Wangchong Zhou a751c0c091
Signed-off-by: Wangchong Zhou <>
2018-09-13 12:23:59 -07:00

599 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mapper
import (
yaml ""
var (
statsdMetricRE = `[a-zA-Z_](-?[a-zA-Z0-9_])+`
templateReplaceRE = `(\$\{?\d+\}?)`
metricLineRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\*\.|` + statsdMetricRE + `\.)+(\*|` + statsdMetricRE + `)$`)
metricNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)([a-zA-Z0-9_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)*$`)
labelNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$`)
templateReplaceCaptureRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\$\{?([a-zA-Z0-9_\$]+)\}?`)
type mapperConfigDefaults struct {
TimerType TimerType `yaml:"timer_type"`
Buckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
Quantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
MatchType MatchType `yaml:"match_type"`
GlobDisbleOrdering bool `yaml:"glob_disable_ordering"`
type mappingState struct {
transitions map[string]*mappingState
minRemainingLength int
maxRemainingLength int
// result is nil unless there's a metric ends with this state
result *MetricMapping
type MetricMapper struct {
Defaults mapperConfigDefaults `yaml:"defaults"`
Mappings []MetricMapping `yaml:"mappings"`
FSM *mappingState
hasFSM bool
FSMNeedsBacktracking bool
// if doRegex is true, at least one matching rule is regex type
doRegex bool
dumpFSMPath string
mutex sync.Mutex
MappingsCount prometheus.Gauge
type templateFormatter struct {
captureIndexes []int
captureCount int
fmtString string
type fsmBacktrackStackCursor struct {
fieldIndex int
captureIndex int
currentCapture string
state *mappingState
prev *fsmBacktrackStackCursor
next *fsmBacktrackStackCursor
type matchMetricType string
type MetricMapping struct {
Match string `yaml:"match"`
Name string `yaml:"name"`
NameFormatter templateFormatter
regex *regexp.Regexp
Labels prometheus.Labels `yaml:"labels"`
LabelsFormatter map[string]templateFormatter
TimerType TimerType `yaml:"timer_type"`
Buckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
Quantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
MatchType MatchType `yaml:"match_type"`
HelpText string `yaml:"help"`
Action ActionType `yaml:"action"`
MatchMetricType MetricType `yaml:"match_metric_type"`
priority int
type metricObjective struct {
Quantile float64 `yaml:"quantile"`
Error float64 `yaml:"error"`
var defaultQuantiles = []metricObjective{
{Quantile: 0.5, Error: 0.05},
{Quantile: 0.9, Error: 0.01},
{Quantile: 0.99, Error: 0.001},
func generateFormatter(valueExpr string, captureCount int) templateFormatter {
matches := templateReplaceCaptureRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(valueExpr, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
// if no regex reference found, keep it as it is
return templateFormatter{captureCount: 0, fmtString: valueExpr}
var indexes []int
valueFormatter := valueExpr
for _, match := range matches {
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(match[len(match)-1])
if err != nil || idx > captureCount || idx < 1 {
// if index larger than captured count or using unsupported named capture group,
// replace with empty string
valueFormatter = strings.Replace(valueFormatter, match[0], "", -1)
} else {
valueFormatter = strings.Replace(valueFormatter, match[0], "%s", -1)
// note: the regex reference variable $? starts from 1
indexes = append(indexes, idx-1)
return templateFormatter{
captureIndexes: indexes,
captureCount: len(indexes),
fmtString: valueFormatter,
func formatTemplate(formatter templateFormatter, captures map[int]string) string {
if formatter.captureCount == 0 {
// no label substitution, keep as it is
return formatter.fmtString
} else {
indexes := formatter.captureIndexes
vargs := make([]interface{}, formatter.captureCount)
for i, idx := range indexes {
vargs[i] = captures[idx]
return fmt.Sprintf(formatter.fmtString, vargs...)
func min(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return x
return y
func max(x, y int) int {
if x > y {
return x
return y
func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromYAMLString(fileContents string) error {
var n MetricMapper
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(fileContents), &n); err != nil {
return err
if n.Defaults.Buckets == nil || len(n.Defaults.Buckets) == 0 {
n.Defaults.Buckets = prometheus.DefBuckets
if n.Defaults.Quantiles == nil || len(n.Defaults.Quantiles) == 0 {
n.Defaults.Quantiles = defaultQuantiles
if n.Defaults.MatchType == MatchTypeDefault {
n.Defaults.MatchType = MatchTypeGlob
maxPossibleTransitions := len(n.Mappings)
n.FSM = &mappingState{}
n.FSM.transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, 3)
for _, field := range []MetricType{MetricTypeCounter, MetricTypeTimer, MetricTypeGauge, ""} {
state := &mappingState{}
(*state).transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, maxPossibleTransitions)
n.FSM.transitions[string(field)] = state
for i := range n.Mappings {
currentMapping := &n.Mappings[i]
// check that label is correct
for k := range currentMapping.Labels {
if !labelNameRE.MatchString(k) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid label key: %s", k)
if currentMapping.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("line %d: metric mapping didn't set a metric name", i)
if !metricNameRE.MatchString(currentMapping.Name) {
return fmt.Errorf("metric name '%s' doesn't match regex '%s'", currentMapping.Name, metricNameRE)
if currentMapping.MatchType == "" {
currentMapping.MatchType = n.Defaults.MatchType
if currentMapping.Action == "" {
currentMapping.Action = ActionTypeMap
currentMapping.priority = i
if currentMapping.MatchType == MatchTypeGlob {
n.hasFSM = true
if !metricLineRE.MatchString(currentMapping.Match) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid match: %s", currentMapping.Match)
// first split by "."
matchFields := strings.Split(currentMapping.Match, ".")
// fill into our FSM
roots := []*mappingState{}
if currentMapping.MatchMetricType == "" {
// if metricType not specified, connect the state from all three types
for _, metricType := range []MetricType{MetricTypeCounter, MetricTypeTimer, MetricTypeGauge, ""} {
roots = append(roots, n.FSM.transitions[string(metricType)])
} else {
roots = append(roots, n.FSM.transitions[string(currentMapping.MatchMetricType)])
var captureCount int
for _, root := range roots {
captureCount = 0
for i, field := range matchFields {
state, prs := root.transitions[field]
if !prs {
state = &mappingState{}
(*state).transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, maxPossibleTransitions)
(*state).maxRemainingLength = len(matchFields) - i - 1
(*state).minRemainingLength = len(matchFields) - i - 1
root.transitions[field] = state
// if this is last field, set result to currentMapping instance
if i == len(matchFields)-1 {
root.transitions[field].result = currentMapping
} else {
(*state).maxRemainingLength = max(len(matchFields)-i-1, (*state).maxRemainingLength)
(*state).minRemainingLength = min(len(matchFields)-i-1, (*state).minRemainingLength)
if field == "*" {
// goto next state
root = state
nameFmt := generateFormatter(currentMapping.Name, captureCount)
currentMapping.NameFormatter = nameFmt
currentLabelFormatter := make(map[string]templateFormatter, captureCount)
for label, valueExpr := range currentMapping.Labels {
lblFmt := generateFormatter(valueExpr, captureCount)
currentLabelFormatter[label] = lblFmt
currentMapping.LabelsFormatter = currentLabelFormatter
} else {
if regex, err := regexp.Compile(currentMapping.Match); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid regex %s in mapping: %v", currentMapping.Match, err)
} else {
currentMapping.regex = regex
n.doRegex = true
if currentMapping.TimerType == "" {
currentMapping.TimerType = n.Defaults.TimerType
if currentMapping.Buckets == nil || len(currentMapping.Buckets) == 0 {
currentMapping.Buckets = n.Defaults.Buckets
if currentMapping.Quantiles == nil || len(currentMapping.Quantiles) == 0 {
currentMapping.Quantiles = n.Defaults.Quantiles
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
m.Defaults = n.Defaults
m.Mappings = n.Mappings
m.hasFSM = n.hasFSM
if n.hasFSM {
m.FSM = n.FSM
m.doRegex = n.doRegex
if m.dumpFSMPath != "" {
dumpFSM(m.dumpFSMPath, m.FSM)
m.FSMNeedsBacktracking = needBacktracking(&n)
if m.MappingsCount != nil {
return nil
func (m *MetricMapper) SetDumpFSMPath(path string) error {
m.dumpFSMPath = path
return nil
func needBacktracking(n *MetricMapper) bool {
needBacktrack := false
// rule A and B that has same length and
// A one has * in rules but is not a superset of B makes it needed for backtracking
ruleByLength := make(map[int][]string)
ruleREByLength := make(map[int][]*regexp.Regexp)
rulesOrderByLength := make(map[int][]int)
// first sort rules by length
for _, mapping := range n.Mappings {
if mapping.MatchType != MatchTypeGlob {
l := len(strings.Split(mapping.Match, "."))
ruleByLength[l] = append(ruleByLength[l], mapping.Match)
metricRe := strings.Replace(mapping.Match, ".", "\\.", -1)
metricRe = strings.Replace(metricRe, "*", "([^.]*)", -1)
regex, err := regexp.Compile("^" + metricRe + "$")
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("invalid match %s. cannot compile regex in mapping: %v", mapping.Match, err)
// put into array no matter there's error or not, we will skip later if regex is nil
ruleREByLength[l] = append(ruleREByLength[l], regex)
rulesOrderByLength[l] = append(rulesOrderByLength[l], mapping.priority)
for l, rules := range ruleByLength {
if len(rules) == 1 {
rulesRE := ruleREByLength[l]
rulesOrder := rulesOrderByLength[l]
// for each rule r1 in rules that has * inside, check if r1 is the superset of any rules
// if not then r1 is a rule that leads to backtrack
for i1, r1 := range rules {
currentRuleNeedBacktrack := true
re1 := rulesRE[i1]
if re1 == nil || strings.Index(r1, "*") == -1 {
for i2, r2 := range rules {
if i2 != i1 && len(re1.FindStringSubmatchIndex(r2)) > 0 {
// log if we care about ordering and the superset occurs before
if !n.Defaults.GlobDisbleOrdering && rulesOrder[i1] < rulesOrder[i2] {
log.Warnf("match \"%s\" is a super set of match \"%s\" but in a lower order, "+
"the first will never be matched\n", r1, r2)
currentRuleNeedBacktrack = false
for i2, re2 := range rulesRE {
// especially, if r1 is a subset of other rule, we don't need backtrack
// because either we turned on ordering
// or we disabled ordering and can't match it even with backtrack
if i2 != i1 && re2 != nil && len(re2.FindStringSubmatchIndex(r1)) > 0 {
currentRuleNeedBacktrack = false
if currentRuleNeedBacktrack {
log.Warnf("backtracking required because of match \"%s\", "+
"matching performance may be degraded\n", r1)
needBacktrack = true
if !n.Defaults.GlobDisbleOrdering {
// backtracking only makes sense when we disbled ordering of rules
// where transistions are stored in (unordered) map
// note: don't move this branch to the beginning of this function
// since we need logs for superset rules
return true
} else {
return needBacktrack
func dumpFSM(fileName string, root *mappingState) {
log.Infoln("Start dumping FSM to", fileName)
idx := 0
states := make(map[int]*mappingState)
states[idx] = root
f, _ := os.Create(fileName)
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
w.WriteString("digraph g {\n")
w.WriteString("rankdir=LR\n") // make it vertical
w.WriteString("node [ label=\"\",style=filled,fillcolor=white,shape=circle ]\n") // remove label of node
for idx < len(states) {
for field, transition := range states[idx].transitions {
states[len(states)] = transition
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d -> %d [label = \"%s\"];\n", idx, len(states)-1, field))
if idx == 0 {
// color for metric types
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d [color=\"#D6B656\",fillcolor=\"#FFF2CC\"];\n", len(states)-1))
} else if transition.transitions == nil || len(transition.transitions) == 0 {
// color for end state
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d [color=\"#82B366\",fillcolor=\"#D5E8D4\"];\n", len(states)-1))
// color for start state
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("0 [color=\"#a94442\",fillcolor=\"#f2dede\"];\n"))
log.Infoln("Finish dumping FSM")
func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromFile(fileName string) error {
mappingStr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
return m.InitFromYAMLString(string(mappingStr))
func (m *MetricMapper) GetMapping(statsdMetric string, statsdMetricType MetricType) (*MetricMapping, prometheus.Labels, bool) {
// glob matching
if m.hasFSM {
matchFields := strings.Split(statsdMetric, ".")
root := m.FSM.transitions[string(statsdMetricType)]
captures := make(map[int]string, len(matchFields))
captureIdx := 0
var backtrackCursor *fsmBacktrackStackCursor
resumeFromBacktrack := false
var result *MetricMapping
filedsCount := len(matchFields)
i := 0
var state *mappingState
for {
for {
var prs bool
if !resumeFromBacktrack {
if len(root.transitions) > 0 {
field := matchFields[i]
state, prs = root.transitions[field]
fieldsLeft := filedsCount - i - 1
// also compare length upfront to avoid unnecessary loop or backtrack
if !prs || fieldsLeft > state.maxRemainingLength || fieldsLeft < state.minRemainingLength {
state, prs = root.transitions["*"]
if !prs || fieldsLeft > state.maxRemainingLength || fieldsLeft < state.minRemainingLength {
} else {
captures[captureIdx] = field
} else if m.FSMNeedsBacktracking {
altState, prs := root.transitions["*"]
if !prs || fieldsLeft > altState.maxRemainingLength || fieldsLeft < altState.minRemainingLength {
} else {
// push to stack
newCursor := fsmBacktrackStackCursor{prev: backtrackCursor, state: altState,
fieldIndex: i,
captureIndex: captureIdx, currentCapture: field,
if backtrackCursor != nil { = &newCursor
backtrackCursor = &newCursor
} else { // no more transitions for this state
} // backtrack will resume from here
// do we reach a final state?
if state.result != nil && i == filedsCount-1 {
if m.Defaults.GlobDisbleOrdering {
result = state.result
// do a double break
goto formatLabels
} else if result == nil || result.priority > state.result.priority {
// if we care about ordering, try to find a result with highest prioity
result = state.result
if i >= filedsCount {
resumeFromBacktrack = false
root = state
if backtrackCursor == nil {
// if we are not doing backtracking or all path has been travesaled
} else {
// pop one from stack
state = backtrackCursor.state
root = state
i = backtrackCursor.fieldIndex
captureIdx = backtrackCursor.captureIndex + 1
// put the * capture back
captures[captureIdx-1] = backtrackCursor.currentCapture
backtrackCursor = backtrackCursor.prev
if backtrackCursor != nil {
// deref for GC = nil
resumeFromBacktrack = true
// format name and labels
if result != nil {
result.Name = formatTemplate(result.NameFormatter, captures)
labels := prometheus.Labels{}
for label := range result.Labels {
labels[label] = formatTemplate(result.LabelsFormatter[label], captures)
return result, labels, true
} else if !m.doRegex {
// if there's no regex match type, return immediately
return nil, nil, false
// regex matching
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
for _, mapping := range m.Mappings {
// if a rule don't have regex matching type, the regex field is unset
if mapping.regex == nil {
matches := mapping.regex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(statsdMetric)
if len(matches) == 0 {
mapping.Name = string(mapping.regex.ExpandString(
if mt := mapping.MatchMetricType; mt != "" && mt != statsdMetricType {
labels := prometheus.Labels{}
for label, valueExpr := range mapping.Labels {
value := mapping.regex.ExpandString([]byte{}, valueExpr, statsdMetric, matches)
labels[label] = string(value)
return &mapping, labels, true
return nil, nil, false