phiresky 51443aa57c
Remove activity queue and add raw sending (#75)
* make prepare_raw, sign_raw, send_raw functions public

* remove in-memory activity queue

* rename module

* comment

* don"t clone

* fix doc comment

* remove send_activity function


Co-authored-by: Nutomic <>
2023-09-01 11:19:22 +02:00

906 B


Next we need to do some configuration. Most importantly we need to specify the domain where the federated instance is running. It should be at the domain root and available over HTTPS for production. See the documentation for a list of config options. The parameter user_data is for anything that your application requires in handler functions, such as database connection handle, configuration etc.

# use activitypub_federation::config::FederationConfig;
# let db_connection = ();
# tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async {
let config = FederationConfig::builder()
# Ok::<(), anyhow::Error>(())
# }).unwrap()

debug is necessary to test federation with http and localhost URLs, but it should never be used in production. url_verifier can be used to implement a domain blacklist.