Markus Heiser 82fd0dac60 [mod] lower memory footprint by lazy loading JSON data
This patch implements lazy loading of the JSON data.

Motivation: in most requests not all JSON data is needed, but loaded.  By
example these four JSON files:

- currencies.json ~550KB
- engine_descriptions.json ~1,3MB
- external_bangs.json ~1,3MB
- osm_keys_tags.json ~ 2,2MB

most often not used and consume a lot of memory and BTW they also extend the
time required to instantiate a walker.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-04-29 19:02:00 +02:00

77 lines
2.1 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Calculate mathematical expressions using ack#eval
from flask_babel import gettext
from searx import data
name = "Unit converter plugin"
description = gettext("Convert between units")
default_on = True
CONVERT_KEYWORDS = ["in", "to", "as"]
def _convert(from_value, source_si_factor, target_si_factor):
return from_value * source_si_factor / target_si_factor
def _parse_text_and_convert(search, splitted_query):
if len(splitted_query) != 2 or splitted_query[0].strip() == "" or splitted_query[1].strip() == "":
from_value = ""
from_unit_key = ""
# only parse digits as value that belong together
read_alpha = False
for c in splitted_query[0]:
if not read_alpha and (c in ("-", ".") or str.isdigit(c)):
from_value += c
read_alpha = True
elif c != " ":
from_unit_key += c
to_unit_key = splitted_query[1].strip()
from_unit = None
to_unit = None
for unit in data.WIKIDATA_UNITS.values():
if unit['symbol'] == from_unit_key:
from_unit = unit
if unit['symbol'] == to_unit_key:
to_unit = unit
if from_unit and to_unit:
if from_unit is None or to_unit is None or to_unit.get('si_name') != from_unit.get('si_name'):
result = _convert(float(from_value), from_unit['to_si_factor'], to_unit['to_si_factor'])
search.result_container.answers['conversion'] = {'answer': f"{result:g} {to_unit['symbol']}"}
def post_search(_request, search):
# only convert between units on the first page
if search.search_query.pageno > 1:
return True
query = search.search_query.query
query_parts = query.split(" ")
if len(query_parts) < 3:
return True
for query_part in query_parts:
for keyword in CONVERT_KEYWORDS:
if query_part == keyword:
keyword_split = query.split(keyword, 1)
_parse_text_and_convert(search, keyword_split)
return True
return True