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// Application.cs: Framework initialization for GStreamer
// Authors:
// Aaron Bockover (abockover@novell.com)
// Alp Toker (alp@atoker.com)
// Copyright (C) 2002 Alp Toker
// Copyright (C) 2006 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 2009 Sebastian Dröge <sebastian.droege@collabora.co.uk>
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Gst {
[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct) ]
public sealed class GTypeNameAttribute : Attribute {
string type_name;
public GTypeNameAttribute (string gtype_name) {
this.type_name = gtype_name;
public string TypeName {
get {
return type_name;
set {
type_name = value;
public static class Application {
public static void Init() {
IntPtr argv = new IntPtr (0);
int argc = 0;
gst_init (ref argc, ref argv);
RegisterManagedTypes ();
public static void Init (string progname, ref string [] args) {
FullInit (progname, ref args, false);
public static void InitCheck (string progname, ref string [] args) {
FullInit (progname, ref args, true);
public static void Deinit() {
private static System.Type GstTypeResolver (GLib.GType gtype, string gtype_name) {
Assembly[] assemblies = (Assembly[]) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ().Clone ();
foreach (Assembly asm in assemblies) {
Type[] ts = asm.GetTypes ();
foreach (Type t in ts) {
if (t.IsDefined (typeof (Gst.GTypeNameAttribute), false)) {
GTypeNameAttribute gattr = (GTypeNameAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, typeof (GTypeNameAttribute), false);
if (gtype_name.Equals (gattr.TypeName)) {
return t;
foreach (Assembly asm in assemblies) {
foreach (AssemblyName ref_name in asm.GetReferencedAssemblies ()) {
string asm_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (asm.Location);
try {
Assembly ref_asm;
if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (asm_dir, ref_name.Name + ".dll")))
ref_asm = Assembly.LoadFrom (Path.Combine (asm_dir, ref_name.Name + ".dll"));
ref_asm = Assembly.Load (ref_name);
Type[] ts = asm.GetTypes ();
foreach (Type t in ts) {
if (t.IsDefined (typeof (Gst.GTypeNameAttribute), false)) {
GTypeNameAttribute gattr = (GTypeNameAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, typeof (GTypeNameAttribute), false);
if (gtype_name.Equals (gattr.TypeName)) {
return t;
} catch (Exception) {
/* Failure to load a referenced assembly is not an error */
return null;
private static void RegisterManagedTypes() {
GLib.GType.TypeResolver += GstTypeResolver;
GLib.GType.Register (Fraction.GType, typeof (Fraction));
GLib.GType.Register (IntRange.GType, typeof (IntRange));
GLib.GType.Register (DoubleRange.GType, typeof (DoubleRange));
GLib.GType.Register (FractionRange.GType, typeof (FractionRange));
GLib.GType.Register (Fourcc.GType, typeof (Fourcc));
GLib.GType.Register (Date.GType, typeof (Date));
GLib.GType.Register (List.GType, typeof (List));
GLib.GType.Register (Array.GType, typeof (Array));
GLib.GType.Register (Caps.GType, typeof (Caps));
GLib.GType.Register (Structure.GType, typeof (Structure));
GLib.GType.Register (TagList.GType, typeof (TagList));
GLib.GType.Register (MiniObject.GType, typeof (MiniObject));
GtkSharp.GstreamerSharp.ObjectManager.Initialize ();
private static void FullInit (string progname, ref string [] args, bool check) {
string [] progargs = new string[args.Length + 1];
progargs[0] = progname;
args.CopyTo (progargs, 1);
GLib.Argv argv = new GLib.Argv (progargs);
IntPtr argv_ptr = argv.Handle;
int argc = progargs.Length;
if (check) {
IntPtr error_ptr;
bool result = gst_init_check (ref argc, ref argv_ptr, out error_ptr);
if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero) {
throw new GLib.GException (error_ptr);
} else if (!result) {
throw new ApplicationException ("gst_init_check() failed: Reason unknown");
} else {
gst_init (ref argc, ref argv_ptr);
if (argv_ptr != argv.Handle) {
string init_call = check ? "gst_init_check()" : "gst_init()";
throw new ApplicationException (init_call + " returned a new argv handle");
if (argc <= 1) {
args = new string[0];
} else {
progargs = argv.GetArgs (argc);
args = new string[argc - 1];
System.Array.Copy (progargs, 1, args, 0, argc - 1);
RegisterManagedTypes ();
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern void gst_init (ref int argc, ref IntPtr argv);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern bool gst_init_check (ref int argc, ref IntPtr argv, out IntPtr error);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern void gst_deinit();