2023-05-03 14:35:41 -06:00

37 lines
1.6 KiB

{% extends "admin/base_main.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}{{ domain.domain }}{% endblock %}
{% block settings_content %}
<form action="." method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
<legend>Domain Details</legend>
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.domain %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.service_domain %}
<legend>Access Control</legend>
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.public %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.default %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.users %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.site_name %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.site_icon %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.hide_login %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.single_user %}
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.custom_css %}
<legend>Admin Notes</legend>
{% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.notes %}
<div class="buttons">
<a href="{{ domain.urls.root }}" class="button secondary left">Back</a>
<a href="{{ domain.urls.delete }}" class="button delete">Delete</a>
{% endblock %}