Andrew Godwin 5d2ed9edfe
Hatchway API Rewrite (#499)
Removes django-ninja and replaces it with a new API framework, "hatchway".

I plan to move hatchway into its own project very soon.
2023-02-07 12:07:15 -07:00

145 lines
3.6 KiB

from types import NoneType, UnionType
from typing import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from django.core import files
from pydantic import BaseModel
from .http import ApiResponse
T = TypeVar("T")
class PathType:
An input pulled from the path (url resolver kwargs)
class QueryType:
An input pulled from the query parameters (request.GET)
class BodyType:
An input pulled from the POST body (request.POST or a JSON body)
class FileType:
An input pulled from the POST body (request.POST or a JSON body)
class BodyDirectType:
A Pydantic model whose keys are all looked for in the top-level
POST data, rather than in a dict under a key named after the input.
class QueryOrBodyType:
An input pulled from either query parameters or post data.
Path = Annotated[T, PathType]
Query = Annotated[T, QueryType]
Body = Annotated[T, BodyType]
File = Annotated[T, FileType]
BodyDirect = Annotated[T, BodyDirectType]
QueryOrBody = Annotated[T, QueryOrBodyType]
def is_optional(annotation) -> tuple[bool, Any]:
If an annotation is Optional or | None, returns (True, internal type).
Returns (False, annotation) otherwise.
if (isinstance(annotation, _GenericAlias) and annotation.__origin__ is Union) or (
isinstance(annotation, UnionType)
args = get_args(annotation)
if len(args) > 2:
return False, annotation
if args[0] is NoneType:
return True, args[1]
if args[1] is NoneType:
return True, args[0]
return False, annotation
return False, annotation
def extract_signifier(annotation) -> tuple[Any, Any]:
Given a type annotation, looks to see if it can find a input source
signifier (Path, Query, etc.)
If it can, returns (signifier, annotation_without_signifier)
If not, returns (None, annotation)
our_generics = {
# Remove any optional-style wrapper
optional, internal_annotation = is_optional(annotation)
# Is it an annotation?
if isinstance(internal_annotation, _AnnotatedAlias):
args = get_args(internal_annotation)
for arg in args[1:]:
if arg in our_generics:
if optional:
return (arg, Optional[args[0]])
return (arg, args[0])
return None, annotation
def extract_output_type(annotation):
Returns the right response type for a function
# If the type is ApiResponse, we want to pull out its inside
if isinstance(annotation, _GenericAlias):
if get_origin(annotation) == ApiResponse:
return get_args(annotation)[0]
return annotation
def acceptable_input(annotation) -> bool:
Returns if this annotation is something we think we can accept as input
_, inner_type = extract_signifier(annotation)
if issubclass(inner_type, BaseModel):
return True
except TypeError:
if inner_type in [str, int, list, tuple, bool, Any, files.File, type(None)]:
return True
origin = get_origin(inner_type)
if origin == Literal:
return True
if origin in [Union, UnionType, dict, list, tuple]:
return all(acceptable_input(a) for a in get_args(inner_type))
return False