Tom French 9c0df36e16
Sort import in alphabetical order (#238)
* style: enforce sorting of imports

* style: alphabetize imports

* style: merge duplicated imports
2022-09-02 15:07:24 +01:00

224 lines
6.3 KiB

import fs from '../platform/server/fs';
import * as sqlite from '../platform/server/sqlite';
import * as monthUtils from '../shared/months';
import * as cloudStorage from './cloud-storage';
import * as prefs from './prefs';
const dateFns = require('date-fns');
const connection = require('../platform/server/connection');
const uuid = require('../platform/uuid');
// A special backup that represents the latest version of the db that
// can be reverted to after loading a backup
const LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME = 'db.latest.sqlite';
let serviceInterval = null;
export async function getBackups(id) {
const budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id);
const backupDir = fs.join(budgetDir, 'backups');
let paths = [];
if (await fs.exists(backupDir)) {
paths = await fs.listDir(backupDir);
paths = paths.filter(file => file.match(/\.sqlite$/));
const backups = await Promise.all( path => {
const mtime = await fs.getModifiedTime(fs.join(backupDir, path));
return {
id: path,
date: new Date(mtime)
backups.sort((b1, b2) => {
if ( < {
return 1;
} else if ( > {
return -1;
return 0;
return backups;
export async function getLatestBackup(id) {
const budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id);
if (await fs.exists(fs.join(budgetDir, LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME))) {
return {
date: null,
isLatest: true
return null;
export async function getAvailableBackups(id) {
let backups = await getBackups(id);
let latestBackup = await getLatestBackup(id);
if (latestBackup) {
backups = => ({
date: ? dateFns.format(, 'yyyy-MM-dd h:mm') : null
return backups;
export async function updateBackups(backups) {
const byDay = backups.reduce((groups, backup) => {
const day = dateFns.format(, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
groups[day] = groups[day] || [];
return groups;
}, {});
const removed = [];
for (let day of Object.keys(byDay)) {
const dayBackups = byDay[day];
const isToday = day === monthUtils.currentDay();
// Allow 3 backups of the current day (so fine-grained edits are
// kept around). Otherwise only keep around one backup per day.
// And only keep a total of 10 backups.
for (let backup of dayBackups.slice(isToday ? 3 : 1)) {
// Get the list of remaining backups and only keep the latest 10
const currentBackups = backups.filter(backup => !removed.includes(;
return removed.concat(currentBackups.slice(10).map(backup =>;
export async function makeBackup(id) {
const budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id);
// When making a backup, we no longer consider the user to be
// viewing any backups. If there exists a "latest backup" we should
// delete it and consider whatever is current as the latest
if (await fs.exists(fs.join(budgetDir, LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME))) {
await fs.removeFile(fs.join(fs.getBudgetDir(id), LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME));
let backupId = `${uuid.v4Sync()}.sqlite`;
let backupPath = fs.join(budgetDir, 'backups', backupId);
if (!(await fs.exists(fs.join(budgetDir, 'backups')))) {
await fs.mkdir(fs.join(budgetDir, 'backups'));
await fs.copyFile(fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite'), backupPath);
// Remove all the messages from the backup
const db = sqlite.openDatabase(backupPath);
await sqlite.runQuery(db, 'DELETE FROM messages_crdt');
await sqlite.runQuery(db, 'DELETE FROM messages_clock');
const toRemove = await updateBackups(await getBackups(id));
for (let id of toRemove) {
await fs.removeFile(fs.join(budgetDir, 'backups', id));
connection.send('backups-updated', await getAvailableBackups(id));
export async function loadBackup(id, backupId) {
const budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id);
if (!(await fs.exists(fs.join(budgetDir, LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME)))) {
// If this is the first time we're loading a backup, save the
// current version so the user can easily revert back to it
await fs.copyFile(
fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite'),
fs.join(budgetDir, LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME)
await fs.copyFile(
fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.json'),
fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.latest.json')
// Restart the backup service to make sure the user has the full
// amount of time to figure out which one they want
await prefs.loadPrefs(id);
if (backupId === LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME) {
console.log('Reverting backup');
// If reverting back to the latest, copy and delete the latest
// backup
await fs.copyFile(
fs.join(budgetDir, LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME),
fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite')
await fs.copyFile(
fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.latest.json'),
fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.json')
await fs.removeFile(fs.join(budgetDir, LATEST_BACKUP_FILENAME));
await fs.removeFile(fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.latest.json'));
// Re-upload the new file
try {
await cloudStorage.upload();
} catch (e) {}
} else {
console.log('Loading backup', backupId);
// This function is only ever called when a budget isn't loaded,
// so it's safe to load our prefs in. We need to forget about any
// syncing data if we are loading a backup (the current sync data
// will be restored if the user reverts to the original version)
await prefs.loadPrefs(id);
await prefs.savePrefs({
groupId: null,
lastSyncedTimestamp: null,
lastUploaded: null
// Re-upload the new file
try {
await cloudStorage.upload();
} catch (e) {}
await fs.copyFile(
fs.join(budgetDir, 'backups', backupId),
fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite')
export function startBackupService(id) {
if (serviceInterval) {
// Make a backup every 15 minutes
serviceInterval = setInterval(async () => {
console.log('Making backup');
await makeBackup(id);
}, 1000 * 60 * 15);
export function stopBackupService() {
serviceInterval = null;