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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Brave supports the categories listed in :py:obj:`brave_category` (General,
news, videos, images). The support of :py:obj:`paging` and :py:obj:`time range
<time_range_support>` is limited (see remarks).
Configured ``brave`` engines:
.. code:: yaml
- name: brave
engine: brave
brave_category: search
time_range_support: true
paging: true
- name: brave.images
engine: brave
brave_category: images
- name: brave.videos
engine: brave
brave_category: videos
- name:
engine: brave
brave_category: news
- name: brave.goggles
brave_category: goggles
time_range_support: true
paging: true
brave_category: goggles
.. _brave regions:
Brave regions
Brave uses two-digit tags for the regions like ``ca`` while SearXNG deals with
2023-09-15 07:53:03 +00:00
locales. To get a mapping, all *officiat de-facto* languages of the Brave
region are mapped to regions in SearXNG (see :py:obj:`babel
.. code:: python
"regions": {
"en-CA": "ca",
"fr-CA": "ca",
.. note::
The language (aka region) support of Brave's index is limited to very basic
languages. The search results for languages like Chinese or Arabic are of
low quality.
.. _brave googles:
Brave Goggles
.. _list of Goggles:
.. _Goggles Whitepaper:
.. _Goggles Quickstart:
Goggles allow you to choose, alter, or extend the ranking of Brave Search
results (`Goggles Whitepaper`_). Goggles are openly developed by the community
of Brave Search users.
Select from the `list of Goggles`_ people have published, or create your own
(`Goggles Quickstart`_).
.. _brave languages:
Brave languages
2023-09-15 07:53:03 +00:00
Brave's language support is limited to the UI (menus, area local notations,
etc). Brave's index only seems to support a locale, but it does not seem to
support any languages in its index. The choice of available languages is very
2023-09-15 07:53:03 +00:00
small (and its not clear to me where the difference in UI is when switching
from en-us to en-ca or en-gb).
In the :py:obj:`EngineTraits object <searx.enginelib.traits.EngineTraits>` the
UI languages are stored in a custom field named ``ui_lang``:
.. code:: python
"custom": {
"ui_lang": {
"ca": "ca",
"de-DE": "de-de",
"en-CA": "en-ca",
"en-GB": "en-gb",
"en-US": "en-us",
"es": "es",
"fr-CA": "fr-ca",
"fr-FR": "fr-fr",
"ja-JP": "ja-jp",
"pt-BR": "pt-br",
"sq-AL": "sq-al"
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import (
from dateutil import parser
from lxml import html
from searx import locales
from searx.utils import (
from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits
from searx.result_types import EngineResults
import logging
logger: logging.Logger
traits: EngineTraits
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q22906900',
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
base_url = ""
categories = []
brave_category = 'search'
Goggles = Any
"""Brave supports common web-search, videos, images, news, and goggles search.
- ``search``: Common WEB search
- ``videos``: search for videos
- ``images``: search for images
- ``news``: search for news
- ``goggles``: Common WEB search with custom rules
brave_spellcheck = False
"""Brave supports some kind of spell checking. When activated, Brave tries to
fix typos, e.g. it searches for ``food`` when the user queries for ``fooh``. In
the UI of Brave the user gets warned about this, since we can not warn the user
in SearXNG, the spellchecking is disabled by default.
send_accept_language_header = True
paging = False
"""Brave only supports paging in :py:obj:`brave_category` ``search`` (UI
category All) and in the goggles category."""
max_page = 10
"""Tested 9 pages maximum (``&offset=8``), to be save max is set to 10. Trying
to do more won't return any result and you will most likely be flagged as a bot.
safesearch = True
safesearch_map = {2: 'strict', 1: 'moderate', 0: 'off'} # cookie: safesearch=off
time_range_support = False
"""Brave only supports time-range in :py:obj:`brave_category` ``search`` (UI
category All) and in the goggles category."""
time_range_map = {
'day': 'pd',
'week': 'pw',
'month': 'pm',
'year': 'py',
def request(query, params):
# Don't accept br encoding / see
params['headers']['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate'
args = {
'q': query,
if brave_spellcheck:
args['spellcheck'] = '1'
if brave_category in ('search', 'goggles'):
if params.get('pageno', 1) - 1:
args['offset'] = params.get('pageno', 1) - 1
if time_range_map.get(params['time_range']):
args['tf'] = time_range_map.get(params['time_range'])
if brave_category == 'goggles':
args['goggles_id'] = Goggles
params["url"] = f"{base_url}{brave_category}?{urlencode(args)}"
# set properties in the cookies
params['cookies']['safesearch'] = safesearch_map.get(params['safesearch'], 'off')
# the useLocation is IP based, we use cookie 'country' for the region
params['cookies']['useLocation'] = '0'
params['cookies']['summarizer'] = '0'
engine_region = traits.get_region(params['searxng_locale'], 'all')
params['cookies']['country'] = engine_region.split('-')[-1].lower() # type: ignore
ui_lang = locales.get_engine_locale(params['searxng_locale'], traits.custom["ui_lang"], 'en-us')
params['cookies']['ui_lang'] = ui_lang
logger.debug("cookies %s", params['cookies'])
def _extract_published_date(published_date_raw):
if published_date_raw is None:
return None
return parser.parse(published_date_raw)
except parser.ParserError:
return None
def parse_data_string(resp):
# kit.start(app, element, {
# node_ids: [0, 19],
# data: [{"type":"data","data" .... ["q","goggles_id"],"route":1,"url":1}}]
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
kit_start = resp.text.index("kit.start(app,")
start = resp.text[kit_start:].index('data: [{"type":"data"')
start = kit_start + start + len('data: ')
lev = 0
end = start
inner = False
for c in resp.text[start:]:
if inner and lev == 0:
end += 1
if c == "[":
lev += 1
inner = True
if c == "]":
lev -= 1
json_data = js_variable_to_python(resp.text[start:end])
return json_data
def response(resp) -> EngineResults:
if brave_category in ('search', 'goggles'):
return _parse_search(resp)
if brave_category in ('news'):
return _parse_news(resp)
json_data = parse_data_string(resp)
# json_data is a list and at the second position (0,1) in this list we find the "response" data we need ..
json_resp = json_data[1]['data']['body']['response']
if brave_category == 'images':
return _parse_images(json_resp)
if brave_category == 'videos':
return _parse_videos(json_resp)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported brave category: {brave_category}")
def _parse_search(resp) -> EngineResults:
result_list = EngineResults()
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
[refactor] typification of SearXNG (initial) / result items (part 1) Typification of SearXNG ======================= This patch introduces the typing of the results. The why and how is described in the documentation, please generate the documentation .. $ make docs.clean and read the following articles in the "Developer documentation": - result types --> The result types are available from the `searx.result_types` module. The following have been implemented so far: - base result type: `searx.result_type.Result` --> - answer results --> including the type for translations (inspired by #3925). For all other types (which still need to be set up in subsequent PRs), template documentation has been created for the transition period. Doc of the fields used in Templates =================================== The template documentation is the basis for the typing and is the first complete documentation of the results (needed for engine development). It is the "working paper" (the plan) with which further typifications can be implemented in subsequent PRs. - Answer Templates ================ With the new (sub) types for `Answer`, the templates for the answers have also been revised, `Translation` are now displayed with collapsible entries (inspired by #3925). !en-de dog Plugins & Answerer ================== The implementation for `Plugin` and `Answer` has been revised, see documentation: - Plugin: - Answerer: With `AnswerStorage` and `AnswerStorage` to manage those items (in follow up PRs, `ArticleStorage`, `InfoStorage` and .. will be implemented) Autocomplete ============ The autocompletion had a bug where the results from `Answer` had not been shown in the past. To test activate autocompletion and try search terms for which we have answerers - statistics: type `min 1 2 3` .. in the completion list you should find an entry like `[de] min(1, 2, 3) = 1` - random: type `random uuid` .. in the completion list, the first item is a random UUID Extended Types ============== SearXNG extends e.g. the request and response types of flask and httpx, a module has been set up for type extensions: - Extended Types --> Unit-Tests ========== The unit tests have been completely revised. In the previous implementation, the runtime (the global variables such as `searx.settings`) was not initialized before each test, so the runtime environment with which a test ran was always determined by the tests that ran before it. This was also the reason why we sometimes had to observe non-deterministic errors in the tests in the past: - is one example for the Runtime issues, with non-deterministic behavior .. - - - - Why msgspec.Struct ================== We have already discussed typing based on e.g. `TypeDict` or `dataclass` in the past: - - - - In my opinion, TypeDict is unsuitable because the objects are still dictionaries and not instances of classes / the `dataclass` are classes but ... The `msgspec.Struct` combine the advantages of typing, runtime behaviour and also offer the option of (fast) serializing (incl. type check) the objects. Currently not possible but conceivable with `msgspec`: Outsourcing the engines into separate processes, what possibilities this opens up in the future is left to the imagination! Internally, we have already defined that it is desirable to decouple the development of the engines from the development of the SearXNG core / The serialization of the `Result` objects is a prerequisite for this. HINT: The threads listed above were the template for this PR, even though the implementation here is based on msgspec. They should also be an inspiration for the following PRs of typification, as the models and implementations can provide a good direction. Why just one commit? ==================== I tried to create several (thematically separated) commits, but gave up at some point ... there are too many things to tackle at once / The comprehensibility of the commits would not be improved by a thematic separation. On the contrary, we would have to make multiple changes at the same places and the goal of a change would be vaguely recognizable in the fog of the commits. Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-12-15 08:59:50 +00:00
# I doubt that Brave is still providing the "answer" class / I haven't seen
# answers in brave for a long time.
answer_tag = eval_xpath_getindex(dom, '//div[@class="answer"]', 0, default=None)
if answer_tag:
url = eval_xpath_getindex(dom, '//div[@id="featured_snippet"]/a[@class="result-header"]/@href', 0, default=None)
[refactor] typification of SearXNG (initial) / result items (part 1) Typification of SearXNG ======================= This patch introduces the typing of the results. The why and how is described in the documentation, please generate the documentation .. $ make docs.clean and read the following articles in the "Developer documentation": - result types --> The result types are available from the `searx.result_types` module. The following have been implemented so far: - base result type: `searx.result_type.Result` --> - answer results --> including the type for translations (inspired by #3925). For all other types (which still need to be set up in subsequent PRs), template documentation has been created for the transition period. Doc of the fields used in Templates =================================== The template documentation is the basis for the typing and is the first complete documentation of the results (needed for engine development). It is the "working paper" (the plan) with which further typifications can be implemented in subsequent PRs. - Answer Templates ================ With the new (sub) types for `Answer`, the templates for the answers have also been revised, `Translation` are now displayed with collapsible entries (inspired by #3925). !en-de dog Plugins & Answerer ================== The implementation for `Plugin` and `Answer` has been revised, see documentation: - Plugin: - Answerer: With `AnswerStorage` and `AnswerStorage` to manage those items (in follow up PRs, `ArticleStorage`, `InfoStorage` and .. will be implemented) Autocomplete ============ The autocompletion had a bug where the results from `Answer` had not been shown in the past. To test activate autocompletion and try search terms for which we have answerers - statistics: type `min 1 2 3` .. in the completion list you should find an entry like `[de] min(1, 2, 3) = 1` - random: type `random uuid` .. in the completion list, the first item is a random UUID Extended Types ============== SearXNG extends e.g. the request and response types of flask and httpx, a module has been set up for type extensions: - Extended Types --> Unit-Tests ========== The unit tests have been completely revised. In the previous implementation, the runtime (the global variables such as `searx.settings`) was not initialized before each test, so the runtime environment with which a test ran was always determined by the tests that ran before it. This was also the reason why we sometimes had to observe non-deterministic errors in the tests in the past: - is one example for the Runtime issues, with non-deterministic behavior .. - - - - Why msgspec.Struct ================== We have already discussed typing based on e.g. `TypeDict` or `dataclass` in the past: - - - - In my opinion, TypeDict is unsuitable because the objects are still dictionaries and not instances of classes / the `dataclass` are classes but ... The `msgspec.Struct` combine the advantages of typing, runtime behaviour and also offer the option of (fast) serializing (incl. type check) the objects. Currently not possible but conceivable with `msgspec`: Outsourcing the engines into separate processes, what possibilities this opens up in the future is left to the imagination! Internally, we have already defined that it is desirable to decouple the development of the engines from the development of the SearXNG core / The serialization of the `Result` objects is a prerequisite for this. HINT: The threads listed above were the template for this PR, even though the implementation here is based on msgspec. They should also be an inspiration for the following PRs of typification, as the models and implementations can provide a good direction. Why just one commit? ==================== I tried to create several (thematically separated) commits, but gave up at some point ... there are too many things to tackle at once / The comprehensibility of the commits would not be improved by a thematic separation. On the contrary, we would have to make multiple changes at the same places and the goal of a change would be vaguely recognizable in the fog of the commits. Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-12-15 08:59:50 +00:00
answer = extract_text(answer_tag)
if answer is not None:
result_list.add(result_list.types.Answer(answer=answer, url=url))
# xpath_results = '//div[contains(@class, "snippet fdb") and @data-type="web"]'
2023-09-12 07:23:24 +00:00
xpath_results = '//div[contains(@class, "snippet ")]'
for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, xpath_results):
2023-09-12 07:23:24 +00:00
url = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/a[contains(@class, "h")]/@href', 0, default=None)
title_tag = eval_xpath_getindex(
result, './/a[contains(@class, "h")]//div[contains(@class, "title")]', 0, default=None
2023-09-21 13:30:00 +00:00
if url is None or title_tag is None or not urlparse(url).netloc: # partial url likely means it's an ad
content: str = extract_text(
eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/div[contains(@class, "snippet-description")]', 0, default='')
) # type: ignore
pub_date_raw = eval_xpath(result, 'substring-before(.//div[contains(@class, "snippet-description")], "-")')
pub_date = _extract_published_date(pub_date_raw)
if pub_date and content.startswith(pub_date_raw):
content = content.lstrip(pub_date_raw).strip("- \n\t")
thumbnail = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/img[contains(@class, "thumb")]/@src', 0, default='')
item = {
'url': url,
'title': extract_text(title_tag),
'content': content,
'publishedDate': pub_date,
'thumbnail': thumbnail,
video_tag = eval_xpath_getindex(
result, './/div[contains(@class, "video-snippet") and @data-macro="video"]', 0, default=None
if video_tag is not None:
2023-09-15 07:53:03 +00:00
# In my tests a video tag in the WEB search was most often not a
# video, except the ones from youtube ..
iframe_src = get_embeded_stream_url(url)
if iframe_src:
item['iframe_src'] = iframe_src
item['template'] = 'videos.html'
item['thumbnail'] = eval_xpath_getindex(video_tag, './/img/@src', 0, default='')
pub_date_raw = extract_text(
eval_xpath(video_tag, './/div[contains(@class, "snippet-attributes")]/div/text()')
item['publishedDate'] = _extract_published_date(pub_date_raw)
item['thumbnail'] = eval_xpath_getindex(video_tag, './/img/@src', 0, default='')
return result_list
def _parse_news(resp) -> EngineResults:
result_list = EngineResults()
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, '//div[contains(@class, "results")]//div[@data-type="news"]'):
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
url = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/a[contains(@class, "result-header")]/@href', 0, default=None)
if url is None:
title = extract_text(eval_xpath_list(result, './/span[contains(@class, "snippet-title")]'))
content = extract_text(eval_xpath_list(result, './/p[contains(@class, "desc")]'))
thumbnail = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/div[contains(@class, "image-wrapper")]//img/@src', 0, default='')
item = {
"url": url,
"title": title,
"content": content,
"thumbnail": thumbnail,
return result_list
def _parse_images(json_resp) -> EngineResults:
result_list = EngineResults()
for result in json_resp["results"]:
item = {
'url': result['url'],
'title': result['title'],
'content': result['description'],
'template': 'images.html',
'resolution': result['properties']['format'],
'source': result['source'],
'img_src': result['properties']['url'],
'thumbnail_src': result['thumbnail']['src'],
return result_list
def _parse_videos(json_resp) -> EngineResults:
result_list = EngineResults()
for result in json_resp["results"]:
url = result['url']
item = {
'url': url,
'title': result['title'],
'content': result['description'],
'template': 'videos.html',
'length': result['video']['duration'],
'duration': result['video']['duration'],
'publishedDate': _extract_published_date(result['age']),
2023-09-15 19:33:23 +00:00
if result['thumbnail'] is not None:
item['thumbnail'] = result['thumbnail']['src']
iframe_src = get_embeded_stream_url(url)
if iframe_src:
item['iframe_src'] = iframe_src
return result_list
def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits):
"""Fetch :ref:`languages <brave languages>` and :ref:`regions <brave
regions>` from Brave."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, too-many-branches
import babel.languages
from searx.locales import region_tag, language_tag
from import get # see
engine_traits.custom["ui_lang"] = {}
headers = {
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
lang_map = {'no': 'nb'} # norway
# languages (UI)
resp = get('', headers=headers)
if not resp.ok: # type: ignore
print("ERROR: response from Brave is not OK.")
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) # type: ignore
for option in dom.xpath('//section//option[@value="en-us"]/../option'):
ui_lang = option.get('value')
l = babel.Locale.parse(ui_lang, sep='-')
if l.territory:
sxng_tag = region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(ui_lang, sep='-'))
sxng_tag = language_tag(babel.Locale.parse(ui_lang, sep='-'))
except babel.UnknownLocaleError:
print("ERROR: can't determine babel locale of Brave's (UI) language %s" % ui_lang)
conflict = engine_traits.custom["ui_lang"].get(sxng_tag)
if conflict:
if conflict != ui_lang:
print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, ui_lang))
engine_traits.custom["ui_lang"][sxng_tag] = ui_lang
# search regions of brave
resp = get('', headers=headers)
if not resp.ok: # type: ignore
print("ERROR: response from Brave is not OK.")
country_js = resp.text[resp.text.index("options:{all") + len('options:') :] # type: ignore
country_js = country_js[: country_js.index("},k={default")]
country_tags = js_variable_to_python(country_js)
for k, v in country_tags.items():
if k == 'all':
engine_traits.all_locale = 'all'
country_tag = v['value']
2023-09-15 07:53:03 +00:00
# add official languages of the country ..
for lang_tag in babel.languages.get_official_languages(country_tag, de_facto=True):
lang_tag = lang_map.get(lang_tag, lang_tag)
sxng_tag = region_tag(babel.Locale.parse('%s_%s' % (lang_tag, country_tag.upper())))
# print("%-20s: %s <-- %s" % (v['label'], country_tag, sxng_tag))
conflict = engine_traits.regions.get(sxng_tag)
if conflict:
if conflict != country_tag:
print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, country_tag))
engine_traits.regions[sxng_tag] = country_tag