mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:52:40 +00:00
In the past, some files were tested with the standard profile, others with a profile in which most of the messages were switched off ... some files were not checked at all. - ``PYLINT_SEARXNG_DISABLE_OPTION`` has been abolished - the distinction ``# lint: pylint`` is no longer necessary - the pylint tasks have been reduced from three to two 1. ./searx/engines -> lint engines with additional builtins 2. ./searx ./searxng_extra ./tests -> lint all other python files Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
168 lines
5 KiB
168 lines
5 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring, cyclic-import
import json
import time
import threading
import os
import signal
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict, Union
import redis.exceptions
from searx import logger, settings, searx_debug
from searx.redisdb import client as get_redis_client
from searx.exceptions import SearxSettingsException
from searx.search.processors import PROCESSORS
from searx.search.checker import Checker
from searx.search.checker.scheduler import scheduler_function
REDIS_RESULT_KEY = 'SearXNG_checker_result'
REDIS_LOCK_KEY = 'SearXNG_checker_lock'
CheckerResult = Union['CheckerOk', 'CheckerErr', 'CheckerOther']
class CheckerOk(TypedDict):
"""Checking the engines succeeded"""
status: Literal['ok']
engines: Dict[str, 'EngineResult']
timestamp: int
class CheckerErr(TypedDict):
"""Checking the engines failed"""
status: Literal['error']
timestamp: int
class CheckerOther(TypedDict):
"""The status is unknown or disabled"""
status: Literal['unknown', 'disabled']
EngineResult = Union['EngineOk', 'EngineErr']
class EngineOk(TypedDict):
"""Checking the engine succeeded"""
success: Literal[True]
class EngineErr(TypedDict):
"""Checking the engine failed"""
success: Literal[False]
errors: Dict[str, List[str]]
def _get_interval(every: Any, error_msg: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
if isinstance(every, int):
return (every, every)
if (
not isinstance(every, (tuple, list))
or len(every) != 2 # type: ignore
or not isinstance(every[0], int)
or not isinstance(every[1], int)
raise SearxSettingsException(error_msg, None)
return (every[0], every[1])
def get_result() -> CheckerResult:
client = get_redis_client()
if client is None:
# without Redis, the checker is disabled
return {'status': 'disabled'}
serialized_result: Optional[bytes] = client.get(REDIS_RESULT_KEY)
if serialized_result is None:
# the Redis key does not exist
return {'status': 'unknown'}
return json.loads(serialized_result)
def _set_result(result: CheckerResult):
client = get_redis_client()
if client is None:
# without Redis, the function does nothing
client.set(REDIS_RESULT_KEY, json.dumps(result))
def _timestamp():
return int(time.time() / 3600) * 3600
def run():
# use a Redis lock to make sure there is no checker running at the same time
# (this should not happen, this is a safety measure)
with get_redis_client().lock(REDIS_LOCK_KEY, blocking_timeout=60, timeout=3600):
logger.info('Starting checker')
result: CheckerOk = {'status': 'ok', 'engines': {}, 'timestamp': _timestamp()}
for name, processor in PROCESSORS.items():
logger.debug('Checking %s engine', name)
checker = Checker(processor)
if checker.test_results.successful:
result['engines'][name] = {'success': True}
result['engines'][name] = {'success': False, 'errors': checker.test_results.errors}
logger.info('Check done')
except redis.exceptions.LockError:
_set_result({'status': 'error', 'timestamp': _timestamp()})
logger.exception('Error while running the checker')
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
_set_result({'status': 'error', 'timestamp': _timestamp()})
logger.exception('Error while running the checker')
def _signal_handler(_signum: int, _frame: Any):
t = threading.Thread(target=run)
t.daemon = True
def initialize():
if hasattr(signal, 'SIGUSR1'):
# Windows doesn't support SIGUSR1
logger.info('Send SIGUSR1 signal to pid %i to start the checker', os.getpid())
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, _signal_handler)
# special case when debug is activate
if searx_debug and settings['checker']['off_when_debug']:
logger.info('debug mode: checker is disabled')
# check value of checker.scheduling.every now
scheduling = settings['checker']['scheduling']
if scheduling is None or not scheduling:
logger.info('Checker scheduler is disabled')
# make sure there is a Redis connection
if get_redis_client() is None:
logger.error('The checker requires Redis')
# start the background scheduler
every_range = _get_interval(scheduling.get('every', (300, 1800)), 'checker.scheduling.every is not a int or list')
start_after_range = _get_interval(
scheduling.get('start_after', (300, 1800)), 'checker.scheduling.start_after is not a int or list'
t = threading.Thread(
args=(start_after_range[0], start_after_range[1], every_range[0], every_range[1], run),
t.daemon = True