2009-06-17 12:10:00 +02:00

153 lines
3.9 KiB

// PipelineTest.cs: NUnit Test Suite for gstreamer-sharp
// Authors
// Khaled Mohammed < >
// (C) 2006
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Gst;
public class PipelineTest
public void Init()
public void Deinit()
public void TestAsyncStateChangeEmpty()
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(String.Empty);
Assert.IsNotNull(pipeline, "Could not create pipeline");
Assert.AreEqual(((Element)pipeline).SetState(State.Playing), StateChangeReturn.Success);
public void TestAsyncStateChangeFakeReady()
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(String.Empty);
Element src = ElementFactory.Make("fakesrc", null);
Element sink = ElementFactory.Make("fakesink", null);
Bin bin = (Bin) pipeline;
bin.AddMany(src, sink);
Assert.AreEqual(((Element)pipeline).SetState(State.Ready), StateChangeReturn.Success);
public void TestAsyncStateChangeFake()
bool done = false;
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(String.Empty);
Assert.IsNotNull(pipeline, "Could not create pipeline");
Element src = ElementFactory.Make("fakesrc", null);
Element sink = ElementFactory.Make("fakesink", null);
Bin bin = (Bin) pipeline;
bin.AddMany(src, sink);
Bus bus = pipeline.Bus;
Assert.AreEqual(((Element) pipeline).SetState(State.Playing), StateChangeReturn.Async);
while(!done) {
State old, newState, pending;
Message message = bus.Poll(MessageType.StateChanged, -1);
if(message != null) {
message.ParseStateChanged(out old, out newState, out pending);
//Console.WriteLine("state change from {0} to {1}", old, newState);
if(message.Src == (Gst.Object) pipeline && newState == State.Playing)
done = true;
Assert.AreEqual(((Element)pipeline).SetState(State.Null), StateChangeReturn.Success);
Element pipeline;
GLib.MainLoop loop;
bool MessageReceived(Bus bus, Message message) {
MessageType type = message.Type;
case MessageType.StateChanged:
State old, newState, pending;
message.ParseStateChanged(out old, out newState, out pending);
if(message.Src == (Gst.Object) pipeline && newState == State.Playing) {
case MessageType.Error:
default: break;
return true;
public void TestBus()
pipeline = new Pipeline(String.Empty);
Assert.IsNotNull(pipeline, "Could not create pipeline");
Element src = ElementFactory.Make("fakesrc", null);
Assert.IsNotNull(src, "Could not create fakesrc");
Element sink = ElementFactory.Make("fakesink", null);
Assert.IsNotNull(sink, "Could not create fakesink");
Bin bin = (Bin) pipeline;
bin.AddMany(src, sink);
Assert.IsTrue(src.Link(sink), "Could not link between src and sink");
Assert.AreEqual(pipeline.SetState(State.Playing), StateChangeReturn.Async);
loop = new GLib.MainLoop();
Assert.AreEqual(pipeline.SetState(State.Null), StateChangeReturn.Success);
State current, pending;
Assert.AreEqual(pipeline.GetState(out current, out pending, Clock.TimeNone), StateChangeReturn.Success);
Assert.AreEqual(current, State.Null, "state is not NULL but " + current);
public void TestBaseTime() {
Element pipeline = ElementFactory.Make("pipeline", "pipeline");
Element fakesrc = ElementFactory.Make("fakesrc", "fakesrc");
Element fakesink = ElementFactory.Make("fakesink", "fakesink");
Assert.IsNotNull(pipeline, "Could not create pipeline");
Assert.IsNotNull(fakesrc, "Could not create fakesrc");
Assert.IsNotNull(fakesink, "Could not create fakesink");
fakesrc.SetProperty("is-live", true);
Bin bin = (Bin) pipeline;
bin.AddMany(fakesrc, fakesink);
Pad sink = fakesink.GetPad("sink");