5 KiB
Resources and Routes
All resources and routes register for specific application. Application routes incoming requests based on route criteria which is defined during resource registration or path prefix for simple handlers. Internally router is a list of resources. Resource is an entry in route table which corresponds to requested URL.
Prefix handler:
# extern crate actix_web;
# use actix_web::*;
fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
fn main() {
.handler("/prefix", index)
In this example index
get called for any url which starts with /prefix
Application prefix combines with handler prefix i.e
# extern crate actix_web;
# use actix_web::*;
fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
fn main() {
.handler("/prefix", index)
In this example index
get called for any url which starts with/app/prefix
Resource contains set of route for same endpoint. Route corresponds to handling
HTTP method by calling web handler. Resource select route based on http method,
if no route could be matched default response HTTPMethodNotAllowed
get resturned.
# extern crate actix_web;
# use actix_web::*;
fn main() {
.resource("/prefix", |r| {
r.method(Method::GET).handler(|r| httpcodes::HTTPOk);
r.method(Method::POST).handler(|r| httpcodes::HTTPForbidden);
accepts configuration function, resource could be configured at once.
Check Resource
for more information.
Variable resources
Resource may have variable pathalso. For instance, a resource with the path '/a/{name}/c' would match all incoming requests with paths such as '/a/b/c', '/a/1/c', and '/a/etc/c'.
A variable part is specified in the form {identifier}, where the identifier can be
used later in a request handler to access the matched value for that part. This is
done by looking up the identifier in the HttpRequest.match_info
# extern crate actix_web;
use actix_web::*;
fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> String {
format!("Hello, {}", &req.match_info()["name"])
fn main() {
.resource("/{name}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).handler(index))
By default, each part matches the regular expression [^{}/]+
You can also specify a custom regex in the form {identifier:regex}
# extern crate actix_web;
# use actix_web::*;
# fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> String {
# format!("Hello, {}", &req.match_info()["name"])
# }
fn main() {
.resource(r"{name:\d+}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).handler(index))
Any matched parameter can be deserialized into specific type if this type
implements FromParam
trait. For example most of standard integer types
implements FromParam
trait. i.e.:
extern crate actix_web;
use actix_web::*;
fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<String> {
let v1: u8 = req.match_info().query("v1")?;
let v2: u8 = req.match_info().query("v2")?;
Ok(format!("Values {} {}", v1, v2))
fn main() {
.resource(r"/a/{v1}/{v2}/", |r| r.route().handler(index))
For this example for path '/a/1/2/', values v1 and v2 will resolve to "1" and "2".
It is possible to match path tail with custom .*
fn main() {
.resource(r"/test/{tail:.*}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).handler(index))
Above example would match all incoming requests with path such as '/test/b/c', '/test/index.html', and '/test/etc/test'.
It is possible to create a PathBuf
from a tail path parameter. The returned PathBuf
percent-decoded. If a segment is equal to "..", the previous segment (if
any) is skipped.
For security purposes, if a segment meets any of the following conditions,
an Err
is returned indicating the condition met:
- Decoded segment starts with any of:
- Decoded segment ends with any of:
- Decoded segment contains any of:
- On Windows, decoded segment contains any of: ''
- Percent-encoding results in invalid UTF8.
As a result of these conditions, a PathBuf
parsed from request path parameter is
safe to interpolate within, or use as a suffix of, a path without additional checks.
# extern crate actix_web;
use actix_web::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<String> {
let path: PathBuf = req.match_info().query("tail")?;
Ok(format!("Path {:?}", path))
fn main() {
.resource(r"/a/{tail:.*}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).handler(index))