
147 lines
5.2 KiB

use crate::Color;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use embedded_graphics;
use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::{drawable, DrawTarget};
pub struct DisplayDriver {
pub(crate) raw: lvgl_sys::lv_disp_drv_t,
impl DisplayDriver {
// we should accept a Rc<RefCell<T>> and throw it in a box and add to the user_data of the callback handler function
pub fn new<T, C>(device: &mut T) -> Self
T: DrawTarget<C>,
C: PixelColor + From<Color>,
let disp_drv = unsafe {
// Create a display buffer for LittlevGL
let mut display_buffer =
// Declare a buffer for the refresh rate
const REFRESH_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 2;
let refresh_buffer1 = Box::new(
lvgl_sys::LV_HOR_RES_MAX as usize * REFRESH_BUFFER_LEN],
let refresh_buffer2 = Box::new(
lvgl_sys::LV_HOR_RES_MAX as usize * REFRESH_BUFFER_LEN],
// Initialize the display buffer
Box::into_raw(refresh_buffer1) as *mut cty::c_void,
Box::into_raw(refresh_buffer2) as *mut cty::c_void,
// Descriptor of a display driver
let mut disp_drv = MaybeUninit::<lvgl_sys::lv_disp_drv_t>::uninit().assume_init();
// Basic initialization
lvgl_sys::lv_disp_drv_init(&mut disp_drv);
// Assign the buffer to the display
disp_drv.buffer = Box::into_raw(display_buffer);
// Set your driver function
disp_drv.flush_cb = Some(display_callback_wrapper::<T, C>);
// TODO: DrawHandler type here
disp_drv.user_data = device as *mut _ as *mut cty::c_void;
Self { raw: disp_drv }
// We need to keep a reference to the DisplayDriver in UI if we implement Drop
// impl Drop for DisplayDriver {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// // grab the user data and deref the DrawHandler to free the instance for dealloc in the Rust universe.
// unimplemented!()
// }
// }
// a reference is kept to the external drawing target (T)
// the reference is kept in the callback function of the drawing handler
// we need a reference counter for the drawing target and free the ref counter when the display is
// destroyed.
//type DrawHandler = Rc<RefCell<u8>>;
// impl Drop for DrawHandler {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unimplemented!()
// }
// }
unsafe extern "C" fn display_callback_wrapper<T, C>(
disp_drv: *mut lvgl_sys::lv_disp_drv_t,
area: *const lvgl_sys::lv_area_t,
color_p: *mut lvgl_sys::lv_color_t,
) where
T: DrawTarget<C>,
C: PixelColor + From<Color>,
// In the `std` world we would make sure to capture panics here and make them not escape across
// the FFI boundary. Since this library is focused on embedded platforms, we don't
// have an standard unwinding mechanism to rely upon.
let display_driver = *disp_drv;
// Rust code closure reference
let device = &mut *(display_driver.user_data as *mut T);
let x1 = (*area).x1;
let x2 = (*area).x2;
let y1 = (*area).y1;
let y2 = (*area).y2;
// TODO: Can we do anything when there is a error while flushing?
let _ = display_flush(device, (x1, x2), (y1, y2), color_p);
// Indicate to LittlevGL that we are ready with the flushing
// We separate this display flush function to reduce the amount of unsafe code we need to write.
// This also provides a good separation of concerns, what is necessary from LittlevGL to work and
// what is the lvgl-rs wrapper responsibility.
fn display_flush<T, C>(
display: &mut T,
(x1, x2): (i16, i16),
(y1, y2): (i16, i16),
color_p: *mut lvgl_sys::lv_color_t,
) -> Result<(), T::Error>
T: DrawTarget<C>,
C: PixelColor + From<Color>,
let ys = y1..=y2;
let xs = (x1..=x2).enumerate();
let x_len = (x2 - x1 + 1) as usize;
// We use iterators here to ensure that the Rust compiler can apply all possible
// optimizations at compile time.
let pixels = ys
.map(|(iy, y)| {
xs.clone().map(move |(ix, x)| {
let color_len = x_len * iy + ix;
let lv_color = unsafe { *color_p.add(color_len) };
let raw_color = Color::from_raw(lv_color);
drawable::Pixel(Point::new(x as i32, y as i32), raw_color.into())
// TODO: Maybe find a way to use `draw_image` method on the device instance.