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synced 2025-03-13 19:22:39 +00:00
* Update Go to 1.23. * Replace go-kit/log with slog. Signed-off-by: SuperQ <superq@gmail.com>
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// Copyright 2018 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package fsm
import (
type mappingState struct {
transitions map[string]*mappingState
minRemainingLength int
maxRemainingLength int
// result* members are nil unless there's a metric ends with this state
Result interface{}
ResultPriority int
type fsmBacktrackStackCursor struct {
fieldIndex int
captureIndex int
currentCapture string
state *mappingState
prev *fsmBacktrackStackCursor
next *fsmBacktrackStackCursor
type FSM struct {
root *mappingState
metricTypes []string
statesCount int
BacktrackingNeeded bool
OrderingDisabled bool
// NewFSM creates a new FSM instance
func NewFSM(metricTypes []string, maxPossibleTransitions int, orderingDisabled bool) *FSM {
fsm := FSM{}
root := &mappingState{}
root.transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, len(metricTypes))
for _, field := range metricTypes {
state := &mappingState{}
(*state).transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, maxPossibleTransitions)
root.transitions[string(field)] = state
fsm.OrderingDisabled = orderingDisabled
fsm.metricTypes = metricTypes
fsm.statesCount = 0
fsm.root = root
return &fsm
// AddState adds a mapping rule into the existing FSM.
// The maxPossibleTransitions parameter sets the expected count of transitions left.
// The result parameter sets the generic type to be returned when fsm found a match in GetMapping.
func (f *FSM) AddState(match string, matchMetricType string, maxPossibleTransitions int, result interface{}) int {
// first split by "."
matchFields := strings.Split(match, ".")
// fill into our FSM
roots := []*mappingState{}
// first state is the metric type
if matchMetricType == "" {
// if metricType not specified, connect the start state from all three types
for _, metricType := range f.metricTypes {
roots = append(roots, f.root.transitions[string(metricType)])
} else {
roots = append(roots, f.root.transitions[matchMetricType])
var captureCount int
var finalStates []*mappingState
// iterating over different start state (different metric types)
for _, root := range roots {
captureCount = 0
// for each start state, connect from start state to end state
for i, field := range matchFields {
state, prs := root.transitions[field]
if !prs {
// create a state if it's not exist in the fsm
state = &mappingState{}
(*state).transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, maxPossibleTransitions)
(*state).maxRemainingLength = len(matchFields) - i - 1
(*state).minRemainingLength = len(matchFields) - i - 1
root.transitions[field] = state
// if this is last field, set result to currentMapping instance
if i == len(matchFields)-1 {
root.transitions[field].Result = result
} else {
(*state).maxRemainingLength = max(len(matchFields)-i-1, (*state).maxRemainingLength)
(*state).minRemainingLength = min(len(matchFields)-i-1, (*state).minRemainingLength)
if field == "*" {
// goto next state
root = state
finalStates = append(finalStates, root)
for _, state := range finalStates {
state.ResultPriority = f.statesCount
return captureCount
// GetMapping using the fsm to find matching rules according to given statsdMetric and statsdMetricType.
// If it finds a match, the final state and the captured strings are returned;
// if there's no match found, nil and a empty list will be returned.
func (f *FSM) GetMapping(statsdMetric string, statsdMetricType string) (*mappingState, []string) {
matchFields := strings.Split(statsdMetric, ".")
currentState := f.root.transitions[statsdMetricType]
// the cursor/pointer in the backtrack stack implemented as a double-linked list
var backtrackCursor *fsmBacktrackStackCursor
resumeFromBacktrack := false
// the return variable
var finalState *mappingState
captures := make([]string, len(matchFields))
finalCaptures := make([]string, len(matchFields))
// keep track of captured group so we don't need to do append() on captures
captureIdx := 0
filedsCount := len(matchFields)
i := 0
var state *mappingState
for { // the loop for backtracking
for { // the loop for a single "depth only" search
var present bool
// if we resume from backtrack, we should skip this branch in this case
// since the state that were saved at the end of this branch
if !resumeFromBacktrack {
if len(currentState.transitions) > 0 {
field := matchFields[i]
state, present = currentState.transitions[field]
fieldsLeft := filedsCount - i - 1
// also compare length upfront to avoid unnecessary loop or backtrack
if !present || fieldsLeft > state.maxRemainingLength || fieldsLeft < state.minRemainingLength {
state, present = currentState.transitions["*"]
if !present || fieldsLeft > state.maxRemainingLength || fieldsLeft < state.minRemainingLength {
} else {
captures[captureIdx] = field
} else if f.BacktrackingNeeded {
// if backtracking is needed, also check for alternative transition, i.e. *
altState, present := currentState.transitions["*"]
if !present || fieldsLeft > altState.maxRemainingLength || fieldsLeft < altState.minRemainingLength {
} else {
// push to backtracking stack
newCursor := fsmBacktrackStackCursor{prev: backtrackCursor, state: altState,
fieldIndex: i,
captureIndex: captureIdx, currentCapture: field,
// if this is not the first time, connect to the previous cursor
if backtrackCursor != nil {
backtrackCursor.next = &newCursor
backtrackCursor = &newCursor
} else {
// no more transitions for this state
} // backtrack will resume from here
// do we reach a final state?
if state.Result != nil && i == filedsCount-1 {
if f.OrderingDisabled {
finalState = state
return finalState, captures
} else if finalState == nil || finalState.ResultPriority > state.ResultPriority {
// if we care about ordering, try to find a result with highest prioity
finalState = state
// do a deep copy to preserve current captures
copy(finalCaptures, captures)
if i >= filedsCount {
resumeFromBacktrack = false
currentState = state
if backtrackCursor == nil {
// if we are not doing backtracking or all path has been travesaled
} else {
// pop one from stack
state = backtrackCursor.state
currentState = state
i = backtrackCursor.fieldIndex
captureIdx = backtrackCursor.captureIndex + 1
// put the * capture back
captures[captureIdx-1] = backtrackCursor.currentCapture
backtrackCursor = backtrackCursor.prev
if backtrackCursor != nil {
// deref for GC
backtrackCursor.next = nil
resumeFromBacktrack = true
return finalState, finalCaptures
// TestIfNeedBacktracking tests if backtrack is needed for given list of mappings
// and whether ordering is disabled.
func TestIfNeedBacktracking(mappings []string, orderingDisabled bool, logger *slog.Logger) bool {
backtrackingNeeded := false
// A has * in rules, but there's other transisitions at the same state,
// this makes A the cause of backtracking
ruleByLength := make(map[int][]string)
ruleREByLength := make(map[int][]*regexp.Regexp)
// first sort rules by length
for _, mapping := range mappings {
l := len(strings.Split(mapping, "."))
ruleByLength[l] = append(ruleByLength[l], mapping)
metricRe := strings.Replace(mapping, ".", "\\.", -1)
metricRe = strings.Replace(metricRe, "*", "([^.]*)", -1)
regex, err := regexp.Compile("^" + metricRe + "$")
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("Invalid match, cannot compile regex in mapping", "mapping", mapping, "err", err)
// put into array no matter there's error or not, we will skip later if regex is nil
ruleREByLength[l] = append(ruleREByLength[l], regex)
for l, rules := range ruleByLength {
if len(rules) == 1 {
rulesRE := ruleREByLength[l]
for i1, r1 := range rules {
currentRuleNeedBacktrack := false
re1 := rulesRE[i1]
if re1 == nil || !strings.Contains(r1, "*") {
// if rule r1 is A.B.C.*.E.*, is there a rule r2 is A.B.C.D.x.x or A.B.C.*.E.F ? (x is any string or *)
// if such r2 exists, then to match r1 we will need backtracking
for index := 0; index < len(r1); index++ {
if r1[index] != '*' {
// translate the substring of r1 from 0 to the index of current * into regex
// A.B.C.*.E.* will becomes ^A\.B\.C\. and ^A\.B\.C\.\*\.E\.
reStr := strings.Replace(r1[:index], ".", "\\.", -1)
reStr = strings.Replace(reStr, "*", "\\*", -1)
re := regexp.MustCompile("^" + reStr)
for i2, r2 := range rules {
if i2 == i1 {
if len(re.FindStringSubmatchIndex(r2)) > 0 {
currentRuleNeedBacktrack = true
for i2, r2 := range rules {
if i2 != i1 && len(re1.FindStringSubmatchIndex(r2)) > 0 {
// log if we care about ordering and the superset occurs before
if !orderingDisabled && i1 < i2 {
logger.Warn("match is a super set of match but in a lower order, the first will never be matched", "first_match", r1, "second_match", r2)
currentRuleNeedBacktrack = false
for i2, re2 := range rulesRE {
if i2 == i1 || re2 == nil {
// if r1 is a subset of other rule, we don't need backtrack
// because either we turned on ordering
// or we disabled ordering and can't match it even with backtrack
if len(re2.FindStringSubmatchIndex(r1)) > 0 {
currentRuleNeedBacktrack = false
if currentRuleNeedBacktrack {
logger.Warn("backtracking required because of match. Performance may be degraded", "match", r1)
backtrackingNeeded = true
// backtracking will always be needed if ordering of rules is not disabled
// since transistions are stored in (unordered) map
// note: don't move this branch to the beginning of this function
// since we need logs for superset rules
return !orderingDisabled || backtrackingNeeded