Implement "fsm" match type

Signed-off-by: Wangchong Zhou <>
This commit is contained in:
Wangchong Zhou 2018-07-19 14:57:36 -07:00
parent 26846b86b3
commit 825b734b3e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B607274584E8D5E5
3 changed files with 532 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -14,13 +14,17 @@
package mapper
import (
yaml ""
@ -28,26 +32,41 @@ var (
statsdMetricRE = `[a-zA-Z_](-?[a-zA-Z0-9_])+`
templateReplaceRE = `(\$\{?\d+\}?)`
metricLineRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\*\.|` + statsdMetricRE + `\.)+(\*|` + statsdMetricRE + `)$`)
metricNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)([a-zA-Z0-9_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)*$`)
labelNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$`)
metricLineRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\*\.|` + statsdMetricRE + `\.)+(\*|` + statsdMetricRE + `)$`)
metricNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)([a-zA-Z0-9_]|` + templateReplaceRE + `)*$`)
labelNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$`)
labelValueExpansionRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\${?(\d+)}?`)
type mapperConfigDefaults struct {
TimerType TimerType `yaml:"timer_type"`
Buckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
Quantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
MatchType MatchType `yaml:"match_type"`
TimerType TimerType `yaml:"timer_type"`
Buckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
Quantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
MatchType MatchType `yaml:"match_type"`
DumpFSM string `yaml:"dump_fsm"`
FSMFallback MatchType `yaml:"fsm_fallback"`
type mappingState struct {
transitions map[string]*mappingState
// result is nil unless there's a metric ends with this state
result *MetricMapping
type MetricMapper struct {
Defaults mapperConfigDefaults `yaml:"defaults"`
Mappings []MetricMapping `yaml:"mappings"`
FSM *mappingState
mutex sync.Mutex
MappingsCount prometheus.Gauge
type labelFormatter struct {
captureIdx int
fmtString string
type matchMetricType string
type MetricMapping struct {
@ -55,6 +74,7 @@ type MetricMapping struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
regex *regexp.Regexp
Labels prometheus.Labels `yaml:"labels"`
LabelsFormatter map[string]labelFormatter
TimerType TimerType `yaml:"timer_type"`
Buckets []float64 `yaml:"buckets"`
Quantiles []metricObjective `yaml:"quantiles"`
@ -94,7 +114,14 @@ func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromYAMLString(fileContents string) error {
n.Defaults.MatchType = MatchTypeGlob
maxPossibleTransitions := len(n.Mappings)
n.FSM = &mappingState{}
n.FSM.transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, maxPossibleTransitions)
for i := range n.Mappings {
currentMapping := &n.Mappings[i]
// check that label is correct
@ -120,7 +147,57 @@ func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromYAMLString(fileContents string) error {
currentMapping.Action = ActionTypeMap
if currentMapping.MatchType == MatchTypeGlob {
if currentMapping.MatchType == MatchTypeFSM {
// first split by "."
matchFields := strings.Split(currentMapping.Match, ".")
// fill into our FSM
root := n.FSM
captureCount := 0
for i, field := range matchFields {
state, prs := root.transitions[field]
if !prs {
state = &mappingState{}
(*state).transitions = make(map[string]*mappingState, maxPossibleTransitions)
root.transitions[field] = state
// if this is last field, set result to currentMapping instance
if i == len(matchFields)-1 {
root.transitions[field].result = currentMapping
if field == "*" {
// goto next state
root = state
currentLabelFormatter := make(map[string]labelFormatter, captureCount)
for label, valueExpr := range currentMapping.Labels {
matches := labelValueExpansionRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(valueExpr, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
// if no regex expansion found, keep it as it is
currentLabelFormatter[label] = labelFormatter{captureIdx: -1, fmtString: valueExpr}
} else if len(matches) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("multiple captures is not supported in FSM matching type")
var valueFormatter string
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[0][1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid label value expression: %s", valueExpr)
if idx > captureCount || idx < 1 {
// index larger than captured count, replace all expansion with empty string
valueFormatter = labelValueExpansionRE.ReplaceAllString(valueExpr, "")
idx = 0
} else {
valueFormatter = labelValueExpansionRE.ReplaceAllString(valueExpr, "%s")
currentLabelFormatter[label] = labelFormatter{captureIdx: idx - 1, fmtString: valueFormatter}
currentMapping.LabelsFormatter = currentLabelFormatter
if currentMapping.MatchType == MatchTypeGlob || n.Defaults.FSMFallback == MatchTypeGlob {
if !metricLineRE.MatchString(currentMapping.Match) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid match: %s", currentMapping.Match)
@ -133,7 +210,7 @@ func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromYAMLString(fileContents string) error {
} else {
currentMapping.regex = regex
} else {
} else if currentMapping.MatchType == MatchTypeRegex || n.Defaults.FSMFallback == MatchTypeRegex {
if regex, err := regexp.Compile(currentMapping.Match); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid regex %s in mapping: %v", currentMapping.Match, err)
} else {
@ -154,12 +231,18 @@ func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromYAMLString(fileContents string) error {
if len(n.Defaults.DumpFSM) > 0 {
m.dumpFSM(n.Defaults.DumpFSM, n.FSM)
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
m.Defaults = n.Defaults
m.Mappings = n.Mappings
if len(n.FSM.transitions) > 0 {
m.FSM = n.FSM
if m.MappingsCount != nil {
@ -168,6 +251,35 @@ func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromYAMLString(fileContents string) error {
return nil
func (m *MetricMapper) dumpFSM(fileName string, root *mappingState) {
log.Infoln("Start dumping FSM to", fileName)
idx := 0
states := make(map[int]*mappingState)
states[idx] = root
f, _ := os.Create(fileName)
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
w.WriteString("digraph g {\n")
w.WriteString("rankdir=LR\n") // make it vertical
w.WriteString("node [ label=\"\",style=filled,fillcolor=white,shape=circle ]\n") // remove label of node
for idx < len(states) {
for field, transition := range states[idx].transitions {
states[len(states)] = transition
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d -> %d [label = \"%s\"];\n", idx, len(states)-1, field))
if transition.transitions == nil || len(transition.transitions) == 0 {
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d [color=\"#82B366\",fillcolor=\"#D5E8D4\"];\n", len(states)-1))
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("0 [color=\"#D6B656\",fillcolor=\"#FFF2CC\"];\n"))
log.Infoln("Finish dumping FSM")
func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromFile(fileName string) error {
mappingStr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
@ -177,6 +289,51 @@ func (m *MetricMapper) InitFromFile(fileName string) error {
func (m *MetricMapper) GetMapping(statsdMetric string, statsdMetricType MetricType) (*MetricMapping, prometheus.Labels, bool) {
if root := m.FSM; root != nil {
matchFields := strings.Split(statsdMetric, ".")
captures := make(map[int]string, len(matchFields))
captureIdx := 0
filedsCount := len(matchFields)
for i, field := range matchFields {
if root.transitions == nil {
state, prs := root.transitions[field]
if !prs {
state, prs = root.transitions["*"]
if !prs {
captures[captureIdx] = field
if state.result != nil && i == filedsCount-1 {
// format valueExpr
mapping := *state.result
labels := prometheus.Labels{}
for label := range mapping.Labels {
formatter := mapping.LabelsFormatter[label]
idx := formatter.captureIdx
var value string
if idx == -1 {
value = formatter.fmtString
} else {
value = fmt.Sprintf(formatter.fmtString, captures[idx])
labels[label] = string(value)
return state.result, labels, true
root = state
// if fsm_fallback is not defined, return immediately
if len(m.Defaults.FSMFallback) == 0 {
log.Infof("%s not matched by fsm\n", statsdMetric)
return nil, nil, false
defer m.mutex.Unlock()

View file

@ -368,6 +368,30 @@ mappings:
configBad: true,
//Config with multiple captures for fsm match type
config: `---
- match: "foo.*.*"
match_type: fsm
name: "foo"
bar: "$1-$2"
configBad: true,
//Config with non-numeric capture index for fsm match type
config: `---
- match: "foo.*.*"
match_type: fsm
name: "foo"
bar: "$a"
configBad: true,
//Config with non-matched metric.
config: `---
@ -518,6 +542,345 @@ mappings:
func TestFSMMatcher(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
config string
configBad bool
mappings mappings
// Empty config.
// Config with several mapping definitions.
config: `---
match_type: "fsm"
- match: test.dispatcher.*.*.*
name: "dispatch_events"
processor: "$1"
action: "$2"
result: "$3"
job: "test_dispatcher"
- match:*.*.*
name: "host_dispatch_events"
processor: "$1"
action: "$2"
result: "$3"
job: "test_dispatcher"
- match: request_time.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
name: "tyk_http_request"
method_and_path: "$1"
response_code: "$2"
apikey: "$3"
apiversion: "$4"
apiname: "$5"
apiid: "$6"
ipv4_t1: "$7"
ipv4_t2: "$8"
ipv4_t3: "$9"
ipv4_t4: "$10"
orgid: "$11"
oauthid: "$12"
- match: "*.*"
name: "catchall"
first: "$1"
second: "second_label_$2"
third: "$3"
job: "-"
mappings: mappings{
"test.dispatcher.FooProcessor.send.succeeded": {
name: "dispatch_events",
labels: map[string]string{
"processor": "FooProcessor",
"action": "send",
"result": "succeeded",
"job": "test_dispatcher",
"": {
name: "host_dispatch_events",
labels: map[string]string{
"processor": "FooProcessor",
"action": "send",
"result": "succeeded",
"job": "test_dispatcher",
"request_time.get/threads/1/posts.200.00000000.nonversioned.discussions.a11bbcdf0ac64ec243658dc64b7100fb.": {
name: "tyk_http_request",
labels: map[string]string{
"method_and_path": "get/threads/1/posts",
"response_code": "200",
"apikey": "00000000",
"apiversion": "nonversioned",
"apiname": "discussions",
"apiid": "a11bbcdf0ac64ec243658dc64b7100fb",
"ipv4_t1": "172",
"ipv4_t2": "20",
"ipv4_t3": "0",
"ipv4_t4": "1",
"orgid": "12ba97b7eaa1a50001000001",
"oauthid": "",
"": {
name: "catchall",
labels: map[string]string{
"first": "foo",
"second": "second_label_bar",
"third": "",
"job": "-",
"": {},
// local match_type
config: `---
- match: test.dispatcher.*.*.*
name: "dispatch_events"
match_type: "fsm"
processor: "$1"
action: "$2"
result: "$3"
job: "test_dispatcher"
- match:*.*.*
name: "host_dispatch_events"
match_type: "fsm"
processor: "$1"
action: "$2"
result: "$3"
job: "test_dispatcher"
- match: request_time.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
name: "tyk_http_request"
match_type: "fsm"
method_and_path: "$1"
response_code: "$2"
apikey: "$3"
apiversion: "$4"
apiname: "$5"
apiid: "$6"
ipv4_t1: "$7"
ipv4_t2: "$8"
ipv4_t3: "$9"
ipv4_t4: "$10"
orgid: "$11"
oauthid: "$12"
- match: "*.*"
name: "catchall"
match_type: "fsm"
first: "$1"
second: "second_label_$2"
third: "$3"
job: "-"
mappings: mappings{
"test.dispatcher.FooProcessor.send.succeeded": {
name: "dispatch_events",
labels: map[string]string{
"processor": "FooProcessor",
"action": "send",
"result": "succeeded",
"job": "test_dispatcher",
"": {
name: "host_dispatch_events",
labels: map[string]string{
"processor": "FooProcessor",
"action": "send",
"result": "succeeded",
"job": "test_dispatcher",
"request_time.get/threads/1/posts.200.00000000.nonversioned.discussions.a11bbcdf0ac64ec243658dc64b7100fb.": {
name: "tyk_http_request",
labels: map[string]string{
"method_and_path": "get/threads/1/posts",
"response_code": "200",
"apikey": "00000000",
"apiversion": "nonversioned",
"apiname": "discussions",
"apiid": "a11bbcdf0ac64ec243658dc64b7100fb",
"ipv4_t1": "172",
"ipv4_t2": "20",
"ipv4_t3": "0",
"ipv4_t4": "1",
"orgid": "12ba97b7eaa1a50001000001",
"oauthid": "",
"": {
name: "catchall",
labels: map[string]string{
"first": "foo",
"second": "second_label_bar",
"third": "",
"job": "-",
"": {},
mapper := MetricMapper{}
for i, scenario := range scenarios {
err := mapper.InitFromYAMLString(scenario.config)
if err != nil && !scenario.configBad {
t.Fatalf("%d. Config load error: %s %s", i, scenario.config, err)
if err == nil && scenario.configBad {
t.Fatalf("%d. Expected bad config, but loaded ok: %s", i, scenario.config)
var dummyMetricType MetricType = ""
for metric, mapping := range scenario.mappings {
m, labels, present := mapper.GetMapping(metric, dummyMetricType)
if present && != "" && m.Name != {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected name %v, got %v", i, metric, m.Name,
if mapping.notPresent && present {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected metric to not be present", i, metric)
if len(labels) != len(mapping.labels) {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected %d labels, got %d", i, metric, len(mapping.labels), len(labels))
for label, value := range labels {
if mapping.labels[label] != value {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected labels %v, got %v", i, metric, mapping, labels)
func TestFSMMatcherFallbackRegex(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
config string
configBad bool
mappings mappings
// Config with simple matcher as default mathcer and fallback_regex to false.
config: `---
match_type: "fsm"
- match: client.*.request.duration
name: "request_size"
client: "$1"
- match: client.*.*.size
name: "request_response_size"
client: "$1"
direction: "$2"
mappings: mappings{
"client.a.request.duration": {
name: "request_size",
labels: map[string]string{
"client": "a",
"client.a.request.size": {},
"client.a.response.size": {
name: "request_response_size",
labels: map[string]string{
"client": "a",
"direction": "response",
// Config with simple matcher as default mathcer and fallback_regex to true.
config: `---
match_type: "fsm"
fsm_fallback: "glob"
- match: client.*.request.duration
name: "request_size"
client: "$1"
- match: client.*.*.size
name: "request_response_size"
client: "$1"
direction: "$2"
mappings: mappings{
"client.a.request.duration": {
name: "request_size",
labels: map[string]string{
"client": "a",
"client.a.request.size": {
name: "request_response_size",
labels: map[string]string{
"client": "a",
"direction": "request",
"client.a.response.size": {
name: "request_response_size",
labels: map[string]string{
"client": "a",
"direction": "response",
mapper := MetricMapper{}
for i, scenario := range scenarios {
err := mapper.InitFromYAMLString(scenario.config)
if err != nil && !scenario.configBad {
t.Fatalf("%d. Config load error: %s %s", i, scenario.config, err)
if err == nil && scenario.configBad {
t.Fatalf("%d. Expected bad config, but loaded ok: %s", i, scenario.config)
var dummyMetricType MetricType = ""
for metric, mapping := range scenario.mappings {
m, labels, present := mapper.GetMapping(metric, dummyMetricType)
if present && != "" && m.Name != {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected name %v, got %v", i, metric, m.Name,
if mapping.notPresent && present {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected metric to not be present", i, metric)
if len(labels) != len(mapping.labels) {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected %d labels, got %d", i, metric, len(mapping.labels), len(labels))
for label, value := range labels {
if mapping.labels[label] != value {
t.Fatalf("%d.%q: Expected labels %v, got %v", i, metric, mapping, labels)
func TestAction(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
config string

View file

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ type MatchType string
const (
MatchTypeGlob MatchType = "glob"
MatchTypeRegex MatchType = "regex"
MatchTypeFSM MatchType = "fsm"
MatchTypeDefault MatchType = ""
@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ func (t *MatchType) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
switch MatchType(v) {
case MatchTypeRegex:
*t = MatchTypeRegex
case MatchTypeFSM:
*t = MatchTypeFSM
case MatchTypeGlob, MatchTypeDefault:
*t = MatchTypeGlob