Include the source files directly in the `.map` files [1] for two reasons:
1. In the simple theme, modules from `./node_modules` are only available on
developer's build host (a `make node.env` is needed to get the sources). By
example; in the `` file, the `autocomplete.js` is linked at
2. Later, when client sources has been moved out of the `./static` URL [2] to
the `<repo-roo>/src` folder, all JS sources are no longer available.
Drawback: `.map` files grow up in size, but this should not bother, because the
files are only loaded in debug mode.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* searx/static/themes/simple/js/searxng.head.js
* searx/static/themes/simple/js/searxng.js
* searx/static/themes/simple/css/searxng-rtl.css
* searx/static/themes/simple/css/searxng.css
These files are never used.
About the js files: the .map files references the sources instead of the concated version.
In window.searxng.theme the theme data can be passed through to JS
Initial the window.searxng.theme namespace starts with a value for
// image that is displayed if load of <img src='...'> failed
img_load_error: 'img/img_load_error.svg'
The searx/static/themes/__common__/js/image_layout.js is patched to uses the
value, if the theme defines a value for img_load_error in this namespace.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The *background color* of an transparent image is the color of the color of
wallpaper on which all images are shown on.
Set variable `--color-result-image-background` and `--color-base-background` to
the same value.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* move `searx/static/themes/simple/img/searxng.svg` to `src/brand/searxng.svg`
* README.rst can use it without a reference to a theme.
* the simple theme can create `searx/static/themes/simple/img/searxng.png` using
the svg2png task
Suggested-by: @dalf
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
define a custom grunt task, since grunt-sharp is too old (it can't be installed).
in gruntfile.js, the image tasks are moved at the end the build chain.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- remove unused 'path' constant
- fix indentation
- Put all image tasks at the end, where it is easy to list which image is processed.
Suggested -by: @dalf
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Support for the prefixed version (-moz-border-radius) was removed in Gecko
13.0 (Firefox 13.0 / Thunderbird 13.0 / SeaMonkey 2.10) [1].
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* rework selection UI in pref (fix based on: 78643e9f43)
* moved search filters underneath categories
* cut params from url and replace / with ›
* make h3 and url in article bigger
* add safe search select to search filter (this will not override settings and only be valid while on result page in a session)
* make search form button not overlap each other when js is disabled
* 1rem padding around preview image and thumbnail in default article template
Folder src/brand is intended to place logo, wordmark and more in. This commit
moves the origin (source) of searxng-wordmark.svg from the simple theme into
this folder
About the new created src/ folder:
On the long term we can move all the files from static/themes/<name>/src/* into
a src/themes/<name>/* folder.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
when on the top of the page, the image is just below the search fields.
this commit slightly aligh the top of the image detail with the bottom
of the search fields.
the width of #main_results #results.image-detail-open.only_template_images
was set to 59.25rem. On mobile, the images overflowed on right side of
the viewport, which creates a horizontal scroll.
This commit set the value to min(98%, 59.25rem) whatever the max-width is.
* update from ionicons-npm to ionicons ver.5
* drop the webfont built by grunt for icons
* built icons.html template for inlining icons with jinja2 into html
* update icon to use mostly the outline version
* add icons to categories and do not display them on mobile to save space
* remove all legacy ion icon font files from simple theme
* icons.html is added in this commit since make requires git to know the file already
* cleanup error-dialog
new bash function convert_if_newer() / usage::
convert_if_newer <origfile> <outfile> [<options>, ...]
convert_if_newer "path/to/origin.svg" "path/to/converted.png" -transparent white -resize 64x64
Run's ImageMagik' convert comand to generate <outfile> from <origfile>, if
<origfile> is newer than <outfile>. The command line is to convert is::
convert <origfile> [<options>, ...] <outfile>
PNG 'searx/static/themes/simple/img/favicon.png' has been created by::
$ make themes.simple
CONVERT searx/static/themes/simple/src/svg/searxng-wordmark.svg -transparent white -resize 64x64 searx/static/themes/simple/img/favicon.png
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* remove hover effect from vim help modal
* remove bold font weight from active item in prefenreces tab bar
* remove margin from answer box to unify with rest of result page
Before this commit, the default click event on an image result is prevented,
this include clicks inside the detail.
This commit makes sure the click happends outside the detail to prevent the default event.
* previous & next in the result page
* save, restore, & back in the preferences
* back to top
<select> input in Chrom* browsers:
* fix the white text with a white background issue
It is not possible to use CSS variable in a SVG when this is in a background.
This commit adds two .svg files, less converts them into data URL.
The two files are indentical except the fill color.
* remove vim arrow
* add 1rem padding to results
* add 0.2rem left border to vim selected article
* set column gap to 1.2rem and make search bar in line with results
* put 10px border-radius selected article
* result article: 0.125rem margin on tablet and esktop; 1rem margin on phone
* index page: margin top is 24% of the view port.
avoid to scroll a small screen,
center the content in the middle of the screen
* link to preferences at the same height same the input fields
* increase the category tab heighs
* increase the margin bottom of the query field
* in the results, change the h3 margin top and bottom to 0.4rem (6px)
* move the back to top button slightly on the right when the results are only images
When an image is selected, the detail with the full size image is displayed
on the right side of the screen (or full screen on tablet and phone).
When Javascript is disabled, the thumbnail is a linked to the full size image,
as it was before.
When the image proxy is enabled, the full size image is also proxied,
in consequence this commit increases the bandwidth usage of instances.
The detail can be closed by the close button or the Esc key.
It is possible to go to the next and previous images using the j and k keys
or the button on the top right of the screen.
* url in article head is clickable
* url is bigger now 0.96em font
* url is now left floating on tablet and phone
* there is a 8px top and bottom margin on h3 result heading
* rework search form as grid layout
* remove various paddings and margins
* add logo and link to index to search form
* make categories bigger on phone
* clean up vars in defenition
* results look now the same on mobile and desktop
* reworked results on mobile
* new color theme with more vibrant colors
* remove vars and add elements to base and btn vars
* change default border radius to 10px and padding to 0.7em
* put border radius and padding on search input form, infoxbox and buttons
* remove unused .help class in #categories_container
* remove active background from tabs to straemline design
* redo search form: 10px padding
* 2rem margin on search results on desktop
* fix modal pacement of engine reliability in prefs
* use darker accent colors
* streamline autocomplete with more padding and a hover effect
The default *sans-serif* font from the browsers most often renders much better
compared to Arial font.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- using more rem in style and definitions
- mobile width in preferences.less fix max-width: 75em to 80em (normalized with
style.less and other)
- do not display #backToTop position on tablet (when max-width: 80em)
- fix answer box on mobile (when max-width: 50em)
- move jshint option from gruntfile to .jshintrc
- remove trailing-whitespace from gruntfile and
- add jshint esversion: 6
- .dir-locals.el add locals for js-mode to use JSHint from the simple theme
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
This patch disables role 'no-descending-specificity'. IMO it is better to have
this rule active (see below [1]), but it is hard to rewrite the less files to
pass this rule, so for the first I chose to disable this rule.
Source order is important in CSS, and when two selectors have the same
specificity, the one that occurs last will take priority. However, the situation
is different when one of the selectors has a higher specificity. In that case,
source order does not matter: the selector with higher specificity will win out
even if it comes first.
The clashes of these two mechanisms for prioritization, source order and
specificity, can cause some confusion when reading stylesheets. If a selector
with higher specificity comes before the selector it overrides, we have to think
harder to understand it, because it violates the source order
expectation. Stylesheets are most legible when overriding selectors always come
after the selectors they override. That way both mechanisms, source order and
specificity, work together nicely.
This rule enforces that practice as best it can, reporting fewer errors than it
should. It cannot catch every actual overriding selector, but it can catch
certain common mistakes.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
This fix was autogenerated by::
npx stylelint -f unix --fix 'searx/static/themes/simple/src/less/**/*.less'
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Before this commit, there are 3 node_modules directory:
* one in .
* two others in ./searx/statics/themes/*
This is no desirable:
* it declares the npm depdenencies in the shell script.
* dependabot can't updates theses dependencies.
* this is a not standard way to build a package (two different locations for the dependencies).
With this commit and the PR #150 there is one unique node_modules directory per theme.
This file is generated by webfont.
* It is now generated as searx/static/themes/simple/ion.less
* It is generated before the .less compilation.
* .gitignore includes this file
Add two new package depedencies: fontforge ttfautohint
See utils/
the build of the themes updates:
* js/leaflet.js ( was leaflet/leaflet.js )
* css/leaflet.css ( was leaflet/leaflet.css )
* css/images ( was leaflet/images )
Based on commit:
- a89b823f [mod] remove overpass API call
this patch is generated by::
make themes.all
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Slightly modified merge of commit [1cb1d3ac] from searx [PR 2543]:
This adds Docker Hub .. as a search engine .. the engine's favicon was
downloaded from the Docker Hub website with wget and converted to a PNG
with ImageMagick .. It supports the parsing of URLs, titles, content,
published dates, and thumbnails of Docker images.
[PR 2543]
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Based on commits
- 0507e185 [fix] bar graph and rename CSS class engine-scores -> engine-score
- 3e9ad7ae [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - github issue form
- 34859d0e [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - oscar theme
- 0a6c4884 [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - simple theme
- cdfb4b7f [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - bar graph
- 965817f2 [fix] simple theme - generate missing sourceMap file
this patch is generated by::
make themes.all
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- drop #main_stats selector in stats.less
- 'engine-score' exists before this PR.
- untabify searx/static/themes/__common__/less/stats.less
for details see comment at: d93bec7638..1204e4f07e (r633571496)
Suggested-by: @dalf in commit 1204e4f0
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Upgraded [v3.3.0] otherwise::
` width: calc(100% - 5rem);`
becomes `width: 95%` once compiled by less version 1.4.1.
Suggested-by: @dalf in commit 1204e4f0
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Inline styles are blocked by default with Content Security Policy (CSP). Move
the inline styles from 'new_issue.html' to::
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
File searx/static/themes/simple/less/stats.less is not used (imported) in any
other less file. I can't say when it's usage was dropped or if it has ever been
used. ATM this file is without any usage.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* display the median time instead of the average.
* add a "Reliability" column (sum up the metrics and the checker results).
* the "selected language", "SafeSearch", "Time range" values are displayed as "broken" when the checker tests fail.
I also found some items missing a thumbnail and I used text_extract for content
and title, to remove unneeded whitespaces.
BTW: added bandcamp's favicon
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
requirejs loads one file: leaflet.
This commit:
* removes requirejs
* load leaflet using <script src...> HTML tag in searx/templates/oscar/base.html
recoll is a local search engine based on Xapian:
By itself recoll does not offer web or API access,
this can be achieved using recoll-webui:
This engine uses a custom 'files' result template
set `base_url` to the location where recoll-webui can be reached
set `dl_prefix` to a location where the file hierarchy as indexed by recoll can be reached
set `search_dir` to the part of the indexed file hierarchy to be searched, use an empty string to search the entire search domain
AJAX requests send the X-Requested-With HTTP header,
so searx.webapp.autocompleter returns the results with the expected data format.
Related to #2127Close#2203
Inline styles are blocked by default with Content Security Policy (CSP). Move
the rest of inline styles to CSS and correct the HTML template of the oscar
preference page.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
We have some variables in the build environment which are also needed in the
grunt process when building themes. Theses variables are relavant if one
creates a fork with its own branding. We treat these variables under the term
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Adding a CR in some files and in others not, is a good starting point for a
DOS+Unix mess we all have already seen in many projects.
Patch fixes all files matching (even those comming from grunt's build)::
find ./searx -exec file {} \; | grep CR
BTW: Same with mixing TAB and SPACE indent styles in one and the same file. So
if sources are tuched here in this patch, its also fixed.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Add image format and source information to display - needs changes to engines to actually display something.
Displays result.source (website from which the image was taken) and result.img_format (image type and size).
Result is styled with result-format and result-source classes. See PR #1566 for an example of an engine which has the necessary changes.
Strip <span class="highlight">...</span> in the oscar image template.
- npm package update
- apply #1226
- implement vim help dialog
- display cookies and search URL with preferences
- allow to enable / disable Open Access DOI rewrite
- add a clear text button on the left of the search button
- implement #1011 : the HTML title page is not set when using POST
- remove searx/static/themes/simple/img/loader.gif
- use full width when only there are only images as result
Noticed that images are often distorted in the results due to a hard minimum height. This keeps the 4-per-row image results consistent in row height without distorting wider images.
changes were made for wolframalpha infobox:
- wrap text inside infobox.
for example, there's a hill in New Zealand called
(don't blame me, blame the Kiwis)
and now it doesn't break the infobox.
- add an optional image field for infobox's attributes.
(doesn't affect ddg infobox at all)
- table is now always split in half.
needed so that images stay inside infobox.
(max-width doesn't work for inline elements, it's the table
that has to set the width.
if you don't like how the table width looks now in ddg/wiki's infobox,
i can change that code so that the style only applies when using
New "embedded" item for the results, allow to give an iframe to display the media directly in the results.
Note that the attributes src of the iframes are not set, but instead data-src is set, allowing to only load the iframe when clicked.
Deezer engine based on public API (no key).