Tom French 9c0df36e16
Sort import in alphabetical order (#238)
* style: enforce sorting of imports

* style: alphabetize imports

* style: merge duplicated imports
2022-09-02 15:07:24 +01:00

437 lines
14 KiB

import { expectSnapshotWithDiffer } from '../mocks/util';
import * as monthUtils from '../shared/months';
import * as budgetActions from './budget/actions';
import * as budget from './budget/base';
import { getClock, deserializeClock } from './crdt';
import * as db from './db';
import {
} from './mutators';
import * as prefs from './prefs';
const connection = require('../platform/server/connection');
const fs = require('../platform/server/fs');
const backend = require('./main');
const { post } = require('./post');
const handlers = backend.handlers;
const sheet = require('./sheet');
beforeEach(async () => {
await global.emptyDatabase()();
afterEach(async () => {
await runHandler(handlers['close-budget']);
async function createTestBudget(name) {
let templatePath = fs.join(__dirname, '/../mocks/files', name);
let budgetPath = fs.join(__dirname, '/../mocks/files/budgets/test-budget');
fs._setDocumentDir(fs.join(budgetPath, '..'));
await fs.mkdir(budgetPath);
await fs.copyFile(
fs.join(templatePath, 'metadata.json'),
fs.join(budgetPath, 'metadata.json')
await fs.copyFile(
fs.join(templatePath, 'db.sqlite'),
fs.join(budgetPath, 'db.sqlite')
describe('Budgets', () => {
afterEach(async () => {
let budgetPath = fs.join(__dirname, '/../mocks/files/budgets/test-budget');
if (await fs.exists(budgetPath)) {
await fs.removeDirRecursively(budgetPath);
test('budget is successfully loaded', async () => {
await createTestBudget('default-budget-template');
// Grab the clock to compare later
await db.openDatabase('test-budget');
let row = await db.first('SELECT * FROM messages_clock');
let { error } = await runHandler(handlers['load-budget'], {
id: 'test-budget'
// Make sure the prefs were loaded
// Make sure the clock has been loaded
test('budget detects out of sync migrations', async () => {
await createTestBudget('default-budget-template');
await db.openDatabase('test-budget');
let r = await db.runQuery('INSERT INTO __migrations__ (id) VALUES (1000)');
const spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation();
let { error } = await runHandler(handlers['load-budget'], {
id: 'test-budget'
// There should be an error and the budget should be unloaded
describe.skip('Accounts', () => {
test('create accounts with correct starting balance', async () => {
prefs.savePrefs({ clientId: 'client', groupId: 'group' });
await runMutator(async () => {
// An income category is required because the starting balance is
// categorized to it. Create one now.
await db.insertCategoryGroup({
id: 'group1',
name: 'income',
is_income: 1
await db.insertCategory({
name: 'income',
cat_group: 'group1',
is_income: 1
// Get accounts from the server. This isn't the normal API call,
// we know that the mock server just returns hardcoded accounts
let { accounts } = await post('/plaid/accounts', {});
// Create the accounts for the bank (bank is generally ignored in tests)
await runHandler(handlers['accounts-connect'], {
institution: { institution_id: 1, name: 'Jamesy Bank' },
publicToken: 'foo',
accountIds: => acct.account_id)
// Import transactions for all accounts
await runHandler(handlers['accounts-sync'], {});
// Go through each account and make sure the starting balance was
// created correctly
const res = await db.all('SELECT * FROM accounts');
for (let account of res) {
const sum = await db.first(
'SELECT sum(amount) as sum FROM transactions WHERE acct = ? AND starting_balance_flag = 0',
const starting = await db.first(
'SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE acct = ? AND starting_balance_flag = 1',
expect(account.balance_current - sum.sum).toBe(starting.amount);
// Also ensure that the starting balance has the earliest date
// possible
const earliestTrans = await db.first(
'SELECT as payee_name FROM transactions t LEFT JOIN payees p ON = t.description WHERE acct = ? ORDER BY date LIMIT 1',
expect(earliestTrans.payee_name).toBe('Starting Balance');
test('Transfers are properly updated', async () => {
await runMutator(async () => {
await db.insertAccount({ id: 'one', name: 'one' });
await db.insertAccount({ id: 'two', name: 'two' });
await db.insertAccount({ id: 'three', name: 'three' });
await db.insertPayee({
id: 'transfer-one',
name: '',
transfer_acct: 'one'
await db.insertPayee({
id: 'transfer-two',
name: '',
transfer_acct: 'two'
await db.insertPayee({
id: 'transfer-three',
name: '',
transfer_acct: 'three'
const id = 'test-transfer';
await runHandler(handlers['transaction-add'], {
account: 'one',
amount: 5000,
payee: 'transfer-two',
date: '2017-01-01'
let differ = expectSnapshotWithDiffer(
await db.all('SELECT * FROM transactions')
let transaction = await db.getTransaction(id);
await runHandler(handlers['transaction-update'], {
...(await db.getTransaction(id)),
payee: 'transfer-three',
date: '2017-01-03'
differ.expectToMatchDiff(await db.all('SELECT * FROM transactions'));
transaction = await db.getTransaction(id);
await runHandler(handlers['transaction-delete'], transaction);
differ.expectToMatchDiff(await db.all('SELECT * FROM transactions'));
describe.skip('Budget', () => {
test('new budgets should be created', async () => {
const spreadsheet = await sheet.loadSpreadsheet(db);
await runMutator(async () => {
await db.insertCategoryGroup({
id: 'incomeGroup',
name: 'incomeGroup',
is_income: 1
await db.insertCategoryGroup({ id: 'group1', name: 'group1' });
await db.insertCategory({ name: 'foo', cat_group: 'group1' });
await db.insertCategory({ name: 'bar', cat_group: 'group1' });
let bounds = await runHandler(handlers['get-budget-bounds']);
// Add a transaction (which needs an account) earlier then the
// current earliest budget to test if it creates the necessary
// budgets for the earlier months
await db.runQuery("INSERT INTO accounts (id, name) VALUES ('one', 'boa')");
await runHandler(handlers['transaction-add'], {
date: '2016-05-06',
amount: 50,
account: 'one'
// Fast-forward in time to a future month and make sure it creates
// budgets for the months in the future
monthUtils.currentMonth = () => '2017-02';
bounds = await runHandler(handlers['get-budget-bounds']);
await new Promise(resolve => spreadsheet.onFinish(resolve));
test('budget updates when changing a category', async () => {
const spreadsheet = await sheet.loadSpreadsheet(db);
function captureChangedCells(func) {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
let changed = [];
let remove = spreadsheet.addEventListener('change', ({ names }) => {
changed = changed.concat(names);
await func();
spreadsheet.onFinish(() => {
// Force the system to start tracking these months so budgets are
// automatically updated when adding/deleting categories
await db.runQuery('INSERT INTO created_budgets (month) VALUES (?)', [
await db.runQuery('INSERT INTO created_budgets (month) VALUES (?)', [
await db.runQuery('INSERT INTO created_budgets (month) VALUES (?)', [
await db.runQuery('INSERT INTO created_budgets (month) VALUES (?)', [
let categories;
await captureChangedCells(async () => {
await runMutator(() =>
db.insertCategoryGroup({ id: 'group1', name: 'group1' })
categories = [
await runHandler(handlers['category-create'], {
name: 'foo',
groupId: 'group1'
await runHandler(handlers['category-create'], {
name: 'bar',
groupId: 'group1'
await runHandler(handlers['category-create'], {
name: 'baz',
groupId: 'group1'
await runHandler(handlers['category-create'], {
name: 'biz',
groupId: 'group1'
await db.runQuery("INSERT INTO accounts (id, name) VALUES ('boa', 'boa')");
let trans = {
id: 'boa-transaction',
date: '2017-02-06',
amount: 5000,
account: 'boa',
category: categories[0]
// Test insertions
let changed = await captureChangedCells(() =>
runHandler(handlers['transaction-add'], trans)
// Test updates
changed = await captureChangedCells(async () => {
await runHandler(handlers['transaction-update'], {
...(await db.getTransaction(,
amount: 7000
// Test deletions
changed = await captureChangedCells(async () => {
await runHandler(handlers['transaction-delete'], { id: });
describe('Categories', () => {
test.skip('can be deleted', async () => {
let spreadsheet = await sheet.loadSpreadsheet(db);
await runMutator(async () => {
await db.insertCategoryGroup({ id: 'group1', name: 'group1' });
await db.insertCategory({ id: 'foo', name: 'foo', cat_group: 'group1' });
await db.insertCategory({ id: 'bar', name: 'bar', cat_group: 'group1' });
let categories = await db.getCategories();
expect(categories.find(cat => === 'foo')).not.toBeNull();
expect(categories.find(cat => === 'bar')).not.toBeNull();
await runHandler(handlers['category-delete'], { id: 'foo' });
categories = await db.getCategories();
expect(categories.find(cat => === 'bar')).not.toBeNull();
test('transfers properly when deleted', async () => {
await sheet.loadSpreadsheet(db);
let transId = await runMutator(async () => {
await db.insertCategoryGroup({ id: 'group1', name: 'group1' });
await db.insertCategoryGroup({ id: 'group1b', name: 'group1b' });
await db.insertCategoryGroup({
id: 'group2',
name: 'group2',
is_income: 1
await db.insertCategory({ id: 'foo', name: 'foo', cat_group: 'group1' });
await db.insertCategory({ id: 'bar', name: 'bar', cat_group: 'group1b' });
await db.insertCategory({
id: 'income1',
name: 'income1',
is_income: 1,
cat_group: 'group2'
await db.insertCategory({
id: 'income2',
name: 'income2',
is_income: 1,
cat_group: 'group2'
return await db.insertTransaction({
date: '2017-01-01',
account: 'acct',
amount: 4500,
category: 'foo'
await budget.createAllBudgets();
// Set a budget value for the category `foo` of 1000
let sheetName = monthUtils.sheetForMonth('2018-01');
await budgetActions.setBudget({
category: 'foo',
month: '2018-01',
amount: 1000
expect(sheet.getCellValue(sheetName, 'group-budget-group1')).toBe(1000);
expect(sheet.getCellValue(sheetName, 'group-budget-group1b')).toBe(0);
// Make sure the transaction has a category of `foo`
let trans = await db.getTransaction(transId);
await runHandler(handlers['category-delete'], {
id: 'foo',
transferId: 'bar'
// Make sure the transaction has been updated
trans = await db.getTransaction(transId);
// Make sure the budget value was transferred
expect(sheet.getCellValue(sheetName, 'group-budget-group1')).toBe(0);
expect(sheet.getCellValue(sheetName, 'group-budget-group1b')).toBe(1000);
// Transfering an income category to an expense just doesn't make
// sense. Make sure this doesn't do anything.
let { error } = await runHandler(handlers['category-delete'], {
id: 'income1',
transferId: 'bar'
let categories = await db.getCategories();
expect(categories.find(cat => === 'income1')).toBeDefined();
// Make sure you can delete income categories
await runHandler(handlers['category-delete'], {
id: 'income1',
transferId: 'income2'
categories = await db.getCategories();
expect(categories.find(cat => === 'income1')).not.toBeDefined();