.PROTECT)
goal = models.IntegerField(validators=[MinValueValidator(1)])
year = models.IntegerField(default=timezone.now().year)
year = models.IntegerField(default=get_current_year)
privacy = models.CharField(
max_length=255, default="public", choices=fields.PrivacyLevels.choices
@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ class RedisStore(ABC):
# add the status to the feed
pipeline.zadd(store, value)
# trim the store
pipeline.zremrangebyrank(store, 0, -1 * self.max_length)
if self.max_length:
pipeline.zremrangebyrank(store, 0, -1 * self.max_length)
if not execute:
return pipeline
# and go!
@ -38,10 +39,15 @@ class RedisStore(ABC):
def remove_object_from_related_stores(self, obj, stores=None):
"""remove an object from all stores"""
# if the stoers are provided, the object can just be an id
if stores and isinstance(obj, int):
obj_id = obj
obj_id = obj.id
stores = self.get_stores_for_object(obj) if stores is None else stores
pipeline = r.pipeline()
for store in stores:
pipeline.zrem(store, -1, obj.id)
pipeline.zrem(store, -1, obj_id)
def bulk_add_objects_to_store(self, objs, store):
@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ class RedisStore(ABC):
pipeline = r.pipeline()
for obj in objs[: self.max_length]:
pipeline.zadd(store, self.get_value(obj))
if objs:
if objs and self.max_length:
pipeline.zremrangebyrank(store, 0, -1 * self.max_length)
@ -73,7 +79,7 @@ class RedisStore(ABC):
pipeline.zadd(store, self.get_value(obj))
# only trim the store if objects were added
if queryset.exists():
if queryset.exists() and self.max_length:
pipeline.zremrangebyrank(store, 0, -1 * self.max_length)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
env = Env()
VERSION = "0.1.0"
VERSION = "0.1.1"
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ EMAIL_HOST_USER = env("EMAIL_HOST_USER")
EMAIL_USE_TLS = env.bool("EMAIL_USE_TLS", True)
EMAIL_USE_SSL = env.bool("EMAIL_USE_SSL", False)
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
@ -119,15 +121,43 @@ STREAMS = [
{"key": "books", "name": _("Books Timeline"), "shortname": _("Books")},
# Search configuration
# total time in seconds that the instance will spend searching connectors
# timeout for a query to an individual connector
# Redis cache backend
if env("USE_DUMMY_CACHE", False):
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache",
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient",
SESSION_ENGINE = "django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache"
# Database
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#databases
"default": {
"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",
"NAME": env("POSTGRES_DB", "fedireads"),
"USER": env("POSTGRES_USER", "fedireads"),
"PASSWORD": env("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "fedireads"),
"NAME": env("POSTGRES_DB", "bookwyrm"),
"USER": env("POSTGRES_USER", "bookwyrm"),
"PASSWORD": env("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "bookwyrm"),
"HOST": env("POSTGRES_HOST", ""),
"PORT": env("PGPORT", 5432),
@ -166,9 +196,12 @@ LANGUAGES = [
("de-de", _("Deutsch (German)")),
("es-es", _("Español (Spanish)")),
("gl-es", _("Galego (Galician)")),
("it-it", _("Italiano (Italian)")),
("fr-fr", _("Français (French)")),
("lt-lt", _("Lietuvių (Lithuanian)")),
("pt-br", _("Português - Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)")),
("no-no", _("Norsk (Norwegian)")),
("pt-br", _("Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)")),
("pt-pt", _("Português Europeu (European Portuguese)")),
("zh-hans", _("简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)")),
("zh-hant", _("繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)")),
@ -189,6 +222,7 @@ USER_AGENT = f"{agent} (BookWyrm/{VERSION}; +https://{DOMAIN}/)"
# Imagekit generated thumbnails
IMAGEKIT_DEFAULT_CACHEFILE_STRATEGY = "bookwyrm.thumbnail_generation.Strategy"
# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/howto/static-files/
@ -8,6 +8,44 @@ body {
flex-direction: column;
button {
border: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: auto;
overflow: visible;
background: transparent;
/* inherit font, color & alignment from ancestor */
color: inherit;
font: inherit;
text-align: inherit;
/* Normalize `line-height`. Cannot be changed from `normal` in Firefox 4+. */
line-height: normal;
/* Corrects font smoothing for webkit */
-webkit-font-smoothing: inherit;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: inherit;
/* Corrects inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS */
-webkit-appearance: none;
/* Generalizes pointer cursor */
cursor: pointer;
button::-moz-focus-inner {
/* Remove excess padding and border in Firefox 4+ */
border: 0;
padding: 0;
/* Better accessibility for keyboard users */
*:focus-visible {
outline-style: auto !important;
.image {
overflow: hidden;
@ -29,10 +67,38 @@ body {
overflow-x: auto;
.modal-card {
pointer-events: none;
.modal-card > * {
pointer-events: all;
/* stylelint-disable no-descending-specificity */
.modal-card:focus {
outline-style: auto;
.modal-card:focus:not(:focus-visible) {
outline-style: initial;
.modal-card:focus-visible {
outline-style: auto;
/* stylelint-enable no-descending-specificity */
.modal-card.is-fullwidth {
min-width: 75% !important;
@media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
.modal-card.is-thin {
width: 350px !important;
.modal-card-body {
max-height: 70vh;
@ -69,6 +135,18 @@ body {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ededed;
border-right: 0;
.is-flex-direction-row-mobile {
flex-direction: row !important;
.is-flex-direction-column-mobile {
flex-direction: column !important;
.tag.is-small {
height: auto;
.button.is-transparent {
@ -93,10 +171,34 @@ body {
display: inline !important;
button .button-invisible-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 1rem;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 66%);
color: white;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.2s ease;
button:hover .button-invisible-overlay,
button:active .button-invisible-overlay,
button:focus-visible .button-invisible-overlay {
opacity: 1;
/** File input styles
input[type=file]::file-selector-button {
input[type="file"]::file-selector-button {
-moz-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
background-color: #fff;
@ -117,7 +219,7 @@ input[type=file]::file-selector-button {
white-space: nowrap;
input[type=file]::file-selector-button:hover {
input[type="file"]::file-selector-button:hover {
border-color: #b5b5b5;
color: #363636;
@ -125,7 +227,7 @@ input[type=file]::file-selector-button:hover {
/** General `details` element styles
summary {
details summary {
cursor: pointer;
@ -133,22 +235,22 @@ summary::-webkit-details-marker {
display: none;
summary::marker {
details summary::marker {
content: none;
.detail-pinned-button summary {
details.detail-pinned-button summary {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
.detail-pinned-button form {
details.detail-pinned-button form {
float: left;
width: -webkit-fill-available;
width: 100%;
margin-top: 1em;
/** Details dropdown
/** Dropdown w/ Details element
details.dropdown[open] summary.dropdown-trigger::before {
@ -160,11 +262,11 @@ details.dropdown[open] summary.dropdown-trigger::before {
right: 0;
details .dropdown-menu {
details.dropdown .dropdown-menu {
display: block !important;
details .dropdown-menu button {
details.dropdown .dropdown-menu button {
/* Fix weird Safari defaults */
box-sizing: border-box;
@ -177,7 +279,7 @@ details.dropdown .dropdown-menu a:focus-visible {
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
details.dropdown[open] summary.dropdown-trigger::before {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 50%);
z-index: 30;
@ -199,13 +301,53 @@ details.dropdown .dropdown-menu a:focus-visible {
/** Details panel
details.details-panel {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);
transition: box-shadow 0.2s ease;
padding: 0.75rem;
details.details-panel:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 20%);
details.details-panel summary {
position: relative;
details.details-panel summary .details-close {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
transform: rotate(45deg);
transition: transform 0.2s ease;
details[open].details-panel summary .details-close {
transform: rotate(0deg);
@media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
.details-panel .filters-field:not(:last-child) {
border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);
margin-top: 0.75rem;
margin-bottom: 0.75rem;
padding-top: 0.25rem;
padding-bottom: 0.25rem;
/** Shelving
/** @todo Replace icons with SVG symbols.
@see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xXBYcWgCHA */
.shelf-option:disabled > *::after {
font-family: "icomoon"; /* stylelint-disable font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword */
font-family: icomoon; /* stylelint-disable font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword */
content: "\e919"; /* icon-check */
margin-left: 0.5em;
@ -213,14 +355,14 @@ details.dropdown .dropdown-menu a:focus-visible {
/** Toggles
.toggle-button[aria-pressed=true]:hover {
background-color: hsl(171, 100%, 41%);
.toggle-button[aria-pressed="true"]:hover {
background-color: hsl(171deg, 100%, 41%);
color: white;
.hide-inactive[aria-pressed=false] {
.hide-inactive[aria-pressed="false"] {
display: none;
@ -277,36 +419,36 @@ details.dropdown .dropdown-menu a:focus-visible {
/* All stars are visually filled by default. */
.form-rate-stars .icon::before {
content: '\e9d9'; /* icon-star-full */
content: "\e9d9"; /* icon-star-full */
/* Icons directly following half star inputs are marked as half */
.form-rate-stars input.half:checked ~ .icon::before {
content: '\e9d8'; /* icon-star-half */
content: "\e9d8"; /* icon-star-half */
/* stylelint-disable no-descending-specificity */
.form-rate-stars input.half:checked + input + .icon:hover::before {
content: '\e9d8' !important; /* icon-star-half */
content: "\e9d8" !important; /* icon-star-half */
/* Icons directly following half check inputs that follow the checked input are emptied. */
.form-rate-stars input.half:checked + input + .icon ~ .icon::before {
content: '\e9d7'; /* icon-star-empty */
content: "\e9d7"; /* icon-star-empty */
/* Icons directly following inputs that follow the checked input are emptied. */
.form-rate-stars input:checked ~ input + .icon::before {
content: '\e9d7'; /* icon-star-empty */
content: "\e9d7"; /* icon-star-empty */
/* When a label is hovered, repeat the fill-all-then-empty-following pattern. */
.form-rate-stars:hover .icon.icon::before {
content: '\e9d9' !important; /* icon-star-full */
content: "\e9d9" !important; /* icon-star-full */
.form-rate-stars .icon:hover ~ .icon::before {
content: '\e9d7' !important; /* icon-star-empty */
content: "\e9d7" !important; /* icon-star-empty */
/** Book covers
@ -374,6 +516,8 @@ details.dropdown .dropdown-menu a:focus-visible {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 1em;
white-space: initial;
text-align: center;
@ -412,7 +556,7 @@ details.dropdown .dropdown-menu a:focus-visible {
.quote > blockquote::before,
.quote > blockquote::after {
font-family: 'icomoon';
font-family: icomoon;
position: absolute;
@ -612,8 +756,8 @@ ol.ordered-list li::before {
.books-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10em, 1fr));
gap: 1.5rem;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
gap: 1rem;
align-items: end;
justify-items: stretch;
@ -622,7 +766,6 @@ ol.ordered-list li::before {
grid-column: span 2;
grid-row: span 2;
justify-self: stretch;
padding: 1.5rem 1.5rem 0;
.books-grid .book-cover {
@ -638,6 +781,13 @@ ol.ordered-list li::before {
min-height: calc(2 * var(--height-basis));
@media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
.books-grid {
gap: 1.5rem;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(8em, 1fr));
/* Copy
@ -1051,3 +1201,93 @@ ol.ordered-list li::before {
margin-bottom: 0.75rem !important;
/* Gaps (for Flexbox and Grid)
* Those are supplementary rules to Bulma’s. They follow the same conventions.
* Add those you’ll need.
.is-gap-0 {
gap: 0;
.is-gap-1 {
gap: 0.25rem;
.is-gap-2 {
gap: 0.5rem;
.is-gap-3 {
gap: 0.75rem;
.is-gap-4 {
gap: 1rem;
.is-gap-5 {
gap: 1.5rem;
.is-gap-6 {
gap: 3rem;
.is-row-gap-0 {
row-gap: 0;
.is-row-gap-1 {
row-gap: 0.25rem;
.is-row-gap-2 {
row-gap: 0.5rem;
.is-row-gap-3 {
row-gap: 0.75rem;
.is-row-gap-4 {
row-gap: 1rem;
.is-row-gap-5 {
row-gap: 1.5rem;
.is-row-gap-6 {
row-gap: 3rem;
.is-column-gap-0 {
column-gap: 0;
.is-column-gap-1 {
column-gap: 0.25rem;
.is-column-gap-2 {
column-gap: 0.5rem;
.is-column-gap-3 {
column-gap: 0.75rem;
.is-column-gap-4 {
column-gap: 1rem;
.is-column-gap-5 {
column-gap: 1.5rem;
.is-column-gap-6 {
column-gap: 3rem;
@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
.icon.is-small {
font-size: small;
.icon-book:before {
content: "\e901";
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
/* exported BlockHref */
let BlockHref = new class {
constructor() {
.forEach(t => t.addEventListener('click', this.followLink.bind(this)));
* Follow a fake link
* @param {Event} event
* @return {undefined}
followLink(event) {
const url = event.currentTarget.dataset.href;
window.location.href = url;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* exported BookWyrm */
/* globals TabGroup */
let BookWyrm = new class {
let BookWyrm = new (class {
constructor() {
this.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 10 * 1000000;
@ -10,54 +10,43 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
initEventListeners() {
.forEach(button => button.addEventListener(
.forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("click", this.toggleAction.bind(this)));
.forEach(button => button.addEventListener(
.forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("submit", this.interact.bind(this)));
document.querySelectorAll('.hidden-form input')
.forEach(button => button.addEventListener(
.querySelectorAll(".hidden-form input")
.forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("change", this.revealForm.bind(this)));
.forEach(button => button.addEventListener(
.forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("change", this.hideForm.bind(this)));
.forEach(button => button.addEventListener(
.forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("click", this.back));
.forEach(node => node.addEventListener(
.forEach(node => node.addEventListener(
.forEach(node => node.addEventListener(
.forEach((node) => node.addEventListener("change", this.disableIfTooLarge.bind(this)));
.forEach((node) => node.addEventListener("click", this.handleModalButton.bind(this)));
.forEach((node) => node.addEventListener("click", this.duplicateInput.bind(this)));
.forEach((node) =>
node.addEventListener("toggle", this.handleDetailsDropdown.bind(this))
@ -66,15 +55,15 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
initOnDOMLoaded() {
const bookwyrm = this;
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
.forEach(tabs => new TabGroup(tabs));
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
document.querySelectorAll(".tab-group").forEach((tabs) => new TabGroup(tabs));
@ -83,8 +72,7 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
initReccuringTasks() {
// Polling
.forEach(liveArea => this.polling(liveArea));
document.querySelectorAll("[data-poll]").forEach((liveArea) => this.polling(liveArea));
@ -110,15 +98,19 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
const bookwyrm = this;
delay = delay || 10000;
delay += (Math.random() * 1000);
delay += Math.random() * 1000;
setTimeout(function() {
fetch('/api/updates/' + counter.dataset.poll)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => bookwyrm.updateCountElement(counter, data));
function () {
fetch("/api/updates/" + counter.dataset.poll)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => bookwyrm.updateCountElement(counter, data));
bookwyrm.polling(counter, delay * 1.25);
}, delay, counter);
bookwyrm.polling(counter, delay * 1.25);
@ -133,60 +125,56 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
const count_by_type = data.count_by_type;
const currentCount = counter.innerText;
const hasMentions = data.has_mentions;
const allowedStatusTypesEl = document.getElementById('unread-notifications-wrapper');
const allowedStatusTypesEl = document.getElementById("unread-notifications-wrapper");
// If we're on the right counter element
if (counter.closest('[data-poll-wrapper]').contains(allowedStatusTypesEl)) {
if (counter.closest("[data-poll-wrapper]").contains(allowedStatusTypesEl)) {
const allowedStatusTypes = JSON.parse(allowedStatusTypesEl.textContent);
// For keys in common between allowedStatusTypes and count_by_type
// This concerns 'review', 'quotation', 'comment'
count = allowedStatusTypes.reduce(function(prev, currentKey) {
count = allowedStatusTypes.reduce(function (prev, currentKey) {
const currentValue = count_by_type[currentKey] | 0;
return prev + currentValue;
}, 0);
// Add all the "other" in count_by_type if 'everything' is allowed
if (allowedStatusTypes.includes('everything')) {
if (allowedStatusTypes.includes("everything")) {
// Clone count_by_type with 0 for reviews/quotations/comments
const count_by_everything_else = Object.assign(
{review: 0, quotation: 0, comment: 0}
const count_by_everything_else = Object.assign({}, count_by_type, {
review: 0,
quotation: 0,
comment: 0,
count = Object.keys(count_by_everything_else).reduce(
function(prev, currentKey) {
const currentValue =
count_by_everything_else[currentKey] | 0
count = Object.keys(count_by_everything_else).reduce(function (prev, currentKey) {
const currentValue = count_by_everything_else[currentKey] | 0;
return prev + currentValue;
return prev + currentValue;
}, count);
if (count != currentCount) {
this.addRemoveClass(counter.closest('[data-poll-wrapper]'), 'is-hidden', count < 1);
this.addRemoveClass(counter.closest("[data-poll-wrapper]"), "is-hidden", count < 1);
counter.innerText = count;
this.addRemoveClass(counter.closest('[data-poll-wrapper]'), 'is-danger', hasMentions);
this.addRemoveClass(counter.closest("[data-poll-wrapper]"), "is-danger", hasMentions);
* Show form.
* @param {Event} event
* @return {undefined}
revealForm(event) {
let trigger = event.currentTarget;
let hidden = trigger.closest('.hidden-form').querySelectorAll('.is-hidden')[0];
let hidden = trigger.closest(".hidden-form").querySelectorAll(".is-hidden")[0];
if (hidden) {
this.addRemoveClass(hidden, 'is-hidden', !hidden);
this.addRemoveClass(hidden, "is-hidden", !hidden);
@ -198,10 +186,10 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
hideForm(event) {
let trigger = event.currentTarget;
let targetId = trigger.dataset.hides
let visible = document.getElementById(targetId)
let targetId = trigger.dataset.hides;
let visible = document.getElementById(targetId);
this.addRemoveClass(visible, 'is-hidden', true);
this.addRemoveClass(visible, "is-hidden", true);
@ -216,31 +204,34 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
if (!trigger.dataset.allowDefault || event.currentTarget == event.target) {
let pressed = trigger.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'false';
let pressed = trigger.getAttribute("aria-pressed") === "false";
let targetId = trigger.dataset.controls;
// Toggle pressed status on all triggers controlling the same target.
document.querySelectorAll('[data-controls="' + targetId + '"]')
.forEach(otherTrigger => otherTrigger.setAttribute(
otherTrigger.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'false'
.querySelectorAll('[data-controls="' + targetId + '"]')
.forEach((otherTrigger) =>
otherTrigger.getAttribute("aria-pressed") === "false"
// @todo Find a better way to handle the exception.
if (targetId && ! trigger.classList.contains('pulldown-menu')) {
if (targetId && !trigger.classList.contains("pulldown-menu")) {
let target = document.getElementById(targetId);
this.addRemoveClass(target, 'is-hidden', !pressed);
this.addRemoveClass(target, 'is-active', pressed);
this.addRemoveClass(target, "is-hidden", !pressed);
this.addRemoveClass(target, "is-active", pressed);
// Show/hide pulldown-menus.
if (trigger.classList.contains('pulldown-menu')) {
if (trigger.classList.contains("pulldown-menu")) {
this.toggleMenu(trigger, targetId);
// Show/hide container.
let container = document.getElementById('hide_' + targetId);
let container = document.getElementById("hide_" + targetId);
if (container) {
this.toggleContainer(container, pressed);
@ -277,14 +268,14 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
* @return {undefined}
toggleMenu(trigger, targetId) {
let expanded = trigger.getAttribute('aria-expanded') == 'false';
let expanded = trigger.getAttribute("aria-expanded") == "false";
trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', expanded);
trigger.setAttribute("aria-expanded", expanded);
if (targetId) {
let target = document.getElementById(targetId);
this.addRemoveClass(target, 'is-active', expanded);
this.addRemoveClass(target, "is-active", expanded);
@ -296,7 +287,7 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
* @return {undefined}
toggleContainer(container, pressed) {
this.addRemoveClass(container, 'is-hidden', pressed);
this.addRemoveClass(container, "is-hidden", pressed);
@ -333,7 +324,7 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function () {
node.selectionStart = node.selectionEnd = 10000;
}, 0);
@ -353,15 +344,17 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
const relatedforms = document.querySelectorAll(`.${form.dataset.id}`);
// Toggle class on all related forms.
relatedforms.forEach(relatedForm => bookwyrm.addRemoveClass(
relatedForm.className.indexOf('is-hidden') == -1
relatedforms.forEach((relatedForm) =>
relatedForm.className.indexOf("is-hidden") == -1
this.ajaxPost(form).catch(error => {
this.ajaxPost(form).catch((error) => {
// @todo Display a notification in the UI instead.
console.warn('Request failed:', error);
console.warn("Request failed:", error);
@ -373,11 +366,11 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
ajaxPost(form) {
return fetch(form.action, {
method : "POST",
method: "POST",
body: new FormData(form),
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
Accept: "application/json",
@ -402,21 +395,112 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
const element = eventOrElement.currentTarget || eventOrElement;
const submits = element.form.querySelectorAll('[type="submit"]');
const warns = element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.file-too-big');
const isTooBig = element.files &&
element.files[0] &&
element.files[0].size > MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES;
const warns = element.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".file-too-big");
const isTooBig =
element.files && element.files[0] && element.files[0].size > MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES;
if (isTooBig) {
submits.forEach(submitter => submitter.disabled = true);
sib => addRemoveClass(sib, 'is-hidden', false)
submits.forEach((submitter) => (submitter.disabled = true));
warns.forEach((sib) => addRemoveClass(sib, "is-hidden", false));
} else {
submits.forEach(submitter => submitter.disabled = false);
sib => addRemoveClass(sib, 'is-hidden', true)
submits.forEach((submitter) => (submitter.disabled = false));
warns.forEach((sib) => addRemoveClass(sib, "is-hidden", true));
* Handle the modal component with a button trigger.
* @param {Event} event - Event fired by an element
* with the `data-modal-open` attribute
* pointing to a modal by its id.
* @return {undefined}
* See https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/pull/1633
* for information about using the modal.
handleModalButton(event) {
const { handleFocusTrap } = this;
const modalButton = event.currentTarget;
const targetModalId = modalButton.dataset.modalOpen;
const htmlElement = document.querySelector("html");
const modal = document.getElementById(targetModalId);
if (!modal) {
// Helper functions
function handleModalOpen(modalElement) {
const closeButtons = modalElement.querySelectorAll("[data-modal-close]");
closeButtons.forEach((button) => {
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
if (event.key === "Escape") {
modalElement.addEventListener("keydown", handleFocusTrap);
function handleModalClose(modalElement) {
modalElement.removeEventListener("keydown", handleFocusTrap);
// Open modal
* Handle the modal component when opened at page load.
* @param {Element} modalElement - Active modal element
* @return {undefined}
handleActiveModal(modalElement) {
if (!modalElement) {
const { handleFocusTrap } = this;
const closeButtons = modalElement.querySelectorAll("[data-modal-close]");
closeButtons.forEach((button) => {
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
if (event.key === "Escape") {
modalElement.addEventListener("keydown", handleFocusTrap);
function handleModalClose(modalElement) {
modalElement.removeEventListener("keydown", handleFocusTrap);
@ -428,31 +512,27 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
* @return {undefined}
displayPopUp(url, windowName) {
window.open(url, windowName, "left=100,top=100,width=430,height=600");
duplicateInput (event ) {
duplicateInput(event) {
const trigger = event.currentTarget;
const input_id = trigger.dataset['duplicate']
const input_id = trigger.dataset["duplicate"];
const orig = document.getElementById(input_id);
const parent = orig.parentNode;
const new_count = parent.querySelectorAll("input").length + 1
const new_count = parent.querySelectorAll("input").length + 1;
let input = orig.cloneNode();
input.id += ("-" + (new_count))
input.value = ""
input.id += "-" + new_count;
input.value = "";
let label = parent.querySelector("label").cloneNode();
label.setAttribute("for", input.id)
label.setAttribute("for", input.id);
@ -467,24 +547,19 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
copyText(textareaEl) {
const text = textareaEl.textContent;
const copyButtonEl = document.createElement('button');
const copyButtonEl = document.createElement("button");
copyButtonEl.textContent = textareaEl.dataset.copytextLabel;
copyButtonEl.addEventListener('click', () => {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function() {
copyButtonEl.classList.replace('is-primary', 'is-success');
copyButtonEl.classList.add("button", "is-small", "is-primary", "is-light");
copyButtonEl.addEventListener("click", () => {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function () {
copyButtonEl.classList.replace("is-primary", "is-success");
copyButtonEl.textContent = textareaEl.dataset.copytextSuccess;
@ -496,41 +571,41 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
handleDetailsDropdown(event) {
const detailsElement = event.target;
const summaryElement = detailsElement.querySelector('summary');
const menuElement = detailsElement.querySelector('.dropdown-menu');
const htmlElement = document.querySelector('html');
const summaryElement = detailsElement.querySelector("summary");
const menuElement = detailsElement.querySelector(".dropdown-menu");
const htmlElement = document.querySelector("html");
if (detailsElement.open) {
// Focus first menu element
'a[href]:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled])'
.querySelectorAll("a[href]:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled])")[0]
// Enable focus trap
menuElement.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleFocusTrap);
menuElement.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleFocusTrap);
// Close on Esc
detailsElement.addEventListener('keydown', handleEscKey);
detailsElement.addEventListener("keydown", handleEscKey);
// Clip page if Mobile
if (this.isMobile()) {
} else {
// Disable focus trap
menuElement.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleFocusTrap);
menuElement.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleFocusTrap);
// Unclip page
if (this.isMobile()) {
function handleEscKey(event) {
if (event.key !== 'Escape') {
if (event.key !== "Escape") {
@ -553,34 +628,34 @@ let BookWyrm = new class {
* @return {undefined}
handleFocusTrap(event) {
if (event.key !== 'Tab') {
if (event.key !== "Tab") {
const focusableEls = event.currentTarget.querySelectorAll(
const firstFocusableEl = focusableEls[0];
const firstFocusableEl = focusableEls[0];
const lastFocusableEl = focusableEls[focusableEls.length - 1];
if (event.shiftKey ) /* Shift + tab */ {
if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableEl) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
/* Shift + tab */ if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableEl) {
} else /* Tab */ {
} /* Tab */ else {
if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableEl) {
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
/* exported LocalStorageTools */
/* globals BookWyrm */
let LocalStorageTools = new class {
let LocalStorageTools = new (class {
constructor() {
.forEach(t => this.setDisplay(t));
document.querySelectorAll("[data-hide]").forEach((t) => this.setDisplay(t));
.forEach(t => t.addEventListener('click', this.updateDisplay.bind(this)));
.forEach((t) => t.addEventListener("click", this.updateDisplay.bind(this)));
@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ let LocalStorageTools = new class {
window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);
document.querySelectorAll('[data-hide="' + key + '"]')
.forEach(node => this.setDisplay(node));
.querySelectorAll('[data-hide="' + key + '"]')
.forEach((node) => this.setDisplay(node));
@ -38,6 +39,6 @@ let LocalStorageTools = new class {
let key = node.dataset.hide;
let value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(node, 'is-hidden', value);
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(node, "is-hidden", value);
@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
/* exported StatusCache */
/* globals BookWyrm */
let StatusCache = new class {
let StatusCache = new (class {
constructor() {
.forEach(t => t.addEventListener('change', this.updateDraft.bind(this)));
.forEach((t) => t.addEventListener("change", this.updateDraft.bind(this)));
.forEach(t => this.populateDraft(t));
document.querySelectorAll("[data-cache-draft]").forEach((t) => this.populateDraft(t));
.forEach(button => button.addEventListener(
.forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("submit", this.submitStatus.bind(this)));
document.querySelectorAll('.form-rate-stars label.icon')
.forEach(button => button.addEventListener('click', this.toggleStar.bind(this)));
.querySelectorAll(".form-rate-stars label.icon")
.forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("click", this.toggleStar.bind(this)));
@ -80,25 +79,26 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(form, 'is-processing', true);
trigger.setAttribute('disabled', null);
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(form, "is-processing", true);
trigger.setAttribute("disabled", null);
BookWyrm.ajaxPost(form).finally(() => {
// Change icon to remove ongoing activity on the current UI.
// Enable back the element used to submit the form.
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(form, 'is-processing', false);
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error();
.catch(error => {
.finally(() => {
// Change icon to remove ongoing activity on the current UI.
// Enable back the element used to submit the form.
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(form, "is-processing", false);
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error();
.catch((error) => {
@ -112,12 +112,16 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
let copy = element.cloneNode(true);
copy.id = null;
element.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', copy);
element.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", copy);
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(copy, 'is-hidden', false);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000, copy);
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(copy, "is-hidden", false);
function () {
@ -131,8 +135,9 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
// Clear localstorage
.forEach(node => window.localStorage.removeItem(node.dataset.cacheDraft));
form.querySelectorAll("[data-cache-draft]").forEach((node) =>
// Close modals
let modal = form.closest(".modal.is-active");
@ -142,8 +147,11 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
// Update shelve buttons
if (form.reading_status) {
document.querySelectorAll("[data-shelve-button-book='" + form.book.value +"']")
.forEach(button => this.cycleShelveButtons(button, form.reading_status.value));
.querySelectorAll("[data-shelve-button-book='" + form.book.value + "']")
.forEach((button) =>
this.cycleShelveButtons(button, form.reading_status.value)
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
document.querySelector("[data-controls=" + reply.id + "]").click();
@ -172,8 +180,9 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
let next_identifier = shelf.dataset.shelfNext;
// Set all buttons to hidden
.forEach(item => BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(item, "is-hidden", true));
.forEach((item) => BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(item, "is-hidden", true));
// Button that should be visible now
let next = button.querySelector("[data-shelf-identifier=" + next_identifier + "]");
@ -183,15 +192,17 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
// ------ update the dropdown buttons
// Remove existing hidden class
.forEach(item => BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(item, "is-hidden", false));
.forEach((item) => BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(item, "is-hidden", false));
// Remove existing disabled states
button.querySelectorAll("[data-shelf-dropdown-identifier] button")
.forEach(item => item.disabled = false);
.querySelectorAll("[data-shelf-dropdown-identifier] button")
.forEach((item) => (item.disabled = false));
next_identifier = next_identifier == 'complete' ? 'read' : next_identifier;
next_identifier = next_identifier == "complete" ? "read" : next_identifier;
// Disable the current state
@ -206,8 +217,9 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(main_button, "is-hidden", true);
// Just hide the other two menu options, idk what to do with them
.forEach(item => BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(item, "is-hidden", true));
.forEach((item) => BookWyrm.addRemoveClass(item, "is-hidden", true));
// Close menu
let menu = button.querySelector("details[open]");
@ -235,5 +247,4 @@ let StatusCache = new class {
halfStar.checked = "checked";
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
import math
import logging
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.db.models import signals, Count, Q
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import signals, Count, Q, Case, When, IntegerField
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.redis_store import RedisStore, r
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ class SuggestedUsers(RedisStore):
def get_counts_from_rank(self, rank): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""calculate mutuals count and shared books count from rank"""
# pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
return {
"mutuals": math.floor(rank),
# "shared_books": int(1 / (-1 * (rank % 1 - 1))) - 1,
@ -84,24 +86,17 @@ class SuggestedUsers(RedisStore):
def get_suggestions(self, user, local=False):
"""get suggestions"""
values = self.get_store(self.store_id(user), withscores=True)
results = []
annotations = [
When(pk=int(pk), then=self.get_counts_from_rank(score)["mutuals"])
for (pk, score) in values
# annotate users with mutuals and shared book counts
for user_id, rank in values:
counts = self.get_counts_from_rank(rank)
user = models.User.objects.get(
id=user_id, is_active=True, bookwyrm_user=True
except models.User.DoesNotExist as err:
# if this happens, the suggestions are janked way up
user.mutuals = counts["mutuals"]
if (local and user.local) or not local:
if len(results) >= 5:
return results
users = models.User.objects.filter(
is_active=True, bookwyrm_user=True, id__in=[pk for (pk, _) in values]
).annotate(mutuals=Case(*annotations, output_field=IntegerField(), default=0))
if local:
users = users.filter(local=True)
return users.order_by("-mutuals")[:5]
def get_annotated_users(viewer, *args, **kwargs):
@ -119,16 +114,17 @@ def get_annotated_users(viewer, *args, **kwargs):
# shared_books=Count(
# "shelfbook",
# filter=Q(
# ~Q(id=viewer.id),
# shelfbook__book__parent_work__in=[
# s.book.parent_work for s in viewer.shelfbook_set.all()
# ],
# ),
# distinct=True,
# ),
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# shared_books=Count(
# "shelfbook",
# filter=Q(
# ~Q(id=viewer.id),
# shelfbook__book__parent_work__in=[
# s.book.parent_work for s in viewer.shelfbook_set.all()
# ],
# ),
# distinct=True,
# ),
@ -197,7 +193,7 @@ def update_user(sender, instance, created, update_fields=None, **kwargs):
"""an updated user, neat"""
# a new user is found, create suggestions for them
if created and instance.local:
transaction.on_commit(lambda: update_new_user_command(instance.id))
# we know what fields were updated and discoverability didn't change
if not instance.bookwyrm_user or (
@ -217,6 +213,11 @@ def update_user(sender, instance, created, update_fields=None, **kwargs):
def update_new_user_command(instance_id):
"""wait for transaction to complete"""
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.FederatedServer)
def domain_level_update(sender, instance, created, update_fields=None, **kwargs):
"""remove users on a domain block"""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
{% extends 'about/layout.html' %}
{% load humanize %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load utilities %}
{% load bookwyrm_tags %}
{% load cache %}
{% block title %}
{% trans "About" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block about_content %}
{# seven day cache #}
{% cache 604800 about_page %}
{% get_book_superlatives as superlatives %}
<section class="content pb-4">
{% blocktrans with site_name=site.name %}Welcome to {{ site_name }}!{% endblocktrans %}
<p class="subtitle notification has-background-primary-light">
{% blocktrans trimmed with site_name=site.name %}
{{ site_name }} is part of <em>BookWyrm</em>, a network of independent, self-directed communities for readers.
While you can interact seamlessly with users anywhere in the <a href="https://joinbookwyrm.com/instances/" target="_blank">BookWyrm network</a>, this community is unique.
{% endblocktrans %}
<div class="columns">
{% if top_rated %}
{% with book=superlatives.top_rated.default_edition rating=top_rated.rating %}
<div class="column is-one-third is-flex">
<div class="media notification">
<div class="media-left">
<a href="{{ book.local_path }}">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-h-m' size='medium' aria='show' %}
<div class="media-content">
{% blocktrans trimmed with title=book|book_title book_path=book.local_path site_name=site.name rating=rating|floatformat:1 %}
<a href="{{ book_path }}"><em>{{ title }}</em></a> is {{ site_name }}'s most beloved book, with an average rating of {{ rating }} out of 5.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% if wanted %}
{% with book=superlatives.wanted.default_edition %}
<div class="column is-one-third is-flex">
<div class="media notification">
<div class="media-left">
<a href="{{ book.local_path }}">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-h-m' size='medium' aria='show' %}
<div class="media-content">
{% blocktrans trimmed with title=book|book_title book_path=book.local_path site_name=site.name %}
More {{ site_name }} users want to read <a href="{{ book_path }}"><em>{{ title }}</em></a> than any other book.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% if controversial %}
{% with book=superlatives.controversial.default_edition %}
<div class="column is-one-third is-flex">
<div class="media notification">
<div class="media-left">
<a href="{{ book.local_path }}">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-h-m' size='medium' aria='show' %}
<div class="media-content">
{% blocktrans trimmed with title=book|book_title book_path=book.local_path site_name=site.name %}
<a href="{{ book_path }}"><em>{{ title }}</em></a> has the most divisive ratings of any book on {{ site_name }}.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Track your reading, talk about books, write reviews, and discover what to read next. Always ad-free, anti-corporate, and community-oriented, BookWyrm is human-scale software, designed to stay small and personal. If you have feature requests, bug reports, or grand dreams, <a href='https://joinbookwyrm.com/get-involved' target='_blank'>reach out</a> and make yourself heard." %}
<section class="block">
<header class="content">
<h2 class="title is-3">{% trans "Meet your admins" %}</h2>
{% url "conduct" as coc_path %}
{% blocktrans with site_name=site.name %}
{{ site_name }}'s moderators and administrators keep the site up and running, enforce the <a href="coc_path">code of conduct</a>, and respond when users report spam and bad behavior.
{% endblocktrans %}
<div class="columns is-multiline">
{% for user in admins %}
<div class="column">
<div class="card is-stretchable">
{% with role=user.groups.first.name %}
<div class="card-header {% if role == "moderator" %}has-background-info-light{% else %}has-background-success-light{% endif %}">
<span class="card-header-title is-size-7 pt-1 pb-1">
{% if role == "moderator" %}
{% trans "Moderator" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "Admin" %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
<div class="cord-content p-5">
{% include 'user/user_preview.html' with user=user %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and user.id != request.user.id %}
<div class="has-background-white-bis card-footer">
<div class="card-footer-item">
{% include 'snippets/follow_button.html' with user=user minimal=True %}
<div class="card-footer-item">
<a href="{% url 'direct-messages-user' user|username %}">{% trans "Send direct message" %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{% extends 'about/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{% trans "Code of Conduct" %}{% endblock %}
{% block about_content %}
<div class="block content">
<h2>{% trans "Code of Conduct" %}</h2>
<div class="content">
{{ site.code_of_conduct | safe }}
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
{% extends 'landing/layout.html' %}
{% load humanize %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block about_panel %}
<div class="box">
{% include "snippets/about.html" with size="m" %}
{% if active_users %}
<li class="tag is-size-6">
<span class="mr-1">{% trans "Active users:" %}</span>
<strong>{{ active_users|intcomma }}</strong>
<li class="tag is-size-6">
<span class="mr-1">{% trans "Statuses posted:" %}</span>
<strong>{{ status_count|intcomma }}</strong>
<li class="tag is-size-6">
<span class="mr-1">{% trans "Software version:" %}</span>
<strong>{{ version }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block panel %}
<div class="block columns pt-4">
<nav class="menu column is-one-quarter">
<h2 class="menu-label">{% blocktrans with site_name=site.name %}About {{ site_name }}{% endblocktrans %}</h2>
<ul class="menu-list">
{% url 'about' as path %}
<a href="{{ path }}" {% if request.path in path %}class="is-active"{% endif %}>
{% trans "About" %}
{% url 'conduct' as path %}
<a href="{{ path }}" {% if request.path in path %}class="is-active"{% endif %}>
{% trans "Code of Conduct" %}
{% url 'privacy' as path %}
<a href="{{ path }}" {% if request.path in path %}class="is-active"{% endif %}>
{% trans "Privacy Policy" %}
<div class="column">
{% block about_content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{% extends 'about/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{% trans "Privacy Policy" %}{% endblock %}
{% block about_content %}
<div class="block">
<h2 class="title">{% trans "Privacy Policy" %}</h2>
<div class="content">
{{ site.privacy_policy | safe }}
{% endblock %}
@ -58,7 +58,15 @@
{% if year_key %}
<div class="horizontal-copy mb-5">
<textarea rows="1" readonly class="textarea is-small" aria-labelledby="embed-label" data-copytext data-copytext-label="{% trans 'Copy address' %}" data-copytext-success="{% trans 'Copied!' %}">{{ request.scheme|add:"://"|add:request.get_host|add:request.path }}?key={{ year_key }}</textarea>
class="textarea is-small"
data-copytext-label="{% trans 'Copy address' %}"
data-copytext-success="{% trans 'Copied!' %}"
>{{ request.scheme|add:"://"|add:request.get_host|add:request.path }}?key={{ year_key }}</textarea>
{% endif %}
@ -101,13 +109,17 @@
{% if not books %}
<p class="has-text-centered is-size-5">{% blocktrans %}Sadly {{ display_name }} didn’t finish any book in {{ year }}{% endblocktrans %}</p>
<p class="has-text-centered is-size-5">{% blocktrans %}Sadly {{ display_name }} didn’t finish any books in {{ year }}{% endblocktrans %}</p>
{% else %}
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column is-8 is-offset-2 has-text-centered">
<h2 class="title is-3 is-serif">
{% blocktrans with pages_total=pages_total|intcomma %}In {{ year }}, {{ display_name }} read {{ books_total }} books<br />for a total of {{ pages_total }} pages!{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed count counter=books_total with pages_total=pages_total|intcomma %}
In {{ year }}, {{ display_name }} read {{ books_total }} book<br />for a total of {{ pages_total }} pages!
{% plural %}
In {{ year }}, {{ display_name }} read {{ books_total }} books<br />for a total of {{ pages_total }} pages!
{% endblocktrans %}
<p class="subtitle is-5">{% trans "That’s great!" %}</p>
@ -130,7 +142,7 @@
{% if book_pages_lowest and book_pages_highest %}
<div class="columns is-align-items-center mt-5">
<div class="column is-2 is-offset-1">
<a href="{{ book_pages_lowest.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book_pages_lowest cover_class='is-w-auto-tablet is-h-l-mobile' %}</a>
<a href="{{ book_pages_lowest.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book_pages_lowest cover_class='is-w-auto-tablet is-h-l-mobile' size='xxlarge' %}</a>
<div class="column is-3">
{% trans "Their shortest read this year…" %}
@ -151,12 +163,12 @@
<div class="column is-2">
<a href="{{ book_pages_highest.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book_pages_highest cover_class='is-w-auto-tablet is-h-l-mobile' %}</a>
<a href="{{ book_pages_highest.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book_pages_highest cover_class='is-w-auto-tablet is-h-l-mobile' size='xxlarge' %}</a>
<div class="column is-3">
{% trans "…and the longest" %}
<p class="title is-4 is-serif is-italic">
<a href="{{ book_pages_lowest.local_path }}" class="has-text-success-dark">
<a href="{{ book_pages_highest.local_path }}" class="has-text-success-dark">
{{ book_pages_highest.title }}
@ -180,17 +192,46 @@
{% if goal_status and goal_status.percent >= 100 %}
<div class="columns">
<div class="column has-text-centered">
<h2 class="title is-3 is-serif">
{% with goal=goal_status.goal goal_percent=goal_status.percent %}
{% blocktrans trimmed count counter=goal %}
{{ display_name }} set a goal of reading {{ goal }} book in {{ year }},<br />
and achieved {{ goal_percent }}% of that goal
{% plural %}
{{ display_name }} set a goal of reading {{ goal }} books in {{ year }},<br />
and achieved {{ goal_percent }}% of that goal
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endwith %}
<p class="subtitle is-5">{% trans "Way to go!" %}</p>
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-one-fifth is-offset-two-fifths">
<hr />
{% endif %}
{% if ratings_total > 0 %}
<div class="columns">
<div class="column has-text-centered">
<h2 class="title is-3 is-serif">
{% blocktrans %}{{ display_name }} left {{ ratings_total }} ratings, <br />their average rating is {{ rating_average }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed count counter=ratings_total %}
{{ display_name }} left {{ ratings_total }} rating, <br />their average rating is {{ rating_average }}
{% plural %}
{{ display_name }} left {{ ratings_total }} ratings, <br />their average rating is {{ rating_average }}
{% endblocktrans %}
<div class="columns is-align-items-center">
<div class="column is-3 is-offset-3">
<a href="{{ book_rating_highest.book.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book_rating_highest.book cover_class='is-w-auto-tablet is-h-l-mobile' %}</a>
<div class="column is-2 is-offset-4">
<a href="{{ book_rating_highest.book.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book_rating_highest.book cover_class='is-w-xl-tablet is-h-l-mobile' size='xxlarge' %}</a>
{% if book_rating_highest %}
<div class="column is-4">
@ -224,7 +265,7 @@
<div class="columns">
<div class="column has-text-centered">
<h2 class="title is-3 is-serif">
{% blocktrans %}All the books {{ display_name }} read in 2021{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}All the books {{ display_name }} read in {{ year }}{% endblocktrans %}
@ -233,7 +274,7 @@
<div class="column is-10 is-offset-1">
<div class="books-grid">
{% for book in books %}
{% if book.id in best_ratings_books_ids %}
{% if books_total > 12 and book.id in best_ratings_books_ids %}
<a href="{{ book.local_path }}" class="has-text-centered is-big has-text-success-dark">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-w-auto' size='xxlarge' %}
<span class="book-title is-serif is-size-5">
@ -242,7 +283,7 @@
{% else %}
<a href="{{ book.local_path }}" class="has-text-centered has-text-success-dark">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-w-auto' size='large' %}
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-w-auto' size='xlarge' %}
<span class="book-title is-serif is-size-6">
{{ book.title }}
@ -92,10 +92,11 @@
{% trans "View on OpenLibrary" %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and perms.bookwyrm.edit_book %}
{% with controls_text="ol_sync" controls_uid=author.id %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text focus="modal_title_ol_sync" class="is-small" icon_with_text="download" %}
{% include "author/sync_modal.html" with source="openlibrary.org" source_name="OpenLibrary" %}
{% endwith %}
<button class="button is-small" type="button" data-modal-open="openlibrary_sync">
<span class="icon icon-download" title="{{ button_text }}"></span>
<span class="is-sr-only-mobile">{{ button_text }}</span>
{% include "author/sync_modal.html" with source="openlibrary.org" source_name="OpenLibrary" id="openlibrary_sync" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -107,10 +108,11 @@
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and perms.bookwyrm.edit_book %}
{% with controls_text="iv_sync" controls_uid=author.id %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text focus="modal_title_iv_sync" class="is-small" icon_with_text="download" %}
{% include "author/sync_modal.html" with source="inventaire.io" source_name="Inventaire" %}
{% endwith %}
<button class="button is-small" type="button" data-modal-open="inventaire_sync">
<span class="icon icon-download" title="{{ button_text }}"></span>
<span class="is-sr-only-mobile">{{ button_text }}</span>
{% include "author/sync_modal.html" with source="inventaire.io" source_name="Inventaire" id="inventaire_sync" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -19,12 +19,8 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-footer %}
<button class="button is-primary" type="submit">
<span>{% trans "Confirm" %}</span>
{% trans "Cancel" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text %}
<button class="button is-primary" type="submit">{% trans "Confirm" %}</button>
<button type="button" class="button" data-modal-close>{% trans "Cancel" %}</button>
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-close %}</form>{% endblock %}
@ -61,24 +61,53 @@
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-one-fifth">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with size='xxlarge' size_mobile='medium' book=book cover_class='is-h-m-mobile' %}
{% if not book.cover %}
{% if user_authenticated %}
class="cover-container no-cover is-h-m-mobile"
data-modal-open="add_cover_{{ book.id }}"
src="{% static "images/no_cover.jpg" %}"
<span class="cover-caption">
<span>{{ book.alt_text }}</span>
<span>{% trans "Click to add cover" %}</span>
<span class="button-invisible-overlay has-text-centered">
{% trans "Click to add cover" %}
{% join "add_cover" book.id as modal_id %}
{% include 'book/cover_add_modal.html' with id=modal_id %}
{% if request.GET.cover_error %}
<p class="help is-danger">{% trans "Failed to load cover" %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-h-m-mobile' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if book.cover %}
<button type="button" data-modal-open="cover_show_modal" class="cover-container is-h-m-mobile is-relative">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with size='xxlarge' size_mobile='medium' book=book cover_class='is-h-m-mobile' %}
<span class="button-invisible-overlay has-text-centered">
{% trans "Click to enlarge" %}
{% include 'book/cover_show_modal.html' with book=book id="cover_show_modal" %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/rate_action.html' with user=request.user book=book %}
<div class="mb-3">
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button.html' %}
{% if user_authenticated and not book.cover %}
<div class="block">
{% trans "Add cover" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text controls_text="add_cover" controls_uid=book.id focus="modal_title_add_cover" class="is-small" %}
{% include 'book/cover_modal.html' with book=book controls_text="add_cover" controls_uid=book.id %}
{% if request.GET.cover_error %}
<p class="help is-danger">{% trans "Failed to load cover" %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<section class="is-clipped">
{% with book=book %}
<div class="content">
@ -93,23 +122,30 @@
{% trans "Load data" as button_text %}
{% if book.openlibrary_key %}
<a href="{{ book.openlibrary_link }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{% trans "View on OpenLibrary" %}</a>
<a href="{{ book.openlibrary_link }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
{% trans "View on OpenLibrary" %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and perms.bookwyrm.edit_book %}
{% with controls_text="ol_sync" controls_uid=book.id %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text focus="modal_title_ol_sync" class="is-small" icon_with_text="download" %}
{% include "book/sync_modal.html" with source="openlibrary.org" source_name="OpenLibrary" %}
{% endwith %}
<button class="button is-small" type="button" data-modal-open="openlibrary_sync">
<span class="icon icon-download" title="{{ button_text }}"></span>
<span class="is-sr-only-mobile">{{ button_text }}</span>
{% include "book/sync_modal.html" with source="openlibrary.org" source_name="OpenLibrary" id="openlibrary_sync" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if book.inventaire_id %}
<a href="{{ book.inventaire_link }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{% trans "View on Inventaire" %}</a>
<a href="{{ book.inventaire_link }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
{% trans "View on Inventaire" %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and perms.bookwyrm.edit_book %}
{% with controls_text="iv_sync" controls_uid=book.id %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text focus="modal_title_iv_sync" class="is-small" icon_with_text="download" %}
{% include "book/sync_modal.html" with source="inventaire.io" source_name="Inventaire" %}
{% endwith %}
<button class="button is-small" type="button" data-modal-open="inventaire_sync">
<span class="icon icon-download" title="{{ button_text }}"></span>
<span class="is-sr-only-mobile">{{ button_text }}</span>
{% include "book/sync_modal.html" with source="inventaire.io" source_name="Inventaire" id="inventaire_sync" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
{% block modal-footer %}
<button class="button is-primary" type="submit">{% trans "Add" %}</button>
{% trans "Cancel" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text %}
<button type="button" class="button" data-modal-close>{% trans "Cancel" %}</button>
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-close %}</form>{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-close %}</form>{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% load static %}
<div class="modal" id="{{ id }}">
<div class="modal-background" data-modal-close></div><!-- modal background -->
<div class="modal-card is-align-items-center" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" tabindex="-1" aria-label="{% trans 'Book cover preview' %}">
<div class="cover-container">
<img class="book-cover" src="{% get_media_prefix %}{{ book.cover }}" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" alt="">
<button type="button" data-modal-close class="modal-close is-large" aria-label="{% trans 'Close' %}"></button>
@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% block modal-title %}{% trans "Delete these read dates?" %}{% endblock %}
{% block modal-body %}
{% if readthrough.progress_updates|length > 0 %}
{% blocktrans with count=readthrough.progress_updates|length %}You are deleting this readthrough and its {{ count }} associated progress updates.{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed with count=readthrough.progress_updates|length %}
You are deleting this readthrough and its {{ count }} associated progress updates.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
{% trans "This action cannot be un-done" %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-footer %}
<form name="delete-readthrough-{{ readthrough.id }}" action="/delete-readthrough" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
@ -14,7 +20,6 @@
<button class="button is-danger" type="submit">
{% trans "Delete" %}
{% trans "Cancel" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text controls_text="delete_readthrough" controls_uid=readthrough.id %}
<button type="button" class="button" data-modal-close>{% trans "Cancel" %}</button>
{% endblock %}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% load humanize %}
{% load tz %}
{% load utilities %}
<div class="content">
<div id="hide_edit_readthrough_{{ readthrough.id }}" class="box is-shadowless has-background-white-bis">
<div class="columns">
@ -10,14 +11,14 @@
{% if readthrough.finish_date or readthrough.progress %}
{% if readthrough.finish_date %}
{{ readthrough.finish_date | localtime | naturalday }}: {% trans "finished" %}
{{ readthrough.finish_date | localtime | naturalday }}: {% trans "finished" %}
{% else %}
{% if readthrough.progress_mode == 'PG' %}
{% include 'snippets/page_text.html' with page=readthrough.progress total_pages=book.pages %}
{% else %}
{{ readthrough.progress }}%
{% endif %}
{% if readthrough.progress_mode == 'PG' %}
{% include 'snippets/page_text.html' with page=readthrough.progress total_pages=book.pages %}
{% else %}
{{ readthrough.progress }}%
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if readthrough.progress %}
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if readthrough.start_date %}
<li>{{ readthrough.start_date | localtime | naturalday }}: {% trans "started" %}</li>
{% endif %}
@ -60,7 +62,11 @@
<div class="control">
{% trans "Delete these read dates" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class="is-small" text=button_text icon="x" controls_text="delete_readthrough" controls_uid=readthrough.id focus="modal_title_delete_readthrough" %}
<button class="button is-small" type="button" data-modal-open="delete_readthrough_{{ readthrough.id }}">
<span class="icon icon-x" title="{{ button_text }}">
<span class="is-sr-only">{{ button_text }}</span>
@ -79,4 +85,5 @@
{% include 'snippets/delete_readthrough_modal.html' with controls_text="delete_readthrough" controls_uid=readthrough.id no_body=True %}
{% join "delete_readthrough" readthrough.id as modal_id %}
{% include 'book/delete_readthrough_modal.html' with id=modal_id %}
@ -19,12 +19,8 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-footer %}
<button class="button is-primary" type="submit">
<span>{% trans "Confirm" %}</span>
{% trans "Cancel" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text %}
<button class="button is-primary" type="submit">{% trans "Confirm" %}</button>
<button type="button" class="button" data-modal-close>{% trans "Cancel" %}</button>
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-close %}</form>{% endblock %}
@ -1,40 +1,33 @@
{% load i18n %}
class="modal {% if active %}is-active{% else %}is-hidden{% endif %}"
id="{{ controls_text }}_{{ controls_uid }}"
aria-labelledby="modal_card_title_{{ controls_text }}_{{ controls_uid }}"
{# @todo Implement focus traps to prevent tabbing out of the modal. #}
<div class="modal-background"></div>
{% trans "Close" as label %}
<div class="modal-card">
<header class="modal-card-head" tabindex="0" id="modal_title_{{ controls_text }}_{{ controls_uid }}">
<h2 class="modal-card-title is-flex-shrink-1" id="modal_card_title_{{ controls_text }}_{{ controls_uid }}">
<div class="modal {% if active %}is-active{% endif %}" id="{{ id }}">
<div class="modal-background" data-modal-close></div>
<div class="modal-card" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" tabindex="-1" aria-described-by="{{ id }}_header">
<header class="modal-card-head">
<h2 class="modal-card-title mb-0" id="{{ id }}_header">
{% block modal-title %}{% endblock %}
{% if static %}
<a href="/" class="delete">{{ label }}</a>
{% else %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with label=label class="delete" nonbutton=True %}
{% endif %}
aria-label="{% trans 'Close' %}"
{% block modal-form-open %}{% endblock %}
{% if not no_body %}
<section class="modal-card-body">
{% block modal-body %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
<footer class="modal-card-foot">
{% block modal-footer %}{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-close %}{% endblock %}
{% if static %}
<a href="/" class="modal-close is-large">{{ label }}</a>
{% else %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with label=label class="modal-close is-large" nonbutton=True %}
{% endif %}
class="modal-close is-large"
aria-label="{% trans 'Close' %}"
@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
{% block filter %}
<label class="label" for="id_sort">{% trans "Order by" %}</label>
<div class="select">
<select name="sort" id="id_sort">
<option value="recent" {% if request.GET.sort == "recent" %}selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Recently active" %}</option>
<option value="suggested" {% if request.GET.sort == "suggested" %}selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Suggested" %}</option>
<div class="control">
<div class="select">
<select name="sort" id="id_sort">
<option value="recent" {% if request.GET.sort == "recent" %}selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Recently active" %}</option>
<option value="suggested" {% if request.GET.sort == "suggested" %}selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Suggested" %}</option>
{% endblock %}
@ -6,57 +6,22 @@
<h1 class="title">
{{ tab.name }}
<div class="block is-clipped">
<div class="is-pulled-left">
<div class="tabs">
{% for stream in streams %}
<li class="{% if tab.key == stream.key %}is-active{% endif %}"{% if tab.key == stream.key %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<a href="/{{ stream.key }}#feed">{{ stream.shortname }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{# feed settings #}
<details class="detail-pinned-button" {% if settings_saved %}open{% endif %}>
<summary class="control">
<span class="button">
<span class="icon icon-dots-three m-0-mobile" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="is-sr-only-mobile">{{ _("Feed settings") }}</span>
<form class="notification level is-align-items-flex-end" method="post" action="/{{ tab.key }}#feed">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="level-left">
<div class="field">
<div class="control">
<span class="is-flex is-align-items-baseline">
<label class="label mt-2 mb-1">Status types</label>
{% if settings_saved %}
<span class="tag is-success is-light ml-2">{{ _("Saved!") }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% for name, value in feed_status_types_options %}
<label class="mr-2">
<input type="checkbox" name="feed_status_types" value="{{ name }}" {% if name in user.feed_status_types %}checked=""{% endif %}/>
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
<div class="level-right control">
<button class="button is-small is-primary is-outlined" type="submit">
{{ _("Save settings") }}
<div class="tabs">
{% for stream in streams %}
<li class="{% if tab.key == stream.key %}is-active{% endif %}"{% if tab.key == stream.key %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<a href="/{{ stream.key }}#feed">{{ stream.shortname }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{# feed settings #}
{% with "/"|add:tab.key|add:"#feed" as action %}
{% include 'feed/feed_filters.html' with size="small" method="post" action=action %}
{% endwith %}
{# announcements and system messages #}
{% if not activities.number > 1 %}
<a href="{{ request.path }}" class="transition-y is-hidden notification is-primary is-block" data-poll-wrapper>
@ -73,7 +38,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if annual_summary_year and tab.key == 'home' %}
<section class="block" data-hide="hide_annual_summary_{{ annual_summary_year }}">
<section class="block is-hidden" data-hide="hide_annual_summary_{{ annual_summary_year }}">
{% include 'feed/summary_card.html' with year=annual_summary_year %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
{% extends 'snippets/filters_panel/filters_panel.html' %}
{% block filter_fields %}
{% include 'feed/status_types_filter.html' %}
{% endblock %}
@ -8,82 +8,7 @@
<div class="columns">
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<div class="column is-one-third">
<section class="block">
<h2 class="title is-4">{% trans "Your Books" %}</h2>
{% if not suggested_books %}
<p>{% trans "There are no books here right now! Try searching for a book to get started" %}</p>
{% else %}
{% with active_book=request.GET.book %}
<div class="tab-group">
<div class="tabs is-small">
<ul role="tablist">
{% for shelf in suggested_books %}
{% if shelf.books %}
{% with shelf_counter=forloop.counter %}
{% if shelf.identifier == 'to-read' %}{% trans "To Read" %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'reading' %}{% trans "Currently Reading" %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'read' %}{% trans "Read" %}
{% else %}{{ shelf.name }}{% endif %}
<div class="tabs is-small is-toggle">
{% for book in shelf.books %}
<li class="{% if active_book == book.id|stringformat:'d' %}is-active{% elif not active_book and shelf_counter == 1 and forloop.first %}is-active{% endif %}">
href="{{ request.path }}?book={{ book.id }}"
id="tab_book_{{ book.id }}"
aria-label="{{ book.title }}"
aria-selected="{% if active_book == book.id|stringformat:'d' %}true{% elif shelf_counter == 1 and forloop.first %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}"
aria-controls="book_{{ book.id }}">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-h-m' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for shelf in suggested_books %}
{% with shelf_counter=forloop.counter %}
{% for book in shelf.books %}
class="suggested-tabs card"
id="book_{{ book.id }}"
{% if active_book and active_book == book.id|stringformat:'d' %}{% elif not active_book and shelf_counter == 1 and forloop.first %}{% else %} hidden{% endif %}
aria-labelledby="tab_book_{{ book.id }}">
<div class="card-header">
<div class="card-header-title">
<p class="mb-2">{% include 'snippets/book_titleby.html' with book=book %}</p>
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button.html' with book=book %}
<div class="card-header-icon is-hidden-tablet">
{% trans "Close" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with label=button_text controls_text="book" controls_uid=book.id class="delete" nonbutton=True pressed=True %}
<div class="card-content">
{% include 'snippets/create_status.html' with book=book %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% include "feed/suggested_books.html" %}
{% if goal %}
<section class="block">
<div class="block">
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="is-main block" id="anchor-{{ status.id }}">
<div class="is-main block">
{% include 'snippets/status/status.html' with status=status main=True %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
{% extends 'snippets/filters_panel/filter_field.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block filter %}
<label class="label mt-2 mb-1">Status types</label>
<div class="is-flex is-flex-direction-row is-flex-direction-column-mobile">
{% for name, value in feed_status_types_options %}
<label class="mr-2">
<input type="checkbox" name="feed_status_types" value="{{ name }}" {% if name in user.feed_status_types %}checked=""{% endif %}/>
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% load bookwyrm_tags %}
{% suggested_books as suggested_books %}
<section class="block">
<h2 class="title is-4">{% trans "Your Books" %}</h2>
{% if not suggested_books %}
<p>{% trans "There are no books here right now! Try searching for a book to get started" %}</p>
{% else %}
{% with active_book=request.GET.book %}
<div class="tab-group">
<div class="tabs is-small">
<ul role="tablist">
{% for shelf in suggested_books %}
{% if shelf.books %}
{% with shelf_counter=forloop.counter %}
{% if shelf.identifier == 'to-read' %}{% trans "To Read" %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'reading' %}{% trans "Currently Reading" %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'read' %}{% trans "Read" %}
{% else %}{{ shelf.name }}{% endif %}
<div class="tabs is-small is-toggle">
{% for book in shelf.books %}
<li class="{% if active_book == book.id|stringformat:'d' %}is-active{% elif not active_book and shelf_counter == 1 and forloop.first %}is-active{% endif %}">
href="{{ request.path }}?book={{ book.id }}"
id="tab_book_{{ book.id }}"
aria-label="{{ book.title }}"
aria-selected="{% if active_book == book.id|stringformat:'d' %}true{% elif shelf_counter == 1 and forloop.first %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}"
aria-controls="book_{{ book.id }}">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book cover_class='is-h-m' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for shelf in suggested_books %}
{% with shelf_counter=forloop.counter %}
{% for book in shelf.books %}
class="suggested-tabs card"
id="book_{{ book.id }}"
{% if active_book and active_book == book.id|stringformat:'d' %}{% elif not active_book and shelf_counter == 1 and forloop.first %}{% else %} hidden{% endif %}
aria-labelledby="tab_book_{{ book.id }}">
<div class="card-header">
<div class="card-header-title">
<p class="mb-2">{% include 'snippets/book_titleby.html' with book=book %}</p>
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button.html' with book=book %}
<div class="card-header-icon is-hidden-tablet">
{% trans "Close" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with label=button_text controls_text="book" controls_uid=book.id class="delete" nonbutton=True pressed=True %}
<div class="card-content">
{% include 'snippets/create_status.html' with book=book %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
{% extends 'components/card.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block card-header %}
<h3 class="card-header-title has-background-success-dark has-text-white">
<span class="icon is-size-3 mr-2" aria-hidden="true">📚</span>
<span class="icon is-size-3 mr-2" aria-hidden="true">✨</span>
{% blocktrans %}{{ year }} in the books{% endblocktrans %}
<article class="card">
<header class="card-header has-background-success-dark">
<h3 class="card-header-title has-text-white">
<span class="icon is-size-3 mr-2" aria-hidden="true">📚</span>
<span class="icon is-size-3 mr-2" aria-hidden="true">✨</span>
{% blocktrans %}{{ year }} in the books{% endblocktrans %}
<div class="card-header-icon has-background-success-dark has-text-white">
{% trans "Dismiss message" as button_text %}
<button class="delete set-display" type="button" data-id="hide_annual_summary_{{ year }}" data-value="true">
<span>{% trans "Dismiss message" %}</span>
{% endblock %}
<div class="card-header-icon has-text-white">
{% trans "Dismiss message" as button_text %}
<button class="delete set-display" type="button" data-id="hide_annual_summary_{{ year }}" data-value="true">
<span>{% trans "Dismiss message" %}</span>
{% block card-content %}
<p class="mb-3">
{% blocktrans %}The end of the year is the best moment to take stock of all the books read during the last 12 months. How many pages have you read? Which book is your best-rated of the year? We compiled these stats, and more!{% endblocktrans %}
<section class="card-content">
<p class="mb-3">
{% blocktrans %}The end of the year is the best moment to take stock of all the books read during the last 12 months. How many pages have you read? Which book is your best-rated of the year? We compiled these stats, and more!{% endblocktrans %}
<a href="{% url 'annual-summary' request.user.localname year %}" class="button is-success has-background-success-dark">
{% blocktrans %}Discover your stats for {{ year }}!{% endblocktrans %}
{% endblock %}
<a href="{% url 'annual-summary' request.user.localname year %}" class="button is-success has-background-success-dark">
{% blocktrans %}Discover your stats for {{ year }}!{% endblocktrans %}
@ -10,7 +10,12 @@
<div class="modal-background"></div>
<div class="modal-card is-fullwidth">
<header class="modal-card-head">
<img class="image logo mr-2" src="{% if site.logo_small %}{% get_media_prefix %}{{ site.logo_small }}{% else %}{% static "images/logo-small.png" %}{% endif %}" aria-hidden="true">
class="image logo mr-2"
src="{% if site.logo_small %}{% get_media_prefix %}{{ site.logo_small }}{% else %}{% static "images/logo-small.png" %}{% endif %}"
alt="{{ site.name }}"
<h1 class="modal-card-title" id="get_started_header">
{% blocktrans %}Welcome to {{ site_name }}!{% endblocktrans %}
<span class="subtitle is-block">
@ -13,13 +13,26 @@
<div class="column is-two-thirds">
<div class="block">
<label class="label" for="id_name">{% trans "Display name:" %}</label>
<input type="text" name="name" maxlength="100" class="input" id="id_name" placeholder="{{ user.localname }}" value="{% if request.user.name %}{{ request.user.name }}{% endif %}">
placeholder="{{ user.localname }}"
value="{% if request.user.name %}{{ request.user.name }}{% endif %}"
{% include 'snippets/form_errors.html' with errors_list=form.name.errors id="desc_name" %}
<div class="block">
<label class="label" for="id_summary">{% trans "Summary:" %}</label>
<textarea name="summary" cols="None" rows="None" class="textarea" id="id_summary" placeholder="{% trans 'A little bit about you' %}">{% if request.user.summary %}{{ request.user.summary }}{% endif %}</textarea>
placeholder="{% trans 'A little bit about you' %}"
>{% if request.user.summary %}{{ request.user.summary }}{% endif %}</textarea>
{% include 'snippets/form_errors.html' with errors_list=form.summary.errors id="desc_summary" %}
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
<button class="button is-danger" type="submit">
{% trans "Delete" %}
{% trans "Cancel" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text controls_text="delete_group" controls_uid=group.id %}
<button type="button" class="button" data-modal-close>{% trans "Cancel" %}</button>
{% endblock %}
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
<form name="edit-group" method="post" action="{% url 'group' group.id %}">
{% include 'groups/form.html' %}
{% include "groups/delete_group_modal.html" with controls_text="delete_group" controls_uid=group.id %}
{% include "groups/delete_group_modal.html" with id="delete_group" %}
{% endblock %}
@ -2,8 +2,5 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% block searchresults %}
<h2 class="title is-5">
{% trans "Add new members!" %}
{% include 'groups/suggested_users.html' with suggested_users=suggested_users %}
{% endblock %}
@ -5,30 +5,29 @@
<div class="column is-two-thirds">
<input type="hidden" name="user" value="{{ request.user.id }}" />
<div class="field">
<label class="label" for="id_name">{% trans "Group Name:" %}</label>
<label class="label" for="group_form_id_name">{% trans "Group Name:" %}</label>
{{ group_form.name }}
<div class="field">
<label class="label" for="id_description">{% trans "Group Description:" %}</label>
<label class="label" for="group_form_id_description">{% trans "Group Description:" %}</label>
{{ group_form.description }}
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column">
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control">
{% include 'snippets/privacy_select_no_followers.html' with current=group.privacy %}
<div class="control">
<button type="submit" class="button is-primary">{% trans "Save" %}</button>
<div class="is-flex">
{% if group.id %}
<div class="column is-narrow">
{% trans "Delete group" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class="is-danger" text=button_text icon_with_text="x" controls_text="delete_group" controls_uid=group.id focus="modal_title_delete_group" %}
<div class="is-flex-grow-1">
<button type="button" data-modal-open="delete_group" class="button is-danger">
{% trans "Delete group" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control">
{% include 'snippets/privacy_select_no_followers.html' with current=group.privacy %}
<div class="control">
<button type="submit" class="button is-primary">{% trans "Save" %}</button>
@ -1,37 +1,41 @@
{% extends 'groups/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load bookwyrm_tags %}
{% load bookwyrm_group_tags %}
{% load markdown %}
{% block panel %}
<div class="columns mt-3">
<section class="column is-three-quarters">
{% if group.user == request.user %}
<div class="block">
<form class="field has-addons" method="get" action="{% url 'group-find-users' group.id %}">
<div class="control">
<input type="text" name="user_query" value="{{ request.GET.user_query }}" class="input" placeholder="{% trans 'Search to add a user' %}" aria-label="{% trans 'Search to add a user' %}">
<div class="control">
<button class="button" type="submit">
<span class="icon icon-search" title="{% trans 'Search' %}">
<span class="is-sr-only">{% trans "Search" %}</span>
{% endif %}
{% block searchresults %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="mb-2">
{% include "groups/members.html" with group=group %}
<h2 class="title is-5">Lists</h2>
<header class="columns content is-mobile">
<div class="column">
<h2 class="title is-5">{% trans "Lists" %}</h2>
<p class="subtitle is-6">
{% trans "Members of this group can create group-curated lists." %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and group|is_member:request.user %}
<div class="column is-narrow is-flex">
{% trans "Create List" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/open_button.html' with controls_text="create_list" icon_with_text="plus" text=button_text focus="create_list_header" %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and group|is_member:request.user %}
<div class="block">
{% include 'lists/create_form.html' with controls_text="create_list" curation_group=group %}
{% endif %}
<div class="columns mt-3">
<section class="column is-three-quarters">
{% if not lists %}
<p>{% trans "This group has no lists" %}</p>
{% else %}
@ -45,19 +49,17 @@
<a href="{{ list.local_path }}">{{ list.name }}</a> <span class="subtitle">{% include 'snippets/privacy-icons.html' with item=list %}</span>
{% with list_books=list.listitem_set.all|slice:5 %}
{% if list_books %}
<div class="card-image columns is-mobile is-gapless is-clipped">
{% for book in list_books %}
<a class="column is-cover" href="{{ book.book.local_path }}">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book.book cover_class='is-h-s' size='small' aria='show' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if list_books %}
<div class="card-image columns is-mobile is-gapless is-clipped">
{% for book in list_books %}
<a class="column is-cover" href="{{ book.book.local_path }}">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book.book cover_class='is-h-s' size='small' aria='show' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
<div class="card-content is-flex-grow-0">
<div class="is-clipped" {% if list.description %}title="{{ list.description }}"{% endif %}>
{% if list.description %}
@ -74,9 +76,8 @@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% include "snippets/pagination.html" with page=items %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load bookwyrm_group_tags %}
{% block title %}{{ group.name }}{% endblock %}
@ -11,12 +12,12 @@
{% include 'groups/created_text.html' with group=group %}
{% if request.user == group.user %}
<div class="column is-narrow is-flex">
{% if request.user == group.user %}
{% trans "Edit group" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/open_button.html' with text=button_text icon_with_text="pencil" controls_text="edit_group" focus="edit_group_header" %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Edit group" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/open_button.html' with text=button_text icon_with_text="pencil" controls_text="edit_group" focus="edit_group_header" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="block content">
@ -5,8 +5,22 @@
{% load bookwyrm_group_tags %}
<h2 class="title is-5">Group Members</h2>
<p class="subtitle is-6">{% trans "Members can add and remove books on a group's book lists" %}</p>
{% if group.user == request.user %}
<div class="block">
<form class="field has-addons" method="get" action="{% url 'group-find-users' group.id %}">
<div class="control">
<input type="text" name="user_query" value="{{ request.GET.user_query }}" class="input" placeholder="{% trans 'Search to add a user' %}" aria-label="{% trans 'Search to add a user' %}">
<div class="control">
<button class="button" type="submit">
<span class="icon icon-search" title="{% trans 'Search' %}">
<span class="is-sr-only">{% trans "Search" %}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if group.user != request.user and group|is_member:request.user %}
<form action="{% url 'remove-group-member' %}" method="POST" class="my-4">
{% csrf_token %}
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
{% load humanize %}
{% if suggested_users %}
<h2 class="title is-5">
{% trans "Add new members!" %}
<div class="column is-flex is-flex-grow-0">
{% for user in suggested_users %}
<div class="box has-text-centered is-shadowless has-background-white-bis m-2">
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
{% extends 'landing/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block panel %}
<div class="block columns mt-4">
<nav class="menu column is-one-quarter">
<h2 class="menu-label">{% blocktrans with site_name=site.name %}About {{ site_name }}{% endblocktrans %}</h2>
<ul class="menu-list">
<a href="#coc">{% trans "Code of Conduct" %}</a>
<a href="#privacy">{% trans "Privacy Policy" %}</a>
<div class="column content">
<div class="block" id="coc">
<h2 class="title">{% trans "Code of Conduct" %}</h2>
<div class="content">
{{ site.code_of_conduct | safe }}
<hr aria-hidden="true">
<div class="block" id="privacy">
<h2 class="title">{% trans "Privacy Policy" %}</h2>
<div class="content">
{{ site.privacy_policy | safe }}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
{% extends 'landing/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load cache %}
{% block panel %}
<div class="block is-hidden-tablet">
<h2 class="title has-text-centered">{% trans "Recent Books" %}</h2>
{% cache 60 * 60 %}
<section class="tile is-ancestor">
<div class="tile is-vertical is-6">
<div class="tile is-parent">
@ -46,5 +48,5 @@
{% endcache %}
{% endblock %}
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
{% block about_panel %}
<section class="tile is-ancestor">
<div class="tile is-7 is-parent">
<div class="tile is-child box">
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block panel %}{% endblock %}
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<a class="navbar-item" href="/">
<img class="image logo" src="{% if site.logo_small %}{% get_media_prefix %}{{ site.logo_small }}{% else %}{% static "images/logo-small.png" %}{% endif %}" alt="{% blocktrans with site_name=site.name %}{{ site_name }} home page{% endblocktrans %}">
<form class="navbar-item column" action="{% url 'search' %}">
<form class="navbar-item column is-align-items-start pt-5" action="{% url 'search' %}">
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control">
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
@ -58,25 +58,22 @@
<div role="button" tabindex="0" class="navbar-burger pulldown-menu" data-controls="main_nav" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="navbar-item mt-3">
<div class="icon icon-dots-three-vertical" title="{% trans 'Main navigation menu' %}">
<span class="is-sr-only">{% trans "Main navigation menu" %}</span>
<button type="button" tabindex="0" class="navbar-burger pulldown-menu my-4" data-controls="main_nav" aria-expanded="false">
<i class="icon icon-dots-three-vertical" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="is-sr-only">{% trans "Main navigation menu" %}</span>
<div class="navbar-menu" id="main_nav">
<div class="navbar-start">
{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
<a href="/#feed" class="navbar-item">
<a href="/#feed" class="navbar-item mt-3 py-0">
{% trans "Feed" %}
<a href="{% url 'lists' %}" class="navbar-item">
<a href="{% url 'lists' %}" class="navbar-item mt-3 py-0">
{% trans "Lists" %}
<a href="{% url 'discover' %}" class="navbar-item">
<a href="{% url 'discover' %}" class="navbar-item mt-3 py-0">
{% trans "Discover" %}
{% endif %}
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@
<div class="navbar-end">
{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
<div class="navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable">
<div class="navbar-item mt-3 py-0 has-dropdown is-hoverable">
href="{{ request.user.local_path }}"
class="navbar-link pulldown-menu"
@ -143,7 +140,7 @@
<div class="navbar-item">
<div class="navbar-item mt-3 py-0">
<a href="{% url 'notifications' %}" class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-medium">
<span class="icon icon-bell" title="{% trans 'Notifications' %}">
@ -161,7 +158,7 @@
{% else %}
<div class="navbar-item">
<div class="navbar-item pt-5 pb-0">
{% if request.path != '/login' and request.path != '/login/' %}
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
{% block form %}
<form name="create-list" method="post" action="{% url 'lists' %}">
{% include 'lists/form.html' %}
{% include 'lists/form.html' with curation_group=group %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,72 +1,74 @@
{% extends 'lists/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block breadcrumbs %}
<nav class="breadcrumb subtitle" aria-label="breadcrumbs">
<li><a href="{% url 'lists' %}">{% trans "Lists" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'list' list.id %}">{{ list.name|truncatechars:30 }}</a></li>
<li class="is-active">
<a href="#" aria-current="page">
{% trans "Curate" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block panel %}
<section class="block">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-multiline is-align-items-baseline">
<div class="column is-narrow">
<h2 class="title is-4">{% trans "Pending Books" %}</h2>
<p class="column is-narrow"><a href="{% url 'list' list.id %}">{% trans "Go to list" %}</a></p>
<h2 class="title is-4">{% trans "Pending Books" %}</h2>
{% if not pending.exists %}
<p>{% trans "You're all set!" %}</p>
<p><em>{% trans "You're all set!" %}</em></p>
{% else %}
<div class="columns">
{% for item in pending %}
{% with book=item.book %}
columns is-gapless
is-vcentered is-justify-content-space-between
<dt class="column mr-auto">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-gapless is-vcentered">
class="column is-cover"
href="{{ book.local_path }}"
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with cover_class='is-w-xs-mobile is-w-s is-h-xs-mobile is-h-s' size_mobile='xsmall' size='small' %}
{% with book=item.book %}
<div class="column">
<div class="columns is-mobile">
class="column is-cover"
href="{{ book.local_path }}"
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with cover_class='is-w-xs-mobile is-w-s is-h-xs-mobile is-h-s' size_mobile='xsmall' size='small' %}
<div class="column ml-3">
{% include 'snippets/book_titleby.html' %}
{% trans "Suggested by" %}
<a href="{{ item.user.local_path }}">
{{ item.user.display_name }}
<div class="column ml-3">
{% include 'snippets/book_titleby.html' %}
<dd class="column is-4-tablet mx-3-tablet my-3-mobile">
{% trans "Suggested by" %}
<a href="{{ item.user.local_path }}">
{{ item.user.display_name }}
<dd class="column is-narrow field has-addons">
<form class="control" method="POST" action="{% url 'list-curate' list.id %}">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="item" value="{{ item.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="approved" value="true">
<button class="button">{% trans "Approve" %}</button>
<form class="control" method="POST" action="{% url 'list-curate' list.id %}">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="item" value="{{ item.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="approved" value="false">
<button class="button is-danger is-light">{% trans "Discard" %}</button>
{% endwith %}
<div class="column is-narrow">
<div class="field has-addons">
<form class="control" method="POST" action="{% url 'list-curate' list.id %}">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="item" value="{{ item.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="approved" value="true">
<button type="submit" class="button">{% trans "Approve" %}</button>
<form class="control" method="POST" action="{% url 'list-curate' list.id %}">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="item" value="{{ item.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="approved" value="false">
<button type="submit" class="button is-danger is-light">{% trans "Discard" %}</button>
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
<button class="button is-danger" type="submit">
{% trans "Delete" %}
{% trans "Cancel" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text controls_text="delete_list" controls_uid=list.id %}
<button type="button" class="button" data-modal-close>
{% trans "Cancel" %}
{% endblock %}
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
<form name="edit-list" method="post" action="{% url 'list' list.id %}">
{% include 'lists/form.html' %}
{% include "lists/delete_list_modal.html" with controls_text="delete_list" controls_uid=list.id %}
{% include "lists/delete_list_modal.html" with id="delete_list" %}
{% endblock %}
@ -18,33 +18,82 @@
<fieldset class="field">
<legend class="label">{% trans "List curation:" %}</legend>
<label class="field" data-hides="list_group_selector">
<input type="radio" name="curation" value="closed"{% if not list or list.curation == 'closed' %} checked{% endif %}> {% trans "Closed" %}
<p class="help mb-2">{% trans "Only you can add and remove books to this list" %}</p>
<div class="field" data-hides="list_group_selector">
{% if not curation_group.exists or not list or list.curation == 'closed' %}checked{% endif %}
<label for="id_curation_closed">
{% trans "Closed" %}
<p class="help mb-2" id="id_curation_closed_help">
{% trans "Only you can add and remove books to this list" %}
<label class="field" data-hides="list_group_selector">
<input type="radio" name="curation" value="curated"{% if list.curation == 'curated' %} checked{% endif %}> {% trans "Curated" %}
<p class="help mb-2">{% trans "Anyone can suggest books, subject to your approval" %}</p>
<div class="field" data-hides="list_group_selector">
{% if list.curation == 'curated' %} checked{% endif %}
<label for="id_curation_curated">
{% trans "Curated" %}
<p class="help mb-2" id="id_curation_curated_help">
{% trans "Anyone can suggest books, subject to your approval" %}
<label class="field" data-hides="list_group_selector">
<input type="radio" name="curation" value="open"{% if list.curation == 'open' %} checked{% endif %}> {% trans "Open" context "curation type" %}
<p class="help mb-2">{% trans "Anyone can add books to this list" %}</p>
<div class="field" data-hides="list_group_selector">
{% if list.curation == 'open' %} checked{% endif %}
<label for="id_curation_open">
{% trans "Open" context "curation type" %}
<p class="help mb-2" id="id_curation_open_help">
{% trans "Anyone can add books to this list" %}
<label class="field hidden-form">
<input type="radio" name="curation" value="group"{% if list.curation == 'group' %} checked{% endif %} > {% trans "Group" %}
<p class="help mb-2">{% trans "Group members can add to and remove from this list" %}</p>
<fieldset class="{% if list.curation != 'group' %}is-hidden{% endif %}" id="list_group_selector">
<div class="field hidden-form">
{% if curation_group.id or list.curation == 'group' %}checked{% endif %}
<label for="id_curation_group">
{% trans "Group" %}
<p class="help mb-2" id="id_curation_group_help">
{% trans "Group members can add to and remove from this list" %}
<fieldset class="{% if list.curation != 'group' and not curation_group %}is-hidden{% endif %}" id="list_group_selector">
{% if user.memberships.exists %}
<label class="label" for="id_group" id="group">{% trans "Select Group" %}</label>
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="select control">
<select name="group" id="id_group">
<option value="" disabled {% if not list.group %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Select a group" %}</option>
<option value="" disabled {% if not list.group and not curation_group %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Select a group" %}</option>
{% for membership in user.memberships.all %}
<option value="{{ membership.group.id }}" {% if list.group.id == membership.group.id %} selected{% endif %}>{{ membership.group.name }}</option>
<option value="{{ membership.group.id }}" {% if list.group.id == membership.group.id or curation_group.id == membership.group.id %} selected{% endif %}>{{ membership.group.name }}</option>
{% endfor %}
@ -61,25 +110,24 @@
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column">
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control">
{% include 'snippets/privacy_select.html' with current=list.privacy %}
<div class="control">
<button type="submit" class="button is-primary">{% trans "Save" %}</button>
<div class="is-flex">
{% if list.id %}
<div class="column is-narrow">
{% trans "Delete list" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class="is-danger" text=button_text icon_with_text="x" controls_text="delete_list" controls_uid=list.id focus="modal_title_delete_list" %}
<div class="is-flex-grow-1">
<button type="button" data-modal-open="delete_list" class="button is-danger">
{% trans "Delete list" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control">
{% include 'snippets/privacy_select.html' with current=list.privacy %}
<div class="control">
<button type="submit" class="button is-primary">{% trans "Save" %}</button>
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
{% include 'lists/created_text.html' with list=list %}
<div class="column is-narrow is-flex">
{% if request.user == list.user %}
{% trans "Edit List" as button_text %}
@ -20,6 +21,8 @@
{% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %}
<div class="block content">
{% include 'snippets/trimmed_text.html' with full=list.description %}
@ -4,6 +4,19 @@
{% load bookwyrm_group_tags %}
{% load markdown %}
{% block breadcrumbs %}
<nav class="breadcrumb subtitle" aria-label="breadcrumbs">
<li><a href="{% url 'lists' %}">{% trans "Lists" %}</a></li>
<li class="is-active">
<a href="#" aria-current="page">
{{ list.name|truncatechars:30 }}
{% endblock %}
{% block panel %}
{% if request.user == list.user and pending_count %}
<div class="block content">
@ -56,37 +69,48 @@
{{ book|book_description|to_markdown|default:""|safe|truncatewords_html:20 }}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button.html' %}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button.html' with book=book %}
{% endwith %}
<div class="card-footer is-stacked-mobile has-background-white-bis is-align-items-stretch">
<div class="card-footer-item">
<p>{% blocktrans with username=item.user.display_name user_path=item.user.local_path %}Added by <a href="{{ user_path }}">{{ username }}</a>{% endblocktrans %}</p>
{% blocktrans trimmed with username=item.user.display_name user_path=item.user.local_path %}
Added by <a href="{{ user_path }}">{{ username }}</a>
{% endblocktrans %}
{% if list.user == request.user or list.group|is_member:request.user %}
<div class="card-footer-item">
<form name="set-position" method="post" action="{% url 'list-set-book-position' item.id %}">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="field has-addons mb-0">
<div class="control">
<label for="input-list-position" class="button is-transparent is-small">{% trans "List position" %}</label>
<div class="control">
<input id="input_list_position" class="input is-small" type="number" min="1" name="position" value="{{ item.order }}">
<div class="control">
<button type="submit" class="button is-info is-small is-tablet">{% trans "Set" %}</button>
name="set-position-{{ item.id }}"
action="{% url 'list-set-book-position' item.id %}"
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="field has-addons mb-0">
<div class="control">
<label for="input-list-position" class="button is-transparent is-small">{% trans "List position" %}</label>
<div class="control">
<input id="input_list_position_{{ item.id }}" class="input is-small" type="number" min="1" name="position" value="{{ item.order }}">
<div class="control">
<button type="submit" class="button is-info is-small is-tablet">{% trans "Set" %}</button>
{% endif %}
{% if list.user == request.user or list.curation == 'open' and item.user == request.user or list.group|is_member:request.user %}
<form name="remove-book" method="post" action="{% url 'list-remove-book' list.id %}" class="card-footer-item">
name="remove-book-{{ item.id }}"
action="{% url 'list-remove-book' list.id %}"
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="item" value="{{ item.id }}">
<button type="submit" class="button is-small is-danger">{% trans "Remove" %}</button>
@ -172,14 +196,20 @@
name="add-book-{{ book.id }}"
action="{% url 'list-add-book' %}{% if query %}?q={{ query }}{% endif %}"
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="book" value="{{ book.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="{{ list.id }}">
<button type="submit" class="button is-small is-link">{% if list.curation == 'open' or request.user == list.user or list.group|is_member:request.user %}{% trans "Add" %}{% else %}{% trans "Suggest" %}{% endif %}</button>
<button type="submit" class="button is-small is-link">
{% if list.curation == 'open' or request.user == list.user or list.group|is_member:request.user %}
{% trans "Add" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "Suggest" %}
{% endif %}
@ -191,7 +221,16 @@
{% trans "Embed this list on a website" %}
<div class="vertical-copy">
<textarea readonly class="textarea is-small" aria-labelledby="embed-label" data-copytext data-copytext-label="{% trans 'Copy embed code' %}" data-copytext-success="{% trans 'Copied!' %}"><iframe style="border-width:0;" id="bookwyrm_list_embed" width="400" height="600" title="{% blocktrans with list_name=list.name site_name=site.name owner=list.user.display_name %}{{ list_name }}, a list by {{owner}} on {{ site_name }}{% endblocktrans %}" src="{{ embed_url }}"></iframe></textarea>
class="textarea is-small"
data-copytext-label="{% trans 'Copy embed code' %}"
data-copytext-success="{% trans 'Copied!' %}"
><iframe style="border-width:0;" id="bookwyrm_list_embed" width="400" height="600" title="{% blocktrans trimmed with list_name=list.name site_name=site.name owner=list.user.display_name %}
{{ list_name }}, a list by {{owner}} on {{ site_name }}
{% endblocktrans %}" src="{{ embed_url }}"></iframe></textarea>
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
{% load bookwyrm_tags %}
{% related_status notification as related_status %}
<div class="notification is-clickable {% if notification.id in unread %} is-primary{% endif %}" data-href="{% block primary_link %}{% endblock %}">
<div class="box is-shadowless has-background-white-ter {% if notification.id in unread %} is-primary{% endif %}">
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column is-narrow is-size-3 {% if notification.id in unread%}has-text-white{% else %}has-text-grey{% endif %}">
{% block icon %}{% endblock %}
<a class="has-text-dark" href="{% block primary_link %}{% endblock %}">
{% block icon %}{% endblock %}
<div class="column is-clipped">
<div class="block">
<div class="block content">
{% if notification.related_user %}
<a href="{{ notification.related_user.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/avatar.html' with user=notification.related_user %}
@ -15,6 +18,7 @@
{% block description %}{% endblock %}
{% if related_status %}
<div class="block">
{% block preview %}{% endblock %}
@ -46,7 +46,3 @@
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block scripts %}
<script src="{% static "js/block_href.js" %}?v={{ js_cache }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<ul class="block">
{% for result in local_results.results %}
<li class="pd-4 mb-5">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-gapless">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-gapless mb-0">
<div class="column is-cover">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=result cover_class='is-w-xs is-h-xs' %}
@ -34,34 +34,28 @@
<div class="block">
{% for result_set in results|slice:"1:" %}
{% if result_set.results %}
<section class="box has-background-white-bis">
<section class="mb-5">
{% if not result_set.connector.local %}
<header class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column">
<h3 class="title is-5">
<details class="details-panel box" {% if forloop.first %}open{% endif %}>
{% endif %}
{% if not result_set.connector.local %}
<summary class="is-flex is-align-items-center is-flex-wrap-wrap is-gap-2">
<span class="mb-0 title is-5">
{% trans 'Results from' %}
<a href="{{ result_set.connector.base_url }}" target="_blank">{{ result_set.connector.name|default:result_set.connector.identifier }}</a>
<div class="column is-narrow">
{% trans "Open" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/open_button.html' with text=button_text controls_text="more_results_panel" controls_uid=result_set.connector.identifier class="is-small" icon_with_text="arrow-down" pressed=forloop.first %}
{% trans "Close" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/close_button.html' with text=button_text controls_text="more_results_panel" controls_uid=result_set.connector.identifier class="is-small" icon_with_text="arrow-up" pressed=forloop.first %}
{% endif %}
<div class="box has-background-white is-shadowless{% if not forloop.first %} is-hidden{% endif %}" id="more_results_panel_{{ result_set.connector.identifier }}">
<span class="details-close icon icon-x" aria-hidden></span>
{% endif %}
<div class="mt-5">
<div class="is-flex is-flex-direction-row-reverse">
<ul class="is-flex-grow-1">
{% for result in result_set.results %}
<li class="mb-5">
<li class="{% if not forloop.last %}mb-5{% endif %}">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-gapless">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-gapless">
<div class="column is-1 is-cover">
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=result cover_class='is-w-xs is-h-xs' external_path=True %}
<div class="column is-10 ml-3">
@ -92,6 +86,9 @@
{% if not result_set.connector.local %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<form class="block" action="{% url 'search' %}" method="GET">
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control">
<input type="input" class="input" name="q" value="{{ query }}" aria-label="{% trans 'Search query' %}">
<input type="text" class="input" name="q" value="{{ query }}" aria-label="{% trans 'Search query' %}">
<div class="control">
<div class="select" aria-label="{% trans 'Search type' %}">
@ -31,35 +31,29 @@
<div class="block content">
<div class="is-flex notification pt-1 pb-1 mb-0 {% if announcement in active_announcements %}is-success{% else %}is-danger{% endif %}">
<dt class="mr-1 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "Visible:" %}</dt>
{% if announcement in active_announcements %}
{% trans "True" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "False" %}
{% endif %}
<dt class="is-pulled-left mr-5 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "Visible:" %}</dt>
<span class="tag {% if announcement in active_announcements %}is-success{% else %}is-danger{% endif %}">
{% if announcement in active_announcements %}
{% trans "True" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "False" %}
{% endif %}
{% if announcement.start_date %}
<div class="is-flex notificationi pt-1 pb-1 mb-0 has-background-white">
<dt class="mr-1 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "Start date:" %}</dt>
<dd>{{ announcement.start_date|naturalday }}</dd>
<dt class="is-pulled-left mr-5 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "Start date:" %}</dt>
<dd>{{ announcement.start_date|naturalday }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if announcement.end_date %}
<div class="is-flex notification pt-1 pb-1 mb-0 has-background-white">
<dt class="mr-1 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "End date:" %}</dt>
<dd>{{ announcement.end_date|naturalday }}</dd>
<dt class="is-pulled-left mr-5 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "End date:" %}</dt>
<dd>{{ announcement.end_date|naturalday }}</dd>
{% endif %}
<div class="is-flex notification pt-1 pb-1 has-background-white">
<dt class="mr-1 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "Active:" %}</dt>
<dd>{{ announcement.active }}</dd>
<dt class="is-pulled-left mr-5 has-text-weight-bold">{% trans "Active:" %}</dt>
<dd>{{ announcement.active }}</dd>
<hr aria-hidden="true">
@ -3,5 +3,7 @@
{% block filter %}
<label class="label" for="id_server">{% trans "Instance name" %}</label>
<input type="text" class="input" name="server" value="{{ request.GET.server|default:'' }}" id="id_server" placeholder="example.server.com">
<div class="control">
<input type="text" class="input" name="server" value="{{ request.GET.server|default:'' }}" id="id_server" placeholder="example.server.com">
{% endblock %}
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{% block filter %}
<label class="label" for="id_username">{% trans "Username" %}</label>
<input type="text" class="input" name="username" value="{{ request.GET.username|default:'' }}" id="id_username" placeholder="user@domain.com">
<div class="control">
<input type="text" class="input" name="username" value="{{ request.GET.username|default:'' }}" id="id_username" placeholder="user@domain.com">
{% endblock %}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-narrow is-hidden-mobile">
<figure class="block is-w-xl">
<figure class="block is-w-{% if size %}{{ size }}{% else %}xl{% endif %}">
<img src="{% if site.logo %}{% get_media_prefix %}{{ site.logo }}{% else %}{% static "images/logo.png" %}{% endif %}" alt="BookWyrm logo">
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% load utilities %}
{% load cache %}
{% spaceless %}
{# 6 month cache #}
{% cache 15552000 titleby book.id %}
{% if book.authors.exists %}
{% blocktrans trimmed with path=book.local_path title=book|book_title %}
<a href="{{ path }}">{{ title }}</a> by
@ -10,4 +14,6 @@
{% else %}
<a href="{{ book.local_path }}">{{ book|book_title }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endcache %}
{% endspaceless %}
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
<div class="column is-flex">
<div class="box is-flex-grow-1">
{% block filter %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="filters-field column">
{% block filter %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,28 +1,47 @@
{% load i18n %}
<div class="notification content">
<h2 class="columns is-mobile mb-0">
<span class="column pb-0">Filters</span>
<details class="details-panel box is-size-{{ size|default:'normal' }}" {% if filters_applied %}open{% endif %}>
<summary class="is-flex is-align-items-center is-flex-wrap-wrap is-gap-2">
<span class="mb-0 title {% if size == 'small' %}is-6{% else %}is-5{% endif %} is-flex-shrink-0">
{% trans "Filters" %}
<span class="column is-narrow pb-0">
{% trans "Show filters" as text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/open_button.html' with text=text controls_text="filters" icon_with_text="arrow-down" class="is-small" focus="filters" %}
{% trans "Hide filters" as text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/close_button.html' with text=text controls_text="filters" icon_with_text="arrow-up" class="is-small" %}
<form class="is-hidden mt-3" id="filters" method="get" action="{{ request.path }}" tabindex="0">
{% if sort %}
<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="{{ sort }}">
{% if filters_applied %}
<span class="tag is-success is-light ml-2 mb-0 is-{{ size|default:'normal' }}">
{{ _("Filters are applied") }}
{% endif %}
<div class="columns">
{% block filter_fields %}
{% endblock %}
<button class="button is-primary">{% trans "Apply filters" %}</button>
{% if request.GET %}
<a class="help" href="{{ request.path }}">{% trans "Clear filters" %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if request.GET %}
<span class="mb-0 tags has-addons">
<span class="mb-0 tag is-success is-light is-{{ size|default:'normal' }}">
{% trans "Filters are applied" %}
<a class="mb-0 tag is-success is-{{ size|default:'normal' }}" href="{{ request.path }}">
{% trans "Clear filters" %}
{% endif %}
<span class="details-close icon icon-x is-{{ size|default:'normal' }}" aria-hidden></span>
<div class="mt-3">
<form id="filters" method="{{ method|default:'get' }}" action="{{ action|default:request.path }}">
{% if method == 'post' %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}
{% if sort %}
<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="{{ sort }}">
{% endif %}
<div class="mt-3 columns filters-fields is-align-items-stretch">
{% block filter_fields %}
{% endblock %}
<button type="submit" class="button is-primary is-small">
{% trans "Apply filters" %}
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% if request.user == user or not request.user.is_authenticated %}
{% elif user in request.user.blocks.all %}
{% include 'snippets/block_button.html' with blocks=True %}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
id="id_progress_{{ readthrough.id }}{{ controls_uid }}"
id="{{ field_id }}"
value="{{ readthrough.progress }}"
{% if progress_required %}required{% endif %}
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Finish "<em>{{ book_title }}</em>"
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-open %}
<form name="finish-reading" action="{% url 'reading-status' 'finish' book.id %}" method="post" {% if not refresh %}class="submit-status"{% endif %}>
<form name="finish-reading-{{ uuid }}" action="{% url 'reading-status' 'finish' book.id %}" method="post" {% if not refresh %}class="submit-status"{% endif %}>
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ readthrough.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="reading_status" value="read">
@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
{% extends 'snippets/reading_modals/layout.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load utilities %}
{% block modal-title %}
{% trans "Update progress" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-open %}
<form name="reading-progress" action="{% url 'reading-status-update' book.id %}" method="POST" class="submit-status">
<form name="reading-progress-{{ uuid }}" action="{% url 'reading-status-update' book.id %}" method="POST" class="submit-status">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ readthrough.id }}">
{% endblock %}
{% block reading-dates %}
<label for="id_progress_{{ readthrough.id }}{{ controls_uid }}" class="label">{% trans "Progress:" %}</label>
{% include "snippets/progress_field.html" with progress_required=True %}
{% join "id_progress" uuid as field_id %}
<label for="{{ field_id }}" class="label">{% trans "Progress:" %}</label>
{% include "snippets/progress_field.html" with progress_required=True id=field_id %}
{% endblock %}
{% block form %}
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Start "<em>{{ book_title }}</em>"
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-open %}
<form name="start-reading" action="{% url 'reading-status' 'start' book.id %}" method="post" {% if not refresh %}class="submit-status"{% endif %}>
<form name="start-reading-{{ uuid }}" action="{% url 'reading-status' 'start' book.id %}" method="post" {% if not refresh %}class="submit-status"{% endif %}>
<input type="hidden" name="reading_status" value="reading">
<input type="hidden" name="shelf" value="{{ move_from }}">
<input type="hidden" name="shelf" value="{{ move_from }}">
{% csrf_token %}
{% endblock %}
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Want to Read "<em>{{ book_title }}</em>"
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-open %}
<form name="shelve" action="{% url 'reading-status' 'want' book.id %}" method="post" {% if not refresh %}class="submit-status"{% endif %}>
<form name="want-to-read-{{ uuid }}" action="{% url 'reading-status' 'want' book.id %}" method="post" {% if not refresh %}class="submit-status"{% endif %}>
<input type="hidden" name="reading_status" value="to-read">
<input type="hidden" name="shelf" value="{{ move_from }}">
{% csrf_token %}
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{% load i18n %}
{% load utilities %}
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ readthrough.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="book" value="{{ book.id }}">
@ -10,10 +12,11 @@
{# Only show progress for editing existing readthroughs #}
{% if readthrough.id and not readthrough.finish_date %}
<label class="label" for="id_progress_{{ readthrough.id }}{{ controls_uid }}">
{% join "id_progress" readthrough.id as field_id %}
<label class="label" for="{{ field_id }}">
{% trans "Progress" %}
{% include "snippets/progress_field.html" %}
{% include "snippets/progress_field.html" with id=field_id %}
{% endif %}
<div class="field">
<label class="label" for="id_finish_date_{{ readthrough.id }}">
@ -3,9 +3,15 @@
{% with 0|uuid as report_uuid %}
{% trans "Report" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class="is-danger is-light is-small is-fullwidth" text=button_text controls_text="report" controls_uid=report_uuid focus="modal_title_report" disabled=is_current %}
{% include 'snippets/report_modal.html' with user=user reporter=request.user controls_text="report" controls_uid=report_uuid %}
{% join "report" report_uuid as modal_id %}
class="button is-small is-danger is-light is-fullwidth"
data-modal-open="{{ modal_id }}"
{% if is_current %}disabled{% endif %}
{% trans "Report" %}
{% include 'snippets/report_modal.html' with user=user reporter=request.user id=modal_id %}
{% endwith %}
@ -21,8 +21,12 @@
<section class="content">
<p>{% blocktrans with site_name=site.name %}This report will be sent to {{ site_name }}'s moderators for review.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
<label class="label" for="id_{{ controls_uid }}_report_note">{% trans "More info about this report:" %}</label>
<textarea class="textarea" name="note" id="id_{{ controls_uid }}_report_note"></textarea>
<div class="control">
<label class="label" for="id_{{ controls_uid }}_report_note">
{% trans "More info about this report:" %}
<textarea class="textarea" name="note" id="id_{{ controls_uid }}_report_note"></textarea>
{% endblock %}
@ -31,9 +35,9 @@
{% block modal-footer %}
<button class="button is-success" type="submit">{% trans "Submit" %}</button>
{% trans "Cancel" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text controls_text="report" controls_uid=report_uuid class="" %}
<button type="button" class="button" data-modal-close>{% trans "Cancel" %}</button>
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-form-close %}</form>{% endblock %}
@ -63,16 +63,18 @@
{% endfor %}
{% if shelf.identifier == 'all' %}
{% for shelved_in in book.shelves.all %}
{% for user_shelf in user_shelves %}
{% if user_shelf in book.shelves.all %}
<li class="navbar-divider m-0" role="separator" ></li>
<li role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item p-0">
<form name="shelve" action="/unshelve/" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="book" value="{{ book.id }}">
<input type="hidden" name="shelf" value="{{ shelved_in.id }}">
<button class="button is-fullwidth is-small is-radiusless is-danger is-light" type="submit">{% trans "Remove from" %} {{ shelved_in.name }}</button>
<input type="hidden" name="shelf" value="{{ user_shelf.id }}">
<button class="button is-fullwidth is-small is-radiusless is-danger is-light" type="submit">{% trans "Remove from" %} {{ user_shelf.name }}</button>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<li class="navbar-divider" role="separator" ></li>
@ -86,11 +88,14 @@
{% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/want_to_read_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book controls_text="want_to_read" controls_uid=uuid move_from=current.id refresh=True class="" %}
{% join "want_to_read" uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/want_to_read_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id move_from=current.id refresh=True class="" %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/start_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book controls_text="start_reading" controls_uid=uuid move_from=current.id refresh=True class="" %}
{% join "start_reading" uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/start_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id move_from=current.id refresh=True class="" %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/finish_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book controls_text="finish_reading" controls_uid=uuid move_from=current.id readthrough=readthrough refresh=True class="" %}
{% join "finish_reading" uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/finish_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id move_from=current.id readthrough=readthrough refresh=True class="" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{% load utilities %}
<form name="fallback_form_{{ 0|uuid }}" method="GET" action="{{ fallback_url }}" autocomplete="off">
class="button {{ class }}"
data-modal-open="{{ modal_id }}"
{{ button_text }}
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{% with book.id|uuid as uuid %}
{% active_shelf book as active_shelf %}
{% latest_read_through book request.user as readthrough %}
<div class="field has-addons mb-0" data-shelve-button-book="{{ book.id }}">
<div class="field has-addons mb-0 has-text-weight-normal" data-shelve-button-book="{{ book.id }}">
{% if switch_mode and active_shelf.book != book %}
<div class="control">
{% include 'snippets/switch_edition_button.html' with edition=book size='is-small' %}
@ -19,13 +19,17 @@
{% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/want_to_read_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book controls_text="want_to_read" controls_uid=uuid %}
{% join "want_to_read" uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/want_to_read_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id class="" %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/start_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book controls_text="start_reading" controls_uid=uuid %}
{% join "start_reading" uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/start_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id class="" %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/finish_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book controls_text="finish_reading" controls_uid=uuid readthrough=readthrough %}
{% join "finish_reading" uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/finish_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id readthrough=readthrough class="" %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/progress_update_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book controls_text="progress_update" controls_uid=uuid readthrough=readthrough %}
{% join "progress_update" uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/reading_modals/progress_update_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id readthrough=readthrough class="" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
@ -16,23 +16,26 @@
{% trans "Start reading" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'start' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="start_reading" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_start_reading" disabled=is_current fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% join "start_reading" button_uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/modal_button.html' with class=class fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'read' %}
{% trans "Read" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'finish' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="finish_reading" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_finish_reading" disabled=is_current fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% join "finish_reading" button_uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/modal_button.html' with class=class fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'to-read' %}
{% trans "Want to read" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'want' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="want_to_read" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_want_to_read" disabled=is_current fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% join "want_to_read" button_uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/modal_button.html' with class=class fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% elif shelf.editable %}
<form name="shelve" action="/shelve/" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<form name="shelve-{{ uuid }}-{{ shelf.identifier }}" action="/shelve/" method="post" autocomplete="off">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="book" value="{{ active_shelf.book.id }}">
<button class="button {{ class }}" name="shelf" type="submit" value="{{ shelf.identifier }}" {% if shelf in book.shelf_set.all %} disabled {% endif %}>
@ -47,8 +50,9 @@
{% if readthrough and active_shelf.shelf.identifier != 'read' %}
<li role="menuitem" class="dropdown-item p-0" data-extra-options>
{% trans "Update progress" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="progress_update" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_progress_update" %}
<button type="submit" class="button {{ class }}" data-modal-open="progress_update_{{ button_uuid }}">
{% trans "Update progress" %}
{% endif %}
@ -23,23 +23,26 @@
{% trans "Start reading" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'start' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="start_reading" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_start_reading" fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% join "start_reading" button_uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/modal_button.html' with class=class fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'read' %}
{% trans "Finish reading" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'finish' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="finish_reading" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_finish_reading" fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% join "finish_reading" button_uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/modal_button.html' with class=class fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'to-read' %}
{% trans "Want to read" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'want' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="want_to_read" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_want_to_read" fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% join "want_to_read" button_uuid as modal_id %}
{% include 'snippets/shelve_button/modal_button.html' with class=class fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% elif shelf.editable %}
<form name="shelve" action="/shelve/" method="post">
<form name="shelve-{{ uuid }}-{{ shelf.identifier }}" action="/shelve/" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="book" value="{{ active_shelf.book.id }}">
<button class="button {{ class }}" name="shelf" type="submit" value="{{ shelf.identifier }}" {% if shelf in book.shelf_set.all %} disabled {% endif %}>
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
Reference in a new issue