Aode (Lion) 6cdae7b318 Add 'cache' endpoint for ingesting ephemeral media
By default, cached media should only stick around for 7 days, however
The timeout is reset every time media is accessed, so only obscure
cached media will be flushed from the cache. This '7 days' number is
configurable through the commandline run options as --media-cache-duration
and in the pict-rs.toml file as [media] cache_duration
2022-04-05 20:29:30 -05:00

236 lines
6.5 KiB

## Server configuration
## Optional: pict-rs binding address
# environment variable: PICTRS_SERVER__ADDRESS
# default:
address = ''
## Optional: pict-rs worker id
# environment variable PICTRS_SERVER__WORKER_ID
# default: pict-rs-1
# This is used for the internal job queue. It will have more meaning once a shared metadata
# repository (like postgres) can be defined.
worker_id = 'pict-rs-1'
## Optional: shared secret for internal endpoints
# environment variable: PICTRS_SERVER__API_KEY
# default: empty
# Not specifying api_key disables internal endpoints
api_key = 'API_KEY'
## Logging configuration
## Optional: log format
# environment variable: PICTRS_TRACING__LOGGING__FORMAT
# default: normal
# available options: compact, json, normal, pretty
format = 'normal'
## Optional: log targets
# environment variable: PICTRS_TRACING__LOGGING__TARGETS
# default: warn,tracing_actix_web=info,actix_server=info,actix_web=info
# Dictates which traces should print to stdout
# Follows the same format as RUST_LOG
targets = 'warn,tracing_actix_web=info,actix_server=info,actix_web=info'
## Console configuration
## Optional: console address
# environment variable: PICTRS_TRACING__CONSOLE__ADDRESS
# default: empty
# Dictacts whether console should be enabled, and what address it should be exposed on.
# When set, tokio-console can connect to the pict-rs service
# Configure your container to expose the console port
# ```
# # docker-compose.yml
# version: '3.3'
# services:
# pictrs:
# image: asonix/pictrs:v0.4.0-alpha.1
# ports:
# - ""
# - "" # this is the line that exposes console
# restart: always
# volumes:
# - ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt
# ```
# Connect from console
# ```
# $ tokio-console localhost 6669
# ```
address = ''
## Optional: console buffer capacity
# default: 102400
# This is the number of _events_ to buffer, not the number of bytes. In reality, the amount of
# RAM used will be significatnly larger (in bytes) than the buffer capacity (in events)
buffer_capacity = 102400
## OpenTelemetry configuration
## Optional: url for exporting otlp traces
# environment variable: PICTRS_TRACING__OPENTELEMETRY__URL
# default: empty
# Not specifying opentelemetry_url means no traces will be exported
# When set, pict-rs will export OpenTelemetry traces to the provided URL. If the URL is
# inaccessible, this can cause performance degredation in pict-rs, so it is best left unset unless
# you have an OpenTelemetry collector
url = 'http://localhost:4317/'
## Optional: name to relate OpenTelemetry traces
# default: pict-rs
service_name = 'pict-rs'
## Optional: trace level to export
# default: info
# Follows the same format as RUST_LOG
targets = 'info'
## Configuration for migrating from pict-rs 0.2
## Optional: path to old pict-rs directory
# environment variable: PICTRS_OLD_DB__PATH
# default: /mnt
path = '/mnt'
## Media Processing Configuration
## Optional: max media width (in pixels)
# environment variable: PICTRS_MEDIA__MAX_WIDTH
# default: 10,000
max_width = 10000
## Optional: max media height (in pixels)
# environment variable: PICTRS_MEDIA__MAX_HEIGHT
# default: 10,000
max_height = 10000
## Optional: max media area (in pixels)
# environment variable: PICTRS_MEDIA__MAX_AREA
# default: 40,000,000
max_area = 40000000
## Optional: max file size (in Megabytes)
# environment variable: PICTRS_MEDIA__MAX_FILE_SIZE
# default: 40
max_file_size = 40
## Optional: enable GIF and MP4 uploads (without sound)
# environment variable: PICTRS_MEDIA__ENABLE_SILENT_VIDEO
# default: true
# Set this to false to serve static images only
enable_silent_video = true
## Optional: set allowed filters for image processing
# environment variable: PICTRS_MEDIA__FILTERS
# default: ['blur', 'crop', 'identity', 'resize', 'thumbnail']
filters = ['blur', 'crop', 'identity', 'resize', 'thumbnail']
## Optional: whether to validate images uploaded through the `import` endpoint
# default: false
# Set this to true if you want to avoid processing imported media
skip_validate_imports = false
## Optional: The duration, in hours, to keep media ingested through the "cache" endpoint
# environment variable: PICTRS_MEDIA__CACHE_DURATION
# default: 168 (1 week)
cache_duration = 168
## Database configuration
## Optional: database backend to use
# environment variable: PICTRS_REPO__TYPE
# default: sled
# available options: sled
type = 'sled'
## Optional: path to sled repository
# environment variable: PICTRS_REPO__PATH
# default: /mnt/sled-repo
path = '/mnt/sled-repo'
## Optional: in-memory cache capacity for sled data (in bytes)
# environment variable: PICTRS_REPO__CACHE_CAPACITY
# default: 67,108,864 (1024 * 1024 * 64, or 64MB)
cache_capacity = 67108864
## Media storage configuration
## Optional: type of media storage to use
# environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__TYPE
# default: filesystem
# available options: filesystem, object_storage
type = 'object_storage'
## Required: object storage bucket name
# environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__BUCKET_NAME
# default: empty
bucket_name = 'BUCKET_NAME'
## Required: object storage region
# environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__REGION
# default: empty
region = 'REGION'
## Required: object storage access key
# environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__ACCESS_KEY
# default: empty
access_key = 'ACCESS_KEY'
## Required: object storage secret key
# environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__SECRET_KEY
# default: empty
secret_key = 'SECRET_KEY'
## Optional: object storage security token
# environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__SECURITY_TOKEN
# default: empty
security_token = 'SECURITY_TOKEN'
## Optional: object storage session token
# environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__SESSION_TOKEN
# default: empty
session_token = 'SESSION_TOKEN'
## Filesystem media storage example
# ## Media storage configuration
# [store]
# ## Optional: type of media storage to use
# # environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__TYPE
# # default: filesystem
# #
# # available options: filesystem, object_storage
# type = 'filesystem'
# ## Optional: path to uploaded media
# # environment variable: PICTRS_STORE__PATH
# # default: /mnt/files
# path = '/mnt/files'