* Move the datetime to str code from searx.webapp.search to searx.webutils.searxng_format_date
* When the month, day, hour, day and second are zero, the function returns only the year.
Some HTTP-Clients do have issues with the ``opensearch.xml`` from SearXNG
(related [1][2]) while other OpenSearch descriptions[3] (e.g. from qwant) work
Inspired by the OpenSearch description from qwant and with informations from the
specification[4] the ``opensearch.xml`` has been *improved*.
- convert `<Url>` methods from lower case to upper case (`POST`|`GET`)
- add `<moz:SearchForm>` and `xmlns:moz="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/"`
- add `<Query role="example" searchTerms="SearXNG" />` [4]
OpenSearch description documents should include at least one Query element of
`role="example"` that is expected to return search results. Search clients may
use this example query to validate that the search engine is working properly.
- modified `<LongName>` to SearXNG
- modified `<Description>` the word 'hackable' scares uninitiated users and was removed
- add the `type="image/png"` to `<Image>`
Test can be done by::
make run
Visit and add the search engine to your WEB-Browser /
test with different WEB-Browser from desktop and Smartphones (are there any iOS
user here, please test on Safari and Chrome).
[1] https://app.element.io/#/room/#searxng:matrix.org/$xN_abdKhNqUlgXRBrb_9F3pqOxnSzGQ1TG0s0G9hQVw
[2] https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/431
[3] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/OpenSearch
[4] https://github.com/dewitt/opensearch/blob/master/opensearch-1-1-draft-6.md#the-query-element
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
The errors make pyright usage useless since a new error won't be seen [1].
[1] https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/1569
searx/compat.py:11:27 - error: Expression of type "Type[cached_property[_T@cached_property]]" cannot be assigned to declared type "Type[cached_property]"
"Type[cached_property[_T@cached_property]]" is incompatible with "Type[cached_property]"
Type "Type[cached_property[_T@cached_property]]" cannot be assigned to type "Type[cached_property]" (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
searx/utils.py:69:36 - error: Expression of type "None" cannot be assigned to parameter of type "str"
Type "None" cannot be assigned to type "str" (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
searx/utils.py:573:85 - error: Expression of type "None" cannot be assigned to parameter of type "int"
Type "None" cannot be assigned to type "int" (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
searx/webapp.py:1306:22 - error: Argument of type "str" cannot be assigned to parameter "__a" of type "BytesPath" in function "join"
Type "str" cannot be assigned to type "BytesPath"
"str" is incompatible with "bytes"
"str" is incompatible with protocol "PathLike[bytes]"
"__fspath__" is not present (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
searx/webapp.py:1306:68 - error: Argument of type "Literal['themes']" cannot be assigned to parameter "paths" of type "BytesPath" in function "join"
Type "Literal['themes']" cannot be assigned to type "BytesPath"
"Literal['themes']" is incompatible with "bytes"
"Literal['themes']" is incompatible with protocol "PathLike[bytes]"
"__fspath__" is not present (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
searx/webapp.py:1306:78 - error: Argument of type "str | Any | None" cannot be assigned to parameter "paths" of type "BytesPath" in function "join"
Type "str | Any | None" cannot be assigned to type "BytesPath"
Type "str" cannot be assigned to type "BytesPath"
"str" is incompatible with "bytes"
"str" is incompatible with protocol "PathLike[bytes]"
"__fspath__" is not present (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
searx/webapp.py:1306:85 - error: Argument of type "Literal['img']" cannot be assigned to parameter "paths" of type "BytesPath" in function "join"
Type "Literal['img']" cannot be assigned to type "BytesPath"
"Literal['img']" is incompatible with "bytes"
"Literal['img']" is incompatible with protocol "PathLike[bytes]"
"__fspath__" is not present (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
searx/engines/mongodb.py:8:6 - warning: Import "pymongo" could not be resolved (reportMissingImports)
searx/engines/mysql_server.py:9:8 - warning: Import "mysql.connector" could not be resolved (reportMissingImports)
searx/engines/postgresql.py:9:8 - warning: Import "psycopg2" could not be resolved from source (reportMissingModuleSource)
searx/engines/xpath.py:187:28 - warning: "categories" is not defined (reportUndefinedVariable)
searx/search/__init__.py:184:82 - warning: "flask" is not defined (reportUndefinedVariable)
searx/search/checker/background.py:19:26 - error: Type of "schedule" is partially unknown
Type of "schedule" is "(delay: Any, func: Any, *args: Any) -> Literal[True]" (reportUnknownVariableType)
searx/shared/__init__.py:8:12 - warning: Import "uwsgi" could not be resolved (reportMissingImports)
searx/shared/shared_uwsgi.py:5:8 - warning: Import "uwsgi" could not be resolved (reportMissingImports)
Add a new setting: general.donation_url
By default the value is https://docs.searxng.org/donate.html
When the value is false, the link is hidden
When the value is true, the link goes to the infopage donation,
the administrator can create a custom page.
To improve modularization this patch:
- moves *locale* related implementation from the webapp.py application to the
locale.py module.
- The initialization of the locales is now done in the application (webapp) and
is no longer done while importing searx.locales.
In the searx.locales module a new dictionary named `LOCALE_BEST_MATCH` has been
added. In this dictionary we can map languages without a translation to
languages we have a translation for.
To fix#1303 zh-HK has been mapped to zh-Hant-TW (we do not need additional
translations of traditional Chinese)
Closes: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/1303
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
Since PR 932 [1][2] static files can't be delivered by HTTP server any longer.
This patch makes the hash paramter in the URL of static files:
optional. By default the hash parameter is disabled.
Instances that do not deliver static files by their HTTP server and have a
long expire time [3] should enable this option.
This is only a interim solution, on the long run:
make static.build.commit
creates files including the file name:
and a mapping.json with this content[4]
[1] https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/964
[2] https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/932#issuecomment-1067039518
[3] 5583336440
[4] https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/932#issuecomment-1067216426
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
This patch implements a bolierplate to share content from info-pages of the
SearXNG instance (URL /info) with the project documentation (path /docs/user).
The info pages are using Markdown (CommonMark), to include them in the project
documentation (reST) the myst-parser [1] is used in the Sphinx-doc build chain.
If base_url is known (defined in settings.yml) links to the instance are also
inserted into the project documentation::
[1] https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/markdown.html
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
* drop image_layout.js from simple theme
* move image_layout.js to oscar theme and delete common js dir (since its empty now)
* align top position of image detail modal with bottom position of search header
* use flexbox to display images; row height can be set via @results-image-row-height in defenitions.less
* display span title underneath each image with a max width of 12rem
* increase margin and padding around image article on desktop and tablet
* make article height smaller on phone layout (height of 6rem) to display more content on current view
* remove content from result, if the title and content matches
* use a group that cotains the flex image article, if images are mixed with other categories
* fix pylint issues in webapp.py
* use the default.html result template in unit tests (thanks @return42)
Engine description can be configured, this is needed e.g. by custom search
engines. Here is an example of a command engine with a description in the about
- name: locate
engine: command
command: ['locate', '{{QUERY}}']
disabled: true
categories: files
description: local files
website: 'https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/locate.1.html'
chars: ' '
keys: ['line']
Closes: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/788
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
Currently we have two kinds of user documentation:
* the about page[1] which is written in HTML and part of the web
application and can therefore link instance-specific pages
(like e.g. the preferences) via Jinja variables
* the Sphinx documentation[2] which is written in reStructuredText
and cannot link instance-specific pages since it doesn't know
which instance the user is using
The plan is to integrate the user documentation currently in Sphinx
into the application, so that it can also link instance specific pages.
We also want to enable the user documentation to be translated.
This commit implements the first step in this endeavor (see #722).
[1]: searx/templates/__common__/about.html
[2]: docs/user/ (currently served at https://docs.searxng.org/user/)
webapp.py monkey-patches the Flask request global.
This commit adds a type cast so that e.g. Pyright[1]
doesn't show "Cannot access member" errors everywhere.
[1]: https://github.com/microsoft/pyright
* allow not to record metrics (response time, etc...)
* this commit doesn't change the UI. If the metrics are disabled
/stats and /stats/errors will return empty response.
in /preferences, the columns response time and reliability will be empty.
The tab icon names are currently hard coded in the templates.
This commit lets us introduce an icon property in the future, e.g:
icon: search-outline
Previously we didn't have a good place to put search engines that don't
fit into any of the tab categories. This commit automatically puts
search engines that don't belong to any tab category in an "other"
category, that is only displayed in the user preferences (and not above
search results).
Previously all categories were displayed as search engine tabs.
This commit changes that so that only the categories listed under
categories_as_tabs in settings.yml are displayed.
This lets us introduce more categories without cluttering up the UI.
Categories not displayed as tabs can still be searched with !bangs.
Disable the python code formatting from python-black, where the readability of
code suffers by formatting.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
This is a follow up of 9a3253fc escaping `<` and `>` in all themes. This patch
fix issue in oscar theme
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
* rework selection UI in pref (fix based on: 78643e9f43)
* moved search filters underneath categories
* cut params from url and replace / with ›
* make h3 and url in article bigger
* add safe search select to search filter (this will not override settings and only be valid while on result page in a session)
* make search form button not overlap each other when js is disabled
* 1rem padding around preview image and thumbnail in default article template
* disable by default
* settings.yml: ui.query_in_title
* in /preferences: privacy tab
when enabled, the result page's title contains the user query.
* oscar theme: the query was always included
* simple theme: the query was included with the GET method
This commit remove the need to update the brand for GIT_URL and GIT_BRANCH:
there are read from the git repository.
It is possible to call python -m searx.version freeze to freeze the current version.
Useful when the code is installed outside git (distro package, docker, etc...)
In the templates and the /config (JSON) the usage of the 'brand.*' name
space is replaced by 'searx.get_setting' function.
- new_issue_url --> get_setting('brand.new_issue_url')
- brand.GIT_URL --> get_setting('brand.git_url')
- brand.PUBLIC_INSTANCES --> get_setting('brand.public_instances')
- brand.DOCS_URL --> get_setting('brand.docs_url')
- brand.ISSUE_URL --> get_setting('brand.issue_url')
- brand.CONTACT_URL --> get_setting('general.contact_url', '')
The macro 'new_issue' from searx/templates/*/messages/no_results.html
is now imported with context::
{% from '__common__/new_issue.html' import new_issue with context %}
To get *public instances URL* from context's 'get_setting()' function::
Macro's prototype does no longer need the 'new_issue_url' argument and has been
changed to::
macro new_issue(engine_name, engine_reliability)
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
Upgrade from pylint v2.8.3 to 2.9.3 raise some new issues::
searx/search/checker/__main__.py:37:26: R1732: Consider using 'with' for resource-allocating operations (consider-using-with)
searx/search/checker/__main__.py:38:26: R1732: Consider using 'with' for resource-allocating operations (consider-using-with)
searx/search/processors/__init__.py:20:0: R0402: Use 'from searx import engines' instead (consider-using-from-import)
searx/preferences.py:182:19: C0207: Use data.split('-', maxsplit=1)[0] instead (use-maxsplit-arg)
searx/preferences.py:506:15: R1733: Unnecessary dictionary index lookup, use 'user_setting' instead (unnecessary-dict-index-lookup)
searx/webapp.py:436:0: C0206: Consider iterating with .items() (consider-using-dict-items)
searx/webapp.py:950:4: C0206: Consider iterating with .items() (consider-using-dict-items)
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
render automatically adds these variables to the template context:
* advanced_search
* all_categories
* categories
before render was checking if the variable was already set
but it is actually never set by the callers