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Rob Ede 68117543ea
major cleanup of middleware module (#1875)
* major cleanup of middleware module

* update changelog
2021-01-05 09:51:58 +00:00

662 lines
17 KiB

## Unreleased
* The default `NormalizePath` behavior now strips trailing slashes by default. This was
previously documented to be the case in v3 but the behavior now matches. The effect is that
routes defined with trailing slashes will become inaccessible when
using `NormalizePath::default()`.
Before: `#[get("/test/")`
After: `#[get("/test")`
Alternatively, explicitly require trailing slashes: `NormalizePath::new(TrailingSlash::Always)`.
## 3.0.0
* The return type for `ServiceRequest::app_data::<T>()` was changed from returning a `Data<T>` to
simply a `T`. To access a `Data<T>` use `ServiceRequest::app_data::<Data<T>>()`.
* Cookie handling has been offloaded to the `cookie` crate:
* `USERINFO_ENCODE_SET` is no longer exposed. Percent-encoding is still supported; check docs.
* Some types now require lifetime parameters.
* The time crate was updated to `v0.2`, a major breaking change to the time crate, which affects
any `actix-web` method previously expecting a time v0.1 input.
* Setting a cookie's SameSite property, explicitly, to `SameSite::None` will now
result in `SameSite=None` being sent with the response Set-Cookie header.
To create a cookie without a SameSite attribute, remove any calls setting same_site.
* actix-http support for Actors messages was moved to actix-http crate and is enabled
with feature `actors`
* content_length function is removed from actix-http.
You can set Content-Length by normally setting the response body or calling no_chunking function.
* `BodySize::Sized64` variant has been removed. `BodySize::Sized` now receives a
`u64` instead of a `usize`.
* Code that was using `path.<index>` to access a `web::Path<(A, B, C)>`s elements now needs to use
destructuring or `.into_inner()`. For example:
// Previously:
async fn some_route(path: web::Path<(String, String)>) -> String {
format!("Hello, {} {}", path.0, path.1)
// Now (this also worked before):
async fn some_route(path: web::Path<(String, String)>) -> String {
let (first_name, last_name) = path.into_inner();
format!("Hello, {} {}", first_name, last_name)
// Or (this wasn't previously supported):
async fn some_route(web::Path((first_name, last_name)): web::Path<(String, String)>) -> String {
format!("Hello, {} {}", first_name, last_name)
* `middleware::NormalizePath` can now also be configured to trim trailing slashes instead of always keeping one.
It will need `middleware::normalize::TrailingSlash` when being constructed with `NormalizePath::new(...)`,
or for an easier migration you can replace `wrap(middleware::NormalizePath)` with `wrap(middleware::NormalizePath::new(TrailingSlash::MergeOnly))`.
* `HttpServer::maxconn` is renamed to the more expressive `HttpServer::max_connections`.
* `HttpServer::maxconnrate` is renamed to the more expressive `HttpServer::max_connection_rate`.
## 2.0.0
* `HttpServer::start()` renamed to `HttpServer::run()`. It also possible to
`.await` on `run` method result, in that case it awaits server exit.
* `App::register_data()` renamed to `App::app_data()` and accepts any type `T: 'static`.
Stored data is available via `HttpRequest::app_data()` method at runtime.
* Extractor configuration must be registered with `App::app_data()` instead of `App::data()`
* Sync handlers has been removed. `.to_async()` method has been renamed to `.to()`
replace `fn` with `async fn` to convert sync handler to async
* `actix_http_test::TestServer` moved to `actix_web::test` module. To start
test server use `test::start()` or `test_start_with_config()` methods
* `ResponseError` trait has been reafctored. `ResponseError::error_response()` renders
http response.
* Feature `rust-tls` renamed to `rustls`
instead of
actix-web = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["rust-tls"] }
actix-web = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["rustls"] }
* Feature `ssl` renamed to `openssl`
instead of
actix-web = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["ssl"] }
actix-web = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["openssl"] }
* `Cors` builder now requires that you call `.finish()` to construct the middleware
## 1.0.1
* Cors middleware has been moved to `actix-cors` crate
instead of
use actix_web::middleware::cors::Cors;
use actix_cors::Cors;
* Identity middleware has been moved to `actix-identity` crate
instead of
use actix_web::middleware::identity::{Identity, CookieIdentityPolicy, IdentityService};
use actix_identity::{Identity, CookieIdentityPolicy, IdentityService};
## 1.0.0
* Extractor configuration. In version 1.0 this is handled with the new `Data` mechanism for both setting and retrieving the configuration
instead of
struct ExtractorConfig {
config: String,
impl FromRequest for YourExtractor {
type Config = ExtractorConfig;
type Result = Result<YourExtractor, Error>;
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, cfg: &Self::Config) -> Self::Result {
println!("use the config: {:?}", cfg.config);
App::new().resource("/route_with_config", |r| {
r.post().with_config(handler_fn, |cfg| {
cfg.0.config = "test".to_string();
use the HttpRequest to get the configuration like any other `Data` with `req.app_data::<C>()` and set it with the `data()` method on the `resource`
struct ExtractorConfig {
config: String,
impl FromRequest for YourExtractor {
type Error = Error;
type Future = Result<Self, Self::Error>;
type Config = ExtractorConfig;
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
let cfg = req.app_data::<ExtractorConfig>();
println!("config data?: {:?}", cfg.unwrap().role);
.data(ExtractorConfig {
config: "test".to_string(),
* Resource registration. 1.0 version uses generalized resource
registration via `.service()` method.
instead of
App.new().resource("/welcome", |r| r.f(welcome))
use App's or Scope's `.service()` method. `.service()` method accepts
object that implements `HttpServiceFactory` trait. By default
actix-web provides `Resource` and `Scope` services.
* Scope registration.
instead of
let app = App::new().scope("/{project_id}", |scope| {
.resource("/path1", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
.resource("/path2", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
.resource("/path3", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()))
use `.service()` for registration and `web::scope()` as scope object factory.
let app = App::new().service(
.service(web::resource("/path1").to(|| HttpResponse::Ok()))
.service(web::resource("/path2").to(|| HttpResponse::Ok()))
.service(web::resource("/path3").to(|| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()))
* `.with()`, `.with_async()` registration methods have been renamed to `.to()` and `.to_async()`.
instead of
App.new().resource("/welcome", |r| r.with(welcome))
use `.to()` or `.to_async()` methods
* Passing arguments to handler with extractors, multiple arguments are allowed
instead of
fn welcome((body, req): (Bytes, HttpRequest)) -> ... {
use multiple arguments
fn welcome(body: Bytes, req: HttpRequest) -> ... {
* `.f()`, `.a()` and `.h()` handler registration methods have been removed.
Use `.to()` for handlers and `.to_async()` for async handlers. Handler function
must use extractors.
instead of
App.new().resource("/welcome", |r| r.f(welcome))
use App's `to()` or `to_async()` methods
* `HttpRequest` does not provide access to request's payload stream.
instead of
fn index(req: &HttpRequest) -> Box<Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error>> {
.fold((), |_, chunk| {
.map(|_| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())
use `Payload` extractor
fn index(stream: web::Payload) -> impl Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error> {
.fold((), |_, chunk| {
.map(|_| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())
* `State` is now `Data`. You register Data during the App initialization process
and then access it from handlers either using a Data extractor or using
HttpRequest's api.
instead of
use App's `data` method
and either use the Data extractor within your handler
use actix_web::web::Data;
fn endpoint_handler(Data<T>)){
.. or access your Data element from the HttpRequest
fn endpoint_handler(req: HttpRequest) {
let data: Option<Data<T>> = req.app_data::<T>();
* AsyncResponder is removed, use `.to_async()` registration method and `impl Future<>` as result type.
instead of
use actix_web::AsyncResponder;
fn endpoint_handler(...) -> impl Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error>{
.. simply omit AsyncResponder and the corresponding responder() finish method
* Middleware
instead of
let app = App::new()
use `.wrap()` method
let app = App::new()
.route("/index.html", web::get().to(index));
* `HttpRequest::body()`, `HttpRequest::urlencoded()`, `HttpRequest::json()`, `HttpRequest::multipart()`
method have been removed. Use `Bytes`, `String`, `Form`, `Json`, `Multipart` extractors instead.
instead of
fn index(req: &HttpRequest) -> Responder {
.and_then(|body| {
fn index(body: Bytes) -> Responder {
* `actix_web::server` module has been removed. To start http server use `actix_web::HttpServer` type
* StaticFiles and NamedFile have been moved to a separate crate.
instead of `use actix_web::fs::StaticFile`
use `use actix_files::Files`
instead of `use actix_web::fs::Namedfile`
use `use actix_files::NamedFile`
* Multipart has been moved to a separate crate.
instead of `use actix_web::multipart::Multipart`
use `use actix_multipart::Multipart`
* Response compression is not enabled by default.
To enable, use `Compress` middleware, `App::new().wrap(Compress::default())`.
* Session middleware moved to actix-session crate
* Actors support have been moved to `actix-web-actors` crate
* Custom Error
Instead of error_response method alone, ResponseError now provides two methods: error_response and render_response respectively. Where, error_response creates the error response and render_response returns the error response to the caller.
Simplest migration from 0.7 to 1.0 shall include below method to the custom implementation of ResponseError:
fn render_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {
## 0.7.15
* The `' '` character is not percent decoded anymore before matching routes. If you need to use it in
your routes, you should use `%20`.
instead of
fn main() {
let app = App::new().resource("/my index", |r| {
fn main() {
let app = App::new().resource("/my%20index", |r| {
* If you used `AsyncResult::async` you need to replace it with `AsyncResult::future`
## 0.7.4
* `Route::with_config()`/`Route::with_async_config()` always passes configuration objects as tuple
even for handler with one parameter.
## 0.7
* `HttpRequest` does not implement `Stream` anymore. If you need to read request payload
use `HttpMessage::payload()` method.
instead of
fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
use `.payload()`
fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
.payload() // <- get request payload stream
* [Middleware](https://actix.rs/actix-web/actix_web/middleware/trait.Middleware.html)
trait uses `&HttpRequest` instead of `&mut HttpRequest`.
* Removed `Route::with2()` and `Route::with3()` use tuple of extractors instead.
instead of
fn index(query: Query<..>, info: Json<MyStruct) -> impl Responder {}
use tuple of extractors and use `.with()` for registration:
fn index((query, json): (Query<..>, Json<MyStruct)) -> impl Responder {}
* `Handler::handle()` uses `&self` instead of `&mut self`
* `Handler::handle()` accepts reference to `HttpRequest<_>` instead of value
* Removed deprecated `HttpServer::threads()`, use
[HttpServer::workers()](https://actix.rs/actix-web/actix_web/server/struct.HttpServer.html#method.workers) instead.
* Renamed `client::ClientConnectorError::Connector` to
* `Route::with()` does not return `ExtractorConfig`, to configure
extractor use `Route::with_config()`
instead of
fn main() {
let app = App::new().resource("/index.html", |r| {
.limit(4096); // <- limit size of the payload
fn main() {
let app = App::new().resource("/index.html", |r| {
.with_config(index, |cfg| { // <- register handler
cfg.limit(4096); // <- limit size of the payload
* `Route::with_async()` does not return `ExtractorConfig`, to configure
extractor use `Route::with_async_config()`
## 0.6
* `Path<T>` extractor return `ErrorNotFound` on failure instead of `ErrorBadRequest`
* `ws::Message::Close` now includes optional close reason.
`ws::CloseCode::Status` and `ws::CloseCode::Empty` have been removed.
* `HttpServer::threads()` renamed to `HttpServer::workers()`.
* `HttpServer::start_ssl()` and `HttpServer::start_tls()` deprecated.
Use `HttpServer::bind_ssl()` and `HttpServer::bind_tls()` instead.
* `HttpRequest::extensions()` returns read only reference to the request's Extension
`HttpRequest::extensions_mut()` returns mutable reference.
* Instead of
`use actix_web::middleware::{
CookieSessionBackend, CookieSessionError, RequestSession,
Session, SessionBackend, SessionImpl, SessionStorage};`
use `actix_web::middleware::session`
`use actix_web::middleware::session{CookieSessionBackend, CookieSessionError,
RequestSession, Session, SessionBackend, SessionImpl, SessionStorage};`
* `FromRequest::from_request()` accepts mutable reference to a request
* `FromRequest::Result` has to implement `Into<Reply<Self>>`
* [`Responder::respond_to()`](
is generic over `S`
* Use `Query` extractor instead of HttpRequest::query()`.
fn index(q: Query<HashMap<String, String>>) -> Result<..> {
let q = Query::<HashMap<String, String>>::extract(req);
* Websocket operations are implemented as `WsWriter` trait.
you need to use `use actix_web::ws::WsWriter`
## 0.5
* `HttpResponseBuilder::body()`, `.finish()`, `.json()`
methods return `HttpResponse` instead of `Result<HttpResponse>`
* `actix_web::Method`, `actix_web::StatusCode`, `actix_web::Version`
moved to `actix_web::http` module
* `actix_web::header` moved to `actix_web::http::header`
* `NormalizePath` moved to `actix_web::http` module
* `HttpServer` moved to `actix_web::server`, added new `actix_web::server::new()` function,
shortcut for `actix_web::server::HttpServer::new()`
* `DefaultHeaders` middleware does not use separate builder, all builder methods moved to type itself
* `StaticFiles::new()`'s show_index parameter removed, use `show_files_listing()` method instead.
* `CookieSessionBackendBuilder` removed, all methods moved to `CookieSessionBackend` type
* `actix_web::httpcodes` module is deprecated, `HttpResponse::Ok()`, `HttpResponse::Found()` and other `HttpResponse::XXX()`
functions should be used instead
* `ClientRequestBuilder::body()` returns `Result<_, actix_web::Error>`
instead of `Result<_, http::Error>`
* `Application` renamed to a `App`
* `actix_web::Reply`, `actix_web::Resource` moved to `actix_web::dev`