2022-09-07 18:38:15 +05:30

102 lines
3.7 KiB

// ./src/std_misc/threads/
use std::thread;
// This is the `main` thread
fn part0() {
// This is our data to process.
// We will calculate the sum of all digits via a threaded map-reduce algorithm.
// Each whitespace separated chunk will be handled in a different thread.
// TODO: see what happens to the output if you insert spaces!
let data = "86967897737416471853297327050364959
// Make a vector to hold the child-threads which we will spawn.
let mut children = vec![];
* "Map" phase
* Divide our data into segments, and apply initial processing
// split our data into segments for individual calculation
// each chunk will be a reference (&str) into the actual data
let chunked_data = data.split_whitespace();
// Iterate over the data segments.
// .enumerate() adds the current loop index to whatever is iterated
// the resulting tuple "(index, element)" is then immediately
// "destructured" into two variables, "i" and "data_segment" with a
// "destructuring assignment"
for (i, data_segment) in chunked_data.enumerate() {
println!("data segment {} is \"{}\"", i, data_segment);
// Process each data segment in a separate thread
// spawn() returns a handle to the new thread,
// which we MUST keep to access the returned value
// 'move || -> u32' is syntax for a closure that:
// * takes no arguments ('||')
// * takes ownership of its captured variables ('move') and
// * returns an unsigned 32-bit integer ('-> u32')
// Rust is smart enough to infer the '-> u32' from
// the closure itself so we could have left that out.
// TODO: try removing the 'move' and see what happens
children.push(thread::spawn(move || -> u32 {
// Calculate the intermediate sum of this segment:
let result = data_segment
// iterate over the characters of our segment..
// .. convert text-characters to their number value..
.map(|c| c.to_digit(10).expect("should be a digit"))
// .. and sum the resulting iterator of numbers
// println! locks stdout, so no text-interleaving occurs
println!("processed segment {}, result={}", i, result);
// "return" not needed, because Rust is an "expression language", the
// last evaluated expression in each block is automatically its value.
* "Reduce" phase
* Collect our intermediate results, and combine them into a final result
// combine each thread's intermediate results into a single final sum.
// we use the "turbofish" ::<> to provide sum() with a type hint.
// TODO: try without the turbofish, by instead explicitly
// specifying the type of final_result
let final_result = children.into_iter().map(|c| c.join().unwrap()).sum::<u32>();
println!("Final sum result: {}", final_result);
pub fn main() {
// part0();