2022-05-23 23:10:11 +02:00

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Logos, custom themes & tutorials

On this repo you can find the custom logos, themes and other assets created for the Mastodon.Coffee instance.

Instructions for admins

Download the custom themes you want from the /styles folder and add them to your Mastodon installation.

To use a pre-made theme:

Let's use the Modern Dark theme as an example.

  1. Fetch the files. Add your desired custom CSS/SCSS to app/javascript/styles. You can copy/merge the entire styles folder from the root of this repo into the root of your Mastodon deployment.
    moder-dark.scss                            | **new**
      modern/                            | **new**
        dark.scss                            | **new**
        style.scss                              | **new**
    2. **Add your theme to the config.** This is what [the default themes.yml]( looks like in Mastodon. To make your custom theme visible in settings, you need to add a new line in the form `themeName: path/to/theme.scss`. For example, the modern-dark theme would require adding `modern-dark: styles/modern-dark.scss` as a new line.

    default: styles/application.scss
    contrast: styles/contrast.scss
    mastodon-light: styles/mastodon-light.scss
    modern-dark: styles/modern-dark.scss      | **new**

    3. **Add a human-friendly name for the theme (optional).** You can edit each desired language's locale file in `config/locales/[lang].yml` to add a localized string name for your theme's `themeName` as added in the previous step. For example, [the default `config/locales/en.yml`]( contains localizations for the three default themes that ship with Mastodon, into the `en`glish language. You need to do this for every language you expect your users to use, or else they will see the unlocalized `themeName` directly.

        contrast: Mastodon (High contrast)
        default: Mastodon (Dark)
        mastodon-light: Mastodon (Light)
        modern-dark: Modern Dark              | **new**

    4. **Compile theme assets and restart.** Run `RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:precompile` and restart your Mastodon instance for the changes to take effect.