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2017-12-04 14:53:40 -08:00

258 lines
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use std::rc::Rc;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use handler::{Reply, RouteHandler};
use resource::{Route, Resource};
use recognizer::{RouteRecognizer, check_pattern};
use httprequest::HttpRequest;
use channel::HttpHandler;
use pipeline::Pipeline;
use middlewares::Middleware;
/// Application
pub struct Application<S> {
state: Rc<S>,
prefix: String,
default: Resource<S>,
routes: Vec<(String, Route<S>)>,
router: RouteRecognizer<Resource<S>>,
middlewares: Rc<Vec<Box<Middleware>>>,
impl<S: 'static> Application<S> {
fn run(&self, req: HttpRequest) -> Reply {
let mut req = req.with_state(Rc::clone(&self.state));
if let Some((params, h)) = self.router.recognize(req.path()) {
if let Some(params) = params {
} else {
for route in &self.routes {
if req.path().starts_with(&route.0) && route.1.check(&mut req) {
return route.1.handle(req)
impl<S: 'static> HttpHandler for Application<S> {
fn handle(&self, req: HttpRequest) -> Result<Pipeline, HttpRequest> {
if req.path().starts_with(&self.prefix) {
Ok(Pipeline::new(req, Rc::clone(&self.middlewares),
&|req: HttpRequest| self.run(req)))
} else {
impl Application<()> {
/// Create default `ApplicationBuilder` with no state
pub fn default<T: Into<String>>(prefix: T) -> ApplicationBuilder<()> {
ApplicationBuilder {
parts: Some(ApplicationBuilderParts {
state: (),
prefix: prefix.into(),
default: Resource::default_not_found(),
routes: Vec::new(),
resources: HashMap::new(),
middlewares: Vec::new(),
impl<S> Application<S> where S: 'static {
/// Create application builder with specific state. State is shared with all
/// routes within same application and could be
/// accessed with `HttpContext::state()` method.
pub fn build<T: Into<String>>(prefix: T, state: S) -> ApplicationBuilder<S> {
ApplicationBuilder {
parts: Some(ApplicationBuilderParts {
state: state,
prefix: prefix.into(),
default: Resource::default_not_found(),
routes: Vec::new(),
resources: HashMap::new(),
middlewares: Vec::new(),
struct ApplicationBuilderParts<S> {
state: S,
prefix: String,
default: Resource<S>,
routes: Vec<(String, Route<S>)>,
resources: HashMap<String, Resource<S>>,
middlewares: Vec<Box<Middleware>>,
/// Structure that follows the builder pattern for building `Application` structs.
pub struct ApplicationBuilder<S=()> {
parts: Option<ApplicationBuilderParts<S>>,
impl<S> ApplicationBuilder<S> where S: 'static {
/// Configure resource for specific path.
/// Resource may have variable path also. For instance, a resource with
/// the path */a/{name}/c* would match all incoming requests with paths
/// such as */a/b/c*, */a/1/c*, and */a/etc/c*.
/// A variable part is specified in the form `{identifier}`, where
/// the identifier can be used later in a request handler to access the matched
/// value for that part. This is done by looking up the identifier
/// in the `Params` object returned by `HttpRequest.match_info()` method.
/// By default, each part matches the regular expression `[^{}/]+`.
/// You can also specify a custom regex in the form `{identifier:regex}`:
/// For instance, to route Get requests on any route matching `/users/{userid}/{friend}` and
/// store userid and friend in the exposed Params object:
/// ```rust
/// extern crate actix_web;
/// use actix_web::*;
/// fn main() {
/// let app = Application::default("/")
/// .resource("/test", |r| {
/// r.method(Method::GET).f(|_| httpcodes::HTTPOk);
/// r.method(Method::HEAD).f(|_| httpcodes::HTTPMethodNotAllowed);
/// })
/// .finish();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn resource<F, P: Into<String>>(&mut self, path: P, f: F) -> &mut Self
where F: FnOnce(&mut Resource<S>) + 'static
let parts = self.parts.as_mut().expect("Use after finish");
// add resource
let path = path.into();
if !parts.resources.contains_key(&path) {
parts.resources.insert(path.clone(), Resource::default());
/// Default resource is used if no match route could be found.
pub fn default_resource<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
where F: FnOnce(&mut Resource<S>) + 'static
let parts = self.parts.as_mut().expect("Use after finish");
f(&mut parts.default);
/// This method register route for specified path prefix.
/// Route maches based on path prefix, variable path patterns are not available
/// in this case. If you need variable path patterns consider using *resource()*
/// method.
/// ```rust
/// extern crate actix_web;
/// use actix_web::*;
/// fn main() {
/// let app = Application::default("/")
/// .route("/test", |r| r.f(
/// |req| {
/// match *req.method() {
/// Method::GET => httpcodes::HTTPOk,
/// Method::POST => httpcodes::HTTPMethodNotAllowed,
/// _ => httpcodes::HTTPNotFound,
/// }
/// }
/// ))
/// .finish();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn route<F, P: Into<String>>(&mut self, path: P, f: F) -> &mut Self
where P: Into<String>,
F: FnOnce(&mut Route<S>) + 'static
let parts = self.parts.as_mut().expect("Use after finish");
parts.routes.push((path.into(), Route::default()));
f(&mut parts.routes.last_mut().unwrap().1);
/// Register a middleware
pub fn middleware<T>(&mut self, mw: T) -> &mut Self
where T: Middleware + 'static
self.parts.as_mut().expect("Use after finish")
/// Construct application
pub fn finish(&mut self) -> Application<S> {
let parts = self.parts.take().expect("Use after finish");
let prefix = if parts.prefix.ends_with('/') {
} else {
parts.prefix + "/"
let mut resources = Vec::new();
for (path, handler) in parts.resources {
resources.push((path, handler))
let mut routes = Vec::new();
for (path, route) in parts.routes {
routes.push((prefix.clone() + path.trim_left_matches('/'), route));
Application {
state: Rc::new(parts.state),
prefix: prefix.clone(),
default: parts.default,
routes: routes,
router: RouteRecognizer::new(prefix, resources),
middlewares: Rc::new(parts.middlewares),
impl<S: 'static> From<ApplicationBuilder<S>> for Application<S> {
fn from(mut builder: ApplicationBuilder<S>) -> Application<S> {
impl<S: 'static> Iterator for ApplicationBuilder<S> {
type Item = Application<S>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.parts.is_some() {
} else {