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Migrating to 4.0.0

It is assumed that migration is happening from v3.x. If migration from older version of Actix Web, see the other historical migration notes in this folder.

This is not an exhaustive list of changes. Smaller or less impactful code changes are outlined, with links to the PRs that introduced them, are shown in CHANGES.md. If you think any of the changes not mentioned here deserve to be, submit an issue or PR.

Headings marked with ⚠️ are breaking behavioral changes and will probably not surface as compile-time errors. Automated tests might detect their effects on your app.

Table of Contents:


The MSRV of Actix Web has been raised from 1.42 to 1.54.

Server Settings

Until actix-web v4, actix-server used the total number of available logical cores as the default number of worker threads. The new default number of worker threads for actix-server is the number of physical CPU cores available. For more information about this change, refer to this analysis.

Module Structure

Lots of modules has been organized in this release. If a compile error refers to "item XYZ not found in module..." or "module XYZ not found", refer to the documentation on docs.rs to to search for items' new locations.

NormalizePath Middleware ⚠️

The default NormalizePath behavior now strips trailing slashes by default. This was previously documented to be the case in v3 but the behavior now matches. The effect is that routes defined with trailing slashes will become inaccessible when using NormalizePath::default(). As such, calling NormalizePath::default() will log a warning. It is advised that the new or trim methods be used instead.

- #[get("/test/")]
+ #[get("/test")]
  async fn handler() {

-   .wrap(NormalizePath::default())
+   .wrap(NormalizePath::trim())

Alternatively, explicitly require trailing slashes: NormalizePath::new(TrailingSlash::Always).

FromRequest Trait

The associated type Config of FromRequest was removed. If you have custom extractors, you can just remove this implementation and refer to config types directly, if required.

  impl FromRequest for MyExtractor {
-   type Config = ();

Consequently, the FromRequest::configure method was also removed. Config for extractors is still provided using App::app_data but should now be constructed in a standalone way.

Compression Feature Flags

Feature flag compress has been split into its supported algorithm (brotli, gzip, zstd). By default, all compression algorithms are enabled. The new flags are:

  • compress-brotli
  • compress-gzip
  • compress-zstd

If you have set in your Cargo.toml dedicated actix-web features and you still want to have compression enabled.


The inner field for web::Path was made private because It was causing too many issues when used with inner tuple types due to its Deref impl.

- async fn handler(web::Path((foo, bar)): web::Path<(String, String)>) {
+ async fn handler(params: web::Path<(String, String)>) {
+   let (foo, bar) = params.into_inner();

Rustls Crate Upgrade

Required version of rustls dependency was bumped to the latest version 0.20. As a result, the new server config builder has changed. See the updated example project →.

Removed awc Client Re-export

Actix Web's sister crate awc is no longer re-exported through the client module. This allows awc its own release cadence and prevents its own breaking changes from being blocked due to a re-export.

- use actix_web::client::Client;
+ use awc::Client;

Integration Testing Utils Moved to actix-test

Actix Web's test module used to contain TestServer. Since this required the awc client and it was removed as a re-export (see above), it was moved to its own crate actix-test.

- use use actix_web::test::start;
+ use use actix_test::start;

Header APIs


Body Types / Removal of Body+ResponseBody types / Addition of EitherBody


In particular, folks seem to be struggling with the ErrorHandlers middleware because of this change and the obscured nature of EitherBody within its types.

Middleware Trait APIs


TODO: Also write the Middleware author's guide.

Responder Trait


App::data deprecation


It's probably not necessary to import actix-rt or actix-service any more


Server must be awaited in order to run ⚠️


Guards API


Returning HttpResponse synchronously.

The implementation of Future for HttpResponse was removed because it was largely useless for all but the simplest handlers like web::to(|| HttpResponse::Ok().finish()). It also caused false positives on the async_yields_async clippy lint in reasonable scenarios. The compiler errors will looks something like:

web::to(|| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())
^^^^^^^ the trait `Handler<_>` is not implemented for `[closure@...]`

This form should be replaced with the a more explicit async fn:

- web::to(|| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())
+ web::to(|| async { HttpResponse::Ok().finish() })

Or, for these extremely simple cases, utilise an HttpResponseBuilder:

- web::to(|| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())
+ web::to(HttpResponse::Ok)

#[actix_web::main] and #[tokio::main]

Actix Web now works seamlessly with the primary way of starting a multi-threaded Tokio runtime, #[tokio::main]. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to spawn a thread when you need to run something alongside Actix Web that uses of Tokio's multi-threaded mode; you can simply await the server within this context or, if preferred, use tokio::spawn just like any other async task.

For now, actix actor support (and therefore WebSocket support via actix-web-actors) still requires #[actix_web::main] so that a System context is created. Designs are being created for an alternative WebSocket interface that does not require actors that should land sometime in the v4.x cycle.