mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 11:32:51 +00:00
Original commit message from CVS: Remove all config.h includes from header files, add it to each source file and remove duplicate config.h includes from several source files
372 lines
9.8 KiB
372 lines
9.8 KiB
* This source code is public domain.
* Authors: Olivier Lapicque <olivierl@jps.net>,
* Adam Goode <adam@evdebs.org> (endian and char fixes for PPC)
// DigiBooster Pro Module Loader (*.dbm)
// Note: this loader doesn't handle multiple songs
#include "config.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"
//#pragma warning(disable:4244)
#define DBM_FILE_MAGIC 0x304d4244
#define DBM_ID_NAME 0x454d414e
#define DBM_NAMELEN 0x2c000000
#define DBM_ID_INFO 0x4f464e49
#define DBM_INFOLEN 0x0a000000
#define DBM_ID_SONG 0x474e4f53
#define DBM_ID_INST 0x54534e49
#define DBM_ID_VENV 0x564e4556
#define DBM_ID_PATT 0x54544150
#define DBM_ID_SMPL 0x4c504d53
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct DBMFILEHEADER
DWORD dbm_id; // "DBM0" = 0x304d4244
WORD trkver; // Tracker version: 02.15
WORD reserved;
DWORD name_id; // "NAME" = 0x454d414e
DWORD name_len; // name length: always 44
CHAR songname[44];
DWORD info_id; // "INFO" = 0x4f464e49
DWORD info_len; // 0x0a000000
WORD instruments;
WORD samples;
WORD songs;
WORD patterns;
WORD channels;
DWORD song_id; // "SONG" = 0x474e4f53
DWORD song_len;
CHAR songname2[44];
WORD orders;
// WORD orderlist[0]; // orderlist[orders] in words
typedef struct DBMINSTRUMENT
CHAR name[30];
WORD sampleno;
WORD volume;
DWORD finetune;
DWORD loopstart;
DWORD looplen;
WORD panning;
WORD flags;
typedef struct DBMENVELOPE
WORD instrument;
BYTE flags;
BYTE numpoints;
BYTE sustain1;
BYTE loopbegin;
BYTE loopend;
BYTE sustain2;
WORD volenv[2*32];
typedef struct DBMPATTERN
WORD rows;
DWORD packedsize;
BYTE patterndata[2]; // [packedsize]
typedef struct DBMSAMPLE
DWORD flags;
DWORD samplesize;
BYTE sampledata[2]; // [samplesize]
#pragma pack()
BOOL CSoundFile::ReadDBM(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
DWORD dwMemPos;
UINT nOrders, nSamples, nInstruments, nPatterns;
if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength <= sizeof(DBMFILEHEADER)) || (!pfh->channels)
|| (pfh->dbm_id != DBM_FILE_MAGIC) || (!pfh->songs) || (pfh->song_id != DBM_ID_SONG)
|| (pfh->name_id != DBM_ID_NAME) || (pfh->name_len != DBM_NAMELEN)
|| (pfh->info_id != DBM_ID_INFO) || (pfh->info_len != DBM_INFOLEN)) return FALSE;
dwMemPos = sizeof(DBMFILEHEADER);
nOrders = bswapBE16(pfh->orders);
if (dwMemPos + 2 * nOrders + 8*3 >= dwMemLength) return FALSE;
nInstruments = bswapBE16(pfh->instruments);
nSamples = bswapBE16(pfh->samples);
nPatterns = bswapBE16(pfh->patterns);
m_nType = MOD_TYPE_DBM;
m_nChannels = bswapBE16(pfh->channels);
if (m_nChannels < 4) m_nChannels = 4;
if (m_nChannels > 64) m_nChannels = 64;
memcpy(m_szNames[0], (pfh->songname[0]) ? pfh->songname : pfh->songname2, 32);
m_szNames[0][31] = 0;
for (UINT iOrd=0; iOrd < nOrders; iOrd++)
Order[iOrd] = lpStream[dwMemPos+iOrd*2+1];
if (iOrd >= MAX_ORDERS-2) break;
dwMemPos += 2*nOrders;
while (dwMemPos + 10 < dwMemLength)
DWORD chunk_id = ((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos))[0];
DWORD chunk_size = bswapBE32(((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos))[1]);
DWORD chunk_pos;
dwMemPos += 8;
chunk_pos = dwMemPos;
if ((dwMemPos + chunk_size > dwMemLength) || (chunk_size > dwMemLength)) break;
dwMemPos += chunk_size;
// Instruments
if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_INST)
if (nInstruments >= MAX_INSTRUMENTS) nInstruments = MAX_INSTRUMENTS-1;
for (UINT iIns=0; iIns<nInstruments; iIns++)
UINT nsmp;
if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMINSTRUMENT) > dwMemPos) break;
if ((penv = new INSTRUMENTHEADER) == NULL) break;
pih = (DBMINSTRUMENT *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
nsmp = bswapBE16(pih->sampleno);
psmp = ((nsmp) && (nsmp < MAX_SAMPLES)) ? &Ins[nsmp] : NULL;
memset(penv, 0, sizeof(INSTRUMENTHEADER));
memcpy(penv->name, pih->name, 30);
if (psmp)
memcpy(m_szNames[nsmp], pih->name, 30);
m_szNames[nsmp][30] = 0;
Headers[iIns+1] = penv;
penv->nFadeOut = 1024; // ???
penv->nGlobalVol = 64;
penv->nPan = bswapBE16(pih->panning);
if ((penv->nPan) && (penv->nPan < 256))
penv->dwFlags = ENV_SETPANNING;
penv->nPan = 128;
penv->nPPC = 5*12;
for (UINT i=0; i<120; i++)
penv->Keyboard[i] = nsmp;
penv->NoteMap[i] = i+1;
// Sample Info
if (psmp)
DWORD sflags = bswapBE16(pih->flags);
psmp->nVolume = bswapBE16(pih->volume) * 4;
if ((!psmp->nVolume) || (psmp->nVolume > 256)) psmp->nVolume = 256;
psmp->nGlobalVol = 64;
psmp->nC4Speed = bswapBE32(pih->finetune);
int f2t = FrequencyToTranspose(psmp->nC4Speed);
psmp->RelativeTone = f2t >> 7;
psmp->nFineTune = f2t & 0x7F;
if ((pih->looplen) && (sflags & 3))
psmp->nLoopStart = bswapBE32(pih->loopstart);
psmp->nLoopEnd = psmp->nLoopStart + bswapBE32(pih->looplen);
psmp->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
psmp->uFlags &= ~CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
if (sflags & 2) psmp->uFlags |= CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
chunk_pos += sizeof(DBMINSTRUMENT);
m_nInstruments = iIns+1;
} else
// Volume Envelopes
if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_VENV)
UINT nEnvelopes = lpStream[chunk_pos+1];
chunk_pos += 2;
for (UINT iEnv=0; iEnv<nEnvelopes; iEnv++)
UINT nins;
if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMENVELOPE) > dwMemPos) break;
peh = (DBMENVELOPE *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
nins = bswapBE16(peh->instrument);
if ((nins) && (nins < MAX_INSTRUMENTS) && (Headers[nins]) && (peh->numpoints))
INSTRUMENTHEADER *penv = Headers[nins];
if (peh->flags & 1) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLUME;
if (peh->flags & 2) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLSUSTAIN;
if (peh->flags & 4) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLLOOP;
penv->nVolEnv = peh->numpoints + 1;
if (penv->nVolEnv > MAX_ENVPOINTS) penv->nVolEnv = MAX_ENVPOINTS;
penv->nVolLoopStart = peh->loopbegin;
penv->nVolLoopEnd = peh->loopend;
penv->nVolSustainBegin = penv->nVolSustainEnd = peh->sustain1;
for (UINT i=0; i<penv->nVolEnv; i++)
penv->VolPoints[i] = bswapBE16(peh->volenv[i*2]);
penv->VolEnv[i] = (BYTE)bswapBE16(peh->volenv[i*2+1]);
chunk_pos += sizeof(DBMENVELOPE);
} else
// Packed Pattern Data
if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_PATT)
if (nPatterns > MAX_PATTERNS) nPatterns = MAX_PATTERNS;
for (UINT iPat=0; iPat<nPatterns; iPat++)
DWORD pksize;
UINT nRows;
if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMPATTERN) > dwMemPos) break;
pph = (DBMPATTERN *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
pksize = bswapBE32(pph->packedsize);
if ((chunk_pos + pksize + 6 > dwMemPos) || (pksize > dwMemPos)) break;
nRows = bswapBE16(pph->rows);
if ((nRows >= 4) && (nRows <= 256))
MODCOMMAND *m = AllocatePattern(nRows, m_nChannels);
if (m)
LPBYTE pkdata = (LPBYTE)&pph->patterndata;
UINT row = 0;
UINT i = 0;
PatternSize[iPat] = nRows;
Patterns[iPat] = m;
while ((i+3<pksize) && (row < nRows))
UINT ch = pkdata[i++];
if (ch)
BYTE b = pkdata[i++];
if (ch < m_nChannels)
if (b & 0x01)
UINT note = pkdata[i++];
if (note == 0x1F) note = 0xFF; else
if ((note) && (note < 0xFE))
note = ((note >> 4)*12) + (note & 0x0F) + 13;
m[ch].note = note;
if (b & 0x02) m[ch].instr = pkdata[i++];
if (b & 0x3C)
UINT cmd1 = 0xFF, param1 = 0, cmd2 = 0xFF, param2 = 0;
if (b & 0x04) cmd1 = (UINT)pkdata[i++];
if (b & 0x08) param1 = pkdata[i++];
if (b & 0x10) cmd2 = (UINT)pkdata[i++];
if (b & 0x20) param2 = pkdata[i++];
if (cmd1 == 0x0C)
m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
m[ch].vol = param1;
cmd1 = 0xFF;
} else
if (cmd2 == 0x0C)
m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
m[ch].vol = param2;
cmd2 = 0xFF;
if ((cmd1 > 0x13) || ((cmd1 >= 0x10) && (cmd2 < 0x10)))
cmd1 = cmd2;
param1 = param2;
cmd2 = 0xFF;
if (cmd1 <= 0x13)
m[ch].command = cmd1;
m[ch].param = param1;
} else
if (b & 0x01) i++;
if (b & 0x02) i++;
if (b & 0x04) i++;
if (b & 0x08) i++;
if (b & 0x10) i++;
if (b & 0x20) i++;
} else
m += m_nChannels;
chunk_pos += 6 + pksize;
} else
// Reading Sample Data
if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_SMPL)
if (nSamples >= MAX_SAMPLES) nSamples = MAX_SAMPLES-1;
m_nSamples = nSamples;
for (UINT iSmp=1; iSmp<=nSamples; iSmp++)
DWORD samplesize;
DWORD sampleflags;
if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMSAMPLE) >= dwMemPos) break;
psh = (DBMSAMPLE *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
chunk_pos += 8;
samplesize = bswapBE32(psh->samplesize);
sampleflags = bswapBE32(psh->flags);
pins = &Ins[iSmp];
pins->nLength = samplesize;
if (sampleflags & 2)
pins->uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
samplesize <<= 1;
if ((chunk_pos+samplesize > dwMemPos) || (samplesize > dwMemLength)) break;
if (sampleflags & 3)
ReadSample(pins, (pins->uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_PCM16M : RS_PCM8S,
(LPSTR)(psh->sampledata), samplesize);
chunk_pos += samplesize;
return TRUE;