
245 lines
7.4 KiB

#![deny(missing_docs, unsafe_code)]
//! # sqlxmq_macros
//! Provides procedural macros for the `sqlxmq` crate.
use std::mem;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{
parse_macro_input, parse_quote, AttributeArgs, Error, ItemFn, Lit, Meta, NestedMeta, Path,
Result, Visibility,
struct JobOptions {
proto: Option<Path>,
name: Option<String>,
channel_name: Option<String>,
retries: Option<u32>,
backoff_secs: Option<f64>,
ordered: Option<bool>,
enum OptionValue<'a> {
Lit(&'a Lit),
Path(&'a Path),
fn interpret_job_arg(options: &mut JobOptions, arg: NestedMeta) -> Result<()> {
fn error(arg: NestedMeta) -> Result<()> {
Err(Error::new_spanned(arg, "Unexpected attribute argument"))
match &arg {
NestedMeta::Lit(Lit::Str(s)) if options.name.is_none() => {
options.name = Some(s.value());
NestedMeta::Meta(m) => {
if let Some(ident) = m.path().get_ident() {
let name = ident.to_string();
let value = match &m {
Meta::List(l) => {
if let NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(p)) = &l.nested[0] {
} else {
return error(arg);
Meta::Path(_) => OptionValue::None,
Meta::NameValue(nvp) => OptionValue::Lit(&nvp.lit),
match (name.as_str(), value) {
("proto", OptionValue::Path(p)) if options.proto.is_none() => {
options.proto = Some(p.clone());
("name", OptionValue::Lit(Lit::Str(s))) if options.name.is_none() => {
options.name = Some(s.value());
("channel_name", OptionValue::Lit(Lit::Str(s)))
if options.channel_name.is_none() =>
options.channel_name = Some(s.value());
("retries", OptionValue::Lit(Lit::Int(n))) if options.retries.is_none() => {
options.name = Some(n.base10_parse()?);
("backoff_secs", OptionValue::Lit(Lit::Float(n)))
if options.backoff_secs.is_none() =>
options.backoff_secs = Some(n.base10_parse()?);
("backoff_secs", OptionValue::Lit(Lit::Int(n)))
if options.backoff_secs.is_none() =>
options.backoff_secs = Some(n.base10_parse()?);
("ordered", OptionValue::None) if options.ordered.is_none() => {
options.ordered = Some(true);
("ordered", OptionValue::Lit(Lit::Bool(b))) if options.ordered.is_none() => {
options.ordered = Some(b.value);
_ => return error(arg),
_ => return error(arg),
/// Marks a function as being a background job.
/// The function must take a single `CurrentJob` argument, and should
/// be async or return a future.
/// The async result must be a `Result<(), E>` type, where `E` is convertible
/// to a `Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>`, which is the case for most
/// error types.
/// Several options can be provided to the `#[job]` attribute:
/// # Name
/// ```
/// #[job("example")]
/// #[job(name="example")]
/// ```
/// This overrides the name for this job. If unspecified, the fully-qualified
/// name of the function is used. If you move a job to a new module or rename
/// the function, you may which to override the job name to prevent it from
/// changing.
/// # Channel name
/// ```
/// #[job(channel_name="foo")]
/// ```
/// This sets the default channel name on which the job will be spawned.
/// # Retries
/// ```
/// #[job(retries = 3)]
/// ```
/// This sets the default number of retries for the job.
/// # Retry backoff
/// ```
/// #[job(backoff_secs=1.5)]
/// #[job(backoff_secs=2)]
/// ```
/// This sets the default initial retry backoff for the job in seconds.
/// # Ordered
/// ```
/// #[job(ordered)]
/// #[job(ordered=true)]
/// #[job(ordered=false)]
/// ```
/// This sets whether the job will be strictly ordered by default.
/// # Prototype
/// ```
/// fn my_proto<'a, 'b>(
/// builder: &'a mut JobBuilder<'b>
/// ) -> &'a mut JobBuilder<'b> {
/// builder.set_channel_name("bar")
/// }
/// #[job(proto(my_proto))]
/// ```
/// This allows setting several job options at once using the specified function,
/// and can be convient if you have several jobs which should have similar
/// defaults.
/// # Combinations
/// Multiple job options can be combined. The order is not important, but the
/// prototype will always be applied first so that explicit options can override it.
/// Each option can only be provided once in the attribute.
/// ```
/// #[job("my_job", proto(my_proto), retries=0, ordered)]
/// ```
pub fn job(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let args = parse_macro_input!(attr as AttributeArgs);
let mut inner_fn = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn);
let mut options = JobOptions::default();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
for arg in args {
if let Err(e) = interpret_job_arg(&mut options, arg) {
let vis = mem::replace(&mut inner_fn.vis, Visibility::Inherited);
let name = mem::replace(&mut inner_fn.sig.ident, parse_quote! {inner});
let fq_name = if let Some(name) = options.name {
quote! { #name }
} else {
let name_str = name.to_string();
quote! { concat!(module_path!(), "::", #name_str) }
let mut chain = Vec::new();
if let Some(proto) = &options.proto {
chain.push(quote! {
if let Some(channel_name) = &options.channel_name {
chain.push(quote! {
if let Some(retries) = &options.retries {
chain.push(quote! {
if let Some(backoff_secs) = &options.backoff_secs {
chain.push(quote! {
if let Some(ordered) = options.ordered {
chain.push(quote! {
let expanded = quote! {
#vis static #name: &'static sqlxmq::NamedJob = &{
sqlxmq::hidden::BuildFn(|builder| {
builder #(#chain)*
sqlxmq::hidden::RunFn(|registry, current_job| {
registry.spawn_internal(#fq_name, inner(current_job));
// Hand the output tokens back to the compiler.