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.. _simple theme templates:
Simple Theme Templates
The simple template is complex, it consists of many different elements and also
uses macros and include statements. The following is a rough overview that we
would like to give the developerat hand, details must still be taken from the
:origin:`sources <searx/templates/simple/>`.
A :ref:`result item <result types>` can be of different media types. The media
type of a result is defined by the :py:obj:`result_type.Result.template`. To
set another media-type as :ref:`template default`, the field ``template``
in the result item must be set to the desired type.
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _result template macros:
Result template macros
.. _macro result_header:
Execpt ``image.html`` and some others this macro is used in nearly all result
types in the :ref:`main result list`.
Fields used in the template :origin:`macro result_header
url : :py:class:`str`
Link URL of the result item.
title : :py:class:`str`
Link title of the result item.
img_src, thumbnail : :py:class:`str`
URL of a image or thumbnail that is displayed in the result item.
.. _macro result_sub_header:
Execpt ``image.html`` and some others this macro is used in nearly all result
types in the :ref:`main result list`.
Fields used in the template :origin:`macro result_sub_header
publishedDate : :py:obj:`datetime.datetime`
The date on which the object was published.
length: :py:obj:`time.struct_time`
Playing duration in seconds.
views: :py:class:`str`
View count in humanized number format.
author : :py:class:`str`
Author of the title.
metadata : :py:class:`str`
Miscellaneous metadata.
.. _engine_data:
The ``engine_data_form`` macro is used in :origin:`results,html
<searx/templates/simple/results.html>` in a HTML ``<form/>`` element. The
intention of this macro is to pass data of a engine from one :py:obj:`response
<searx.engines.demo_online.response>` to the :py:obj:`searx.search.SearchQuery`
of the next :py:obj:`request <searx.engines.demo_online.request>`.
To pass data, engine's response handler can append result items of typ
``engine_data``. This is by example used to pass a token from the response to
the next request:
.. code:: python
def response(resp):
'engine_data': token,
'key': 'next_page_token',
return results
def request(query, params):
page_token = params['engine_data'].get('next_page_token')
.. _main result list:
Main Result List
The **media types** of the **main result type** are the template files in
the :origin:`result_templates <searx/templates/simple/result_templates>`.
.. _template default:
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header` and
- :ref:`macro result_sub_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`default.html
content : :py:class:`str`
General text of the result item.
iframe_src : :py:class:`str`
URL of an embedded ``<iframe>`` / the frame is collapsible.
audio_src : uri,
URL of an embedded ``<audio controls>``.
.. _template images:
The images are displayed as small thumbnails in the main results list.
title : :py:class:`str`
Title of the image.
thumbnail_src : :py:class:`str`
URL of a preview of the image.
resolution :py:class:`str`
The resolution of the image (e.g. ``1920 x 1080`` pixel)
Image labels
Clicking on the preview opens a gallery view in which all further metadata for
the image is displayed. Addition fields used in the :origin:`images.html
img_src : :py:class:`str`
URL of the full size image.
content: :py:class:`str`
Description of the image.
author: :py:class:`str`
Name of the author of the image.
img_format : :py:class:`str`
The format of the image (e.g. ``png``).
source : :py:class:`str`
Source of the image.
filesize: :py:class:`str`
Size of bytes in :py:obj:`human readable <searx.humanize_bytes>` notation
(e.g. ``MB`` for 1024 \* 1024 Bytes filesize).
url : :py:class:`str`
URL of the page from where the images comes from (source).
.. _template videos:
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header` and
- :ref:`macro result_sub_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`videos.html
iframe_src : :py:class:`str`
URL of an embedded ``<iframe>`` / the frame is collapsible.
The videos are displayed as small thumbnails in the main results list, there
is an additional button to collaps/open the embeded video.
content : :py:class:`str`
Description of the code fragment.
.. _template torrent:
.. _magnet link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_URI_scheme
.. _torrent file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torrent_file
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header` and
- :ref:`macro result_sub_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`torrent.html
URL of the `magnet link`_.
URL of the `torrent file`_.
seed : ``int``
Number of seeders.
leech : ``int``
Number of leecher
filesize : ``int``
Size in Bytes (rendered to human readable unit of measurement).
files : ``int``
Number of files.
.. _template map:
.. _GeoJSON: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoJSON
.. _Leaflet: https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet
.. _bbox: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bounding_Box
.. _HTMLElement.dataset: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/dataset
.. _Nominatim: https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/
.. _Lookup: https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/api/Lookup/
.. _place_id is not a persistent id:
.. _perma_id: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Permanent_ID
.. _country code: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Country_code
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header` and
- :ref:`macro result_sub_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`map.html
content : :py:class:`str`
Description of the item.
address_label : :py:class:`str`
Label of the address / default ``_('address')``.
geojson : GeoJSON_
Geometries mapped to HTMLElement.dataset_ (``data-map-geojson``) and used by
boundingbox : ``[ min-lon, min-lat, max-lon, max-lat]``
A bbox_ area defined by min longitude , min latitude , max longitude and max
latitude. The bounding box is mapped to HTMLElement.dataset_
(``data-map-boundingbox``) and is used by Leaflet_.
longitude, latitude : :py:class:`str`
Geographical coordinates, mapped to HTMLElement.dataset_ (``data-map-lon``,
``data-map-lat``) and is used by Leaflet_.
address : ``{...}``
A dicticonary with the address data:
.. code:: python
address = {
'name' : str, # name of object
'road' : str, # street name of object
'house_number' : str, # house number of object
'postcode' : str, # postcode of object
'country' : str, # country of object
'country_code' : str,
'locality' : str,
country_code : :py:class:`str`
`Country code`_ of the object.
locality : :py:class:`str`
The name of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this
object is located.
links : ``[link1, link2, ...]``
A list of links with labels:
.. code:: python
'label' : str,
'url' : str,
'url_label' : str, # set by some engines but unused (oscar)
data : ``[data1, data2, ...]``
A list of additional data, shown in two columns and containing a label and
.. code:: python
'label' : str,
'value' : str,
'key' : str, # set by some engines but unused
type : :py:class:`str` # set by some engines but unused (oscar)
Tag label from :ref:`OSM_KEYS_TAGS['tags'] <update_osm_keys_tags.py>`.
type_icon : :py:class:`str` # set by some engines but unused (oscar)
Type's icon.
osm : ``{...}``
OSM-type and OSM-ID, can be used to Lookup_ OSM data (Nominatim_). There is
also a discussion about "`place_id is not a persistent id`_" and the
.. code:: python
osm = {
'type': str,
'id': str,
type : :py:class:`str`
Type of osm-object (if OSM-Result).
id :
ID of osm-object (if OSM-Result).
.. hint::
The ``osm`` property is set by engine ``openstreetmap.py``, but it is not
used in the ``map.html`` template yet.
.. _template paper:
.. _BibTeX format: https://www.bibtex.com/g/bibtex-format/
.. _BibTeX field types: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX#Field_types
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`paper.html
content : :py:class:`str`
An abstract or excerpt from the document.
comments : :py:class:`str`
Free text display in italic below the content.
tags : :py:class:`List <list>`\ [\ :py:class:`str`\ ]
Free tag list.
type : :py:class:`str`
Short description of medium type, e.g. *book*, *pdf* or *html* ...
authors : :py:class:`List <list>`\ [\ :py:class:`str`\ ]
List of authors of the work (authors with a "s" suffix, the "author" is in the
:ref:`macro result_sub_header`).
editor : :py:class:`str`
Editor of the book/paper.
publisher : :py:class:`str`
Name of the publisher.
journal : :py:class:`str`
Name of the journal or magazine the article was published in.
volume : :py:class:`str`
Volume number.
pages : :py:class:`str`
Page range where the article is.
number : :py:class:`str`
Number of the report or the issue number for a journal article.
doi : :py:class:`str`
DOI number (like ``10.1038/d41586-018-07848-2``).
issn : :py:class:`List <list>`\ [\ :py:class:`str`\ ]
ISSN number like ``1476-4687``
isbn : :py:class:`List <list>`\ [\ :py:class:`str`\ ]
ISBN number like ``9780201896831``
pdf_url : :py:class:`str`
URL to the full article, the PDF version
html_url : :py:class:`str`
URL to full article, HTML version
.. _template packages:
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`packages.html
package_name : :py:class:`str`
The name of the package.
version : :py:class:`str`
The current version of the package.
maintainer : :py:class:`str`
The maintainer or author of the project.
publishedDate : :py:class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>`
Date of latest update or release.
tags : :py:class:`List <list>`\ [\ :py:class:`str`\ ]
Free tag list.
popularity : :py:class:`str`
The popularity of the package, e.g. rating or download count.
license_name : :py:class:`str`
The name of the license.
license_url : :py:class:`str`
The web location of a license copy.
homepage : :py:class:`str`
The url of the project's homepage.
source_code_url: :py:class:`str`
The location of the project's source code.
links : :py:class:`dict`
Additional links in the form of ``{'link_name': 'http://example.com'}``
.. _template code:
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header` and
- :ref:`macro result_sub_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`code.html
content : :py:class:`str`
Description of the code fragment.
codelines : ``[line1, line2, ...]``
Lines of the code fragment.
code_language : :py:class:`str`
Name of the code language, the value is passed to
repository : :py:class:`str`
URL of the repository of the code fragment.
.. _template files:
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header` and
- :ref:`macro result_sub_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`code.html
filename, size, time: :py:class:`str`
Filename, Filesize and Date of the file.
mtype : ``audio`` | ``video`` | :py:class:`str`
Mimetype type of the file.
subtype : :py:class:`str`
Mimetype / subtype of the file.
abstract : :py:class:`str`
Abstract of the file.
author : :py:class:`str`
Name of the author of the file
embedded : :py:class:`str`
URL of an embedded media type (``audio`` or ``video``) / is collapsible.
.. _template products:
Displays result fields from:
- :ref:`macro result_header` and
- :ref:`macro result_sub_header`
Additional fields used in the :origin:`products.html
content : :py:class:`str`
Description of the product.
price : :py:class:`str`
The price must include the currency.
shipping : :py:class:`str`
Shipping details.
source_country : :py:class:`str`
Place from which the shipment is made.
.. _template answer results:
Answer results
See :ref:`result_types.answer`
Suggestion results
See :ref:`result_types.suggestion`
Correction results
See :ref:`result_types.corrections`
Infobox results
See :ref:`result_types.infobox`