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synced 2025-02-19 20:46:22 +00:00
902 lines
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902 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python; -*-
# GStreamer Debug Viewer - View and analyze GStreamer debug log files
# Copyright (C) 2007 René Stadler <mail@renestadler.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""GStreamer Debug Viewer GUI module."""
def _ (s):
return s
import os.path
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left
import logging
import pango
import gobject
import gtk
from GstDebugViewer import Common, Data, Main
from GstDebugViewer.GUI.columns import LineViewColumnManager, ViewColumnManager
from GstDebugViewer.GUI.filters import (CategoryFilter,
from GstDebugViewer.GUI.models import (FilteredLogModel,
def action (func):
func.is_action_handler = True
return func
def iter_actions (manager):
cls = type (manager)
it = cls.__dict__.iteritems ()
for name, member in it:
except AttributeError:
bound_method = getattr (manager, name)
assert name.startswith ("handle_")
assert name.endswith ("_action_activate")
action_name = name[len ("handle_"):-len ("_action_activate")]
action_name = action_name.replace ("_", "-")
yield (action_name, bound_method,)
class LineView (object):
def __init__ (self):
self.column_manager = LineViewColumnManager ()
def attach (self, window):
for action_name, handler in iter_actions (self):
action = getattr (window.actions, action_name)
action.connect ("activate", handler)
self.clear_action = window.actions.clear_line_view
self.line_view = window.widgets.line_view
self.line_view.connect ("row-activated", self.handle_line_view_row_activated)
ui = window.ui_manager
self.popup = ui.get_widget ("/ui/context/LineViewContextMenu").get_submenu ()
Common.GUI.widget_add_popup_menu (self.line_view, self.popup)
self.log_view = log_view = window.log_view
log_view.connect ("row-activated", self.handle_log_view_row_activated)
sel = log_view.get_selection ()
sel.connect ("changed", self.handle_log_view_selection_changed)
self.clear_action.props.sensitive = False
self.column_manager.attach (window)
def clear (self):
model = self.line_view.get_model ()
if len (model) == 0:
for i in range (1, len (model)):
model.remove_line (1)
self.clear_action.props.sensitive = False
def handle_attach_log_file (self, window):
self.line_view.set_model (LineViewLogModel (window.log_model))
def handle_line_view_row_activated (self, view, path, column):
line_index = path[0]
line_model = view.get_model ()
log_model = self.log_view.get_model ()
top_index = line_model.line_index_to_top (line_index)
log_index = log_model.line_index_from_top (top_index)
path = (log_index,)
self.log_view.scroll_to_cell (path, use_align = True, row_align = .5)
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.select_path (path)
def handle_log_view_row_activated (self, view, path, column):
log_model = view.get_model ()
line_index = path[0]
top_line_index = log_model.line_index_to_top (line_index)
line_model = self.line_view.get_model ()
if line_model is None:
if len (line_model):
timestamps = [row[line_model.COL_TIME] for row in line_model]
row = log_model[(line_index,)]
position = bisect_right (timestamps, row[line_model.COL_TIME])
position = 0
if len (line_model) > 1:
other_index = line_model.line_index_to_top (position - 1)
other_index = -1
if other_index == top_line_index and position != 1:
# Already have the line.
line_model.insert_line (position, top_line_index)
self.clear_action.props.sensitive = True
def handle_log_view_selection_changed (self, selection):
line_model = self.line_view.get_model ()
if line_model is None:
model, tree_iter = selection.get_selected ()
if tree_iter is None:
path = model.get_path (tree_iter)
line_index = model.line_index_to_top (path[0])
if len (line_model) == 0:
line_model.insert_line (0, line_index)
line_model.replace_line (0, line_index)
def handle_clear_line_view_action_activate (self, action):
self.clear ()
class ProgressDialog (object):
def __init__ (self, window, title = ""):
bar = gtk.InfoBar ()
bar.props.message_type = gtk.MESSAGE_INFO
bar.connect ("response", self.__handle_info_bar_response)
bar.add_button (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 1)
area_box = bar.get_content_area ()
box = gtk.HBox (spacing = 8)
box.pack_start (gtk.Label (title), False, False, 0)
progress = gtk.ProgressBar ()
box.pack_start (progress, False, False, 0)
area_box.pack_start (box, False, False, 0)
self.widget = bar
self.__progress_bar = progress
def __handle_info_bar_response (self, info_bar, response):
self.handle_cancel ()
def handle_cancel (self):
def update (self, progress):
if self.__progress_bar is None:
self.__progress_bar.props.fraction = progress
class Window (object):
def __init__ (self, app):
self.logger = logging.getLogger ("ui.window")
self.app = app
self.dispatcher = None
self.info_widget = None
self.progress_dialog = None
self.update_progress_id = None
self.window_state = Common.GUI.WindowState ()
self.column_manager = ViewColumnManager (app.state_section)
self.actions = Common.GUI.Actions ()
group = gtk.ActionGroup ("MenuActions")
group.add_actions ([("FileMenuAction", None, _("_File")),
("ViewMenuAction", None, _("_View")),
("ViewColumnsMenuAction", None, _("_Columns")),
("HelpMenuAction", None, _("_Help")),
("LineViewContextMenuAction", None, "")])
self.actions.add_group (group)
group = gtk.ActionGroup ("WindowActions")
group.add_actions ([("new-window", gtk.STOCK_NEW, _("_New Window"), "<Ctrl>N"),
("open-file", gtk.STOCK_OPEN, _("_Open File"), "<Ctrl>O"),
("reload-file", gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, _("_Reload File"), "<Ctrl>R"),
("close-window", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, _("Close _Window"), "<Ctrl>W"),
("cancel-load", gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, None,),
("clear-line-view", gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, None),
("show-about", gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, None),
("enlarge-text", gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, _("Enlarge Text"), "<Ctrl>plus"),
("shrink-text", gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, _("Shrink Text"), "<Ctrl>minus"),
("reset-text", gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, _("Normal Text Size"), "<Ctrl>0")])
self.actions.add_group (group)
self.actions.reload_file.props.sensitive = False
group = gtk.ActionGroup ("RowActions")
group.add_actions ([("hide-before-line", None, _("Hide lines before this point")),
("hide-after-line", None, _("Hide lines after this point")),
("show-hidden-lines", None, _("Show hidden lines")),
("edit-copy-line", gtk.STOCK_COPY, _("Copy line"), "<Ctrl>C"),
("edit-copy-message", gtk.STOCK_COPY, _("Copy message"), ""),
("set-base-time", None, _("Set base time")),
("hide-log-level", None, _("Hide log level")),
("hide-log-category", None, _("Hide log category")),
("hide-log-object", None, _("Hide object")),
("hide-filename", None, _("Hide filename"))])
group.props.sensitive = False
self.actions.add_group (group)
self.actions.add_group (self.column_manager.action_group)
self.log_file = None
self.setup_model (LazyLogModel ())
self.widget_factory = Common.GUI.WidgetFactory (Main.Paths.data_dir)
self.widgets = self.widget_factory.make ("main-window.ui", "main_window")
ui_filename = os.path.join (Main.Paths.data_dir, "menus.ui")
self.ui_factory = Common.GUI.UIFactory (ui_filename, self.actions)
self.ui_manager = ui = self.ui_factory.make ()
menubar = ui.get_widget ("/ui/menubar")
self.widgets.vbox_main.pack_start (menubar, False, False, 0)
self.gtk_window = self.widgets.main_window
self.gtk_window.add_accel_group (ui.get_accel_group ())
self.log_view = self.widgets.log_view
self.log_view.drag_dest_unset ()
self.log_view.set_search_column (-1)
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.connect ("changed", self.handle_log_view_selection_changed)
self.view_popup = ui.get_widget ("/ui/context/LogViewContextMenu").get_submenu ()
Common.GUI.widget_add_popup_menu (self.log_view, self.view_popup)
self.line_view = LineView ()
self.attach ()
self.column_manager.attach (self.log_view)
def setup_model (self, model, filter = False):
self.log_model = model
self.log_range = RangeFilteredLogModel (self.log_model)
if filter:
self.log_filter = FilteredLogModel (self.log_range)
self.log_filter.handle_process_finished = self.handle_log_filter_process_finished
self.log_filter = None
def get_top_attach_point (self):
return self.widgets.vbox_main
def get_side_attach_point (self):
return self.widgets.hbox_view
def attach (self):
self.zoom_level = 0
zoom_percent = self.app.state_section.zoom_level
if zoom_percent:
self.restore_zoom (float (zoom_percent) / 100.)
self.window_state.attach (window = self.gtk_window,
state = self.app.state_section)
self.clipboard = gtk.Clipboard (self.gtk_window.get_display (),
for action_name, handler in iter_actions (self):
action = getattr (self.actions, action_name)
action.connect ("activate", handler)
self.gtk_window.connect ("delete-event", self.handle_window_delete_event)
self.features = []
for plugin_feature in self.app.iter_plugin_features ():
feature = plugin_feature (self.app)
self.features.append (feature)
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_attach_window (self)
# FIXME: With multiple selection mode, browsing the list with key
# up/down slows to a crawl! WTF is wrong with this stupid widget???
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.set_mode (gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE)
self.line_view.attach (self)
# Do not translate; fallback application name for e.g. gnome-shell if
# the desktop file is not installed:
self.gtk_window.set_wmclass ("gst-debug-viewer", "GStreamer Debug Viewer")
self.gtk_window.show ()
def detach (self):
self.set_log_file (None)
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_detach_window (self)
self.window_state.detach ()
self.column_manager.detach ()
def get_active_line_index (self):
selection = self.log_view.get_selection ()
model, tree_iter = selection.get_selected ()
if tree_iter is None:
raise ValueError ("no line selected")
path = model.get_path (tree_iter)
return path[0]
def get_active_line (self):
selection = self.log_view.get_selection ()
model, tree_iter = selection.get_selected ()
if tree_iter is None:
raise ValueError ("no line selected")
model = self.log_view.get_model ()
return model.get (tree_iter, *LogModelBase.column_ids)
def close (self, *a, **kw):
self.logger.debug ("closing window, detaching")
self.detach ()
self.gtk_window.hide ()
self.logger.debug ("requesting close from app")
self.app.close_window (self)
def push_view_state (self):
self.default_index = None
self.default_start_index = None
model = self.log_view.get_model ()
if model is None:
line_index = self.get_active_line_index ()
except ValueError:
super_index = None
self.logger.debug ("no line selected")
super_index = model.line_index_to_top (line_index)
self.logger.debug ("pushing selected line %i (abs %i)",
line_index, super_index)
self.default_index = super_index
vis_range = self.log_view.get_visible_range ()
if vis_range is not None:
start_path, end_path = vis_range
start_index = start_path[0]
self.default_start_index = model.line_index_to_top (start_index)
def update_model (self, model = None):
if model is None:
model = self.log_view.get_model ()
previous_model = self.log_view.get_model ()
if previous_model == model:
# Force update.
self.log_view.set_model (None)
self.log_view.set_model (model)
def pop_view_state (self, scroll_to_selection = False):
model = self.log_view.get_model ()
if model is None:
selected_index = self.default_index
start_index = self.default_start_index
if selected_index is not None:
select_index = model.line_index_from_top (selected_index)
except IndexError as exc:
self.logger.debug ("abs line index %i filtered out, not reselecting",
assert select_index >= 0
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
path = (select_index,)
sel.select_path (path)
if start_index is None or scroll_to_selection:
self.log_view.scroll_to_cell (path, use_align = True, row_align = .5)
if start_index is not None and not scroll_to_selection:
def traverse ():
for i in xrange (start_index, len (model)):
yield i
for i in xrange (start_index - 1, 0, -1):
yield i
for current_index in traverse ():
target_index = model.line_index_from_top (current_index)
except IndexError:
path = (target_index,)
self.log_view.scroll_to_cell (path, use_align = True, row_align = 0.)
def update_view (self):
view = self.log_view
model = view.get_model ()
start_path, end_path = view.get_visible_range ()
start_index, end_index = start_path[0], end_path[0]
for line_index in range (start_index, end_index + 1):
path = (line_index,)
tree_iter = model.get_iter (path)
model.row_changed (path, tree_iter)
def handle_log_view_selection_changed (self, selection):
line_index = self.get_active_line_index ()
except ValueError:
first_selected = True
last_selected = True
first_selected = (line_index == 0)
last_selected = (line_index == len (self.log_view.get_model ()) - 1)
self.actions.hide_before_line.props.sensitive = not first_selected
self.actions.hide_after_line.props.sensitive = not last_selected
def handle_window_delete_event (self, window, event):
self.actions.close_window.activate ()
def handle_new_window_action_activate (self, action):
self.app.open_window ()
def handle_open_file_action_activate (self, action):
dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog (None, self.gtk_window,
response = dialog.run ()
dialog.hide ()
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
self.set_log_file (dialog.get_filename ())
dialog.destroy ()
def handle_reload_file_action_activate (self, action):
if self.log_file is None:
self.set_log_file (self.log_file.path)
def handle_cancel_load_action_activate (self, action):
self.logger.debug ("cancelling data load")
self.set_log_file (None)
if self.progress_dialog is not None:
self.hide_info ()
self.progress_dialog = None
if self.update_progress_id is not None:
gobject.source_remove (self.update_progress_id)
self.update_progress_id = None
def handle_close_window_action_activate (self, action):
self.close ()
def handle_hide_after_line_action_activate (self, action):
self.hide_range (after = True)
def handle_hide_before_line_action_activate (self, action):
self.hide_range (after = False)
def hide_range (self, after):
model = self.log_view.get_model ()
filtered_line_index = self.get_active_line_index ()
except ValueError:
if after:
first_index = model.line_index_to_top (0)
last_index = model.line_index_to_top (filtered_line_index)
self.logger.info ("hiding lines after %i (abs %i), first line is abs %i",
first_index = model.line_index_to_top (filtered_line_index)
last_index = model.line_index_to_top (len (model) - 1)
self.logger.info ("hiding lines before %i (abs %i), last line is abs %i",
self.push_view_state ()
start_index = first_index
stop_index = last_index + 1
self.log_range.set_range (start_index, stop_index)
if self.log_filter:
self.log_filter.super_model_changed_range ()
self.update_model ()
self.pop_view_state ()
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = True
def handle_show_hidden_lines_action_activate (self, action):
self.logger.info ("restoring model filter to show all lines")
self.push_view_state ()
self.log_range.reset ()
self.log_filter = None
self.update_model (self.log_range)
self.pop_view_state (scroll_to_selection = True)
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = False
def handle_edit_copy_line_action_activate (self, action):
# TODO: Should probably copy the _exact_ line as taken from the file.
line = self.get_active_line ()
log_line = Data.LogLine (line)
self.clipboard.set_text (log_line.line_string ())
def handle_edit_copy_message_action_activate (self, action):
col_id = LogModelBase.COL_MESSAGE
self.clipboard.set_text (self.get_active_line ()[col_id])
def handle_enlarge_text_action_activate (self, action):
self.update_zoom_level (1)
def handle_shrink_text_action_activate (self, action):
self.update_zoom_level (-1)
def handle_reset_text_action_activate (self, action):
self.update_zoom_level (-self.zoom_level)
def restore_zoom (self, scale):
from math import log
self.zoom_level = int (round (log (scale) / log (ZOOM_FACTOR)))
self.column_manager.set_zoom (scale)
def update_zoom_level (self, delta_step):
if not delta_step:
self.zoom_level += delta_step
scale = ZOOM_FACTOR ** self.zoom_level
self.column_manager.set_zoom (scale)
self.app.state_section.zoom_level = int (round (scale * 100.))
def show_info (self, widget):
self.hide_info ()
box = self.widgets.vbox_main
box.pack_start (widget, False, False, 0)
box.reorder_child (widget, 2)
widget.show_all ()
self.info_widget = widget
def hide_info (self):
if self.info_widget is None:
self.info_widget.destroy ()
self.info_widget = None
def add_model_filter (self, filter):
self.progress_dialog = ProgressDialog (self, _("Filtering"))
self.show_info (self.progress_dialog.widget)
self.progress_dialog.handle_cancel = self.handle_filter_progress_dialog_cancel
dispatcher = Common.Data.GSourceDispatcher ()
self.filter_dispatcher = dispatcher
# FIXME: Unsetting the model to keep e.g. the dispatched timeline
# sentinel from collecting data while we filter idly, which slows
# things down for nothing.
self.push_view_state ()
self.log_view.set_model (None)
if self.log_filter is None:
self.log_filter = FilteredLogModel (self.log_range)
self.log_filter.handle_process_finished = self.handle_log_filter_process_finished
self.log_filter.add_filter (filter, dispatcher = dispatcher)
gobject.timeout_add (250, self.update_filter_progress)
def update_filter_progress (self):
if self.progress_dialog is None:
return False
progress = self.log_filter.get_filter_progress ()
except ValueError:
self.logger.warning ("no filter process running")
return False
self.progress_dialog.update (progress)
return True
def handle_filter_progress_dialog_cancel (self):
self.hide_info ()
self.progress_dialog = None
self.log_filter.abort_process ()
self.log_view.set_model (self.log_filter)
self.pop_view_state ()
def handle_log_filter_process_finished (self):
self.hide_info ()
self.progress_dialog = None
# No push_view_state here, did this in add_model_filter.
self.update_model (self.log_filter)
self.pop_view_state ()
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = True
def handle_set_base_time_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
self.column_manager.set_base_time (row[LogModelBase.COL_TIME])
def handle_hide_log_level_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
debug_level = row[LogModelBase.COL_LEVEL]
self.add_model_filter (DebugLevelFilter (debug_level))
def handle_hide_log_category_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
category = row[LogModelBase.COL_CATEGORY]
self.add_model_filter (CategoryFilter (category))
def handle_hide_log_object_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
object_ = row[LogModelBase.COL_OBJECT]
self.add_model_filter (ObjectFilter (object_))
def handle_hide_filename_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
filename = row[LogModelBase.COL_FILENAME]
self.add_model_filter (FilenameFilter (filename))
def handle_show_about_action_activate (self, action):
from GstDebugViewer import version
dialog = self.widget_factory.make_one ("about-dialog.ui", "about_dialog")
dialog.props.version = version
dialog.run ()
dialog.destroy ()
def _timestamp_cell_data_func (column, renderer, model, tree_iter):
ts = model.get_value (tree_iter, LogModel.COL_TIME)
renderer.props.text = Data.time_args (ts)
def _message_cell_data_func (self, column, renderer, model, tree_iter):
offset = model.get_value (tree_iter, LogModel.COL_MESSAGE_OFFSET)
self.log_file.seek (offset)
renderer.props.text = strip_escape (self.log_file.readline ().strip ())
def set_log_file (self, filename):
if self.log_file is not None:
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_detach_log_file (self, self.log_file)
if filename is None:
if self.dispatcher is not None:
self.dispatcher.cancel ()
self.dispatcher = None
self.log_file = None
self.actions.groups["RowActions"].props.sensitive = False
self.logger.debug ("setting log file %r", filename)
self.setup_model (LazyLogModel ())
self.dispatcher = Common.Data.GSourceDispatcher ()
self.log_file = Data.LogFile (filename, self.dispatcher)
except EnvironmentError as exc:
file_size = os.path.getsize (filename)
except EnvironmentError:
if file_size == 0:
# Trying to mmap an empty file results in an invalid
# argument error.
self.show_error (_("Could not open file"),
_("The selected file is empty"))
self.handle_environment_error (exc, filename)
basename = os.path.basename (filename)
self.gtk_window.props.title = _("%s - GStreamer Debug Viewer") % (basename,)
self.log_file.consumers.append (self)
self.log_file.start_loading ()
def handle_environment_error (self, exc, filename):
self.show_error (_("Could not open file"), str (exc))
def show_error (self, message1, message2):
bar = gtk.InfoBar ()
bar.props.message_type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR
box = bar.get_content_area ()
attrs = pango.AttrList ()
attrs.insert (pango.AttrWeight (pango.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, len (message1)))
label = gtk.Label ()
label.props.label = "%s %s" % (message1, message2)
label.props.attributes = attrs
label.props.selectable = True
box.pack_start (label, False, False, 0)
self.show_info (bar)
def handle_load_started (self):
self.logger.debug ("load has started")
self.progress_dialog = ProgressDialog (self, _("Loading log file"))
self.show_info (self.progress_dialog.widget)
self.progress_dialog.handle_cancel = self.handle_load_progress_dialog_cancel
self.update_progress_id = gobject.timeout_add (250, self.update_load_progress)
def handle_load_progress_dialog_cancel (self):
self.actions.cancel_load.activate ()
def update_load_progress (self):
if self.progress_dialog is None:
self.logger.debug ("progress dialog is gone, removing progress update timeout")
self.update_progress_id = None
return False
progress = self.log_file.get_load_progress ()
self.progress_dialog.update (progress)
return True
def handle_load_finished (self):
self.logger.debug ("load has finshed")
self.hide_info ()
self.progress_dialog = None
self.log_model.set_log (self.log_file)
self.log_range.reset ()
self.log_filter = None
self.actions.reload_file.props.sensitive = True
self.actions.groups["RowActions"].props.sensitive = True
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = False
if len (self.log_model) == 0:
self.show_error (_("The file does not contain any parsable lines."),
_("It is not a GStreamer log file."))
def idle_set ():
self.log_view.set_model (self.log_range)
self.line_view.handle_attach_log_file (self)
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_attach_log_file (self, self.log_file)
if len (self.log_range):
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.select_path ((0,))
return False
gobject.idle_add (idle_set)