Gabriel Rodríguez Alberich d1ce056288
Show follows and following counts on profile page
And let their visibility be configured
2022-12-14 10:15:46 -07:00

26 lines
868 B

import pytest
from pytest_django.asserts import assertContains, assertNotContains
from core.models.config import Config
from users.models import Follow
def test_stats(client, identity, other_identity):
Tests that follow stats are visible
Follow.objects.create(source=other_identity, target=identity)
Config.set_identity(identity, "visible_follows", True)
response = client.get(identity.urls.view)
assertContains(response, "<strong>1</strong> followers", status_code=200)
def test_visible_follows_disabled(client, identity):
Tests that disabling visible follows hides it from profile
Config.set_identity(identity, "visible_follows", False)
response = client.get(identity.urls.view)
assertNotContains(response, '<div class="stats">', status_code=200)