Seungha Yang 81d63948d1 qsv: Import libmfx API and dispatch code from oneVPL project
Copied from oneVPL project (
v2022.0.3 tag at the commit of efc259f8b7ee5c334bca1a904a503186038bbbdd

This is corresponding to MFX API version 2.6

Part-of: <>
2022-02-08 10:05:35 +00:00

105 lines
4.8 KiB

# Copyright Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#ifndef __MFXMVC_H__
#define __MFXMVC_H__
#include "mfxdefs.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* CodecProfile, CodecLevel */
enum {
/* MVC profiles */
MFX_PROFILE_AVC_MULTIVIEW_HIGH =118, /*!< Multi-view high profile. */
MFX_PROFILE_AVC_STEREO_HIGH =128 /*!< Stereo high profile. */
/* Extended Buffer Ids */
enum {
MFX_EXTBUFF_MVC_SEQ_DESC = MFX_MAKEFOURCC('M','V','C','D'), /*!< This extended buffer describes the MVC stream information of view dependencies, view identifiers, and operation points. See the ITU*-T H.264 specification chapter H. for details. */
MFX_EXTBUFF_MVC_TARGET_VIEWS = MFX_MAKEFOURCC('M','V','C','T') /*!< This extended buffer defines target views at the decoder output.*/
Describes MVC view dependencies.
typedef struct {
mfxU16 ViewId; /*!< View identifier of this dependency structure. */
mfxU16 NumAnchorRefsL0; /*!< Number of view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList0 for anchor view components. */
mfxU16 NumAnchorRefsL1; /*!< Number of view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList1 for anchor view components. */
mfxU16 AnchorRefL0[16]; /*!<View identifiers of the view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList0 for anchor view components. */
mfxU16 AnchorRefL1[16]; /*!<View identifiers of the view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList1 for anchor view components. */
mfxU16 NumNonAnchorRefsL0; /*!<Number of view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList0 for non-anchor view components. */
mfxU16 NumNonAnchorRefsL1; /*!<Number of view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList1 for non-anchor view components. */
mfxU16 NonAnchorRefL0[16]; /*!<View identifiers of the view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList0 for non-anchor view components. */
mfxU16 NonAnchorRefL1[16]; /*!View identifiers of the view components for inter-view prediction in the initial reference picture list RefPicList0 for non-anchor view components. */
} mfxMVCViewDependency;
Describes the MVC operation point.
typedef struct {
mfxU16 TemporalId; /*!< Temporal identifier of the operation point. */
mfxU16 LevelIdc; /*!< Level value signaled for the operation point. */
mfxU16 NumViews; /*!< Number of views required for decoding the target output views that correspond to the operation point. */
mfxU16 NumTargetViews; /*!< Number of target output views for the operation point. */
mfxU16 *TargetViewId; /*!< Target output view identifiers for operation point. */
} mfxMVCOperationPoint;
Describes the MVC stream information of view dependencies, view identifiers, and operation points. See the ITU*-T H.264 specification chapter H. for details.
typedef struct {
mfxExtBuffer Header; /*!< Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUFF_MVC_SEQUENCE_DESCRIPTION. */
mfxU32 NumView; /*!< Number of views. */
mfxU32 NumViewAlloc; /*!< The allocated view dependency array size. */
mfxMVCViewDependency *View; /*!< Pointer to a list of the mfxMVCViewDependency. */
mfxU32 NumViewId; /*!< Number of view identifiers. */
mfxU32 NumViewIdAlloc; /*!< The allocated view identifier array size. */
mfxU16 *ViewId; /*!< Pointer to the list of view identifier. */
mfxU32 NumOP; /*!< Number of operation points. */
mfxU32 NumOPAlloc; /*!< The allocated operation point array size. */
mfxMVCOperationPoint *OP; /*!< Pointer to a list of the mfxMVCOperationPoint structure. */
mfxU16 NumRefsTotal; /*!< Total number of reference frames in all views required to decode the stream. This value is returned from the MFXVideoDECODE_Decodeheader function. Do not modify this value. */
mfxU32 Reserved[16];
} mfxExtMVCSeqDesc;
Configures views for the decoding output.
typedef struct {
mfxExtBuffer Header; /*!< Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUFF_MVC_TARGET_VIEWS. */
mfxU16 TemporalId; /*!< The temporal identifier to be decoded. */
mfxU32 NumView; /*!< The number of views to be decoded. */
mfxU16 ViewId[1024]; /*!< List of view identifiers to be decoded. */
} mfxExtMVCTargetViews ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"