Markus Heiser 86b4d2f2d0 [mod] activate pyright checks (in CI)
We have been using a static type checker (pyright) for a long time, but its
check was not yet a prerequisite for passing the quality gate.  It was checked
in the CI, but the error messages were only logged.

As is always the case in life, with checks that you have to do but which have no
consequences; you neglect them :-)

We didn't activate the checks back then because we (even today) have too much
monkey patching in our code (not only in the engines, httpx and others objects
are also affected).

We want to replace monkey patching with clear interfaces for a long time, the
basis for this is increased typing and we can only achieve this if we make type
checking an integral part of the quality gate.

  This PR activates the type check; in order to pass the check, a few typings
  were corrected in the code, but most type inconsistencies were deactivated via
  inline comments.

This was particularly necessary in places where the code uses properties that
stick to the objects (monkey patching).  The sticking of properties only happens
in a few places, but the access to these properties extends over the entire
code, which is why there are many `# type: ignore` markers in the code ... which
we will hopefully be able to remove again successively in the future.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-04-27 18:31:52 +02:00

252 lines
8.3 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Load and initialize the ``engines``, see :py:func:`load_engines` and register
load_engines( settings['engines'] )
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import copy
from os.path import realpath, dirname
from typing import Dict
import types
import inspect
from searx import logger, settings
from searx.enginelib import Engine
from searx.utils import load_module
logger = logger.getChild('engines')
ENGINE_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__))
# Common options in the engine module
"engine_type": "online",
"paging": False,
"time_range_support": False,
"safesearch": False,
# settings.yml
"categories": ["general"],
"enable_http": False,
"shortcut": "-",
"timeout": settings["outgoing"]["request_timeout"],
"display_error_messages": True,
"disabled": False,
"inactive": False,
"about": {},
"using_tor_proxy": False,
"send_accept_language_header": False,
"tokens": [],
"max_page": 0,
# set automatically when an engine does not have any tab category
# Defaults for the namespace of an engine module, see :py:func:`load_engine`
categories = {'general': []}
engines: Dict[str, Engine | types.ModuleType] = {}
engine_shortcuts = {}
"""Simple map of registered *shortcuts* to name of the engine (or ``None``).
engine_shortcuts[engine.shortcut] =
:meta hide-value:
def check_engine_module(module: types.ModuleType):
# probe unintentional name collisions / for example name collisions caused
# by import statements in the engine module ..
# network:
obj = getattr(module, 'network', None)
if obj and inspect.ismodule(obj):
msg = f'type of {module.__name__}.network is a module ({obj.__name__}), expected a string'
# logger.error(msg)
raise TypeError(msg)
def load_engine(engine_data: dict) -> Engine | types.ModuleType | None:
"""Load engine from ``engine_data``.
:param dict engine_data: Attributes from YAML ``settings:engines/<engine>``
:return: initialized namespace of the ``<engine>``.
1. create a namespace and load module of the ``<engine>``
2. update namespace with the defaults from :py:obj:`ENGINE_DEFAULT_ARGS`
3. update namespace with values from ``engine_data``
If engine *is active*, return namespace of the engine, otherwise return
This function also returns ``None`` if initialization of the namespace fails
for one of the following reasons:
- engine name contains underscore
- engine name is not lowercase
- required attribute is not set :py:func:`is_missing_required_attributes`
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
engine_name = engine_data.get('name')
if engine_name is None:
logger.error('An engine does not have a "name" field')
return None
if '_' in engine_name:
logger.error('Engine name contains underscore: "{}"'.format(engine_name))
return None
if engine_name.lower() != engine_name:
logger.warning('Engine name is not lowercase: "{}", converting to lowercase'.format(engine_name))
engine_name = engine_name.lower()
engine_data['name'] = engine_name
# load_module
module_name = engine_data.get('engine')
if module_name is None:
logger.error('The "engine" field is missing for the engine named "{}"'.format(engine_name))
return None
engine = load_module(module_name + '.py', ENGINE_DIR)
except (SyntaxError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, SystemError, ImportError, RuntimeError):
logger.exception('Fatal exception in engine "{}"'.format(module_name))
except BaseException:
logger.exception('Cannot load engine "{}"'.format(module_name))
return None
update_engine_attributes(engine, engine_data)
# avoid cyclic imports
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraitsMap
trait_map = EngineTraitsMap.from_data()
if not is_engine_active(engine):
return None
if is_missing_required_attributes(engine):
return None
set_loggers(engine, engine_name)
if not any(cat in settings['categories_as_tabs'] for cat in engine.categories):
return engine
def set_loggers(engine, engine_name):
# set the logger for engine
engine.logger = logger.getChild(engine_name)
# the engine may have load some other engines
# may sure the logger is initialized
# use sys.modules.copy() to avoid "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration"
# see
# and
modules = sys.modules.copy()
for module_name, module in modules.items():
if (
and module_name != "searx.engines.__init__"
and not hasattr(module, "logger")
module_engine_name = module_name.split(".")[-1]
module.logger = logger.getChild(module_engine_name) # type: ignore
def update_engine_attributes(engine: Engine | types.ModuleType, engine_data):
# set engine attributes from engine_data
for param_name, param_value in engine_data.items():
if param_name == 'categories':
if isinstance(param_value, str):
param_value = list(map(str.strip, param_value.split(',')))
engine.categories = param_value # type: ignore
elif hasattr(engine, 'about') and param_name == 'about':
engine.about = {**engine.about, **engine_data['about']} # type: ignore
setattr(engine, param_name, param_value)
# set default attributes
for arg_name, arg_value in ENGINE_DEFAULT_ARGS.items():
if not hasattr(engine, arg_name):
setattr(engine, arg_name, copy.deepcopy(arg_value))
def update_attributes_for_tor(engine: Engine | types.ModuleType):
if using_tor_proxy(engine) and hasattr(engine, 'onion_url'):
engine.search_url = engine.onion_url + getattr(engine, 'search_path', '') # type: ignore
engine.timeout += settings['outgoing'].get('extra_proxy_timeout', 0) # type: ignore
def is_missing_required_attributes(engine):
"""An attribute is required when its name doesn't start with ``_`` (underline).
Required attributes must not be ``None``.
missing = False
for engine_attr in dir(engine):
if not engine_attr.startswith('_') and getattr(engine, engine_attr) is None:
logger.error('Missing engine config attribute: "{0}.{1}"'.format(, engine_attr))
missing = True
return missing
def using_tor_proxy(engine: Engine | types.ModuleType):
"""Return True if the engine configuration declares to use Tor."""
return settings['outgoing'].get('using_tor_proxy') or getattr(engine, 'using_tor_proxy', False)
def is_engine_active(engine: Engine | types.ModuleType):
# check if engine is inactive
if engine.inactive is True:
return False
# exclude onion engines if not using tor
if 'onions' in engine.categories and not using_tor_proxy(engine):
return False
return True
def register_engine(engine: Engine | types.ModuleType):
if in engines:
logger.error('Engine config error: ambiguous name: {0}'.format(
engines[] = engine
if engine.shortcut in engine_shortcuts:
logger.error('Engine config error: ambiguous shortcut: {0}'.format(engine.shortcut))
engine_shortcuts[engine.shortcut] =
for category_name in engine.categories:
categories.setdefault(category_name, []).append(engine)
def load_engines(engine_list):
"""usage: ``engine_list = settings['engines']``"""
categories['general'] = []
for engine_data in engine_list:
engine = load_engine(engine_data)
if engine:
return engines