mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 03:19:40 +00:00
This is important because we rely on monotonically increasing timestamps for binary searches in various places. Overhead for an already sorted file with 1 million lines is less than 5%.
450 lines
13 KiB
450 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python; -*-
# GStreamer Debug Viewer - View and analyze GStreamer debug log files
# Copyright (C) 2007 René Stadler <mail@renestadler.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""GStreamer Debug Viewer Data module."""
import os
import logging
import re
# Nanosecond resolution (like gst.SECOND)
SECOND = 1000000000
def time_args (ts):
secs = ts // SECOND
return "%i:%02i:%02i.%09i" % (secs // 60**2,
secs // 60 % 60,
secs % 60,
ts % SECOND,)
def time_diff_args (time_diff):
if time_diff >= 0:
sign = "+"
sign = "-"
secs = abs (time_diff) // SECOND
return "%s%02i:%02i.%09i" % (sign,
secs // 60,
secs % 60,
abs (time_diff) % SECOND,)
def time_args_no_hours (ts):
secs = ts // SECOND
return "%02i:%02i.%09i" % (secs // 60,
secs % 60,
ts % SECOND,)
def parse_time (st):
"""Parse time strings that look like "0:00:00.0000000"."""
h, m, s = st.split (":")
secs, subsecs = s.split (".")
return (long ((int (h) * 60**2 + int (m) * 60) * SECOND) +
long (secs) * SECOND + long (subsecs))
class DebugLevel (int):
__names = ["NONE", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "LOG", "FIXME", "TRACE"]
__instances = {}
def __new__ (cls, level):
level_int = int (level)
except (ValueError, TypeError,):
level_int = cls.__names.index (level.upper ())
except ValueError:
raise ValueError ("no debug level named %r" % (level,))
if level_int in cls.__instances:
return cls.__instances[level_int]
new_instance = int.__new__ (cls, level_int)
new_instance.name = cls.__names[level_int]
cls.__instances[level_int] = new_instance
return new_instance
def __repr__ (self):
return "<%s %s (%i)>" % (type (self).__name__, self.__names[self], self,)
def higher_level (self):
if self == len (self.__names) - 1:
raise ValueError ("already the highest debug level")
return DebugLevel (self + 1)
def lower_level (self):
if self == 0:
raise ValueError ("already the lowest debug level")
return DebugLevel (self - 1)
debug_level_none = DebugLevel ("NONE")
debug_level_error = DebugLevel ("ERROR")
debug_level_warning = DebugLevel ("WARN")
debug_level_info = DebugLevel ("INFO")
debug_level_debug = DebugLevel ("DEBUG")
debug_level_log = DebugLevel ("LOG")
debug_level_fixme = DebugLevel ("FIXME")
debug_level_trace = DebugLevel ("TRACE")
debug_levels = [debug_level_none,
# For stripping color codes:
_escape = re.compile ("\x1b\\[[0-9;]*m")
def strip_escape (s):
# FIXME: This can be optimized further!
while "\x1b" in s:
s = _escape.sub ("", s)
return s
def default_log_line_regex_ ():
# "DEBUG "
LEVEL = "([A-Z]+)\s+"
# "0x8165430 "
THREAD = r"(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s+" #r"\((0x[0-9a-f]+) - "
# "0:00:00.777913000 "
TIME = r"(\d+:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+)\s+"
CATEGORY = "([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\s+" # "GST_REFCOUNTING ", "flacdec "
# " 3089 "
PID = r"(\d+)\s+"
FILENAME = r"([^:]+):"
LINE = r"(\d+):"
FUNCTION = "([A-Za-z0-9_]+):"
# FIXME: When non-g(st)object stuff is logged with *_OBJECT (like
# buffers!), the address is printed *without* <> brackets!
OBJECT = "(?:<([^>]+)> )?"
MESSAGE = "(.+)"
# New log format:
# Old log format:
return expressions
def default_log_line_regex ():
expressions = default_log_line_regex_ ()
return re.compile ("".join (expressions))
class Producer (object):
def __init__ (self):
self.consumers = []
def have_load_started (self):
for consumer in self.consumers:
consumer.handle_load_started ()
def have_load_finished (self):
for consumer in self.consumers:
consumer.handle_load_finished ()
class SortHelper (object):
def __init__ (self, fileobj, offsets):
self._gen = self.__gen (fileobj, offsets)
self._gen.next ()
# Override in the instance, for performance (this gets called in an
# inner loop):
self.find_insert_position = self._gen.send
def find_insert_position (insert_time_string):
# Stub for documentary purposes.
def __gen (fileobj, offsets):
from math import floor
tell = fileobj.tell
seek = fileobj.seek
read = fileobj.read
time_len = len (time_args (0))
# We remember the previous insertion point. This gives a nice speed up
# for larger bubbles which are already sorted. TODO: In practice, log
# lines only get out of order across threads. Need to check if it pays
# to parse the thread here and maintain multiple insertion points for
# heavily interleaved parts of the log.
pos = 0
pos_time_string = ""
insert_pos = None
while True:
insert_time_string = (yield insert_pos)
save_offset = tell ()
if pos_time_string <= insert_time_string:
lo = pos
hi = len (offsets)
lo = 0
hi = pos
# This is a bisection search, except we don't cut the range in the
# middle each time, but at the 90th percentile. This is because
# logs are "mostly sorted", so the insertion point is much more
# likely to be at the end anyways:
while lo < hi:
mid = int (floor (lo * 0.1 + hi * 0.9))
seek (offsets[mid])
mid_time_string = read (time_len)
if insert_time_string < mid_time_string:
hi = mid
lo = mid + 1
pos = lo
# Caller will replace row at pos with the new one, so this is
# correct:
pos_time_string = insert_time_string
insert_pos = pos
seek (save_offset)
class LineCache (Producer):
_lines_per_iteration = 50000
def __init__ (self, fileobj, dispatcher):
Producer.__init__ (self)
self.logger = logging.getLogger ("linecache")
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
self.__fileobj = fileobj
self.__fileobj.seek (0, 2)
self.__file_size = self.__fileobj.tell ()
self.__fileobj.seek (0)
self.offsets = []
self.levels = [] # FIXME
def start_loading (self):
self.logger.debug ("dispatching load process")
self.have_load_started ()
self.dispatcher (self.__process ())
def get_progress (self):
return float (self.__fileobj.tell ()) / self.__file_size
def __process (self):
offsets = self.offsets
levels = self.levels
dict_levels = {"T" : debug_level_trace, "F" : debug_level_fixme,
"L" : debug_level_log, "D" : debug_level_debug,
"I" : debug_level_info, "W" : debug_level_warning,
"E" : debug_level_error, " " : debug_level_none}
rexp = re.compile (r"\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+\s+\d+\s+0x[0-9a-f]+\s+([TFLDIEW ])")
# Moving attribute lookups out of the loop:
readline = self.__fileobj.readline
tell = self.__fileobj.tell
rexp_match = rexp.match
levels_append = levels.append
offsets_append = offsets.append
dict_levels_get = dict_levels.get
self.__fileobj.seek (0)
limit = self._lines_per_iteration
last_line = ""
i = 0
sort_helper = SortHelper (self.__fileobj, offsets)
find_insert_position = sort_helper.find_insert_position
while True:
offset = tell ()
line = readline ()
if not line:
# if line[18] == "\x1b":
# line = strip_escape (line)
match = rexp_match (line)
if match is None:
# Timestamp is in the very beginning of the row, and can be sorted
# by lexical comparison. That's why we don't bother parsing the
# time to integer. We also don't have to take a substring here,
# which would be a useless memcpy.
if line >= last_line:
levels_append (dict_levels_get (match.group (1), debug_level_none))
offsets_append (offset)
last_line = line
pos = find_insert_position (line)
levels.insert (pos, dict_levels_get (match.group (1), debug_level_none))
offsets.insert (pos, offset)
i += 1
if i >= limit:
i = 0
yield True
self.have_load_finished ()
yield False
class LogLine (list):
_line_regex = default_log_line_regex ()
def parse_full (cls, line_string):
match = cls._line_regex.match (line_string)
if match is None:
## raise ValueError ("not a valid log line (%r)" % (line_string,))
groups = [0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", 0, "", "", 0]
return cls (groups)
line = cls (match.groups ())
# Timestamp.
line[0] = parse_time (line[0])
# PID.
line[1] = int (line[1])
# Thread.
line[2] = int (line[2], 16)
# Level (this is handled in LineCache).
line[3] = 0
# Line.
line[6] = int (line[6])
# Message start offset.
line[9] = match.start (9 + 1)
for col_id in (4, # COL_CATEGORY
line[col_id] = intern (line[col_id] or "")
return line
class LogLines (object):
def __init__ (self, fileobj, line_cache):
self.__fileobj = fileobj
self.__line_cache = line_cache
def __len__ (self):
return len (self.__line_cache.offsets)
def __getitem__ (self, line_index):
offset = self.__line_cache.offsets[line_index]
self.__fileobj.seek (offset)
line_string = self.__fileobj.readline ()
line = LogLine.parse_full (line_string)
msg = line_string[line[-1]:]
line[-1] = msg
return line
def __iter__ (self):
l = len (self)
i = 0
while i < l:
yield self[i]
i += 1
class LogFile (Producer):
def __init__ (self, filename, dispatcher):
import mmap
Producer.__init__ (self)
self.logger = logging.getLogger ("logfile")
self.path = os.path.normpath (os.path.abspath (filename))
self.__real_fileobj = file (filename, "rb")
self.fileobj = mmap.mmap (self.__real_fileobj.fileno (), 0, access = mmap.ACCESS_READ)
self.line_cache = LineCache (self.fileobj, dispatcher)
self.line_cache.consumers.append (self)
def get_full_line (self, line_index):
offset = self.line_cache.offsets[line_index]
self.fileobj.seek (offset)
line_string = self.fileobj.readline ()
line = LogLine.parse_full (line_string)
msg = line_string[line[-1]:]
line[-1] = msg
return line
def start_loading (self):
self.logger.debug ("starting load")
self.line_cache.start_loading ()
def get_load_progress (self):
return self.line_cache.get_progress ()
def handle_load_started (self):
# Chain up to our consumers:
self.have_load_started ()
def handle_load_finished (self):
self.lines = LogLines (self.fileobj, self.line_cache)
# Chain up to our consumers:
self.have_load_finished ()