New translations django.po (Galician)

This commit is contained in:
Mouse Reeve 2022-11-24 00:35:04 -08:00
parent 9261131777
commit 2101a1aced

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bookwyrm\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-10 21:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-24 06:57\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-24 08:35\n"
"Last-Translator: Mouse Reeve <>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician\n"
"Language: gl\n"
@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ msgstr "Lectura actual"
#: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_options.html:12
#: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:35 bookwyrm/templatetags/
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Lido"
msgstr "Lidos"
#: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/book_preview.html:13
#: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:89 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:36
@ -2411,11 +2411,11 @@ msgstr "Preme no botón <strong>Crear Lista</strong>, despois en <strong>Seguint
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:35
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:59
msgid "Creating a new list"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Creando unha nova lista"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:58
msgid "You must give your list a name and can optionally give it a description to help other people understand what your list is about."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Teslle que dar un nome á lista e opcionalmente unha descrición, para así axudar a outras persoas a coñecer o tema da túa lista."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:81
msgid "Choose who can see your list here. List privacy options work just like we saw when posting book reviews. This is a common pattern throughout Bookwyrm."
@ -2427,56 +2427,56 @@ msgstr "Privacidade da lista"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:105
msgid "You can also decide how your list is to be curated - only by you, by anyone, or by a group."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tamén podes decidir quen vai xestionar a lista - só ti, calquera, ou un grupo."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:106
msgid "List curation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Xestión da lista"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:128
msgid "Next in our tour we will explore Groups!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O seguinte apartado do Titorial é o de Grupos!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:129
msgid "Next: Groups"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Seguinte: Grupos"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:143
msgid "Take me there"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lévame alá"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:16
msgid "If the book you are looking for is available on a remote catalogue such as Open Library, click on <strong>Import book</strong>."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se o libro que buscas está dispoñible nun catálogo remoto como Open Library, preme en <strong>Importar libro</strong>."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:17
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:44
msgid "Searching"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Buscando"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:43
msgid "If the book you are looking for is already on this Bookwyrm instance, you can click on the title to go to the book's page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se o libro que buscar está dispoñible nesta instancia Bookwyrm, podes premer no título e ir á páxina do libro."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:71
msgid "If the book you are looking for is not listed, try loading more records from other sources like Open Library or Inventaire."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se o libro que buscas non aparece, intenta atopalo cargando máis resultados de fontes como Open Library ou Inventaire."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:72
msgid "Load more records"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cargar máis resultados"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:98
msgid "If your book is not in the results, try adjusting your search terms."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se o libro non está nos resultados, intenta cambiar os termos da busca."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:99
msgid "Search again"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Buscar de novo"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:121
msgid "If you still can't find your book, you can add a record manually."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se incluso así non atopas o libro, podes engadilo manualmente."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:122
msgid "Add a record manually"
@ -2484,15 +2484,15 @@ msgstr "Crear rexistro manualmente"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:147
msgid "Import, manually add, or view an existing book to continue the tour."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Importa, engade manualmente, ou mira un libro existente para continuar o titorial."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:148
msgid "Continue the tour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Continuar co titorial"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:10
msgid "This is the page where your books are listed, organised into shelves."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nesta páxina está a lista cos teus libros, organizados en estantes."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:11
#: bookwyrm/templates/user/books_header.html:4
@ -2501,39 +2501,39 @@ msgstr "Os teus libros"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:31
msgid "<strong>To Read</strong>, <strong>Currently Reading</strong>, <strong>Read</strong>, and <strong>Stopped Reading</strong> are default shelves. When you change the reading status of a book it will automatically be moved to the matching shelf. A book can only be on one default shelf at a time."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<strong>Pendentes</strong>, <strong>Lectura actual</strong>, <strong>Lidos</strong>, e <strong>Abandonados</strong> son os estantes por defecto. Cando cambias o estado da lectura dun libro moverase automáticamente ao estante axeitado. Un libro só pode estar nun dos estantes por defecto ao mesmo tempo."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:32
msgid "Reading status shelves"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Estantes por estado da lectura"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:55
msgid "You can create additional custom shelves to organise your books. A book on a custom shelf can be on any number of other shelves simultaneously, including one of the default reading status shelves"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Podes crear estantes adicionais para organizar os teus libros. Un libro nun estante personalizado pode estar en varios estantes ao mesmo tempo, incluíndo un dos estantes dos estados de lectura por defecto"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:56
msgid "Adding custom shelves."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Engadir estantes personais."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:78
msgid "If you have an export file from another service like Goodreads or LibraryThing, you can import it here."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se tes un ficheiro exportado desde outro servizo como Goodreads ou LibraryThing, podes importalo aquí."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:79
msgid "Import from another service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Importar desde outro servizo"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:101
msgid "Now that we've explored book shelves, let's take a look at a related concept: book lists!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Agora que coñeces os estantes para libros, imos aprender outro concepto: listas de libros!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:101
msgid "Click on the <strong>Lists</strong> link here to continue the tour."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Preme na ligazón <strong>Listas</strong> para continuar co titorial."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:10
msgid "You can create or join a group with other users. Groups can share group-curated book lists, and in future will be able to do other things."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Podes crear ou unirte a un grupo con outras persoas. Os grupos poden crear listas de libros conxuntamente, e no futuro poderán facer máis cousas."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:11
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:55
@ -2543,19 +2543,19 @@ msgstr "Grupos"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:31
msgid "Let's create a new group!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Creemos un grupo!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:31
msgid "Click the <strong>Create group</strong> button, then <strong>Next</strong> to continue the tour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Preme no botón <strong>Crear grupo</strong>, despois en <strong>Seguinte</strong> para continuar o titorial"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:55
msgid "Give your group a name and describe what it is about. You can make user groups for any purpose - a reading group, a bunch of friends, whatever!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ponlle un nome ao grupo e describe o seu tema. Podes crear grupos de usuarias por calquera motivo - grupo de lectura, amizades, o que sexa!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:56
msgid "Creating a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Creando un grupo"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:78
msgid "Groups have privacy settings just like posts and lists, except that group privacy cannot be <strong>Followers</strong>."
@ -2563,23 +2563,23 @@ msgstr "Os grupos teñen axustes de privacidade como as publicacións e as lista
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:79
msgid "Group visibility"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Visibilidade do grupo"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:102
msgid "Once you're happy with how everything is set up, click the <strong>Save</strong> button to create your new group."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Unha vez todo está tal como desexas, preme no botón <strong>Gardar</strong> para crear o teu novo grupo."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:102
msgid "Create and save a group to continue the tour."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crea e garda un grupo para continuar co titorial."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:103
msgid "Save your group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Garda o grupo"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:10
msgid "This is your user profile. All your latest activities will be listed here. Other Bookwyrm users can see parts of this page too - what they can see depends on your privacy settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Este é o teu perfil de usuaria. A túas últimas actividades aparecerán aquí. Outras usuarias de Bookwyrm poden ver certas partes desta páxina - o que vexan depende dos teus axustes de privacidade."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:11
#: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:19 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:10