mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:11:19 +00:00
In the past, some files were tested with the standard profile, others with a profile in which most of the messages were switched off ... some files were not checked at all. - ``PYLINT_SEARXNG_DISABLE_OPTION`` has been abolished - the distinction ``# lint: pylint`` is no longer necessary - the pylint tasks have been reduced from three to two 1. ./searx/engines -> lint engines with additional builtins 2. ./searx ./searxng_extra ./tests -> lint all other python files Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
304 lines
11 KiB
304 lines
11 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from searx.exceptions import SearxParameterException
from searx.webutils import VALID_LANGUAGE_CODE
from searx.query import RawTextQuery
from searx.engines import categories, engines
from searx.search import SearchQuery, EngineRef
from searx.preferences import Preferences, is_locked
from searx.utils import detect_language
# remove duplicate queries.
# HINT: does not fix "!music !soundcloud", because the categories are 'none' and 'music'
def deduplicate_engineref_list(engineref_list: List[EngineRef]) -> List[EngineRef]:
engineref_dict = {q.category + '|' + q.name: q for q in engineref_list}
return list(engineref_dict.values())
def validate_engineref_list(
engineref_list: List[EngineRef], preferences: Preferences
) -> Tuple[List[EngineRef], List[EngineRef], List[EngineRef]]:
"""Validate query_engines according to the preferences
List[EngineRef]: list of existing engines with a validated token
List[EngineRef]: list of unknown engine
List[EngineRef]: list of engine with invalid token according to the preferences
valid = []
unknown = []
no_token = []
for engineref in engineref_list:
if engineref.name not in engines:
engine = engines[engineref.name]
if not preferences.validate_token(engine):
return valid, unknown, no_token
def parse_pageno(form: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
pageno_param = form.get('pageno', '1')
if not pageno_param.isdigit() or int(pageno_param) < 1:
raise SearxParameterException('pageno', pageno_param)
return int(pageno_param)
def parse_lang(preferences: Preferences, form: Dict[str, str], raw_text_query: RawTextQuery) -> str:
if is_locked('language'):
return preferences.get_value('language')
# get language
# set specific language if set on request, query or preferences
# search with multiple languages is not supported (by most engines)
if len(raw_text_query.languages):
query_lang = raw_text_query.languages[-1]
elif 'language' in form:
query_lang = form.get('language')
query_lang = preferences.get_value('language')
# check language
if not VALID_LANGUAGE_CODE.match(query_lang) and query_lang != 'auto':
raise SearxParameterException('language', query_lang)
return query_lang
def parse_safesearch(preferences: Preferences, form: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
if is_locked('safesearch'):
return preferences.get_value('safesearch')
if 'safesearch' in form:
query_safesearch = form.get('safesearch')
# first check safesearch
if not query_safesearch.isdigit():
raise SearxParameterException('safesearch', query_safesearch)
query_safesearch = int(query_safesearch)
query_safesearch = preferences.get_value('safesearch')
# safesearch : second check
if query_safesearch < 0 or query_safesearch > 2:
raise SearxParameterException('safesearch', query_safesearch)
return query_safesearch
def parse_time_range(form: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[str]:
query_time_range = form.get('time_range')
# check time_range
query_time_range = None if query_time_range in ('', 'None') else query_time_range
if query_time_range not in (None, 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'):
raise SearxParameterException('time_range', query_time_range)
return query_time_range
def parse_timeout(form: Dict[str, str], raw_text_query: RawTextQuery) -> Optional[float]:
timeout_limit = raw_text_query.timeout_limit
if timeout_limit is None:
timeout_limit = form.get('timeout_limit')
if timeout_limit is None or timeout_limit in ['None', '']:
return None
return float(timeout_limit)
except ValueError as e:
raise SearxParameterException('timeout_limit', timeout_limit) from e
def parse_category_form(query_categories: List[str], name: str, value: str) -> None:
if name == 'categories':
query_categories.extend(categ for categ in map(str.strip, value.split(',')) if categ in categories)
elif name.startswith('category_'):
category = name[9:]
# if category is not found in list, skip
if category not in categories:
if value != 'off':
# add category to list
elif category in query_categories:
# remove category from list if property is set to 'off'
def get_selected_categories(preferences: Preferences, form: Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> List[str]:
selected_categories = []
if not is_locked('categories') and form is not None:
for name, value in form.items():
parse_category_form(selected_categories, name, value)
# if no category is specified for this search,
# using user-defined default-configuration which
# (is stored in cookie)
if not selected_categories:
cookie_categories = preferences.get_value('categories')
for ccateg in cookie_categories:
# if still no category is specified, using general
# as default-category
if not selected_categories:
selected_categories = ['general']
return selected_categories
def get_engineref_from_category_list( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
category_list: List[str],
disabled_engines: List[str],
) -> List[EngineRef]:
result = []
for categ in category_list:
EngineRef(engine.name, categ)
for engine in categories[categ]
if (engine.name, categ) not in disabled_engines
return result
def parse_generic(preferences: Preferences, form: Dict[str, str], disabled_engines: List[str]) -> List[EngineRef]:
query_engineref_list = []
query_categories = []
# set categories/engines
explicit_engine_list = False
if not is_locked('categories'):
# parse the form only if the categories are not locked
for pd_name, pd in form.items(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if pd_name == 'engines':
pd_engines = [
EngineRef(engine_name, engines[engine_name].categories[0])
for engine_name in map(str.strip, pd.split(','))
if engine_name in engines
if pd_engines:
explicit_engine_list = True
parse_category_form(query_categories, pd_name, pd)
if explicit_engine_list:
# explicit list of engines with the "engines" parameter in the form
if query_categories:
# add engines from referenced by the "categories" parameter and the "category_*"" parameters
query_engineref_list.extend(get_engineref_from_category_list(query_categories, disabled_engines))
# no "engines" parameters in the form
if not query_categories:
# and neither "categories" parameter nor "category_*"" parameters in the form
# -> get the categories from the preferences (the cookies or the settings)
query_categories = get_selected_categories(preferences, None)
# using all engines for that search, which are
# declared under the specific categories
query_engineref_list.extend(get_engineref_from_category_list(query_categories, disabled_engines))
return query_engineref_list
def parse_engine_data(form):
engine_data = defaultdict(dict)
for k, v in form.items():
if k.startswith("engine_data"):
_, engine, key = k.split('-')
engine_data[engine][key] = v
return engine_data
def get_search_query_from_webapp(
preferences: Preferences, form: Dict[str, str]
) -> Tuple[SearchQuery, RawTextQuery, List[EngineRef], List[EngineRef], str]:
"""Assemble data from preferences and request.form (from the HTML form) needed
in a search query.
The returned tuple consits of:
1. instance of :py:obj:`searx.search.SearchQuery`
2. instance of :py:obj:`searx.query.RawTextQuery`
3. list of :py:obj:`searx.search.EngineRef` instances
4. string with the *selected locale* of the query
About language/locale: if the client selects the alias ``auto`` the
``SearchQuery`` object is build up by the :py:obj:`detected language
<searx.utils.detect_language>`. If language recognition does not have a
match the language preferred by the :py:obj:`Preferences.client` is used.
If client does not have a preference, the default ``all`` is used.
The *selected locale* in the tuple always represents the selected
language/locale and might differ from the language recognition.
# no text for the query ?
if not form.get('q'):
raise SearxParameterException('q', '')
# set blocked engines
disabled_engines = preferences.engines.get_disabled()
# parse query, if tags are set, which change
# the search engine or search-language
raw_text_query = RawTextQuery(form['q'], disabled_engines)
# set query
query = raw_text_query.getQuery()
query_pageno = parse_pageno(form)
query_safesearch = parse_safesearch(preferences, form)
query_time_range = parse_time_range(form)
query_timeout = parse_timeout(form, raw_text_query)
external_bang = raw_text_query.external_bang
redirect_to_first_result = raw_text_query.redirect_to_first_result
engine_data = parse_engine_data(form)
query_lang = parse_lang(preferences, form, raw_text_query)
selected_locale = query_lang
if query_lang == 'auto':
query_lang = detect_language(query, threshold=0.8, only_search_languages=True)
query_lang = query_lang or preferences.client.locale_tag or 'all'
if not is_locked('categories') and raw_text_query.specific:
# if engines are calculated from query,
# set categories by using that information
query_engineref_list = raw_text_query.enginerefs
# otherwise, using defined categories to
# calculate which engines should be used
query_engineref_list = parse_generic(preferences, form, disabled_engines)
query_engineref_list = deduplicate_engineref_list(query_engineref_list)
query_engineref_list, query_engineref_list_unknown, query_engineref_list_notoken = validate_engineref_list(
query_engineref_list, preferences
return (